Annex VIII - Global Environment Facility

Annex VIII:
Selected Publications related to Biodiversity Conservation and Resource
Management in Developing Countries
General Publications
Graeme Worboys, Michael Lockwood and Terry De Lacy (Eds.) (2000) Protected Area
Management: principles and practice. Oxford University Press.
Jeffrey A. McNeely and Sara J. Scherr (2001) Common Ground, Common Future:
Ecoagriculture Strategies to Help Feed the World and Save Wild Biodiversity
(Manuscript) Prepared for IUCN and Future Harvest. xii + 242 p.
German Advisory Council on Global Change, Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber (Chair).
(2001) World in Transition: Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere.
Earthscan Publications, UK and USA. Xxvi + 452 p.
IUCN Publications (Guidelines)
Marc Hockings, Sue Stolton, Nigel Dudley and Adrian Phillips (Eds.) (2000) Evaluating
Effectiveness - A Framework for Assessing the Management of Protected Areas. Best
Practice Protected Areas Guidelines Series No. 6. Cardiff University and IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Task Force on Economic Benefits of Protected Areas of the World Commission on
Protected Areas (WCPA) of IUCN in collaboration with the Economics Service Unit of
IUCN, Adrian Phillips (Ed.) (1998) Economic Values of Protected Areas - Guidelines for
Protected Areas Managers. Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines Series No. 2.
Cardiff University and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Graeme Kelleher. (1999) Guidelines for Marine Protected Areas. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Andrea Athanas, Frank Vorhies, Fernando Ghersi, Peter Shadie, John Shultis.
Series Editor: Adrian Phillips (2001) Guidelines for Financing Protected Areas in East
Asia. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. xii + 96 p.
Rodney V. Salm,and John Clark with Errika Siirila. (2000) Marine and Coastal
Protected Areas: A Guide for Planners and Managers. IUCN, Washington DC. xxi + 371
Financing Protected Areas Task Force of WCPA, Economics Unit of IUCN, Adrian
Phillips (Ed.) (2000) Financing Protected Areas - Guidelines for Protected Area
Managers. Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines Series No. 5. Cardiff University
and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection (1997) Prepared by the WCPA Working Group
on Cave and Karst Protection, synthesised and edited by John Watson, Elery HamiltonSmith, David Gillieson, Kevin Kiernan. ISBN 2-8317-0388-3.
Guidelines for Tourism in Parks and Protected Areas of East Asia (2001) Paul F.J.
Eagles, Margaret E. Bowman, Teresa Chang-Hung Tao. Series editor: Adrian Phillips.
ISBN 2-8317-0579-7.
WWF/IUCN. Javier Beltrán, Adrian Phillips (Eds.) (2000) Indigenous and Traditional
Peoples and Protected Areas - Principles, Guidelines and Case Studies. Best Practice
Protected Areas Guidelines Series No. 4. Series published in partnership with the
Department of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Adrian G. Davey, Adrian Phillips (Eds.) (1998) National System Planning for Protected
Areas. Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines Series No. 1. Cardiff University and
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
IUCN - WCPA and WCMC (1994) Guidelines for Protected Areas Management
Categories. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
IUCN Publications (General)
Collaborative Management of Protected Areas in the Asian Region (1999) Krishna P.
Oli. ISBN 92-9144-040-X.
Akiko Domoto, Kunio Iwatsuki, Takeo Kawamichi, and Jeffrey McNeely (eds.) (2001) A
Threat to Life: The Impact of Climate Change on Japan’s Biodiversity. Co-published by
IUCN and Tsukiji-Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd.
Jeffrey A. McNeely (ed.) The Great Reshuffling: Human Dimensions of Invasive Alien
Species. (2001) IUCN, Gland Switzerland and Cambridge UK. vi + 242pp.
Implementation of an Exchange Programme for Protected Areas in East Asia (2001)
Shelley Hayes and John Shultis. ISBN 2-8317-0626-2.
PARKS - The International Journal for Protected Area Managers
IUCN (1998) PARKS Magazine, Volume 8 No 1: Population and Parks.
A selection of case studies acknowledging the need to establish partnerships and
encourage cooperation with neighbors and other stakeholders, promote stewardship,
and other instruments which support protected areas objectives.
IUCN (1998) PARKS Magazine, Volume 8 No 2: Marine Protected Areas.
Volume of case studies of lessons learned from MPAs around the world. The case
studies focus on: the application in practice of IUCN/WCPA protected area categories to
MPAs and an evaluation of the contributions which MPAs can make to sustainable
fishing and biological diversity.
IUCN (1998) PARKS Magazine, Volume 8 No 3: Grassland Protected Areas.
Volume of case studies aimed at advancing the discussion on the importance and lack
of protected temperate grassland biomes. A series of case studies representing each
realm on the planet in which temperate grasslands are found.
IUCN (1999) PARKS Magazine, Volume 9 No 1: Reserve Design and Selection.
Special issue with articles illustrating the real-world applicability of recent approaches to
systematic conservation planning.
IUCN (2000) PARKS Magazine, Volume 10 No 1: Protected Areas in the North
Africa/Middle East Region.
Articles on protected areas within the North Africa/Middle East Region.
IUCN (2000) PARKS Magazine, Volume 10 No 2: Non-material Values of Protected
The articles presented in this issue of PARKS illustrate some of the different concerns
and approaches that fall within the rather general theme of "non-material values."
IUCN - World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). (January 1998) Protected
Areas in the 21st Century: From Islands to Networks. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Conference Report from Albany, Western Australia, 23-29 November 1997.
Biodiversity in Development Project
Strategic Approach for Integrating Biodiversity in Development Cooperation Published
by the Biodiversity in Development Project (BDP), a partnership between the European
Commission, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and IUCN - The
World Conservation Union.
Guiding Principles for Biodiversity in Development: Lessons from field projects.
Published by the Biodiversity in Development Project (BDP), a partnership between the
European Commission, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and
IUCN - The World Conservation Union.
Biodiversity Briefs. Published by the Biodiversity in Development Project (BDP), a
partnership between the European Commission, the UK Department for International
Development (DFID) and IUCN - The World Conservation Union.
Biodiversity Support Program (BSP) Publications
Lessons from the Field, No. 1: Keeping Watch: Experiences from the Field in
Community-based Monitoring (1998) 12 pp. Publication Number: 50
Regional Analysis of Geographic Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation in Latin
America and the Caribbean (1995) 116 pp. Publication Number: 33
Measuring Conservation Impact: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Project
Monitoring and Evaluation (1999) 122 pp. Publication Number: 48
Measures of Success: Designing, Managing, and Monitoring Conservation and
Development Projects (1998) 356 pp. Publication Number: 27
Freshwater Biodiversity of Latin America and the Caribbean: A Conservation
Assessment (1999) 72 pp. Publication Number: 49
Sustainable Harvest of Non-Timber Plant Resources in Tropical Moist Forest: An
Ecological Primer (1994) 48 pp. Publication Number: 39
Biodiversity in the Balance: Approaches to Setting Geographic Conservation Priorities
(1995) 116 pp. Publication Number: 8
Biodiversity: Facts on the Foundation of Life (1996) 6 pp. Publication Number: 7
Beyond Fences Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation: Volumes I & II (1997)
412 pp. Publication Number: 6
Peoples, Forests & Reefs (1997) 3 pp. Publication Number: 32
Governance and Biodiversity: Weaving Resilience into the Web of Life (1999) 15 pp.
Publication Number: 31
Advancing Knowledge To Achieve Conservation: Biodiversity Support Program, 1996
Annual Report (1997) 46 pp. Publication Number: 9
Indigenous Peoples, Mapping and Biodiversity Conservation: An Analysis of Current
Activities and Opportunities for Applying Geomatics Technologies (1995) 83 pp.
Publication Number: 23
Understanding and Influencing Behaviors in Conservation and Natural Resources
Management (1996) 125 pp. Publication Number: 4
African Biodiversity: Foundation for the Future (1993) 149 pp. Publication Number: 1
What's Your Role?: Training for Organisational Impact (1997) 65 pp. Publication
Number: 40
Patterns in Conservation: Linking Business, the Environment, and Local Communities in
Asia and the Pacific (1999) 99 pp. Publication Number: 58
Exploring Methods for Integrating Data on Socio-Economic and Environmental
Processes That Influence Land Use Change: A Pilot Project (1995) 22 pp. Publication
Number: 165
Papua New Guinea Conservation Needs Assessment - Synopsis Report (1993) 24 pp.
Publication Number: 29
Designing Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (1995) 63 pp.
Publication Number: 21
Inventory of Major Saline Areas of Dzanga-Sangha, Dzanga-Ndoki Reserve/Park
(1995) 5 pp. Publication Number: 167
Inventory of Wood Used in Charcoal Production in Zambia (1993) 10 pp. Publication
Number: 169
Strategic Planning for Conservation Management Options in the Lobeke Region,
Southeastern Cameroon (1993) 9 pp. Publication Number: 170
Study of the Zaïrian Tropical Forest: Mapping of the Vegetation Types and
Understanding of the Local Factors of Change (1994) 8 pp. Publication Number: 168
Use of Time-Series Satellite Data for Characterization and Monitoring of the Seasonal
Forests and Savannas of Central Africa (1997) 15 pp. Publication Number: 166
Successful Use of Economic Instruments to Foster Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Six
Case Studies from Latin America and the Caribbean (1996) 43 pp. Publication Number:
Integrating Conservation and Development: Mexico Ecodevelopment Program Final
Evaluation 1995-1997 (1997) 50 pp. Publication Number: 159
Lessons From The Field: If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now (Issue No. 1) (1999)
BCNet; 12 pp. Publication Number: 53
Summit Conference on Sustainable Development: Initiatives for the Consideration of the
Heads of State (996) 44 pp. Publication Number: 161
Adaptive Management of Conservation and Development Projects: Transforming
Theory into Practice (1999) 5 pp. Publication Number: 122
Issues in African Biodiversity, No. 1. Indigenous vs. Introduced Biodiversity
Conservation Strategies: The Case of Protected Area Systems in Ghana (1995) 12 pp.
Publication Number: 25
Issues in African Biodiversity, No.2. Using Natural Fertilizers in Miombo Woodlands
(1999) 8 pp. Publication Number: 26
Issues in African Biodiversity, No.3. Identification, Utilization, and Conservation of
Medicinal Plants in Southeastern Nigeria (1999) 8 pp. Publication Number: 45
Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts (1999) 32 pp. Publication Number: 56
Protected Area Conservation Strategy (PARCS): Training Needs and Opportunities
Among Protected Area Managers in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa (1995) 78
pp. Publication Number: 55
Evaluating the First Eight Years: 1988-1996 (1997) 165 pp. Publication Number: 10
Status and Conservation of Old-Growth Forests and Endemic Birds in the Pine-Oak
Zone of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico (1997) 93 pp. Publication Number: 160
Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Organizations: Experiences in Collaboration
(2000) 164 pp. Publication Number: 78
Principles In Practice: Staff observations of conservation projects in Africa (2000) 93
pp. Publication Number: 72
Evaluating Linkages Between Business, the Environment, and Local Communities:
Final Analytical Results from the Biodiversity Conservation Network (1998) BCNet; 55
pp. Publication Number: 57
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in
Southern Africa: Highlights and Findings (1999) 8 pp. Publication Number: 70
Evaluating Linkages Between Business, the Environment, and Local Communities:
Final Stories from the Field (1999) BCNet; 219 pp.,
Publication Number: 43
Setting Geographic Priorities for Marine Conservation in Latin America and the
Caribbean (1999) 125 pp. Publication Number: 77
Mapping People's Forests: The Role of Mapping in Planning Community-Based
Management of Conservation Areas in Indonesia (2000) 40 pp. Publication Number:
Workshop Summary: Greening Democracy & Governing the Environment: Managing for
Cross-Sectoral Results (2000) 9 pp. Publication Number: 75
Understanding & Influencing Behaviors: A Guide (2000) 76 pp. Publication Number: 66
Central Africa: Global Climate Change and Development Synopsis (1993) 25 pp.
Publication Number: 13
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in
Southern Africa: Global Review - Lessons Learned (1999) 36 pp. Publication Number:
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in
Southern Africa: Community Perspectives (1999) 45 pp. Publication Number: 69
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in
Southern Africa: Environmental Context (1999) 111 pp. Publication Number: 67
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in
South Africa: Main Report (1999) 140 pp. Publication Number: 65
Lessons From The Field: What Does It Take To Make Conservation Work? (2000) 12
pp. Publication Number: 80
Role of NGOs in Conservation: A Literature Review for In Good Company: Effective
Alliances for Conservation (2000) 19 pp. Publication Number: 92
Local Government and Biodiversity Conservation: A Case from the Bolivian Lowlands
(2000) 41 pp. Publication Number: 84
Decentralization, Development, and Natural Resource Management in the
Northwestern Kalahari Desert, Botswana (2001) 65 pp. Publication Number: 85
Delegating Protected Area Management to an NGO: The Case of Guatemala's Sierra
de las Minas Biosphere Reserve (2001) 39 pp. Publication Number: 88
Forest Ejidos of Quintana Roo, Mexico (2001) 33 pp. Publication Number: 89
Defending Kuna Yala: PEMASKY, the Study Project for the Management of the
Wildlands of Kuna Yala, Panama (2001) 41 pp. Publication Number: 90
In Good Company: Effective Alliances for Conservation (2000) 54 pp. Publication
Number: 91
Proceedings of Donors Workshop on Funding for Biodiversity Conservation and
Ecoregional Planning in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (2000) 83 pp.
Publication Number: 96
Evaluation of the Biodiversity Support Program's Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation
(BIOME) Project (2000) 36 pp. Publication Number: 95
Positive Reinforcements: A Review of Some of BSP's Experiences with Building
Capacity for Conservation (2000) 36 pp. Publication Number: 94
Indigenous Social Movements And Ecological Resilience: Lessons From The Dayak Of
Indonesia (2000) 105 pp. Publication Number: 99
Greening Democracy And Governing the Environment (2000) 97 pp. Publication
Number: 103
Environmental – Democracy Governance Exchange: "The EDGE Roundtable Series"
(2000) 30 pp. Publication Number: 104
Indigenous Peoples And Biodiversity Governance: The Hundested Recommendations
for Donor Best Practice (2001) 4 pp. Publication Number: 124
Forgotten Waters: Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems In Africa (1999) 173 pp.
Publication Number: 22
Lessons From The Field: How Can We Work Together? (2000) 8 pp. Publication
Number: 102
Lessons From The Field: Who Should Be Making Decisions?(2000) 8 pp. Publication
Number: 101
Lessons From the Field 2: Doing Business in Borneo (1999) BCNet; 11 pp.
Publication Number: 59
Lessons From The Field 3: Measuring Our Success: One Team's Experience in
Monitoring the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area Project in Papua New
Guinea (1999) BCNet; 20 pp. Publication Number: 60
BAN UDYAM: Protecting Forests And Increasing Rural Incomes Through CommunityBased Forest Enterprises (1997) 8 pp. Publication Number: 132
Biodiversity Conservation Prioritization Project in India 2000 (2001) 14 pp. Publication
Number: 106
Checks and Balances: Environmental Program Evolutions During Democratic
Transitions: A Case Study About USAID/Indonesia (2001) 58 pp. Publication Number:
Indigenous Peoples & Biodiversity Governance: Donor Best Practices for Supporting
Civil Society and Conservation (2001) Publication Number: 120
Shifting the Power: Decentralization and Biodiversity Conservation (2001) 53 pp.
Publication Number: 100
Ounce of Prevention: Making the Link between Health and Conservation (2001) 58 pp.
Publication Number: 109
Is Our Project Succeeding? A Guide to Threat Reduction Assessment for Conservation
(2001) 52 pp. Publication Number: 111
Adaptive Management: A Tool for Conservation Practitioners (2001) 102 pp.
Publication Number: 112
Maximum Yield? Sustainable Agriculture as a Tool for Conservation (2001) 62 pp.
Publication Number: 113
¿Dónde se Invierte en Biodiversidad? Una Evaluación del Financiamiento para la
Biodiversidad en América Latina y el Caribe; Mapping Conservation Investments: An
Assessment of Biodiversity Funding in Latin America and the Caribbean. publicación
bilingüe inglés/ español (2001) 80 pp. Publication Number: 98
Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities For India: Vol. 1 & 2 (2000) 707 pp.
Publication Number: 105
Civil Conflict and the Environment in the Upper Guinea Forests of West Africa (2001)
64 pp. Publication Number: 131
Global Policies and Projects in Asia: Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation
(2001) 84 pp. Publication Number: 130
Congo Basin Information Series: Taking Action to Manage and Conserve Forest
Resources in the Congo Basin (2001) 136 pp. Publication Number: 134
Trampled Grass: Mitigating the Impacts of Armed Conflict on the Environment (2001)
85 pp. Publication Number: 139
Overview of Armed Conflict and Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts,
Mechanisms, and Responses (2001) 40 pp. Publication Number: 140
History of Armed Conflict and its Impact on Biodiversity in the Central African Republic
(2001) 20 pp. Publication Number: 141
Biodiversity Conservation and Warfare in the Republic of Congo in the 1990s (2001) 20
pp. Publication Number: 142
Armed Conflict and Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan in Africa: The Case of the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) (2001) 45 pp. Publication Number: 143
Impacts of Ten Years of Armed Conflict in the Virungas Volcanoes Range (2001) 36
pp. Publication Number: 144
Impact of Civil War on the Conservation of Protected Areas in Rwanda (2001) 26 pp.
Publication Number: 145
Biodiversity and War: A Case Study from Mozambique (2001) 60 pp. Publication
Number: 146
Impacts of Conflict on Biodiversity and Protected Areas in Ethiopia (2001) 28 pp.
Publication Number: 147
Beyond Boundaries: A Bibliography on TBNRM in Sub-Saharan Africa (2001) 50 pp.
Publication Number: 129
Beyond Boundaries: Transboundary Natural Resource Management for Mountain
Gorillas in the Virunga-Bwindi Region (2001) 78 pp. Publication Number: 126
Beyond Boundaries: Transboundary Natural Resource Management in Eastern Africa
(2001) 195 pp. Publication Number: 121
Beyond Boundaries: Transboundary Natural Resource Management in West Africa
(2001) 135 pp. Publication Number: 108
Beyond Boundaries: Transboundary Natural Resource Management in Central Africa
(2001) 198 pp. Publication Number: 125
Beyond Boundaries: Transboundary Natural Resource Management in Sub-Saharan
Africa (2001) 188 pp. Publication Number: 127
Conserving Biological Diversity in Bulgaria: The National Biological Diversity
Conservation Strategy (1994) 116 pp. Publication Number: 17
Stories at the Forest Edge: The KEMALA Approach to Crafting Good Governance and
Sustainable Futures (2001) 69 pp. Publication Number: 135
Papua New Guinea Conservation Needs Assessment Volume 2 (1993) 433 pp.
Publication Number: 28 B