September 2013 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE 2013-2014 REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND FORMS If you are intending to take IB Examinations in May 2014, either as part of your Diploma or as Certificates, then you must read the following information and complete the Candidate Registration Form, which you will find attached. You must return your completed registration form(s) along with payment to Mr. Brazeau as soon as possible. Final deadline for registration is: Thursday October 10, 2013. Extra registration forms are available in the Academic Dean’s office or on the ASP website. If you have any questions please see or call Mr. Brazeau. Tel: 01 41 12 82 71 E – mail: IB Exam Registration For May 2014 Reimbursement for exam fees: Many companies will pay for exam fees. Ask for a receipt when you pay for the exams if this will help your family to get reimbursed. Changing your registration: Registration for exams can be changed up to midJanuary, though the IB will charge a penalty fee (65 € per change) for doing so. If you decide to cancel your registration, the IBO does not issue refunds. Payment: Please make payment by check made out to ASP. Fees for those who are NOT IB Diploma Candidates Category C--Certificate Candidates: (Registration = 160€ then each exam = 90€) 1 exam 250 € 2 exams 340 € 3 exams 430 € 4 exams 520 € 5 exams 610 € 6 exams 700 € Fees for YEAR 2015 IB Diploma Candidates Category A (Anticipated) Exams: (Registration = 160€ then each exam = 90€) These are exams taken in May 2014 that may count towards an IB Diploma to be completed in May 2015. (A maximum of TWO exams can be taken in anticipation of the Diploma by first year IB candidates.) 1 exam 2 exams 250 € 340 € Category E (Extra) Exams--Those taken by Diploma candidates but which will not count for the Diploma. You may take as many of these as you wish. In order to take Category E exams, you must also be taking Category A exams at the same time. Otherwise, you will have to register as a Certificate candidate, as above. 1 exam 90 € 2 exams 180 € 3 exams 270 € IB Exam Registration For May 2014 Fees for YEAR 2014 IB Diploma Candidates Category D Registration This is for exams you are taking this year to count for your IB Diploma. The Anticipated (Category A) exams you took last year are already part of your IB Diploma records. The fee shown below includes payment for mailing of exams, IB transcripts, and evaluation of Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS. (60€ administrative fee+ 90 € Per Examination) 4 exams 420 € 5 exams 510 € 6 exams 600 € (if you registered as a Category A candidate last year) 6 exams 700€ (if you did not take any Category A exams last year) Extra Certificates Category E Registration This is for any extra certificate exams you will take this year, apart from the Diploma. The cost is 90 € per exam, in addition to the fees above. Retake Candidates Category R-- (Registration = 160 € then each exam = 90 €) 1 exam 250 € 2 exams 340 € 3 exams 430 € 4 exams 520 € 5 exams 610 € 6 exams 700 € NB: If you are taking TOK and the EE as retake subjects, these will be charged at 90€ each) IB Examination Registration Form Final deadline Thursday October 10, 2013 First name Middle name Last name Date of birth: day month year Nationality 1 Nationality 2 1st language 2nd language Gender: M/F Subjects Name of Examination (NB: If a language, please indicate language A, B, or ab initio) Level HL = High Level SL = Standard Level Category D = Diploma A = Anticipated C = Certificate E = Extra Certificate R=Retake 1 2 3 4 5 6 EE SUBJECT FOR DIPLOMA CANDIDATES: I attach a check/cash for € refer to pages 2 &3 for details of costs). Return in person to Mr. Brazeau to cover the costs of the examinations (Please Signature of student Date Signature of parent Date