GEOGRAPHY Can I compare the Arctic tundra and the Arizona desert using geographical vocabulary? Can I ask geographical questions about these localities? Do I understand how people have adapted these areas to make them habitable? Can I explain the physical geography of these locations, including where appropriate, the topography of the landscape? Do I know what these places are like to live in, work in etc? ART Can I create a totem pole design using ideas taken from Native American culture? Can I use art to tell a story about another culture? Am I able to make a printing block and use this to create a design similar to those seen in the Native American culture? HISTORY Do I understand why Native American people chose to settle in the Arctic or in Arizona? Can I recognise that the past is interpreted in different ways by different people? Can I explain my understanding of how useful a piece of historical evidence is? Am I able to explain the differences between the Inuit tribe and the Navajo tribe and why they differed? Can I ask historical questions? Arizona to the Arctic ENGLISH Can I write narratives loosely based on traditional Native American tales? Can I use totem pole imagery to create poetry? Can I write in a grammatically correct way? Can I listen to stories from another culture and understand the messages within them? Class reader: The Boy Who Flew With Eagles by Ben Woodward. Class 5 RE Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God? Can I use creation stories from the Bible and Native American culture to answer questions about God? Can I compare stories and share my own thoughts, opinions and beliefs about God? Can I ask challenging questions that make others think about their beliefs? SCIENCE Can I explain how different animals have adapted to suit their environment, focusing on the Arctic and the desert? Am I able to explain the life cycle of a variety of animals and how this is affected by their habitats? Do I know the life cycle of a human and how it is similar/different to the life cycles of animals? Can I explain how plants reproduce and adapt to their environment? MUSIC Can I explore timbre using my voice and tuned instruments? Can I listen to the vocal music of Native American tribes and explain how it makes me feel? Can I mimic Native American work to create my own music that generates the same emotions? Can I sing as a whole group, in parts and in canon with others? Can I explore the rhythm of Native American music in history> FRENCH Can I count to twenty in French? Can I count further than twenty using my knowledge of how French numbers are constructed? Am I able to use simple adjectives to improve my basic French conversation? PE Swimming: Children will be in ability groups and will continue to follow the challenging programme of study. Games: Hockey Can I control the ball using the correct hand holds on my hockey stick? Can I play simple games of hockey? Can I work with others to create our own games using our knowledge of fielding and striking games? Arizona to the Arctic COMPUTING Can I search for images and information online, understanding that I need to ignore advertising pop ups and realising that school’s systems filter my results? Can I make a multimedia presentation about my topic? Can I combine text and graphics to produce an information booklet or poster? Class 5 SEAL NEW BEGINNINGS Do I remember the calming down strategies I have been taught? Can I explain the peaceful problem solving strategy to someone else? Can I set myself targets for the year to help direct my learning? Can I contribute to our classroom agreement and to our class rules? DT Can I use simple stitching technique to make a small stuffed animal? Can I plan my design carefully? Can I use a pattern to cut out the pieces for my stuffed animals? Can I finish off my design to make it marketable? Do I know what went wrong (if anything) and what I could do differently if I were to repeat the task?