Arctic Council

Agenda Item 4.2 a
Arctic Council
Emergency Prevention Preparedness and Response (EPPR) Meeting
June 16-18 2010 Vorkuta Russia
Review of University of New Hampshire Workshop Report
Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA)- 2004
Links to Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) goal was to conduct
comprehensive Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment. (PAME has three pillars:
Arctic Marine Safety; protecting Arctic people and the environment, and building
the Arctic marine infrastructure.)
Led by Canada, Finland, USA
Arctic Summit held 2008: “Opening the Arctic Seas- Envisioning
Disaster/Framing Solutions”
Workshop addressed several scenarios including:
-Cruise ship runs aground while exiting a fjord on west coast Greenland in
September- all passengers must abandon
-A bulk ore carrier becomes trapped in ice while attempting a late season
crossing of the Arctic on route to the Bering Sea
-A tug loses power while towing a barge laden with mining explosives/other cargo
destined for Arctic communities. Tug/ barge run aground off St. Lawrence Islandcritical habitat for threatened/endangered species and a haul out for Pacific
Walrus. Vessels sink, fuel spills, some cargo lost
-An oil tanker maneuvers unsuccessfully in near-zero visibility and collides with a
fishing vessel in a region of the Barents Sea disputed by Russia and Norway,
releasing 25,000 bbls crude
-Drill Ship Incident- numerous vessels (a drill ship, two oil response vessels and
one ice management vessel) are in the vicinity of an exploratory drilling operation
20 miles offshore along US/ Canada border- Herschel Island area, in 50 metres
of water. An engine room fire on the ice management vessel causes the operator
to lose control and collide with the drill ship- 1,000 bbls fuel spilled; Mid-May,
broken ice conditions
Agenda Item 4.2 a
Workshop participants divided into 5 groups and worked on the scenario over 2.5
days. Participants included: Ole Kristian Bjerkemo; Larry Trigatti
Questions posed:
-If incident happened today, how would we respond?
-How would we prefer to respond?
-What are the gaps and needs that exist today that prevent us from responding in
the preferred manner?
-What do we need to do to address those needs and fill the gaps?.
Example of Recommendations - Drill ship Incident
-Improve environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) atlases and databases for the
Arctic (Canada has mapped large parts but need further improvements ( espace?)
-Acquire and continually update ecological database data
-Identify and protect critical habitats with proactive response measures
-Identify and protect priority cultural sites
-Update the region’s oil spill contingency plans
- Ensure unimpeded international participation in the response (US Government
should amend relevant sections of Jones Act).
-Harmonize response management systems
- Improve response data- currents, weather spill modelling ice forecasts
Key Workshop Findings and Recommendations
Recommendations assembled into categories and included:
-Ports and Waterway Management
Designate potential ports of refuge in the Arctic and develop guidelines for their
Control and track vessel movements
-Vessels and Crew Safety
Institute mandatory safety regulations for arctic operations
-Response Agreements and Plans
Strengthen multinational plans and agreements or create one Arctic agreement
for all types of responses
-Strategies to Improve Prevention and Preparedness
Conduct comprehensive environmental risk assessments and impact
assessments for the Arctic
Increase emergency response assets, equipment, and supplies in the Arctic,
placing emphasis on regions of active development
Agenda Item 4.2 a
Improve knowledge for Arctic incident response through training and
engagement of the local community, responders, and the shipping industry
-Strategies to Improve Response
Consider alternative countermeasures for oil spill cleanup
Expand communications capabilities throughout the Arctic
Improve logistical support capabilities for responders
-Strategies to Foster Community Involvement
Involve indigenous people and local communities in planning, response,
recovery, and restoration decisions and operations
Conduct outreach to the local community and keep stakeholders well informed
-Strategies to ensure availability of Funds for Response
Establish an international Arctic response fund
Increase penalties and insurance requirements for ships operating in the Arctic
-Research Needs
Update weather data and navigational charts for the Arctic
Study the behaviour of oil in cold water and technologies for spill response
Next Steps
Each of the recommendations was placed in a matrix, and EPPR was asked to
rate each recommendation as to its:
Of Interest
Need More Info
(see matrix chart)
Allison Saunders distributed MATRIX in May 2010
We have input from Norway and Canada to date.
Seeking input from other countries
CIDM 3038872
May 31, 2010
Agenda Item 4.2 a