CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE INTER-CAMPUS COURSE-ADOPTION PROPOSAL STOP!! Unless you have submitted your Letter-of-Intent to the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, Jennifer Browne at, and received a Response form back from her, do not continue with this proposal form. This form is to be used for adopting a course that is already in existence at another campus. Course adoptions are multi-campus proposals and must be approved by the College Curriculum Committee. If possible, please attach an electronic copy of the original documentation establishing the course. If the proposer wishes to initiate an inter-campus curriculum adoption, the New Curriculum Proposal Form should be used. Guidelines and General Procedures for developing a Course-Adoption Proposal can be found on the Governance Curriculum website. Proposal Checklist Please be sure you send ALL of the below documents and information in a single email to the College Curriculum Chair, Tina Good, when you are ready to have the proposal considered by the College Curriculum Committee. (X ) Electronic Letter of Intent with Response from College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development ( X ) Vote of Department at Adopting Campus: For: __11___ Against: __0___ Abstentions: __1___ Date of Vote: ___3/10/2015_______ Proposer's Initials: __YZ___ Check One: __X___APPROVED _____NOT APPROVED ( X ) Completed Inter-Campus Course Adoption Proposal Form ( X ) Completed Course Syllabus ( X ) Sample Course Outline with 15-week topic outline (x) cc: Executive Dean's Acknowledgment-of-Support Form from the Executive Dean at Adopting Campus Jennifer Browne. Associate Dean of Curriculum Development Executive Deans of affected campuses Academic Chairs of affected departments at all three campuses 1 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 NAME OF PROPOSAL: CHE251- Organic Chemistry II Requesting Campus: _____Ammerman _____Grant Course Currently Given On: ___X__Ammerman ___X__East __X___Grant _____East Name of Proposer: _____Yu Zhang________________________ I. GENERAL RATIONALE Discuss reason(s) for teaching existing course at additional campus. CHE251- Organic Chemistry II is the second course in the 1-year sequence of Organic Chemistry. CHE251 satisfies one of the science options required by the LAGS- AS degree options Biology emphasis (LABI-AS), Environmental Science/Forestry emphasis (LAFR- AS) and required by the Chemistry emphasis (LASC-AS) that were recently approved by the CCC and Governance on all three campuses. Since this course is satisfies the degree requirements, it is now necessary that we begin to offer this course on the eastern campus. As the second part of a on-year sequence, the course is proposed to be adopted in response to the needs of students who are located on the twin forks around the eastern campus and require taking Organic Chemistry II as part of their degree requirements. In addition, the course will also make the chemistry and biology curriculum complete in the science department at eastern campus. Dr. Yu Zhang, an organic chemist and full time faculty member on the eastern campus has been working with chemists from the Ammerman and Grant campuses to select and secure laboratory supplies to run the lab sections for Organic Chemistry on the eastern campus. II. RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENTS A. Proposed cycle for offering (e.g., fall, spring, and summer) CHE251 will be offered as needed in collaboration with the Ammerman and Grant campus chemistry departments. Currently, it is anticipated to offer CHE250 in the spring semesters. B. Estimate of student enrollment 18 2 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 III. COSTS A. List costs and space requirements One time fixed costs are approximated at $20,000 ( for CHE250 and CHE251) with recurring costs currently being approximated at ~$1,000 per section offered. B. IV. Number of faculty available to teach course One full time faculty in the Chemistry department is available to teach this course on the eastern campus. Course Syllabus (Complete Course Syllabus Form below.) V. SAMPLE COURSE OUTLINE (See the Faculty Handbook online at Faculty Handbook for guidelines. Be sure to include a 15week topic outline. Please note: The audience for the Sample Course Outline is not your students. It is the College Community, other colleges and universities, and possibly SUNY System Administration and the New York State Education Department. A modified excerpt of a Sample Course Outline is below to help you with providing the necessary information. It is NOT a form but merely a guideline for drafting an example of a course outline for the course.) 3 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE CHE251 Course Outline Fall 2014 Instructor: Course: Organic Chemistry II Time and Location: Prerequisites: CHE250 Telephone: E-mail: Office hours: Section: CRN: COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. naming by the IUPAC system aldehydes, ketones, organometallic compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, dienes, aromatic compounds, and amines. 2. describing the physical and chemical properties of the compounds listed above, including their methods of preparation and their reactions, with an emphasis on fundamental reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry. 3. designing synthetic strategies for organic molecules using retrosynthetic analysis and protecting groups. 4. interpreting nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra. 5. performing basic laboratory operations such as distillation, crystallization, extraction, melting point determination, chromatography, and infrared spectroscopy. 6. synthesizing simple organic molecules in the laboratory and identifying unknown compounds. 7. maintaining a current and well-written lab notebook. GRADING PRACTICES: Students are expected to take all examinations. NO make-up tests will be given. The grade of zero will be recorded for a missing exam. The final grade will be calculated by taking into account: Lecture Exams 65% Recitation 10% Laboratory 25% Letter grades are assigned according to college guidelines (90 and above "A", 8589.9 "B+", 80-84.5 "B", 75-79.5 "C+", 70-75.5 "C", 65-69.5 "D+", 60-65.5 "D", Below 60 "F"). 4 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 A grade of 'W' will be given only if the student withdraws officially by returning a withdrawal slip with my signature to the Registrar's Office. No grade of 'W' will be given after mid-semester as defined by the academic calendar. ATTENDANCE: COLLEGE-WIDE ATTENDANCE POLICY: All students are expected to attend every session of each course for which they are registered. Students are responsible for all that transpires in class whether or not they are in attendance. The College defines excessive absence or lateness as more than the equivalent of one week of class meetings during the semester. Excess absence or lateness may lead to failure in a course or removal from the class roster. INSTRUCTOR’S ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students should attend class prepared if they expect to learn the material. Students who stop attending class without properly withdrawing will receive a grade of F. Requests for withdrawal from class should be made in writing prior to midsemester. Daily attendance logs will be kept according to college policy. TEXTBOOK: 1. T. W. Graham Solomons, Organic Chemistry. 11th Edition, Wiley 2013 (ISBN-10: 1118147391; ISBN-13: 978-1118147399) 2. Hayden-McNeil Top Bound Chemistry Lab Notebook, 100 pages with carbonless copies. (ISBN: 9781930882003 5 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 OUTLINE OF TOPICS Week 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lecture Schedule Radical Reactions Conjugation and Dienes Benzene and Aromatics Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Carboxylic Acids Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry Ketones and Aldehydes Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution -Carbon Carbonyl Condensation Reactions Amines Organometallics Review and Final Exam Laboratory Schedule Safety Review, Check-In, and Mass Spectrometry Oxidation of Cyclohexanol Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Nitration of Methyl Benzoate Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Dimethoxybenzene Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Aldehydes and Ketones – Identify Unknown Fischer Esterification Qualitative Organic Analysis – Identify Unknown Qualitative Organic Analysis – Identify Unknown 13 Dibenzalacetone via Aldol Condensation 14 Dyes and Dyeing Check-out 15 6 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS FORM To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. (Please note that a course syllabus is not the same as a course outline. A course syllabus outlines the general requirements for a course. A course outline is the specific document created by the individual faculty member to distribute to a specific course section. Please see the Faculty Handbook for further details as to what to include in a course outline. A SAMPLE course outline should be attached below.) I. Course Number and Title: (Be sure to consider whether this course is a 100- or 200-level course and give a rationale for the decision.) CHE251 – Organic Chemistry II II. Catalog Description: Two-semester sequence presenting theory, nomenclature, preparation, fundamental reactions and reaction mechanisms of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds, including behavior of the major functional groups. Both chemical and instrumental methods of organic analysis, including separation and structure elucidation techniques, are developed. Basic laboratory techniques are taught and representative compounds are prepared. Some products prepared in the laboratory are characterized utilizing chromatographic and instrumental techniques. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 4 hrs. laboratory.) Prerequisite: CHE250. Note: Fulfills SUNY General Education Requirement for Natural Sciences. III. *Learning Outcomes: (Main concepts, principles, and skills you want students to learn from this course) Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. naming by the IUPAC system aldehydes, ketones, organometallic compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, dienes, aromatic compounds, and amines. 2. describing the physical and chemical properties of the compounds listed above, including their methods of preparation and their reactions, with an emphasis on fundamental reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry. 3. designing synthetic strategies for organic molecules using retrosynthetic analysis and protecting groups. 4. interpreting nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra. 5. performing basic laboratory operations such as distillation, crystallization, extraction, melting point determination, chromatography, and infrared spectroscopy. 6. synthesizing simple organic molecules in the laboratory and identifying unknown compounds. 7. maintaining a current and well-written lab notebook. 7 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 IV. Programs that Require this Course: (List or indicate none.) Liberal Arts and Sciences: Science Emphasis – Biology option / A.S. Degree Liberal Arts and Sciences: Science Emphasis – Chemistry option / A.S. Degree V. Major Topics Required: Week 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lecture Schedule Radical Reactions Conjugation and Dienes Benzene and Aromatics Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Carboxylic Acids Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry Ketones and Aldehydes Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution -Carbon Carbonyl Condensation Reactions Amines Organometallics Review and Final Exam Laboratory Schedule Safety Review, Check-In, and Mass Spectrometry Oxidation of Cyclohexanol Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Nitration of Methyl Benzoate Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Dimethoxybenzene Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Aldehydes and Ketones – Identify Unknown Fischer Esterification Qualitative Organic Analysis – Identify Unknown Qualitative Organic Analysis – Identify Unknown 13 Dibenzalacetone via Aldol Condensation 14 Dyes and Dyeing Check-out 15 8 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 VI. Special Instructions: A. Prerequisite(s) to this Course: (List or indicate none) CHE250 B. Course(s) that Require this Course as a Prerequisite: (List courses or indicate none) None C. External Jurisdiction: (List credentialing organization/association if appropriate or indicate none.) None. VII. Supporting Information: (Examples – newspapers, journals, Internet resources, CD-ROMS, Videos, other teaching materials, textbooks, etc.) None VIII. Optional Topics: (List or indicate none) None IX. Evaluation of Student Performance: List possible methods to be used for evaluating students’ achievement of the course’s learning outcomes. To be determined by the instructor. 9 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-INTENT T0 COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROPOSER E-MAILS LETTER-OF-INTENT AS WORD DOCUMENT TO JENNIFER BROWNE, COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT. Dean Browne determines which campuses are affected by proposal and fills out the Response to Proposal Form below. Dean Browne returns the Letter-of Intent and Response to Proposal forms to proposer with copies to the appropriate Executive Deans. Email Letter of Intent to Dean Browne at Proposer____Yu Zhang______ Campus: (name) A____ E_X___ G_____ Department/Discipline___Mathematics and Science/ Chemistry___________ Telephone___2584___________________ E-mail___zhangyu__________ Name of Curriculum/Course Proposal____CHE251- Organic Chemistry II Date: _________March 10, 2015__________________________ College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development completes form below this line. ****************************************************************** Type of Proposal Course New_________________________________ Revised_______________________________ Adoption________X______________________ Curriculum New__________________________ Revised________________________ Expedited Revision_______________ A.A._____ A.S. _____ A.A.S _____ Certificate __ This proposal requires the following approval(s) Single Campus _____ *College__X___ *College approval is required when the proposal has an impact on more than one campus. 10 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-INTENT T0 COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Description of proposal idea and rationale. (Proposer should present description of proposal idea on this page along with a rationale for the proposal.) CHE251- Organic Chemistry II is the second course in the 1-year sequence of Organic Chemistry. CHE251 satisfies one of the science options required by the LAGS- AS degree options Biology emphasis (LABI-AS), Environmental Science/Forestry emphasis (LAFR- AS) and required by the Chemistry emphasis (LASC-AS) that were recently approved by the CCC and Governance on all three campuses. Since this course satisfies the degree requirements, it is now necessary that we begin to offer this course on the eastern campus. As the second part of a on-year sequence, the course is proposed to be adopted in response to the needs of students who are located on the twin forks around the eastern campus and require taking Organic Chemistry II as part of their degree requirements. In addition, the course will also make the biology and chemistry curriculum complete in the science department at eastern campus. Dr. Yu Zhang, an organic chemist and full time faculty member on the eastern campus has been working with chemists from the Ammerman and Grant campuses to select and secure laboratory supplies to run the lab sections for Organic Chemistry on the eastern campus. 11 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESPONSE TO PROPOSAL FROM COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development uses this form to respond to the proposal with instructions for further developing proposal (e.g., which forms to use, the campuses and departments who need to be consulted, items to be considered when developing the proposal.) ****************************************************************** TO: Yu Zhang, Instructor of Chemistry, Eastern Campus FROM: Jenn Browne, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development DATE: March 28, 2015 *********************************************************** Comments: I have reviewed the letter of intent to adopt CHE210: Organic Chemistry II for the Eastern Campus. Please proceed with the proposal by completing a Course Adoption Proposal Form. Once the form is complete including the department vote, email the completed proposal form along with an Executive Dean's Acknowledgement of Support Form to Executive Laffin. As course adoptions are considered multi-campus proposals and are reviewed by the College-wide Curriculum Committee, after receiving Executive Dean Laffin’s approval, email the entire proposal packet to Dr. Tina Good, Chair of the Collegewide Curriculum Committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions at 451-4101 or Cc: Executive Dean Laffin Tina Good, College Curriculum Committee Chair 12 CHE251 Organic Chemistry II (AG) Course Adoption Proposal--Eastern Campus September 2015 SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXECUTIVE DEAN’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT-OF-SUPPORT The Proposer should email completed proposal packet along with the Executive Dean’s Acknowledgment-of-Support Form. The Proposer should complete the top half of the form and the Executive Dean should check the “Support” or “Do Not Support” line based on the Campus’ ability to commit to implementing the proposal if it is approved through the Governance process. Criteria to consider for supporting this proposal are listed below. If the Executive Dean is in general support of the proposal but has specific concerns related to the proposal, these concerns should be stated in the comment section. If the Executive Dean does not support the proposal, specific reasons should be listed in the comment section. The Executive Dean should email completed form to Proposer so that it can be included in the proposal packet to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee Chair. ****************************************************************** The Executive Dean’s Acknowledgement-of Support is a commitment to support the implementation of the course adoption in terms of: Academic Merit Availability of Personnel Adequacy of Facilities Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment ****************************************************************** This section to be filled out by Proposer: Name of Proposal: ________ CHE251- Organic Chemistry II_________________ Adopting Campus: A____ E__X__ G_____ ************************************************************************ This section to be filled out by Executive Dean: ____x_____Support __________Do Not Support Name of Executive Dean:__Dorothy J. Laffin____________________________ Date_4-07-15___________________________ Comments: This proposal has the full support of the faculty and will be implemented upon approval to support our Chemistry and other science students. DJL 13