
Hello Everyone,
This has been a wonderful year of new opportunities at the preschool for children to
learn through play. Preschoolers have quickly adapted to learning Sign Language, and
will soon learn the art and skill of Bells. Of course, children talk with excitement, about
their Chapel day and Library with Melanie!
Please be aware that this is the last month for brick orders to be accepted for Pathway
to Playground. In order to have the bricks installed, we need to accumulate 20 orders.
Since August, we have received 5. If you are interested in purchasing a brick, please fill
out page four of this newsletter and return to Ellen, no later than December 20. This is
the last chance to honor or memorialize a loved one in this unique way.
With peace and blessings, the FCPC Preschool Staff wish all of you a very happy,
healthy and safe holiday!
Miss Ellen
Thursday, December 20 – Preschool Closes at 12:00 noon for staff holiday luncheon
and in-service.
Friday, December 21-Tuesday, January 1 – PRESCHOOL CLOSED FOR WINTER
Wednesday, January 2 – Preschool resumes
Parent Handbook Policy Reminder:
Children will go outside daily for 15-20 minutes if the temperature is above
40 degrees F. Children must be prepared with mittens, boots, hats, scarves, appropriate
clothing .
“Time for Twos in room 109 has been exciting with friendships being established, and
independent little people barely taking time to wave ‘good bye’ anymore. It happens
every year! Tears come on days we don’t go to preschool now. How quickly we become
secure without surroundings and grow by leaps and bounds with a new found
The daily routine is full of learning disguised by play. We have made our own coloring
books, painted with brushes and our hands with every color of the rainbow. It has been
interesting and messy along the way. Creations have been displayed building selfesteem and pride. We have practiced letters and the sounds they make, building a
picture word wall. Our stories have been interactive with the felt board building attention
and recall to the story line and characters. Sweet little faces show surprise when their
turn comes for the felt board. The magic of detailed books have brought questions and
answers, and have taught us to listen carefully as the story unfolds before our eyes.
Our most requested song is ‘Good Morning Lord’, as the children use their hand
movements. The best part ‘It’s a Beautiful Day’, is when children sing “bootiful day’,
melts our hearts. Sweeter than sweet!
We have enjoyed Sign Language class, and practice during snack time. Amazingly how
natural it comes to preschoolers. Chapel is enjoyed monthly with Miss Delinda telling
wonderful Bible stories that keep the children hanging on her every word. Please check
your monthly calendar and join us one day. You are most welcome! Warmly, Miss
Carol and Mrs. Fry”
“The 4’s are learning that Math is all around us. We began the preschool year
reviewing shapes and finding that shapes are everywhere. We looked for shapes inside
and outside the classroom, made pictures using shapes, and built with blocks of
different shapes.
In October we s started looking at numbers and what they mean. We have had lots of
fun with puzzles, dice, and dominoes. We counted pumpkins (real, plastic, and paper) in
the classroom, played number bingo, and went on pretend shopping trips.
After Thanksgiving we will explore patterns and learn that patterns are EVERYWHERE!
They are on our clothes, in our hallways, on animals, and on the path to the playground.
We will continue to learn that Math is All Around Us. We will learn about different kinds
of measurement, explore the meaning of money, how to share (fractions), what is ‘more’
or ‘less’, celebrate 100 days of preschool, and continue to have fun with the magic of
Though the cost of the brick has increased, the cost of materials for installment has also increased. The
preschool hopes to make a small profit to go towards the playground.
Not only does the pathway provide a safe, attractive and accessible walkway from the sidewalk by the
Fellowship Hall entrance to the main gate of the playground, but proceeds will go towards raising the
necessary funds to provide adequate playground shading for all who use the playground.
The brick is a 4x8 Holland stone in a desert blend color which will match the existing color scheme of the
If you are interested, please complete the following and submit with your check ($75.00 for each brick) to
Ellen Schall, Director of Preschool Ministries. Checks are made payable to FCPC with ‘Pathway to the
Playground’ in the memo line. To purchase more bricks than indicated below, simply copy this form.
Installation of bricks may take several weeks. This is determined by the number of orders received
(typically 20) before an installment can be done. Our goal is for the first installment to take place in early
NAME _______________________________________ PHONE # ______________________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ______________________________________________________________________
Options for the design of the brick: complete as desired. ONLY 15 characters per line!
In Memory of
In Honor of
Example of engraved brick
Plain brick with a three line option
Thank you families for being so prompt in returning your surveys. As of Thursday. November
20, we received 52responses. Overwhelmingly, parents are most pleased with the staff!!! The
results were shared with the Preschool Committee during the meeting on November 20. The
following information is in response to some of your suggestions.
Physical Environment- Overwhelmingly, parents like the cheerful, colorful walls and display of
artwork and children’s pictures. During summer months, Preschool Committee meets with
Building and Grounds Committee to assess cleaning/painting needs.
Staff/Administration- It is wonderful to receive feedback regarding the positive, respectful
manner in which parents are addressed. Although the preschool is a ministry of the church,
most families are unaware of the relationship between the church and preschool. We are
governed by the Preschool Committee, which is comprised of church members. The church
staff often participates in preschool events and activities, and our preschool children are familiar
with the many church staff. Though most of our families are not church members, they are
always encouraged to attend a Sunday Worship service, meet with our Associate Pastor of
Family Ministries, Cathie Smith, and attend the many family events that take place here at
FCPC, most of which are geared to families with young children.
Tuition- We have raised tuition minimally out of need-we have increased hours/number of
weeks of preschool this year and continue to keep class sizes small (our class ratio is below
state and NAEYC guidelines), with two staff in a room. We also offer many special classes
which require materials fees. Our goal is to not make a profit, but to ensure each child has the
attention and appropriate toys for him/her to grow and learn in a rich environment. The
Preschool Committee continually evaluates tuition costs and its relevance to the economy,
working families, single parent families, and staff needs.
Curriculum- We continue to assess the desires of families, and offer classes that stimulate and
educate. Teachers are expected to facilitate a structured gym class once a week. Using balls,
balance beams, and a variety of other equipment, teachers follow the Early Learning Standards,
focusing on skills, such as throwing, hopping, jumping, bouncing, as well as good
sportsmanship. Music is also a fundamental requirement for a preschool classroom. Movement
to music, along with Bells and other musical activities provide this foundation.
Schedule/Times-Our priority is always what is in the best interests of the child. After several
years of implementing longer classes, the current length of classes appears to best suit the
overall developmental ages of the children. We are looking to create a comfortable, appealing,
and safe waiting space for parents and their children.
Camp- Camp offerings appeal to families who wish to have a choice in determining how many
weeks to attend. Many activities coincide with different themes. Structure of the camp is decided
after input from staff and families are assessed and designed to meet everyone’s needs.
Communication – Staff work hard at providing ongoing communication about the classroom
events. Many staff sends home weekly, monthly sheets. Still others provide weekly email
communication. We encourage parents to ask the teachers if they would like more in depth
communication or if something needs clarified.
Snacks/Nutrition- The Parent Handbook outlines snack and safety guidelines. Lists of
suggested snacks are posted outside classrooms. Nutritious and healthy snacks are always
encouraged. However, during birthdays and holidays, children often do bring in cupcakes and
FCPC can earn materials, supplies, and equipment to greatly improve and enhance the
preschool. Please turn in ‘Labels for Education’. There are many sponsors for this, including
Bic, Campbell’s, Dannon, Glade, Post, Pop Secret, Pepperidge Farm, Emerald, Swanson,
Prego, V8, and Wolfgang Puck. On these products can be found the actual label that reads,
‘Labels for Education.’
Each classroom will also have an opportunity to ‘Plant a Tree’ anywhere in North America that
has been affected by disaster, or is in need of restoration. We already have enough labels for 3
classrooms to plant trees. Classrooms may choose from a variety of projects for which trees will
greatly improve the conditions. Please turn in any marked Kellogg’s labels!
“Thank you parents, for contributing to the ‘Fun Feast’ and to the troops! We have so
much to give to the troops; we will have to send separate boxes!”