Department of Political Science Past Workshops Organising Committee William Tow, ANU (Chairperson), Singh, Bilveer (Assistant Chairperson), Lee Lai-To (Assistant Chairperson) Organising Dept Political Science, FASS, NUS; ANU and Griffith University Title of Date Event Exploring 1-OctNew 2008 Dimensions of Asymmetrica l Security Nardin, Terry Political Warren Science (Chairperson) Seminar on Global Political Theory 1113 Sep2008 Hussin Mutalib (Chairperson), Workshop, 29 to 31 The March Encyclopedia 2007 Place No. of Brief Report Participants Singapore, Local = 13 The workshop provides the conceptual overview, highlighting its NUSS Overseas = 7 objectives, mechanics and intended outcomes in the following Kent Ridge Total = 20 sessions: Guild 1. weighs how terrorism relates to the evolving challenge of House asymmetrical security. 2. examines incidences of chemical, biological and nuclear terrorist acts and assesses the capabilities of Singapore, Australia and Asia-Pacific, in general, in addressing and responding to such threats. 3. discusses the experiences, national systems, strategies and policies of Singapore and Australia in combating terrorism. 4. examines the compromises in ensuring human security to effectively deter and fight terrorism. Singapore, Local = 30 Distinguished participants from the London School of Kent Ridge Overseas = 15 Economics, Australian National University, University of North Guild Total = 45 Carolina at Chapel Hill, Jawaharlal Nehru University, King's House College London, Princeton University, and Hong Kong University joined scholars from Political Science, Philosophy, the Law Faculty, and other NUS departments and programmes to discuss modes of moral judgment and political practice that invite rethinking universalism in the light of cultural differences. The workshop explored such questions as: What do we mean by ‘universal’? How can we escape the fallacy of coding Western principles as universal and others as local? On what basis can we evaluate competing universalisms? Singapore, Local = 15, More than 15 overseas scholars were invited to discuss both NUS, Overseas = 15, the feasibility of producing this Encyclopedia and possible areas Faculty Total = 30 of collaboration with us at NUS. The resolutions at the end of Bunnell, Timothy Gwyn (Assistant Chairperson) of the Malay Diaspora Project Lounge, Shaw Foundatio n Building the Workshop confirmed that both are feasible and desirable. There will be more discussions to deliberate on various aspects of this collaboration with partner universities and research institutes, including sources of funding and editorial support. Kun-Chin Lin (Coorganizer) “Globalisatio 27 to 28 n and the October Workplace” 2006 St. Local = 1, Anthony’s Overseas = 9, College, Total = 10 University of Oxford, UK This workshop was held on 27-8 October 2006 at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, and received funding supp ort from The Research Development Fund of Oxford University, Oxford University Contemporary China Studies Programme, and The Oxford Sasakawa Fund. It discussed the themes of increased casualisation of the workplace, impact of globalisation on unionization, changing labour practices and standards in the context of China, India, Japan and other Asian countries. The sessions consisted of presentations from Kun-Chin Lin (NUS), Mark Rebick (St. Anthony’s College), Nandini Gooptu ( St. Anthony’s College), Marc Blecher (Oberlin), Dorothy Solinger (UC Irvine), Sarosh Kuruvilla (ILR Cornell), Jamie Cross (Sussex), Geert de Neve (Sussex), Machiko Osawa (Japan Women’s University), and Supriya Roy Chowdhury (ISEC Bangalore), The workshop attracted a wide audience from the Oxford academic community.