Similes and Metaphors

Personification and Hyperbole
What is personification?
Literary devices used to give
human characteristics to
animals or inanimate objects
For example:
-The breeze whispered in the
-The babbling brook ran
merrily over the rocks.
-The dog smiled at me.
Create one as a class now:
What is hyperbole?
A device used to grossly
(hugely) over exaggerate
-There was mountain of food
at the buffet table.
-The line was a million
people long for the premier.
-I’m so hungry, I could eat a
Create one as a class now:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate
piece of paper. Any answers that are not in complete sentences will
automatically receive a zero!
Read “Thoughts on Silence” by Mary Jane Sterling
1. Identify 3 examples of personification.
2. This poem is about residential schools. In the past Native
children were taken from their families and forced to go to boarding
schools; the results were disastrous. How would you feel about being
separated from your family against your will? Why? (approx. 50 wds)
Read “The Owl” by Edward Thomas
1. Identify two examples of personification.
2. Describe an encounter that you have had with a wild animal.
(approx 20-30 wds)