1112 High School Instructional PDP Sample

Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Library Media Specialist Samples
School Year _______
FL Statute 1012.98 requires that all teachers write a professional development goal annually that reflects the needs of currently assigned students as indicated by
state assessment data when available. The purpose of the goal is to identify student performance areas that the teacher should address in selecting professional
development activities and identifying deliberate practice that will impact student performance. Goals should be tied to School Improvement Plans. The PDP
counts as 10% of each teacher’s total evaluation.
Student Needs Goal Statement (Classroom teachers must write a goal that addresses a need based on current state assessment and School Improvement Plan data. Non-Classroom teachers
must align goals to classroom teacher, school improvement or district data.)
2011 FCAT data indicates that school-wide we are not making AYP in several sub group categories. My goal is to decrease
the number of students school-wide in the SWD and black male sub groups by 10 percent to help the school and district
make AYP by reaching safe harbor.
Teacher Needs Goal Statement (The teacher goal statement should identify teacher needs to ensure that the student performance goal is met.)
To help me meet this goal, I will participate in a school-based lesson study targeting reading. I will also become more
familiar with DEA to help monitor the individual progress of the targeted students. I will also increase the number of
books read by the targeted students by monitoring circulation and levels of books checked out. I will implement a
minimum of two research-based strategies learned in training attended related to the new evaluation system.
Projected Professional Development (should align with student needs, could include
Deliberate Practice (include literacy practice related to school goal) (Deliberate
teacher certification and teacher professional improvement needs)
Practice is the implementation of research-based strategies that are aligned with the
projected professional development that has been identified.)
Reading Lesson Study
Marzano Training
Science of Teaching online book study
District Media Meetings
Lesson plans that include Marzano elements and lesson
study outcomes
DEA reports of targeted students
Circulation reports of targeted students
Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Library Media Specialist Samples
School Year _______
Student Needs Goal Statement (Classroom teachers must write a goal that addresses a need based on current state assessment and School Improvement Plan data. Non-Classroom teachers
must align goals to classroom teacher, school improvement or district data.)
Increase school-wide student FCAT or DEA scores by 5%.
Teacher Needs Goal Statement (The teacher goal statement should identify teacher needs to ensure that the student performance goal is met.)
To ensure that my students reach their targeted goal, I will implement a minimum of 3 Marzano research-based elements
as targeted on the new teacher evaluation observation instrument.
Elements targeted:
Organizing Students for Learning
Projected Professional Development (should align with student needs, could include
Deliberate Practice (include literacy practice related to school goal) (Deliberate
teacher certification and teacher professional improvement needs)
Practice is the implementation of research-based strategies that are aligned with the
projected professional development that has been identified.)
Marzano Training
Reading Lesson Study
District Media Training
Science of Teaching online book study
Implement research-based strategies into lesson plans
Implement Lesson study findings into lesson plans
Increase collaboration with teachers as data is analyzed
to identify specific student need areas
Increase the number of books read by the lowest 25%
Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Library Media Specialist Samples
School Year _______
Student Needs Goal Statement (Classroom teachers must write a goal that addresses a need based on current state assessment and School Improvement Plan data. Non-Classroom teachers
must align goals to classroom teacher, school improvement or district data.)
100 students school-wide did not make AYP in reading. My student goal is to decrease the number of students not making AYP as measured on
the 2012 FCAT by 20% and or DEA. The average number of books read by each of the 100 students not making AYP will increase by two books per
student per year
Teacher Needs Goal Statement (The teacher goal statement should identify teacher needs to ensure that the student performance goal is met.)
To reach my student goal for this year, I will use the EXC3EL rubric to evaluate focus areas of need for my library program. I will attend reading
training and Marzano research-based training to ensure that I understand effective reading strategies and how the role of the LMS fits. I will
collaborate with classroom teachers to ensure that I understand the data needs of the targeted students.
Projected Professional Development (should align with student needs, could include
Deliberate Practice (include literacy practice related to school goal) (Deliberate
teacher certification and teacher professional improvement needs)
Practice is the implementation of research-based strategies that are aligned with the
projected professional development that has been identified.)
Marzano Art and Science of Teaching online book study
School-based Marzano Training offered
Participate in a reading lesson study at my school
Attend district Media Specialists Meetings
Implement Marzano strategies into lesson plans
Monitor books read by targeted students
Analyze library program to identify areas of need
Collaborate monthly with reading teachers to progress monitor
targeted student improvement