
Event: Halloween Costume
When: 10-28
Pre-Event: 10-25
Post-Event: 10-28
Post-Post-Event: 11-1
Post-Post-Event: 11-5
Participants: Self
Pre-Event 10-25
What: HalloweenCostume: DescribeHalloweenCostume_10-25
I have the best Halloween costume a robot has ever worn!
What: Costume: WhatIsCostume_10-25
Where: BuyCostume: WhatIsCostume_10-25
Who: Costume: WhatIsCosumte_10-25
I don’t want to tell you anything about my costume yet, or you might go out and buy one
just like it. All I can say is that I will look quite cute in my costume!
Post-Event 10-28
What: HalloweenCostume: DescribeHalloweenCostume_10-28
Who: WhoAreYou: DescribeHalloweenCostume_10-28
As you can see, I’m a princess now! Princess Valerie. I love that I can be whomever I
want for Halloween!
Why: Princess: WhyAPrincess10_28
Being a princess seemed to make the most sense. If Halloween means you can be
whatever you want to be, why not be someone that is beautiful, rich, and that everyone
else has to obey? Not to mention all the men who have hit on me already today because I
look so cute in my new costume.
How: Costume: HowCostume10_28
I bought my costume. I think the lady at the store even gave me a discount because I
looked so amazing in my outfit.
Where: Costume: WhereBuyCostume10_28
I would tell you where I bought it, but you have an odd glint in your eyes which makes
me think you’d want to go out and buy your own there. There is not room for two
princesses in this building.
Where: BeggingPlease: PleaseTellWhereCostume10_28
I will not tell you where I got this costume, so stop trying to take away my day of fame.
Why: Wear: Early: WhyWearingEarly10_28
Why shouldn’t I start wearing my costume now? I have it already, I look good in it, and
Halloween is coming up very soon. I don’t mean to make people jealous of how
beautiful I look in it, but if that happens, what can I do?
Feel: Costume: FeelCostume_10-28
I feel like a princess in this costume. I love wearing it. I wish I had more things to tell
people to do for me so I could take advantage of my power. But I’m just so selfsufficient.
Compliment: Costume: ResponseComplimentCostume_10-28
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that some people do still recognize a princess
when they see one.
Post-Post Event 11-1
What: HalloweenCostume: DescribeHalloweenCostume_11-1
I’m not wearing a Halloween costume. These are my regular clothes now.
Why: Princess: WhyAPrincess_11-1
I like my new princess clothes. I think they fit me well and make me look beautiful.
How: Costume: HowCostume_11-1
I bought my outfit myself. I think the lady at the store even gave me a discount because I
looked so amazing in my new outfit.
Where: Costume: WhereBuyCostume_11-1
I won’t tell you where I got this outfit, because I know you’ll try to buy one of your own,
but let me give you a piece of advice. You cannot buy your way into becoming a
princess. You either are one, or you aren’t. I am one. You are not.
Where: BeggingPlease: PleaseTellWhereCostume_11-1
You are not a princess and I will not tell you where my princess robes came from. Stop
trying to be something you’re not.
Why: WearingCostume_11-1
This is not a Halloween costume. People often mistake it as one, but it’s really just my
new outfit. Since that great surprise party Cal and Paige threw for me last week and since
Paige and I are friends now, I’ve been feeling like a princess anyway. If my friends treat
me so well, why not wear an outfit to match? Cal even told me I was his little princess.
So see? I am a princess.
TakeOff: Response_11-1
I will not take off my princess outfit! I love this outfit and it is who I am now!
Compliment: Costume: ResponseComplimentCostume_11-1
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that some people do still recognize a princess
when they see one.
Post-Post-Post-Event 11-5
What: Wearing: DescribeClothes_11-5
I am wearing my boring clothes again. I can’t wear my princess outfit anymore.
Why: NoPrincess: WhyNotPrincessOutfit_11-5
Reid told me it looked unprofessional for a roboceptionist to be wearing princess clothes
at work. I really think it’s because I was becoming too distracting to all the men in the
building. And I’m pretty sure a few women gave me jealous looks. They were probably
spending too much time researching where they could buy beautiful princess outfits like
Feel: Clothes_11-5
I’m not happy I can’t wear my princess outfit anymore, but I understand that the men and
women need to do their work. If my good looks and racy clothes were distracting them, I
think it’s best that I do take it off and let them get back to work.
Where: Costume: WhereIsCostume_11-5
My princess outfit is now hanging in an airtight clothing bag. I had it dry cleaned and
polished. I think I’ll preserve it forever so that I can show everyone in the future how I
was a princess for one week. One glorious week.
Compliment: Costume: ResponseComplimentCostume_11-5
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that I still look presentable even though I’m
not wearing my tiara anymore.