Santa Rosa District Schools School Year 13-14 Sections I & II: Instructional Professional Development Plan (Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Deliberate Practice) Elementary Sample 63-11-52 2013 FL Statute 1012.98 requires that all teachers write a professional development goal annually that reflects the needs of currently assigned students as indicated by state assessment data when available. The purpose of the goal is to identify student performance areas that the teacher should address in selecting professional development activities and identifying deliberate practice that will impact student performance. Goals should be tied to School Improvement Plans. The PDP counts as 10% of each teacher’s total evaluation. Section I Complete self-assessment and reach consensus on areas of focus with supervisor. (Complete prior to the end of the first nine weeks grading period.) Section II, Step 1 (Complete prior to the end of the first nine weeks grading period.) Student Needs Goal Statement (Classroom teachers must write an individualized goal that addresses a need based on current state assessment and School Improvement Plan data. Non-Classroom teachers must align goals to classroom teacher, school improvement or district data.) Student Data Needs: -3 students are part of the SWD AYP subgroup. -25% of students did not demonstrate proficiency on the Reading FCAT. -35% of students were a level 1 or 2 on the current DEA Reading Assessment. Student Goals: -65% of students in the SWD subgroup will achieve a Level 3 or above on DEA and/or FCAT. -60% of students scoring a Level 1 or 2 will make learning gains as evidenced by FCAT and/or DEA. Teacher Needs Goal Statement—Evaluation Observation Rubric (FEAPS) (The teacher individualized goal statement should reflect the teacher selfassessment to ensure that the student performance goal is met.) My goal will be to increase my understanding of critical student reading skills by attending reading training activities. I will also use Discovery Assessment to provide continuous monitoring for student progress in reading. Identification of Professional Development Needs Common Core Reading Provide Clear Learning Goals and Scales Helps Students Tract Individual Progress Section II, Step 2 (Complete prior to the end of the first nine weeks grading period.) Administrator Conference/Sign-off (Approval of goal and discussion of self-assessment.) Section II, Step 3 (Complete at the end of the second nine weeks grading period.) Reflection/Tracking Progress (p. 3 State Model) (Professional Development window for each school year is June 1 of prior year to May 1 of current year.) Goals Reflection Questions Reflection Log Students are engaged in more reading activities. In the last DEA scores there was an increase in the number of Level 3 students and a decrease in Level 1 and 2. 1. Tracking Student Progress What areas of student improvement are you seeing as a result of deliberate practice you have implemented? (List/Select data source/s used in measuring student progress.) (Optional: Attach data source/s.) 2. Teacher Goal (Guiding Questions. Briefly address.) What professional development has helped me change instruction? How am I preparing and delivering lessons differently? What do I need to further improve instruction? The training that has helped the most has been the Marzano book study on Designing and Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives. Now when I prepare my lessons I have a clearer focus on what my outcomes will be. Students also understand what they are expected to learn and can tell me if they don’t know what I was trying to teach them. 3. Professional Development Is the professional development available meeting my needs to attain my goals? Yes, there are some Common Core Reading sessions starting at my school very soon. Section II, Step 4 Outcome Statement: (Briefly describe your goal, actions taken, and student performance data results.) (Complete prior to June 1.) My goal was to improve student performance on the DEA tests. At the end of the year, my Level 1 and 2 students have made learning gains.50% of my Level 2 students scored Level 3 on the last DEA test. After the common core training in reading at my school and the online book study on Designing and Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives, I have really focused on planning my lessons and focusing on the learning goals. The activities I incorporate into my lessons are common core and the students respond positively to these activities. Students are asked about the learning goal and can identify if they need more help from me. Students were also given a tracking chart to see their progress over the year in DEA. Everyone had the goal to increase their scores in DEA and they are excited to watch the charts move each time we take an assessment. The changes I made in preparing lessons ,presenting the learning goal and including common core activities have helped both me and my students focus on the skills being taught. Students enjoy reading more and there have been more books checked out from the library every month as the year progressed. Plan Completion Rating (Assessed by administrator.) Scale Highly Effective (PDP goal is data driven and aligns with current student data needs, and/or school improvement needs/completed a minimum of 4.0 15 hrs. of projected professional development related to the student data needs indicated, with appropriate artifacts of professional development and deliberate practice related to the outcome statement) Effective (PDP goal is data driven and aligns with current student data needs, completed 12 - 14 hrs. of projected professional development related to the student data needs indicated, with appropriate artifacts of professional development and deliberate practice related to the outcome statement) Needs Improvement (did not meet all expectations/completed 7 - 11 hours of projected professional development with limited or inappropriate artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement) Unsatisfactory (did not meet expectations/projected professional development, 1 - 6 hours completed and limited appropriate artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement) Professional development activities may include, but are not limited to: 3.0 2.0 1.0 Check Rating Learning Communities, Lesson Study, Online Training, Face-to-Face Training, College Coursework, Conferences/Seminars, Action Research Section II Score