400 - 1488 4th Ave. Prince George, BC V2L 4Y2 Tel: 250-564-5136 Fax: 250-564-3588 Feedback Form Assessing Habitat Quality for Management of Marbled Murrelets: Please take a moment to provide your feedback about the workshop. This feedback is VERY important to us. 1. In general how worthwhile was this workshop to you? Very worthwhile 1-6 2-13 3-5 4-2 5 not at all worthwhile 6 2. Based on your experience at this workshop, how well do you think the workshop accomplished the following objectives? a. Participants will increase their knowledge of three Marbled Murrelet habitat classification approaches (GIS-based algorithms, Air photos and Low-level aerial surveys). Very much 1-7 b. 1-2 c. 1-7 d. 1-2 e. 1-3 2-12 3-6 4-1 5 not at all 6 Participants will increase their knowledge of the current level of verification testing for GIS-based algorithms and provide input on potential strengths and weaknesses of them. 2-17 3-7 4 5 6 Participants will increase their knowledge of new research that tests relationships between habitat quality ratings and Marbled Murrelet habitat use. 2-11 3-7 4-1 5 6 Participants will increase their knowledge of how different Marbled Murrelet habitat quality classifications can be used to achieve management objectives. 2-6 3-14 4-4 5 6 Participants will devise and discuss strategies to address potential variances and uncertainties in the habitat classification standards, mapping data coverage, and application of the methods. 2-8 3-8 4-5 5-1 6 3. What were the most useful aspects or topics of this workshop to you? How will you use them? (Please use additional paper for comments if required.) Estimate of total Coast Habitat Satellite imagery analysis Bi-nomial model limitations/Good discussion around continuous/categorical binomial ranking schemes. I think that outlining objectives and which models apply would be a good info paper. Pros IIII Cons The real truth about “not racking in” is “relatively” false Observer differences Differences in ecology of Clayoquot and Tsba/Desolation Value of moss development Getting contacts for the MAMU work Finding out what work is being done; Sharing of different techniques and amounts of available information Seeing the compilation of habitat work that has been done Examination of various scales and regions of MAMU Habitat mapping Assessing accuracy of studies The potential applications of Doug Steventon’s work to measure habitat prediction Malcolm Grey’s work and its applications Calibration of models to ground truth or field check; testing parameters and consistency Finding out how to fix data gaps in current models Use of algorithms and applications Discussions regarding effectiveness Variation three methods applied in field situations Discussions between habitat and populations. Determine whether applicable to other regions. Lanscape level habitat mapping for my area already completed… This was a good forum for feedback on my assessments/procedures Overall discussions with several of the experts New ideas that link research to the management Good discussion of where research gaps/strengths are from the point of view of those working with it. The Awareness of tools and methods for assessing habitat quality More science, assessment techniques, more discussions and attempt to reduce the variance To see that information is being collected, manipulated and utilized correctly. Habitat classification and use IIIIII III II 4. Please complete the following sentence with regards to Marble Murrelet: I wish someone could tell me (I wish I knew)………… How much MAMU habitat loss there was in the past 30 years or will be in the next 30 years or any 30 year period between. How many MAMU’s and how much habitat they need. That the data are being collected consistently. Page 2 of 4 How to legally establish WHAs promptly even after high quality assessments and staying with THLB budget. There is chronic corporate delay even with the best pre-work completed. How to age birds when they are captured. How MAMU exhibit site fidelity for nesting. How to navigation and transport corridors relate to nest locations choices. Link between population-level parameters (density, nesting success) and habitat quality. Proportion of MAMU nesting outside mappable habitat. Effect of edges and patch size on breeding success, nest density and population trends If establishing current conservation measures (WHAs, OGMAs parks) will sufficiently conserve the species in the long term future (viable population). If in fact the population declines are significant enough to list this species (are they threatened?) Need more population trend information (over the next 10 years) Need more information on marine use (another workshop topic) The relationship of landscape/stand interaction on predation levels. How to define relationship between different aspects of habitat quality and MAMU use More about the relative use of MAMU in different qualities of habitat Is it possible to use on tool to assess habitat quality for all coast regions? Patch size and edge effects/types on MAMU nesting success Relationship between ocean changes and Forest changes and MAMU populations Overlap between MAMU nesting habitat characteristics and other forest species What is the desired outcome of all of this work? What are we trying to achieve? More about SPOT imagery Natural disturbance – how we could develop a predictability measure of change of natural disturbance patterns over time How landscapes change modeling could be developed Why are there not routine population estimates (albeit habitat assisted) from the radar monitoring? About nesting density by habitat class Now the ratings are used for management, retention of habitat. Page 3 of 4 5. A definitive BC-wide roll up of MAMU habitat, calibrated by ground truth, for a known point in time. More about what a returning MAMU that encounter clearcut in a previously used habitat does. Does it look for a new habitat. More about what a returning MAMU that encounter clearcut in a previously used habitat does. Does it look for a new habitat. More about density of MAMUs per hectare by habitat type. More about MAMU nests per hectare by habitat type. Whether using these models for habitat management and implementing them to set aside areas is actually going to be useful. Physiology of colour perception by murrelets regarding selection of mossy platforms Behavioural response to terrain features in nest selection: a) riparian flood plains; b)gullies Was discussion of the material presented at this workshop sufficient? If not, please suggest a format for continuing the discussion (i.e. another workshop, online discussion groups etc) 6. Do you have any other comments that will help us know if this workshop made a difference to you? 6. Suggestions for improvement: Page 4 of 4