Representation and Acquisition of the Word Meaning for Picking out

Representation and Acquisition of the Word Meaning
for Picking out Thematic Roles
Dan-Hee Yang and Mansuk Song
Department of Computer Science
Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-749, Korea{dhyang, mssong}
Abstract: Argument structures and selectional restrictions are essential to a proper semantic
analysis of linguistic expressions. In this paper, we propose the concept of Case prototypicality1
that is a direct knowledge for picking out the Case of each argument in a sentence. Also, we
show that the meaning of words that belong to noun and verb categories can be defined by
using this concept and that it can be acquired from a corpus by machine learning in virtue of the
characteristics of Case particles--every language has a corresponding device to them. In
addition, we show two techniques that can reduce the manual burden of building sufficient
training data: First, we use the characteristics of the complexity types for picking out Case.
Second, we incorporate both supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
Keywords: Korean semantic analysis, Thematic Roles, Case prototypicality, Case, Machine
learning, Word meaning
1. Introduction
Much work has been done on automatically acquiring linguistic knowledge from linguistic
resources such as corpora and MRD in mid 1990s. Ribas [1] used syntactic selectional restrictions from a
parsed corpus. Pedersen [2] studied a system that automatically acquires the meaning of unknown nouns
and verbs from a corpus according to P. Kay’s view (1971) that human lexicons are largely organized as
concept taxonomies. Won-Seok Kang [3] defined a set of 106 semantic features based on WordNet’s
hyponymy for the English-Korean machine translation. Young-Hoon Kim [4] added thematic roles to the
meaning of a noun based on the classification of hierarchical semantic features in order to translate
Korean particles into English prepositions in Korean-English translation.
However, most of such studies showed the common defects as follows: First, the meaning of words
is represented by the componential analysis under the semantic feature hypothesis. Second, they do not
consider Cases as the essential meaning of a word. Third, they use only the collocational information
among subject, predicate, and object. In order words, using Case particles only in the level of surface
Case, they do not think much of the fact that a Case particle can be used to represent various deep Cases.
Note that Young-Me Jeong [5] asserted that just by a statistical processing of the collocational
information or mutual information, we can know that words clustered into the same categories are related
to each other in some way, but we do not know how they are related.
The componential analysis has been mainly used to represent and construct the meaning of words,
but it is problematic whether they are done manually or automatically. Above all, it is extremely difficult,
if not perhaps impossible in principle, to find a suitable, linguistically universal collection of semantic
primitives in which all words can be decomposed into their necessary properties. Even simple words
whose meanings seem straightforward are extremely difficult to characterize [6]. Furthermore, the
componential analysis requires a hierarchical taxonomy. The prime example of scientific taxonomies is
the classification of plants and animals based on the proposals made by the Swedish botanist Linnaeus.
The Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases by Mark Roget is representative of linguistic classification.
It took many years for such experts to build it. To make matters worse, never can a single classification
satisfy the ultimate need of NLP because a great variety of criteria depending on contexts need to apply
for classifications.
In addition, the componential analysis might not conform to the cognitive plausibility in that
humans, even linguists, cannot naturally enumerate the semantic features of a word, but they can speak
fluently. Therefore, the knowledge that humans have for picking up Case 2 seems to be direct enough not
to require any inference in understanding a sentence. In other words, humans instantly grasp the meaning
of a word by its Case without the componential analysis. Only when there is ambiguity do they try to
analyze the meaning more deeply. However, in a general situation, they are not even conscious of any
ambiguities in the sentence. Accordingly, we should represent the knowledge in a direct way that
computers can process such a general situation well.
As a consequence, we should be free ourselves not only from the hierarchical taxonomy, but also
from the procedural representation of knowledge bearing inference in mind. Hence we will define the
meaning of words in order to satisfy the following conditions: First, it should be plausible in view of
psycholinguistics. Second, computers can automatically acquire it. Finally, it should be adequate for
picking out the Case of each argument in a sentence. In order to show that the representation of word
meaning is feasible, we will construct it by machine learning on the basis of Case particles and the
collocational information from a large corpus. In addition, we will introduce two techniques that can
reduce the manual burden of building sufficient training data, which is a critical problem in practical
application of machine learning.
2. Case Prototypicality and New Representation of Word Meaning
2.1 Word meaning and Case prototypicality
When we talk about word meaning, it is generally considered as referring to a lexicographical
how degree each word is a typical exemplar of each Case concept
In Case particle, the Case means a surface Case, but in the other context, it means a deep Case or a thematic role.
meaning. However, we do not generally communicate with each other by the lexicographical meaning. In
addition, there is no agreement among linguists upon what the meaning is and this fact gives rise to
various types of semantics: Bunge (1974) classifies semantics into ten types, and Lyons (1981) into six
types. For example, behavioristic semantics, which is one of the semantics considered to be very peculiar
even though they have a long history, defines the meaning of an expression as a stimulus which causes it,
a response which it causes, or both of them. Also, cognitive linguists think that the meaning of a word
cannot be defined in the way that A is defined as B, but it should be defined as the relationship among
words like a semantic net. In the extreme, they think that the meaning of a word can be considered as the
knowledge about the world [7,8].
In view of NLP, how should the meaning be defined at all? To begin with, since it should exist as an
internal data in NLP systems, we cannot think it apart from a lexicon. The lexicon required by a
morphological analyzer will be different from that required by a discourse analyzer. Therefore, we should
consider the meaning of words, not in view of the answer to ‘What is it (e.g., love, life)?’, but in view of
‘To what linguistic processing is it pertinent?’. This implies that it is desirable to use the term in such a
way as the word meaning pertinent to morphological analysis or the one pertinent to semantic analysis. It
is because whatever definition of word meaning cannot meet a linguistic or philosophical question such
as ‘Is the definition correct or complete?’ This study will talk about the word meaning pertinent to picking
out Cases. Hence, we will use the terms the meaning of words and the knowledge of words alternatively as
the case may be.
The Case for an argument can be determined within the context of a sentence. However, we already
have previous knowledge about potential Cases, which helps us to understand various situations where
the word may be used. If we did not have such knowledge, we could never communicate with each other.
For example, if we do not know about N, or Cases that N may be used in a different situation, we cannot
use N except for ‘What is N?’. Fortunately, we are able to infer the Cases through looking at its usage in
various contexts. This is the very acquisition process of the meaning of words.
Nelson (1974) insisted by the functional core concept theory that we acquire meaning as we
recognize the functions of objects by some other non-linguistic means and emphasized the role of
functional semantic features such as roll, spatter, move, etc. when children acquire the meaning of words
[9]. Rosch et al’s (1973) prototype theory is an approach developed to account for the representation of
meaning in adult language. According to the theory, the meaning of words is not a set of invariant features,
but rather a set of features that capture family resemblance. Some objects will be most typical of the
meaning of a word by sharing more of the features of the word than others. Certain features are more
important in determining class membership than others, but none are required by all members [9,10].
These two theories are similar to the traditional semantic feature theory to some degree, but also they
have critically conflicting aspects.
So, we will use a Case, a deep Case, and a thematic role as synonyms.
We will consider Cases as the functional core concept, hence Cases have a role of semantic features.
Accordingly, we define the meaning of words as representing to what degree each word is an exemplar of
each Case concept, or prototypicality. Case prototypicality will be used a general term including both
Case and its prototypicality. Notice that we do not insist that Case is the smallest unit of linguistic
meaning, but we consider it as the smallest unit in a high level of cognitive process. Hence, Case
prototypicalities are not whole meaning of a word, but direct relevant knowledge just to pick out thematic
roles of arguments.
2.2 New representation of word meaning
In consequence of the discussion in the previous section, we present a new representation of Table 2
[11] based on two hypotheses of Table 1 for word meanings.
Table 1. Hypothesis for word meaning representation
Hypothesis 1: The meaning of a word is represented by its Case or thematic
role in context at a surface level or intuitive level. The Case assumes a role of
semantic primitive.
Hypothesis II: Selectional restrictions are not represented by binary semantic
features, but probabilistic or fuzzy one. There is no strict boundary of category,
but the membership is the degree of similarity to the prototype.
Particles in Korean belong to an uninflected and closed word class. There are about 20 Case
particles except minute variants. When they occur after nominals, they are often called ‘postpositions’ in
contrast to ‘prepositions’ in English. In Chinese, there is an intervening part of speech (介詞) for this
function. For instance, ‘으로’, ‘向’, ‘に’ and ‘to’ are used for denoting an orientation in 그 탁자는 북쪽
으로 놓여 있다. ‘這卓子面向北方’, ‘そのタイブルは北にあります’, and ‘The table lies to the north.’,
respectively. For denoting an instrument, ‘으로’, ‘以’, ‘で’, and ‘by’ each are used in 회의로 결정하다,
‘由會以決定’, ‘會議できめる’, and ‘conclude by a meeting’.
Their main usage is to manifest the grammatical relations of words within a sentence. Case particles
are classified into seven major types. Nominative particle following a subject, objective particle following
an object, and the like. Adverbial particles are used in a variety of ways depending upon the preceding
noun and the predicate. A Case particle manifests a surface Case in the n: m relationship so that one Case
particle can be used to represent several deep Cases and vice versa. This phenomenon also occurs in
Chinese, English, Japanese, and the like in a similar way.
Table 2. Meaning representation of nouns and verbs
Meaning representation of noun
n = { (cp, z) }, where n is a noun, p is a Case particle, c is the Case which may be
assigned to the noun when it co-occurs with the Case particle p, and z is a
Meaning representation of verb
v = { (cp, z) }, where v is a verb, p is a Case particle, c is the Case which the verb v
may require when it co-occurs with the Case particle p, and z is a prototypicality.
The reason to define the meaning of words as in Table 2 is in order to reflect the fact that most
nouns can be used to represent GOAL, ATTR, INST, etc. (refer to Section 3) within a sentence, but the
possibilities that each noun are used for each Case are different. In other words, we intend to reflect
human’s intuition that 숟가락 swutkalak ‘spoon’ is mostly likely to be used INST rather than GOAL. By
the definition of Table 2, for example, a noun 수레 swuley ‘wagon’ is represented by { (GOALulo, 0.936),
(ATTRulo, 0.936), (INSTulo, 2.321) }. The bigger the numeric value is, the closer it to the corresponding Case
A verb 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’, by { (GOALulo, 0.494), (ATTRulo, 0.371), (INSTulo, 0.509) }. This
means that when 수레 swuley ‘wagon’ is used an argument together with Case particle 으로 ulo ‘to,
towards, as, into, for, of, from, with, etc.’, it has 0.936 as the meaning of GOAL, 0.936 as the meaning of
and 2.321 as the meaning of INST. When 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’ is used together with Case
particle 으로 ulo, it means that the degree to require GOAL as its argument is 0.494, 0.371 for ATTR,
0.509 for INST. This example shows that the word 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’ strongly demands nouns
representing INST when used with the Case particle 으로 ulo and otherwise ones representing GOAL as a
second choice. Consequently, when there is a semantic category named GOAL, the concept of Case
prototypicality is used to show how much the noun 수레 swuley ‘wagon’ is typical of the Case category
and how much the verb 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’ needs GOAL.
As Cases refer to the semantic relation between nominals 3 and the predicate that is a thread and
needle relationship within a sentence, we treat them by means of semantic categories in the same way.
The above way of representing the meaning of words has advantages as follows: First, the meaning can
be constructed from a corpus through machine learning. Second, the process of picking out Cases of an
argument might reduce to a remarkably plain mechanical task, which we will show later with Figure 1.
Finally, metaphor and metonymy, which are difficult to be treated by the componential analysis, can be
treated in the same way without any additional efforts.
This study treats only nouns.
For example, in the sentence 그녀의 마음은 사랑으로 가득찼다. Kunye-uy maum-un salangulo katukchassta. ‘Her mind was filled with love.’ 사랑 salang ‘love’ can be represented as having a
material role (INST), by metaphor, exactly like the sentence 양동이는 물로 가득찼다. Yangtongi-nun
mwu-lo katukchassta. ‘The bucket was filled with water.’ However, the traditional componential analysis
cannot classify 사랑 salang ‘love’ as a hyponym of material. Otherwise, in the same way it must treat all
possible cases that the word may be used by metaphor. This will create a new hierarchical structure, hence
the stability of the previous hierarchical structure will collapse that are essential to the componential
analysis. This is true of metonymy.
3. Learning of Case Concepts and Acquisition of Word Meaning
We experiment with the Case particle 으로 ulo that is the most complex particles in Korean, for we
expect that we can perform for any other particle in the similar way if we can deal with this particle
satisfactorily. We classify thematic roles that the Case particle 으로 ulo4 can Case-mark into three types:
GOAL for
orientation, path, goal; INST for instrument, material, cause; and ATTR for qualification, attribute,
purpose. This macro classification is not only to avoid possible controversy in view of linguistics, but also
because it is doubtful whether such a detailed classification is really needed in view of NLP [7,11]. For
example, one classification system suggested by linguists does not distinguish between instrument and
material. The other system between instrument and cause. However, most linguists agree that other Case
particles except -으로 -ulo (instrumental particle), -에 -ey (dative particle), -가 -ka (nominative
particle), -을 -ul (objective particle)--in order of its complexity and controversy--can manifest only one
to three thematic roles.
The process of experiment is as follows: First, we will extract triples [noun, Case particle, verb]
from a large corpus. Second, we will build training and test data from the extracted triples. Third, we will
make a computer learn the concepts of Cases by machine learning. Finally, we will define word meaning
by a set of Case prototypicalities.
3.1 Building pattern data
Morphological and partial syntactic analyzers are essential to extract the collocational information
from a corpus. We used NM-KTS5 (New Morphological analyzer and KAIST Tagging System). They have
the analytical accuracy rate of about 96% and the guess probability of less than 75% on unregistered
words. In partial syntactic analysis, it is difficult to extract only necessary arguments. To increase the
Refer to M. Song (1998) for more details of this classification.
possibility that nouns are a necessary argument, this study extracts the triple [noun, case particle, verb] if
and only if the verb immediately follows the Case particle.
However, this strategy cannot completely handle complex sentences, because, for example, in the
sentence 그는 도끼로 썩은 枯木을 쳤다. kunun tokki-lo ssekun komokul chyessta. ‘He stroke the
rotten old tree with an axe.’, the expression 도끼로 썩다 tokki-lo ssekkta ‘rot with an axe’ is extracted.
For this, additional work is required to split a complex sentence into several simple ones. This is one of
the difficult problems to be resolved in Korean syntactic analyzers [11,16]. In our experiment, 14,853
triples [noun, Case particle, verb] from YSC-I corpus6 were extracted. From the triples, we exclude the
following ones:
The triples that are not found in the Korean dictionary, for either they were created by the
morphological analyzer’s errors or they are proper nouns or compound nouns
A pseudo-noun plus 으로 ulo (for example, 主로 cwu-lo ‘mostly’, 때때로 ttayttay-lo
‘sometimes’, etc.) and nouns followed by suffixes such as 上 sang ‘on’, 順 swun ‘in order of’, 式 sik
‘in way of’, and the like, for they are not actual nouns but adverbials.
Table 3. Corpus and Triples
Extracted triples
旦熙가 學校로 갔다. Dan-Hee-ka hakkyo-lo kassta. ‘DanHee went to school’
[學校 hakkyo ‘school’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 가다 kata ‘go’]
翼熙가 房으로 왔다. Ik-Hee-ka pang-ulo wassta. ‘Ik-Hee
came to the room.’
[房 pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 오다 ota ‘come’]
眞聖이가 집으로 갔다. Cinseng-ika cip-ulo kassta. ‘Cinseng
went home.’
[집 cip ‘house’, 으로 ulo, 가다 kata ‘go’]
철수가 學校로 들어갔다. Chelswu-ka hakkyo-lo tulekassta.
‘Chelswu went into the school.’
[學校 hakkyo ‘school’, 으로 ulo ‘into’, 들어가다
tulekata ‘go’]
wumcikyessta. ‘Yenghee moved into the room.’
[房 pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘into’, 움직이다 wumcikita
After this treatment, 12,187 triples remain and these are called Pattern Set (PSET). There are 3,727
different verbs among them. To clarify the above procedure, here is a simple example. Suppose that a
corpus consists of the left part in Table 3. Then, the extracted triples are in the right part. In the future
exemplification, we will continue to quote from this table.
3.2 Building of training data and test data
Building sufficient training data is a critical problem in machine learning. To reduce the burden, this
study uses the collocational information related to the Case particle. Let [noun, Case particle] be a noun
NM was developed in our laboratory, KTS in KAIST.
Yonsei Corpus I (about 3 million words) was compiled by the Center of Korean Lexicography at Yonsei University.
part and [Case particle, verb] a verb part out of [noun, Case particle, verb]. Then, we can classify the
information type for picking out the Case of arguments as in Table 4. We can see here that Case particles
in Korean, to an extent, have a role of selectional restrictions in that Case particles restrict nouns that can
occur before 으로 ulo in connection with verbs.
Table 4. Complexity types for picking out Case
Only the verb part can determine the Case of its argument regardless of the noun part.
Both noun and verb parts should be considered.
The relation to other arguments should be considered.
For example, the expression -으로 생각하다 -ulo sayngkakhata ‘think as’ is COMPLEXITY-TYPE I
because we are sure that a noun adequate for ATTR will come up as an argument without really looking at
the noun. Since the meaning of verbs is unique in this type, it will not get any influence from the noun.
Thus only the verb part will determine the thematic role of the noun. COMPLEXITY-TYPE II is exemplified
in the expression -으로 살다 -ulo salta ‘live on’. 물 mwul ‘water’ in 물로 살다 mwul-lo salta ‘live
on water’ is construed as INST. 先生 sensayng ‘teacher’ in 先生으로 살다 sensayng-ulo salta ‘live as a
teacher’ is construed as ATTR. 물 mwul ‘water’ in 물로 變하다 mwul-lo pyenhata ‘be turned into water’
is construed as ATTR.
Earlier studies [13] assumed that only the noun part can determines the Case. However, we exclude
this case because it does not seem to occur in reality in consequence of thorough investigation. For
instance, when we look at 東쪽으로 tongccok-ulo ‘to the east’, we assumed that we can construe 東쪽
tongccok ‘east’ as GOAL without looking at the following verb. However, we should construe it as ATTR if
we look at verbs such as 變하다 pyenhata ‘be turned into’ and 생각하다 syangkakhata ‘think’.
COMPLEXITY-TYPE III is the case where we cannot determine the Case only with the noun part and verb
part. In 배로 가다 pay-lo kata ‘go by boat’, for example, 배 pay ‘boat’ in 濟州島에 배로 가다
Ceycwuto-ey pay-lo kata ‘go by boat to Ceycwu island’ is construed as INST, but 배 pay ‘boat’ in 닻을
올리러 배로 가다 tach-ul ollile pay-lo kata ‘go to the boat to weigh anchor’, as GOAL. This
phenomenon shows that such an ambiguity can be resolved only by referring to the other parts (in this
case, 濟州島에 Ceycwuto-ey ‘to Ceycwu island’ and 닻을 올리러 tach-ul ollile ‘to weigh anchor’).
One might consider this as the inherent limitation of the meaning representation of Table 2.
However, this problem is related to the technique of semantic analysis rather than the meaning
representation itself. If we use a more sophisticated technique (for example, to consider the relations
among other arguments or Case particles) for picking out Case, which will possibly be our research topic
in future, we can solve such an ambiguity. For example, Case particle -에 -ey ‘at’ in 濟州島에
Ceycwuto-ey ‘to Ceycwu island’ will be construed as GOAL because it belongs to COMPLEXITY-TYPE I.
Hence, according to the theta criterion of Chomsky (Each argument is assigned one and only one
thematic role, and each thematic role is assigned to one and only one argument.) [14], we can know that
배 pay ‘boat’ in 濟州島에 배로 가다 Ceycwuto-ey pay-lo kata ‘go by boat to Ceycwu island’ should
be construed as INST.
In case of COMPLEXITY-TYPE I, therefore, we can pick out the Case of an argument only with the
verb part without any consideration of the semantic relation between the predicate and its argument. This
fact can considerably reduce the manual work for preparing a large training data. However, it may also be
a factor that drops the accuracy of machine learning because there may be errors in human’s intuition. It is
relatively easy to pick out thematic roles in sentences that belong to COMPLEXITY-TYPE I and II because
we need to observe only the noun part and the verb one. Especially, COMPLEXITY-TYPE I is very simple,
hence we can make a computer learn Case concepts relatively easily by putting COMPLEXITY-TYPE I to
good use. After such learning, a computer can deal with COMPLEXITY-TYPE II by means of the pretty
simple algorithm (even if further research is needed) described in Section 3.5. However, for COMPLEXITYTYPE
III, as we mentioned above, semantic analysis in the level of sentence is required. Notice that the
meaning representation per se according to the componential analysis cannot also perform semantic
analysis, needless to say, ambiguity resolution.
To prepare training and test data, let’s select verbs under COMPLEXITY-TYPE I from the PSET and
then manually tag verbs with Cases. For example, since 가다 kata ‘go’ and 오다 ota ‘come’ belong to
they will present the following result: { [가다 kata ‘go’, GOAL], [오다 ota ‘come’,
}. Training set (TSET) is a set of quadruples [noun, Case particle, verb, Case], which are
automatically created from the above tagged set. For example, we will have the quadruple set as follows:
{ [學校 hakkyo ‘school’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 가다 kata ‘go’, GOAL], [房 pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘in’, 오다
ota ‘come’, GOAL], [집 cip ‘house’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 가다 kata ‘go’, GOAL] }. Notice that the PSET is a
simple set of patterns without Case-tagging, and the TSET is a set of patterns with Case-tagging for
machine learning. Only the verbs 가다 kata ‘go’, 오다 ota ‘come’ was Case-tagged manually.
By means of using the characteristics of COMPLEXITY-TYPE I, there is no need to Case-tag about [學
校 hakkyo ‘school’, 가다 kata ‘go’], [房 pang ‘room’, 오다 ota ‘come’], [집 cip ‘house’, 가다 kata
‘go’], respectively. The larger the PSET is, the more the burden of manual tagging is reducible since a
verb co-occurs with a lot of nouns in a corpus. After that, selecting several verbs from the PSET, we build
test data (ESET), which consist of a set of [verb, Case]. The ESET and TSET are mutually exclusive. The
result is { [들어가다 tulekata ‘enter’, GOAL] }. In addition, unspecified set (USET), which is used later
for unsupervised learning, is defined as PSET – (TSET + ESET). In the above example, USET becomes
{ [房 pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 움직이다 wumcikita ‘move’] }.
In this experiment, we select 60 training verbs and 30 test verbs considering how easy we can
manually Case-tag verbs and how often verbs occur in the PSET. Note that the set of training verbs does
not intersect that of test verbs. The easiness (or reliability) of Case-tagging is needed to enhance the
accuracy of training data and test data because it is very difficult for even humans to Case-tag (i.e., pick
out thematic roles) without any controversy according to the classification criteria. In the long run,
controversial training data and test data will prevent us from evaluating the result of this experiment
correctly. Also, the criterion of high frequency helps to get more training data automatically. As a result,
1,466 training data were automatically created from 60 tagged verbs. This means that we could get 1,466
training data by tagging only 60 verbs.
3.3 Case learning algorithm
There are five paradigms for machine learning: neural networks, instance-based or case-based
learning, genetic algorithms, rule induction, and analytic learning. The reasons for the distinct identities
of these paradigms are more historical than scientific. The different communities have their origins in
different traditions, and they rely on different basic metaphors. For instance, proponents of neural
networks emphasize analogies to neurobiology, case-based researchers to human memory, students of
genetic algorithms to evolution, specialists in rule induction to heuristic search, and backers of analytic
methods to reasoning in formal logic [15]. By the way, the main reason that we are willing to adopt the
neural network paradigm among them is based on cognitive reality. That is, it is because we do not make
any conscious calculation to pick out thematic roles in a sentence, but seems to respond (or understand)
instantly and reflectively by means of neurobiological mechanism and repetitive learning.
Case Learner Algorithm (CLA) in Table 6 is based on the perceptron revision method (PRM) which
is an incremental approach to inducing linear threshold units (LTUs) using the gradient descent search
[15,16]. If we let c be a Case, a verb is represented by { (n, f) }, where n is a noun which co-occurs with
the verb in the TSET, and f is the relative frequency fn,v / fn of the noun in the TSET. Here, fn,v is the
frequency that the noun co-occurs with the verb, and fn is the total frequency of the noun in the TSET.
Then, a training instance is represented by [v, c], where c is the Case-tag for the verb v. The set of such
training instances (ISET) is one input of the CLA. For example, ISET becomes { i1 = 가다 kata ‘go’ =
[ (學校 hakkyo ‘school’, 1.0), (집 cip ‘house’, 1.0), GOAL], i2 = come = [ (房 pang ‘room’, 1.0)] }.
The other input is a set of hypothesized LTUs (HSET), which is also an output. In this study, since
we consider only three Case types, the HSET consists of three LTUs. The learning goal of the CLA is to
find a relevant HSET as an output. LTU represents an intensional concept of a Case, so that there is one
LTU per each Case concept. Much of the work on threshold concepts has been done within the
‘connectionist’ or ‘neural network’ paradigm, which typically uses a network notation to describe
acquired knowledge, based on an analogy to structures in the brain. In this study, LTU is defined as in
Table 5.
Table 5. LTU definition
If  wifi   then ck, where ck  { GOAL, ATTR, INST}, wi is a weight for a noun ni, in
other words, the degree how much the noun contributes to the LTU concept, fi is the
attribute’s value of a noun ni ,, and  is a threshold.
Notice that nouns are used as attributes of verbs in learning Case concepts. This means that if a verb
가다 kata ‘go’ requires GOAL as its argument, the nouns co-occurred with it will be used as GOAL, so that
it can be regarded that the nouns inherently have the Case concept. One Case concept ck is represented by
whether sum =  wifi is greater than or equal to a certain threshold () or not. Not to mention, the nouns
may also have another Case concept. However, during the machine learning, the weights of nouns that are
frequently used as ck in the ISET shall be increased, otherwise they shall be decreased. Eventually, the
nouns shall have a desirable weight that reflects their own characteristics in the ISET. In line 5 of Table 6,
LTUk is denoted by Hk = [w, ], where w is initialized to an empty set and  should be set to a certain
value considering to the characteristics of the ISET to increase the speed of convergence and to prevent
divergence within a given iteration.
In this experiment, H1 is ready for GOAL, H2 for ATTR, and H3 for INST. HSET will classify the verbs
in ISET into Case concept categories. We multiply each given attribute’s value (i.e., relative frequency fi )
by its weight (wi) and sums the products, and see if the result exceeds a current threshold (). If the verb
satisfies this condition, then we can consider the verb as belonging to the Case (ck) concept category. Note
that the CLA uses numeric values to denote Case types: 1 for GOAL, 2 for ATTR, 3 for INST. For example,
let us H1 ‘if 0.5  f1 + 0.4  f2 + 0.6  f3  0.5 then GOAL’, where 0.5 is the weight for 학교 hakkyo
‘school’, 0.4 for 집 cip ‘house’, and 0.6 for 房 pang ‘room’ respectively and 0.5 for a threshold. If a verb
가다 kata ‘go’ applies to H1, since 0.5  1.0 + 0.4  1.0 + 0.6  0.0 = 0.9  0.5, where two 1.0s and one
0.0 multiplied by the weights are the relative frequencies of their nouns, we will consider it as GOAL. This
means that the verb 가다 kata ‘go’ requires GOAL as its argument. In line 29 of Table 6, if it satisfies the
condition of Hk, ck has k value and it is said that Hk predicts it is positive, otherwise it has -1 value and it
is said that Hk predicts it is negative.
Table 6. Case learning algorithm (CLA)
1 Inputs
2 ISET: a set of training instance it = [v, c], where v =
3 { (ni, fi) | ni is a noun, fi is the relative frequency of ni},
4 and c is the given Case.
HSET: a set of Hk = [w, ], where w = {wi | wi is
the weight for the noun ni }, and  is a threshold.
7 Output
8 HSET: a revised one
9 Parameters
10 : a momentum term that reduces oscillation
11 : a gain term that determines revision rate
12 : a gain term for thresholds
13 Variables
14 wi(h): a current delta of weight, where, h denotes
a current phase
15 wi(h-1): a previous delta of weight, where, h-1
denotes a previous
16 s: the direction of weight change
17 Procedure error_check(ck, c, k: input; s: output)
18 {
19 if ck = -1 and k = c then s = 1;
20 else if ck > -1 and k  c then s = -1;
21 else s = 0;
22 }
23 Procedure CLA (ISET,HSET: input; HSET: output)
24 {
25 for each training instance it in ISET
26 {
for each Hk in HSET
ck = Case which Hk predicts for it[v, c];
error_check(ck, c, k, s);
if (s = 0) continue;
for each attribute ni of v[ni, fi] of it[v, c]
wi = the weight for ni in Hk;
wi(h) = sfi + wi(h-1);
wi = wi + wi(h);
k = k + s ;
40 }
41 return the revised HSET;
42 }
In principle, an arbitrary LTU can characterize any extensional definition that can be separated by a
single hyperplane drawn through the instance space, with the weights specifying the orientation of the
hyperplane and the threshold giving its location along a perpendicular. For this reason, target concepts
that can be represented by linear units are often referred to as being linearly separable [15]. Accordingly,
since the HSET has a role of classifiers, it can decide Case concepts to which a new verb belongs. In line
29, the weight wi of the Hk for a newly added noun ni is set to fi, for fi reflects the relative importance of
the noun in the ISET.
However, the result of this experiment shows that this initial setting of wi seems to influence only on
the speed of convergence. In line 17-22, if Hk predicts that the Case for instance it is negative and it is
tagged positive in the ISET, we set the direction of change (s) for the weight to 1 in order to turn it into
positive by increasing its weight. On the contrary, if H k predicts that it is positive and it is negative in the
ISET in order to decrease the weight, we set s to -1. In every other case, s sets to 0 to make no change as
the computer predicts correctly.
In line 32-37, where weights are actually changed, by introducing a momentum, a phenomenon of
oscillation is prevented by reflecting a proportion () of a previous delta (wi(h-1)) into a current weight
(wi). In addition, we will divide a gain term into two, which determines the revision rate of weights. One
is for a delta. The other for a threshold. These two variations are very important in order to make the CLA
converge in a finite number of iterations on the HSET that make no errors on these training data. It is
observed that the HSET gets to be diverged within the given iterations if the values set to be wrong. Also,
we use the perceptron convergence procedure (PCP) which induces HSET nonincrementally by applying
the CLA iteratively to the ISET until it produces an HSET that make no errors or until it exceeds a
specified number of iterations.
This PCP guarantees to converge in a finite number of iterations on the HSET that make no errors
on the ISET [15]. Our system starts with the TSET in a supervised learning mode. After completing the
supervised training with the TSET, it changes to an unsupervised mode with the USET. The HSET that is
the result of the training predicts Case concept categories for verbs in the USET. For example, in [房
pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘to’, 움직이다 wumcikita ‘move’], 움직이다 wumcikita ‘move’ is represented
by [(房 pang ‘room’, 1.0)] and if it is applied to H1, we will get 0.5  0.0 + 0.4  0.0 + 0.6  1.0 = 0.6 
0.5, thereby getting GOAL. This process is applied to H2 and H3 in turn. From the USET, we extract the
verbs predicted to be unique Case7. After that, we select  verbs and add them to the TSET in order of
having the greatest sum from the above extracted verbs.
We go through supervised machine learning with the resultant TSET. The smaller the value  is, the
better the accuracy of this system is , but on the contrary the slower the speed of convergence will be.  is
set to 10 in this experiment. To give an example for this procedure, [房 pang ‘room’, 으로 ulo ‘to’,
] is added to the existing TSET. This process may be construed that the computer per se makes
training data for itself. After that, selecting higher reliable instances (i.e., with higher prototypicality),
from the predicted results, we grant to the instances an equal ATTR with the training data that are manually
tagged by humans. This process continues iteratively until such verbs can be selected no further.
Incorporating both supervised and unsupervised learning has the same reason as using COMPLEXITY-TYPE
information in Table 4. That is, it reduces manual efforts for humans to build a large training data.
In addition, this study compares incremental learning with non-incremental one in accuracy. In case
of an incremental learning mode, new verbs are added into TSET by  from USET and then they are
deleted from the USET not to be selected again in future. However, a non-incremental learning mode
each time disregards all the verbs selected until now (i.e., the TSET is set to an empty set) and selects 
verbs plus the same number of verbs as in the TSET in order of their prototypicalities from the PSET.
Notice that since all verbs in the TSET belong to a unique Case concept category, they are positive on
their tagged (or predicted) Case and negative on the others.
3.4 Case prototypicality of nouns and verbs
Prototypicality means the degree how much a word is close to an exemplar of Case concept
category. The prototypicality of a verb for each Case is calculated by the left part (sum =  wifi) of LTUs
obtained by the above learning process and is scaled down between 0 and 1 by a sigmoid function 1 /
(1+e-sum). The prototypicality of a noun for each Case is wk / k in the corresponding LTU, where wi is the
weight of the noun. We consider the wi as prototypicality because it represents the Case discretability in
It positive only in one of H1, H2 and H3 and negative in the other two.
the LTU. For example, on H1 (if 0.5  f1 + 0.4  f2 + 0.6  f3  0.5 then GOAL), the noun 學校 hakkyo
‘school’ has 0.5 / 0.5 = 1.0, 房 pang ‘room’ has 0.4 / 0.5 = 0.8, and 집 cip ‘house’ has 0.6 / 0.5 = 1.2 as
its own prototypicality to GOAL.
The greater the value is, the greater the possibility to be used as GOAL is when the noun occurs with
the Case particle 으로 ulo. In other words, the noun connotes the meaning of GOAL in proportion to its
numeric value. As far as the verb 움직이다 wumcikita ‘move’ is concerned, since the sum is 0.6 and k
0.5 for H1, its prototypicality to GOAL becomes 1 / (1+e0.5-0.6), which represents the degree how much the
verb requires GOAL as its argument when it is used with the Case particle 으로 ulo. If this value is highly
great, the verb part can completely determine the Case of its argument without considering the noun part.
Note that thresholds should be controlled to have a positive value when the CLA is completed by
means of initializing other parameters (lines 10-12 of Table 6) properly because wi will be divided by k
for normalization. Geun-Bae Lee [17] reported that how to transfer neural net-based knowledge to other
system has not been known so far. To solve this issue, however, we translated the knowledge acquired by
a neural net mechanism to a symbolic representation by the method described above.
4. Experimental Results
In this experiment, initially k is set to 0.5, 0.07 for , 0.0005 for , and 0.03 for . This
experiment showed that  and  need to be set a certain values that keep  be near the initial value
during the training process for a fast convergence. If they are set to be wrong, a divergent phenomenon
was observed during the given iterations. Table 7-8 are the partial results of this experiment. According to
the definitions in Table 2, for example, the noun 수레 swuley ‘wagon’ is represented by { (GOALulo,
0.936), (ATTRulo, 0.936), (INSTulo, 2.321) }, The verb 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’, by { (GOALulo, 0.494),
(ATTRulo, 0.371), (INSTulo, 0.509) }. By the way, given the meaning of words in this way, how can we pick
out the Case for arguments?
Table 7. Cases prototypicalities of nouns
swuley ‘wagon’
kakwu ‘furniture’
kasum ‘breast’
kaul ‘autumn’
kaceng ‘household’
sikmwul ‘family’
kanpwu ‘plant’
kyeyhoyk ‘plan’
kokayk ‘customer’
kokyo ‘high school’
kongkan ‘space’
kolye ‘consideration’
kwenlyek ‘power’
kopal ‘accusation’
Table 8. Cases prototypicalities of verbs
tocwuhata ‘flight’
selchitoyta ‘be set’
kkiwuta ‘seal’
namta ‘remain’
palcenhata ‘develop’
nophita ‘heighten’
nulkekata ‘grow old’
icwuhata ‘move’
calicapta ‘seat’
hapuyhata ‘consent’
cenmangtoyta ‘prospect’
cencinhata ‘advance’
phatantoyta ‘judge’
cicenghata ‘designate’
If we try to grasp the Case by rules, we should have as many rules as the number of noun categories
 the number of Case particle categories  the number of verb categories. Seong-Hee Cheon [18] studied
a selectional network of sense that represents rules to determine thematic roles by seeing the Case particle
and the semantic features of the noun and verb. It needs a lot of case-by-case rules that we should make
manually. Moreover, one should manually tag the semantic features of every noun and verb. However,
our method can resolve this unduly manual work. In fact, it is the merit of learning-based system
compared to rule-based one. For example, in 수레로 逃走하다 swuley-lo tocwuhata ‘flight by wagon’,
to pick out the Case for the argument 수레 swuley ‘wagon’, we can simply add the noun prototypicality
and the verb one for each Case as in Figure 1. And then, we consider the Case with the greatest sum
among them as its Case. This is a truly typical working mechanism in neural network.
逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’
Sum of prototypicalities
수레 swuley ‘wagon’
Figure 1. Mecheanism for picking out Case
However, Figure 1 is too naive because this study does not normalize the prototypicalities of nouns
and verbs. This means that further work is required in order that they can be simply added. In addition,
we can put a weight on verbs since they have a role of head in a sentence. This will produce a more
sophisticated neural net. In the model, the formula to pick out Case will result in finding i such that Maxi
(Ni + kVi), where k is the weight for verbs, Ni is the Case prototypicality of nouns, and Vi
is the one of verbs. In cognitive view, Figure 1 can be interpreted as follows: the moment we look at the
수레 swuley ‘wagon’ and the Case particle 으로 ulo, the possibilities that the noun has a role of GOAL,
and INST respectively are activated in our memory in proportion to their Case prototypicalities. As
soon as we look at the 逃走하다 tocwuhata ‘flight’, we will select the Case with the highest sum of
Case prototypicalities.
Table 9 summarizes the experimental results evaluated with the ESET. We got 57.76% accuracy rate
only by using the supervised learning, but 73.45% by incorporating both the supervised and unsupervised
one since the unsupervised learning can afford to compensate for the smallness (or data sparseness) of the
TSET that was manually built initially. The reason that the supervised learning shows the same accuracy
in both incremental and non-incremental mode lies in PCP that runs non-incrementally even in supervised
mode. This experiment showed that the incremental learning is better than the non-incremental one. It
seems because the incremental learning preserves initial training data to the end. However, we cannot
make a clear conclusion only with this experiment.
Table 9. Accuracy of this experimental results.
Incremental learning
Non-incremental learning
Supervised learning
Combined learning
Since we used a real corpus rather than an artificial data for this experiment, there may be a lot of
factors in errors. First, the original PSET involves triples erroneously extracted by the partial syntactic
analyzer in Section 3.1. We tried to restrain such errors by completely excluding unregistered words in the
Korean dictionary and adverbials. However, it is very difficult to distinguish necessary arguments from
optional ones even in view of linguistics. Second, Miller reported only 90% of accuracy in human CaseTagging in ambiguous situation [19]. This means that there will be considerable errors in building training
and test data in Section 3.2. Third, Case definition is so ambiguous [20] that it is difficult even to evaluate
the result of this system correctly. Finally, there are a lot of homonyms and polysemants in nouns and
verbs. For example, 우리말 큰 辭典 Wulimal Khun Dictionary has about 15% homonyms. This is a
critical problem because the task of extracting the information for semantic analysis from a corpus
requires the very semantic information. One possible solution to this problem is to exclude all such words
in the first machine learning. Once after acquiring the meaning of words not excluded, we can try to find
another method to acquire the meaning of words excluded, based on the previously acquired knowledge.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Until now, on the assumption that there exists knowledge that is not likely to be offered at present or
within a reasonable period owing to technical or practical problems, much work has been done. However,
such work has not been very helpful to build practical NLP systems. Moreover, such work makes it
difficult to distinguish NLP from linguistics. In addition, there have been a lot of studies to extract
linguistic knowledge from a corpus, nevertheless, most of them are inclined to disregard semantic
relations, but they only use syntactic ones.
Therefore, we insist that supervised machine learning is indispensable to acquire meanings. We
focused how to acquire the knowledge needed for semantic analysis before proposing a technique for it.
We showed that the meanings of words that belong to nouns or verbs category can be acquired from a
corpus, based on the characteristics of Case particles by machine learning. In addition, we showed that the
representation of word meaning by a set of Case prototypicalities is the knowledge that can be directly
used for semantic analysis. We proposed two methods to reduce the practical difficulty to build sufficient
training data: One is to use the COMPLEXITY-TYPE. The other is to incorporate both supervised and
unsupervised learning.
In this study, we considered only one Case particle 으로 ulo and its corresponding three thematic
roles categories. From these facts, one might be anxious whether the CLA could be easily scaled up or not.
Notice that the CLA needs only to learn the concept of its corresponding thematic role for each Case
particle. There are about 10-30 thematic roles and about 20 Case particles--the number and classification
of thematic roles and Case particles are a little different depending on each scholar. As we mentioned in
the beginning of Section 3, other Case particles except -으로 -ulo (about 7-9 thematic roles), -에 -ey
(about 6-9 ones), -가 -ka (about 7-8 ones), -을 -ul (about 5 ones) can manifest only one to three thematic
roles. This implies that the quantity of learning, strictly speaking the number of training data, is not much
large. Once the CLA has learned thematic roles for each Case particles, it can automatically make a
lexicon for picking out thematic roles like Table 7 and Table 8 from a large corpus, for instance, the YSC
Corpus (about 50 million words).
To improve this study, we have additional work to do. First, we should classify the Case types in
more detail. For this, the meaning of each Case should be defined more strictly. Second, we should think
out how to discriminate necessary arguments, optional arguments, and adverbials by computers. Third,
we should improve the accuracy rate of the CLA. For this, the mutual relations to other Case particles
should be considered. In addition, only the instances with statistically meaningful relative frequency
should be involved in this experiment. Fourth, Case prototypicalities should be normalized by more
plausible techniques. Finally, Once after satisfactory accuracy rate is accomplished, verification in
semantic analysis is needed to see how efficient this proposed representation of word meanings is.
This work was funded by the Ministry of Information and Communication of Korea under contract 98-86.
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