


I ntroduction

Formal regulation of the Veterinary profession in Tanzania started in 1956.The Veterinary

Surgeons Ordinance (Cap. 376) provided for the establishment of the Tanzania Veterinary Board

(TVB), that registered and regulated the conduct of Veterinary Surgeons only and general animal health delivery in Tanzania. The Director of Veterinary Services was the Chairman of the Board.

Major changes in the macro and sector policies in the wake of the economic liberalization in the

1980s, necessitated the Veterinary Board’s mandate to change, so as to cope with demands for increased efficiency needed in a competitive economy.

Enactment of the Veterinary Act Cap 319

In year 2003 the Parliament enacted a new law, the Veterinary Act No. 16, 2003 (Cap 319), which provides for the establishment of the Veterinary Council of Tanzania. This is a body corporate under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, independent from the

Directorate of Veterinary Services.

Establishment of the Council

The establishment of the Council is provided for in Section 3 of the Veterinary Act No 16, 2003.

It consists of 9 members who are appointed by the Minister responsible for Livestock

Development as provided for in section 4. The appointed members are:


Two representatives from veterinary department;


A representative from faculties of Veterinary Medicine who is a registered

Veterinarian nominated by Dean;


A representative of registered private veterinarians who shall be nominated from amongst registered veterinarians in private practice;


A representative of the Tanzania Veterinary Association;


A representative of paraprofessionals nominated from amongst themselves;


A registered Veterinarian who is a representative of the veterinary

Pharmaceutical industry; and


A senior legal officer employed in the Attorney-General's Chambers to be nominated by the Attorney-General; and a


Chairman who shall be a Veterinarian of outstanding experience in

Veterinary matters;

Members are appointed in accordance with provisions under Sections 1 to 3 of Schedule made under Section 4 (10) of the Act. They hold office for three years; while the Chairman is reappointed after 4 years of office tenure.


To become an effective institution that ensures the provision of accessible and sustainable quality veterinary services for improved quality livestock and livestock products.


To regulate the veterinary profession in order to contribute fully to food security and poverty eradication through increased quality livestock and livestock products in an environmentally friendly manner.

Core Values

Core values of the VC include upholding code of conduct and ethics, timeliness, honesty and integrity, transparency and accountability, impartiality and objectivity, commitment to serving the public, team work, volunteerism, commitment to protecting the environment, uphold animal welfare, avoidance of conflict of interest, equality and social justice, commitment to excellence, capacity development, networking and collaboration.

Functions of the Veterinary Council


Register Veterinarians, Veterinary specialists and Veterinary Practice Facilities, enrol

Paraprofessionals and enlist Paraprofessional Assistants


Advise and recommend to the Minister responsible for the profession on any matter related to Veterinary Practice


Regulate Veterinary Practice


Recognise qualifications, training facilities, training Institution and Colleges


Collaborate with other relevant Institution or bodies in accrediting courses of training curriculum which provide qualifications for Veterinarians, Veterinary Specialist, enrolment of Paraprofessionals and enlistment of Paraprofessional Assistants


Determine minimum standards for:-

Veterinary Practice Facilities

Conduct scope of Practice activities by Veterinarians, Veterinary specialist,

Paraprofessionals and Paraprofessional Assistants

Training proficiency required for the degree, diploma, certificate or any other award entitling the holders thereof to practice


Exercise effective disciplinary control over the professional ethics and conduct of veterinary practice


Promote and encourage educational advancement with regard to the practice of the veterinary profession


Provide information and education as regard to the veterinary profession


Facilitate collaboration among persons and organisations relating to veterinary practice in order to enhance dignity and integrity of the veterinary profession


Initiate and provide advice to the body for the time being responsible for regulating the use of veterinary pharmaceuticals drugs and poisons


Arrange and conduct qualifying examinations to establish competence in veterinary education and practice.


Perform such functions as may be required under the Veterinary Act.

Enforcement of Council decisions

The Council Secretariat, which consists of Government employees under the Ministry, has the responsibility of organizing meetings and implementing Council decisions. The Secretariat

Section is headed by the Registrar.

Assistant Registrar, who are largely District Veterinary Officers, assist in implementing Council decisions in areas of their jurisdiction. Under Section 11 of the Act, the Minister appoints veterinary inspectors in the districts, regions and zones, to carry out specific inspectorate duties for enforcement of the Act.

The Act provides for the Council to meet four times per year, to deliberate on issues related to regulation of the profession including registration, enrolment, enlistment and licensing of practitioners and facilities. The Council also receives reports on implementation of its directives from the Registrar.

Duties of assistant registrars, inspectors and the Council committees are geared towards enforcing the Act and they report to the Council through the Registrar.

Decisions of the Council are implemented by the Secretariat that consists of employees of the

Ministry. These include the Registrar and Deputy Registrar appointed under Section 8 and their functions are stipulated in Section 9 of the Act. Three other members are Principal Veterinary

Officers who coordinate privatisation, inspection, registration, guidelines and standards activities. The Secretariat administers and reports on Council business.

Assistant Registrars have been appointed in districts under section 10 to assist the Registrar in areas of their jurisdiction. He initiates the process of registrations, enrolment, and enlistment.

Assistant Registrars keep rolls and lists for the districts.

Contact us:

P O Box 9152


Tel: 255 22860664

Fax: 255 22864382 email:


Dr Theresia P




Deputy Registrar: Principal Veterinary


Dr Bedan

Masuruli Dr Hamza



0784638536 Mobile:


Principal Livestock



Rose Kiyao

Mr Musa Mrindoko

Mobile: 0767157514


