Document for completion and publication by the Contracting Authority WORKS CONTRACT FORECAST Rehabilitation of rail line Bar – Vrbnica, Section Trebaljevo (km 331+115) – Kolasin (340+991) Location - Montenegro 1. Publication reference EuropeAid/129559/C/WKS/ME 2. Procedure International open tender procedure 3. Programme IPA 2009 4. Financing BGUE-B2009-22.020200-C1-ELARG DELMNE 5. Contracting Authority The European Union, represented by the European Commission, itself represented by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, for and on behalf of the government of Montenegro 6. Description of the contract The works contract is related to the rehabilitation of 8,65 km of the rail line Bar – Vrbnica. The designed solution for this section kept the axis and the vertical alignment of the existing line (executed in 1976). Velocity on this section will be 80 km/h and super elevation at curves is adapted accordingly. The following works to be performed under the contract (but not limited to) are: Preparation of 20 cm depth base layer between km 334+762 to 335+145 and from 339+934 to 340+142 Replacement of the existing ballast bed will be done; dirty material will be removed and the new gravel material will be laid down in quantity of about 1,0 m3/m Superstructure will be of rails "49 E1" type with tensile strength of 900 N/mm2, length of field 30m with internal hole for temporary connection of the track. Sleepers are wooden made with dimensions 26x16x260 cm, with "K" fastening on limestone ballast. Axial distance between the sleepers is 60 cm. 7. Indicative number and titles of lots One Lot 8. Scheduled publication date of the procurement notice March 2010 9. Other information None Page 1 of 2 10. Legal basis Council regulation (EC) No. 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 (OJ L 210, 31.07.2006) Notes: There must be an interval of at least 30 calendar days between the publication of this contract forecast and the publication of the corresponding procurement notice. Natural or legal persons interested should not therefore send proposals or requests for information at this stage. Page 2 of 2