Willkommen! These guidelines will give you a quick idea of what you will be doing here, what textbooks you will be using, what you are expected to bring to class, and what to do in general in order to succeed in these courses. Read the following carefully and keep this paper for future reference.
Textbooks and other study materials:
The textbook geni@l A1, A2, B1 and Aspekte B1+, B2 will be used, along with other materials such as excerpts from short stories, other textbooks, magazines, dictionaries, encyclopedias and the Internet will. Please, treat the textbooks well.
They have to last through this course and beyond.
Another important resource will be your ring binder : it should contain all vocabulary we study in class, from the board as well as from the book, and all other notes from classroom discussions which I have written on the board. It should also contain papers you will receive from me, your graded class work, homework and assessments such as quizzes, tests, etc. Note: The ring binder should be for German class only. It will be useful to have a ringbinder with pockets in the front and the back for your glossary and/or workbook and intensive trainer. The notebook part of the binder will be graded at the end of each 9 weeks and is essential to success.
For German 1 and 2 – you will receive a glossary, workbook, and intensive trainer that were purchased by you with the textbook fees. They are yours to keep, so you can write into them, etc.
For German 3 and above – you will receive a workbook that was purchased by you and is yours to keep and to write into. You will be able to download your glossary from the Langenscheidt web site.
Grades and grading rules:
Grades will be made up of three different parts:
Homework and class work, 34%; homework and class work will consist of a variety of written and oral assignments that are meant to practice what we have been doing.
Up to 30 extra-credit points (Bonus) may be earned in a 9-week period for this part of the grade. How to earn them will be explained in class.
Quizzes – Quizzes will be taken at least once a week. Quizzes may be written or oral and will account for 33% of the grade. No extra-credit points can be earned for this part of the grade, unless they are built into the quiz.
Unit tests, projects, portfolios, notebook, pronunciation and final exam (second cycle of class only), 33% of the grade. A unit test will be taken at the end of every chapter, testing listening, reading and writing skills. Also, at least one project over a cultural aspect of the German-speaking world will be completed.
*** Portfolio: There will be a written paragraph assignment on a specific topic once a week. Some of these paragraphs will be on an on-going journal paper, which we will use every Friday. Of these paragraphs you will have to rewrite five at the end of each nine weeks to reflect on your progress. Also, you will need 5 assignments which you enjoyed doing or are proud of with an explanation in German of why you chose these assignments. All of these papers will be put into a portfolio for a unit test grade. Your ring binder will help you to keep your papers organized in order to make putting the portfolio together an easy task.
Teacher expectations:
All work, in class and at home, should be completed promptly and neatly. Class work, which was not turned in when I collected it, will only be accepted for grading when I directly ask for it the first time after collection.
Graded homework can be made up in class during correction time for half-credit.
Also, you should make corrections to your work during this time. If you forgot your homework at home, you have to present it to me the very next day, without being asked to do so. Otherwise, it will be a 0. (I will not always collect your homework for a grade.)
Quizzes should be completed promptly, without speaking to anyone once the quiz is in front of you. The same is true for the unit tests. Talking to your peers during tests will result in a 0.
If you were absent, check with me for a list of missed assignments when you come back. Make-up work has to be done outside the class time so that you don’t fall behind again. You need to schedule a time with me, when you want to make up quizzes and tests. After school works best.
Partner work: If you are working on an assignment with a partner or a group, you will always need to turn in an individual copy of your group’s work. Homework and class work that is not defined as partner work should not be totally identical and show signs of copying. If such work is turned in as individual work, it will result in a 0 for both parties involved, or will have to be rewritten.
Restrooms, lockers and nurse: You will receive five passes in form of a bookmark for the cycle/semester. If you need to leave the classroom for the above reasons, bring one of these passes to me, and you will receive a yellow pass from me. Once all passes are used, you will stay in class. Any unused passes may be turned in for extra-credit at the end of the cycle/semester.
Always give your best, as I will always try to give my best when teaching you.
The best way to succeed is to pay attention in class, keep good notes, do your homework on time and memorize your vocabulary as soon as you have written it in you notes.
***German Club is also a good way to get more involved with the German culture and language – join today!***
Willkommen, SchülerInnen und Eltern, in der Deutschklasse!
I would like to welcome all students and parents to German. The goal of all German courses is to teach the students the language needed to communicate at the chosen level, as well as learn about the German culture.
To help the students succeed, I have several items in place that I consider essential.
A ringbinder with separate notebook or notebook paper, which is designated for
German only, where they can organize and keep their papers, as well as take notes. Taking notes is the first step to success, because without notes, the students will not be able to memorize the vocabulary.
A portfolio which we create at the end of the nine weeks, containing samples of students’ work.
A weekly vocabulary test/free writing to help the students accumulate vocabulary in their memory.
Homework which is meant to practice a concept we learned in class, where the students can test if they can do on their own what we have done together in class.
A pencil is absolutely necessary for this class!!!
We usually have a “going” paper where we collect all work from a lesson, which I collect at the end of the week. We take a quiz/test at least once a week. Due to this procedure, I will post grades at least once a week, but sometimes an assignment will have been completed more than 72 hours before posting. You are welcome to access your students’ grades on the computer. For this purpose, I will record any missing assignments with a
“0”, otherwise you cannot see that your student has an assignment missing. This does not mean that your student actually has a “0” on the assignment. The grade will be changed once the student has turned in his/her work. Only if the student fails to complete the assignment according to the rules outlined in my guidelines, will the student receive a
“0”. Please, feel free to contact me anytime via e-mail ( amcclung@jayschools.k12.in.us
) if you have questions concerning your students’ grades.
We/I have read the guidelines and the above explanations for German. I will provide my student with the necessary tools (ringbinder, notebook paper, pencil) to succeed in this class.
(parent signature)