What is the thinking level? (Bloom) ___Low (Remembering, Understanding) ___Middle (Applying, Analyzing) ___High (Evaluating, Creating) Does the work assigned to students incorporate engaging qualities? ___Personal response ___Clear/Modeled expectations ___Emotional/Intellectual safety ___Learning with others ___Sense of audience ___Choice ___Novelty/Variety ___Authenticity What is the engagement level of the classroom? [Schlechty] ___Engaged (Low, Moderate, Extreme) Circle one ___On-Task ___Off-Task Notes Example: Draw a diagram of teacher movement in the classroom or who he/she interacts with and how often. Is there evidence of formative assessments taking place? How many opportunities are there for students to respond? (choral, partner, written, individual) Date__________________ Grade/Team_____________________Teacher____________________ Subject____________________________Time/Period_________________________ Your Name____________________________________________________ Page 1 The Students Where are the students in the lesson? Introduction ___Anticipatory Set (questions, cues, advanced organizers, etc.) [Marzano] Concept Development ___Listening ___Reading ___Writing ___Discussion ___Worksheet ___Hands-On/Manipulative ___Similarities/Differences, Example/Nonexample [Marzano] ___Nonlinguistic Representation ___Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition ___Summarizing/Note-Taking [Marzano] ___Generating and Testing Hypothesis [Marzano] Concept Attainment ___Guided practice (homework, practice, enrichment, etc.) [Marzano] ___Independent practice (homework, practice, enrichment, etc.) [Marzano] ___Closure (summary, explanation, questions, etc.) Assessment ___Of Learning (Formative) ___For Learning (Summative) Is the classroom environment aligned with instruction? Interaction with visual models ___Yes ___No Interaction with learning tools ___Yes ___No The work Instruction Has the objective been communicated to the learners? [Marzano] verbal or written ___Yes ___No ___Transition ___Non-Instructional Activity Classroom Curriculum Deer Valley Middle School- Instructional Walk