SNMMI POLICY CATALOG Revised: September 15, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Administrative Policies Page 4 2. American Board of Science in Nuclear Medicine (ABSNM) Page 6 3. ACNP/SNM Joint Government Relations Committee Page 7 4. Board of Directors Page 9 5. Clinical Trials Page 15 6. Coding & Reimbursement Committee Page 16 7. Committee on Annual Meeting Page 17 8. Committee on Awards Page 18 9. Committee on Bylaws Page 22 10. Committee on Chapters Page 25 11. Committee on Continuing Education Page 27 12. Committee on Councils Page 28 13. Committee on Education Page 31 14. Committee on Ethics Page 34 15. Committee on Finance Page 36 16. Committee on Guidelines and Communication Page 46 17. Committee on Health Care Policy & Practice Page 48 18. Committee on Nominations Page 54 19. Committee on Publications Page 55 20. Committee on Pharmacopeia Page 59 21. Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals Page 60 2 22. Committee on Scientific Program Page 61 23. Cost Effectiveness Research Page 63 24. Elections Page 64 25. Government /Public Relations Page 66 26. Historical Reference Page 70 27. House of Delegates Page 72 28. International Page 75 29. Liaison/Related Organizations Page 77 30. Membership Committee Page 85 31. Meetings Page 88 32. Molecular Imaging Center of Excellence Page 93 33. Phantom Quality Assurance Committee Page 95 34. PET Center of Excellence Page 96 35. Political Action Committee Page 98 36. Practice Guidelines Committee Page 99 37. Procedure Guidelines Committee Page 104 38. Professional Polices Page 107 39. RADAR Page 104 40. RadioImmunotherapy (RIT) Page 110 41. SNM/Education and Research Foundation Page 111 42. Task Forces Page 112 43. Young Professionals Committee Page 116 44. SNMMI-TS Page 117 3 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES 000923 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that it is in the best interest of the Society of Nuclear Medicine that the SNM 401(K) Plan be amended and restated to merge the Society of Nuclear Medicine Purchase Plan into the 401 (K) plan; and, Resolved, further that the officers of the plan are hereby authorized and directed to take any actions necessary to carry out the intention of this resolution; and, Resolved, further, that the SNM Executive Director and SNM Treasurer shall continue to serve as Trustees of the Plan. 030125 030126 050616 REPORT: Integration of new HIPAA language. MOTION: To include new HIPAA language into the SNM Employee Manual Next review date 2008. REPORT: National Agenda and Roadmap for Biomedical Imaging Research (NARBIR) SNM has been invited to become a cosponsor for an initiative to develop a National Agenda and Roadmap for Biomedical Research (NARBIR). Although the major sponsors of the project are the Academy of Radiology Research, the ACR, the ARRS, and the RSNA, this effort is intended to be a broad, multidisciplinary collaboration. The purpose of the initiative is to identify significant opportunities through which imaging science can contribute to future advances in clinical medicine and biomedical research. MOTION: To have SNM participate in the NARBIR program REPORT: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that all nonprofit organizations adopt a whistleblower policy. The policy is very specific and provides a safeguard for the Society and any staff member who feels compelled to report an illegal activity. It was explained that if an offense is reported to the Executive Director or President, it does not stop there; the proper authorities will be contacted as well. MOTION: To adopt the Whistlerblower policy into company policy. 4 070929BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve; Vince Pistilli, CFO; and Mike Nelson, COO as additional signatories for the BB&T bank account. 090206 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to add the whistleblower policy to SNM Employee Manual. 2010/0417BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the form of amended SNM 401(k) Plan effective October 1, 2009, and that an authorized representative of The Society of Nuclear Medicine is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator of the Plan one or more counterparts of the Plan. 2011/0122BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted to approve adoption of default provisions within the SNM 401(k) Plan to ensure compliance with the HEART Act as follows: a. Continued benefit accruals pursuant to the HEART Act are not provided b.Differential wage payments are treated as Compensation for all Plan benefit purposes c. The plan permits distributions pursuant to the HEART Act on account of “deemed” severance of employment Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for 2009 were suspended unless a Participant or Beneficiary elected to receive such distributions. 5 AMERICAN BOARD OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE (ABSNM) Charging the President Appointed Task Force (see action item # 6) to consider having the American Board of Science in Nuclear Medicine (ABSNM) develop a radiation protection exam for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and agreement states. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 6 ACNP/SNM JOINT GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE 941008EC-19 REPORT: ACNP ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY PROJECT: A COST EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF HEPATOBILIARY SCINTIGRAPHY, AN ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY The Executive Committee noted that the First Progress Report by the University of Pennsylvania PORT [Patient Outcomes Research Team] Biliary Tract Disease Study is due on November 1, 1994. The Society contributed $59,000 toward this study. 941008EC-01 PROJECT INTEGRATION MOTION: 950212BOT-01 951021BOD-15 To endorse the concept of integrating appropriate functions with the American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP). PROJECT INTEGRATION MOTION: To endorse the concept of integrating appropriate functions of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) with the American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP). MOTION: To approve the proposal for an SNM/ACNP Joint Government Relations Committee. PROJECT INTEGRATION MOTION: 960114 The Board of Directors direct the Department: Meeting Services to configure a conjoint meeting of the ACNP and the SNM in 1999 for Project Integration. STATEMENT OF COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES 7 MOTION: To endorse the Statement of Coordination of Activities between the SNM, and ACNP. Next Review date 2001 MOTION: Be it resolved that the SNM join with the other member organizations of the ICANM/NCL to invite ACNP to become a member with roles to be determined later. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. MOTION: Be it Resolved: That the ACNP/SNM supports the shipment of Highly Enriched Uranium to AECL from the U.S. for the development of the Maple Reactor and to serve as a backup supply for the production of MO-99. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 980201 MOTION: To discuss the submitted motion to consolidate the following nuclear medicine organizations: The American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP), the American Society of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM), the Institute for Clinical PET (ICP), and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC). (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 060211BOD MOTION: The ACNP-SNM Joint Government Relations Committee (GRC) recommends the SNM: a) continue to pursue the restoration of government funding for basic nuclear medicine research; b) designate a task force to collect data from the national laboratories and universities regarding the research and the impact of the funding cuts. 060602BOD MOTION: The SNM-ACNP Joint Government Relations Committee hereby resolves that the SNM BOD should authorize the expenditure of at least $10,000 to the AMA next fiscal year for the purpose of facilitating SNM participation in the reevaluation of specialty practice expenses. 98021 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 960602 000602 REPORT: Members of the Committees of the Board of Directors serve for a term of three (3) years, with a maximum of two (2) full terms, with the terms staggered, so that three (3) are appointed each year and with understanding that the Chairman will come from one of the nine (9) committee members. Exceptions to the number of committee members are noted in PROCEDURES.(Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedures document as amended(Resolution,June14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the revised SNM Procedures document. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board of Directors authorize continued work on development of a petition for exemption from NRC regulation of diagnostic nuclear medicine and to form a task force to accomplish this purpose. It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board of Directors approve additional funding from the general fund, not to exceed $15,000, for outside counsel to work with the task force on the petition. It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board of Directors approve funding for outside counsel, in an amount not to exceed $15,000, to review new NRC Part 35 and associated regulations for possible legal action and filing said action. It was moved, seconded and voted that a task force be formed to evaluate the methods used by the relevant agencies to establish the levels of physician reimbursement for Nuclear Medicine procedures to develop data supporting alternative reimbursement schemes and to recommend strategies to improve 9 nuclear medicine physician reimbursement. It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board of Directors reimburse the SNM Education and Research Foundation $10,300 for the year 2000 contribution to the American Academy of Radiology Research. 020614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and defeated to add Scientific Program Chair as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Governance Reimbursement Policy as amended, attached as (APPENDIX 1). 070216BOD MOTION: Resolve that the BOD create a working committee involving the Councils (at least RadioPharm and C&I) to investigate the feasibility and necessity of curricula for training of scientist in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. 060601BOD MOTION: Be it resolved, That it is the expectation of the SNM Board of Directors that SNM leadership is the primary contact with industry in terms of introducing them to the SNM and the MI Campaign activities. The SNM Board of Directors is grateful to Dr. Conti for his offer to continue to be involved with the MI Campaign and hope that he will agree to continue to ensure deals are closed. The SNM Board of Directors recognizes that time off from work will be required in some cases and has authorized, for a two-year period, the for release time be paid to his institution for time off up to $30,000 to ensure appropriate funding from industry is obtained. SNM staff and leadership will negotiate the contact with Dr. Conti for his services. 071113BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to accept the Siemens Business Awards restricted fund and move forward immediately with advertising and marketing for the awards. 10 021608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the grant proposal supporting the creation of PET/CT education in programmatically accredited programs be sent to the MI Awards Committee for support, in proposed amount of $22,500. 080612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Board Expectations as outlined in (Appendix 63). 090611BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to revise the core values, as included in the SNM Strategic Plan, to include: “dedication to education and research.” It was moved, seconded and voted to revise the Big Audacious Goal to the following: 1.“Advancing” to “integrating and advancing”. 2.“SNM will be the leader of increasing the utilization of medical imaging technologies in clinical health care.” 3.“SNM will be the leader in advancing molecular imaging and therapy and integrating molecular imaging into clinical practice.” 4.The board also agreed to add the following bullet point to the vivid description under the B.A.G. – “increase the appropriate utilization of molecular imaging technologies in health”. It was moved, seconded and voted that Goal B: SNM will be the powerful advocate for molecular medicine, including imaging and therapy; be revised to the following: “SNM will be the powerful advocate for molecular imaging. SNM will be the advocate for molecular medicine, including imaging and therapy.” 090913BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to accept “SNM will be the leader in advancing molecular imaging and therapy and integrating molecular imaging into clinical practice” as the new Big Audacious Goal for SNM. It was moved, seconded and voted to hold an expanded Spring Board Meeting to include Committee and Commission chairs. 2010/0418BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to amend the 11 Mission to read ”To improve human health by advancing molecular imaging and therapy” It was moved, seconded and voted to change the core values to the following; honest and ethical behavior, integrity, commitment to optimal patient care, respect for all, foster inquiry and reflection, courage and leadership in the face of change, professionalism, commitment to excellence. 2010/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the strategic plan as presented, and prioritized by the Board of Directors. (Appendix 27) 2010/0720BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the creation of the Outreach Committee. 2010/0913BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the Levels of Competency Determined by Length of Training in Nuclear Medicine Article for JNM Newsline (APPENDIX 62) It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the Conjoint Statement of the SNM, ACNM and ABNM on Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges for Therapeutic Procedures Using Radiopharmaceuticals. (APPENDIX 28) It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the revised language for the ACR-SNM Technical Standard For Diagnostic Procedures Using Radiopharmaceuticals Guideline in Title and Section III of the ACR-SNM guideline. (APPENDIX 29) 2011/0121BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to add a new goal “Goal G: “Molecular imaging biomarkers and molecular imaging agents will be used as a part of clinical management and clinical trials” to the SNM Strategic Plan (APPENDIX 30). 2011/0122BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the ACR-SNM Task Force on Nuclear Medicine Training Report (APPENDIX 31). 2011/0211BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to 12 approve the 2020 Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Task Force proposal (APPENDIX 32). 2011/0602BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the revised committee structure and the committee chairs for the 2011-2012 board year(APPENDIX 33). It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to create 20/20 Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Task Force to investigate the future of nuclear medicine. The final proposal (including timeline and budget) will be sent back to the board for review and approval. 2011/0501BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve removing the current tagline, if the proposed name change is approved. (If there is no name change, then the tagline will remain.) It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the following acronym “SNMI.” 2011/0918BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the output of the task force in the form of the two scenarios. The best scenario is nuclear medicine remains a primary specialty evolving into a broader based discipline of molecular imaging, with partnerships and collaboration as necessary. The most likely scenario is that the field is advanced by dual certified (ABNM/ABR or other) professionals, who practice the broad based discipline of molecular imaging. 2011/1026BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM comment letter to the NRC. (APPENDIX 68) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Position Statement on Dose Optimization for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Procedures found under (APPENDIX 79). 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM/ABNM Joint Position Statement on Optimizing Training in Nuclear Medicine in the Era of Hybrid Imaging. 13 2012/0809BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to move forward with Task Force III in conjunction with the ACR. 14 Clinical Trials 050918BOD 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Board approves the establishment of a limited liability corporation (LLC) for the Nuclear Medicine Clinical Trials Group. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the request of the Committee on Pharmacopeia, Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council, to collect adverse reactions from various institutions and distribute them on the Nuclear Medicine Clinical Trials Group’s website. This should be conducted under the auspices of the Nuclear Medicine Clinical Trials Group, LLC. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to support the Clinical Trials initiative. 15 CODING & REIMBURSEMENT COMMITTEE 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve charging non-SNM members a $100 annual fee to access coding and reimbursement information via the SNM website. 060602BOD MOTION: The Committee recommends to the BOD that the SNM contribute $10,000 to participate in the upcoming AMA multi-specialty survey to improve the underlying practice cost data utilized to allocate Medicare practice expense payments. 16 COMMITTEE ON ANNUAL MEETING 030602 MOTION: To approve a $10,000 line item to pay honorariums for two high profile guest speakers to present at the plenary sessions during the 2004 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that for 2006: 1. All annual meeting pre-registrants be sent printed copies of the Abstract Book prior to the annual meeting 2. On-site registrants receive a printed copy of the Abstract Book; and 3. The abstracts on CD should be sent to all Society members with the May issue of JNM. 17 COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 960114HOD-ACC NOMINATION OF THE AEBERSOLD AWARD MOTION: 950212BOT-23 To approve the nomination of Kenneth A. Krohn for the 1996 Aebersold Award. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 1995 SNM CANDIDATES FOR AWARDS MOTION: To approve the following recommendations for the 1995 SNM Awards as submitted by the SNM Committee on Awards: The Paul Aebersold Award to John A. Katzenellenbogen, Ph.D.; The Mallinckrodt Fellowship Award to Fidelma Louise Flanagan, M.D.; Dupont Pharma Fellowship for Research in Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine to William H. Devlin; The Distinguished Service Award to Katherine A. Lathrop. 960112BOD-SPC NUCLEAR MEDICINE LECTURESHIP MOTION: 950610BOD-10 The Nuclear Medicine Lectureship shall be named in honor of Dr. Henry N. Wagner, upon completion of the 1996 Nuclear Medicine Lectureship. AWARDS COMMITTEE MOTION: To accept the concept of expanding the Luncheon for the Past Presidents to include the major award winners, but to table the final recommendation to hold a permanent type of awardees luncheon until the 1996 Midwinter Meeting, due to the following: a) the committee needs to review participants invitation roster and) the committee does not want this process to be executed in an ad hoc manner. 030405 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the ERF/SNM Alliance document. (Resolution, April 4-5, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 03062 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the establishment of the Cassen Lectureship Award from the Education and Research 18 Foundation and that the Scientific Program Chair, General Program Chair, and President will consult widely to determine speakers and awardees. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) next review date 2008. 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to change the term of the Awards Committee Chair from one year to three years. 060910BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Committee on Awards recommendation that the BOD increase funding for the Pilot research grants to $25,000 per grant. To fund this, the President will request the additional funding from the Education and Research Foundation. 070415BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that commercial support be sought for continuation of the Visiting Scientist/Physician Program Grants funded by GE Healthcare in 2006, addng to the program a component that would support a visit by a physician/scientist from the developing country to North America. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM will work with Nihon Medi-Physics Co., Ltd. (NMP), the sponsor, to establish and direct the Wagner-Torizuka Fellowship Program to bring young Japanese physicians to the U.S. for a two-year fellowship in nuclear cardiology, nuclear oncology or nuclear neurology. FALL 2004 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Scholarship, Fellowship & Grant Programs Frances Keech gave an overview of the program and ERF position. The following list of scholarships, grants and fellowships summarize the programs more fully described in the document “Funding Opportunities and Priorities for 2005” presented in the BOD agenda. These program descriptions were first discussed by the SNM BOD in June and have been revised to reflect the comments from that meeting. They represent the kind of support needed to advance education and research in nuclear medicine. Upon SNM 19 BOD approval they will become the fundraising priorities for the Education and Research Foundation. Name Amount Scholarship in Molecular Imaging Career Development Grant in CI Clinical Fellowships in PET/CT Technologist Scholarships in PET/CT Program Development Grant in PET/CT Research Fellowship in MI and Therapy Seed Grant in Nuclear Medicine Research Fellowship Stipends in NM Research International Fellowships in Nuclear Medicine $30,000 $100,000 $45,000 $10,000 $100,000 $120,000 $25,000 $45,000 $50,000 Minimum Number One One One Five $2k each One One $60k/yr-2yrs One Three $5k/yr-3 yrs Five $10k each TOTAL $525,000 Dr. Royal pointed out that the list summarizing the priorities omitted the travel awards at $10,000 (five awards for $2,000 each). FALL2004 MOTION: To approve the SNM Funding Opportunities and Priorities for 2005. 090206 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the following policy be adopted for the creation of Named Lectures held at the SNM Mid-Winter or Annual Meetings: All councils must submit proposals for named lectureship to the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) by July of previous year in which they wish to hold the lecture. The SPC will review these proposals and make a recommendation to the SNM BOD for final approval. (All current lectures held during the Mid-Winter or Annual Meeting shall be grandfathered in.) 2010/0604BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Awards Committee, in concert with the Scientific Program Committee, initiates a Hal Anger Prize based on one of the major research awards already offered by SNM. The Anger Award will be given every other year, rotating with the current Cassen Prize. A Hal Anger Lectureship should be part of the Annual Meeting plenary session where the Hal Anger Prize is 20 awarded; the lecture would be of fitting quality of the plenary session to maintain the quality of the plenary program. In addition, the Awards Committee, SPC and ERF will work together to establish the details of the prize and lectureship to ensure no confusion with the existing Academic Council Hal Anger award. 2011/0122BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously approved that the Anger Lecture be given every other year (alternating with the Cassen Lecture) and that the recipient will receive $5,000 as well as the opportunity to present a plenary session lecture. Further, the recipient of the Anger Lecture will be chosen by a collaboration of the Scientific Program Committee, the ERF and the Academic Council. The Anger Prize will be renamed the “Anger Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty” and will replace the “SNM Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty.” The awardee will be chosen by the Grants and Awards Committee 2011/0211BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the spending of the Bob Lull Fund, to the ACNM, in the amount of $4,300. 2012/0809BOD MOTION It was moved and voted to approve the SNMMI Grant and Awards Committee recommendation for the disbursement of the remaining $50,000. (APPENDIX 75) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved and voted to approve the Pediatric Investigator Awards - Majd-Gilday Young Investigator Award and Conway-Treves Senior Investigator Award. 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved and voted to approve the revisions to the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Berson-Yalow Award description. 21 COMMITTEE ON BYLAWS The Committee on Bylaws received notice of and reviewed the proposed amendments to the SNM Bylaws. As required by the Bylaws, notice of these proposals were published to the membership at least 60 days prior to the next meeting of the House of Delegates. The SNM Bylaws require a two-thirds vote of the House of Delegates to approve any amendments to the bylaws. 970209 MOTION: To approve the above-referenced Bylaw Amendments as submitted. (Resolution, February 9, 1997, House of Delegates. Next review date 2002 970209 MOTION: 000603 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Bylaws Committee be instructed to develop an amendment to the SNM Bylaws which would remove the structural layer of Commissions of the House of Delegates while retaining the current functional committees structure. (Resolution, June 3, 2000, House of Delegates. Next review date 2005. 010623 To approve the SNM revised Mission Statement. [if this action is approved by the House of Delegates, protocol to amend the SNM Bylaws, Article II, Section I, “Mission” will be subsequently initiated.] (Resolution, February 9, 1997, House of Delegates) Next review date 2002. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Bylaws Committee develops an amendment to permit the disciplining of members. (Resolution, June 3, 2000, House of Delegates) Next review date 2005 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that Article III, Section 4 of the SNM Bylaws concerning the discipline of members is changed as identified in Exhibit “B”. (Resolution, June 23, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. 22 062301 MOTION: To amend Article XII of the SNM Bylaws removing reference to Commissions and replacing those with committee as listed on Exhibit “C” with the addition of the Committee on Health Care Policy and Practice. (Resolution, June 23, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. MOTION: Bylaws language be developed designating the Board Of Directors as the governing body of the Society, and that language presented to the House for adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Approved June 23, 2001 House of Delegates. Next review date 2006. 020902 MOTION: To approve an amendment to the Bylaws, clarifying the institutional status of chapters within the SNM. Approved February 9, 2002 Board of Directors. Next review date 2007. 020902 MOTION: To approve the amendment to the bylaws concerning membership status and payment of dues. Approved February 9, 2002, Board of Directors. Next review date 2007 070531BOD 080215BOD MOTION: The motion was moved, seconded and approved to recommend that the SNM Bylaws Committee remove Annual Meeting, Commercial Committee names, and changing the Committee on Health Care Policy and Practice to Committee on Health Care Practice on the Standing Committee list of the SNM Procedures document. MOTION: The motion was moved, seconded and approved that the Chairperson of the Committee on Awards shall be the SNM Immediate Past President. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and approved that the Immediate Past President shall not be eligible to be nominated for a position for a period of 3 years. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the proposed amendment to the proposed Procedure change to read: The Immediate Past President shall 23 not be eligible to be nominated for an elected position for a period of 3 years. 080612BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to add the Speaker of the HOD as a voting member of the SNM Board of Directors. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the ERF President as a non-voting member of the SNM Board of Directors. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to add the Scientific Program Chair as a non-voting member to the SNM Board of Directors. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Commission/Committee appointments as outlined in (Appendix 22). 24 COMMITTEE ON CHAPTERS 960112BOD-NBA SNM BOARD LIAISON TO THE SNM COMMISSION ON SNM REGIONAL CHAPTERS MOTION: 950609BOD Be it resolved that the SNM President-Elect will serve as the official liaison to the SNM Commission on SNM Regional Chapters and chair meetings of the Commission. In the event that the SNM President Elect cannot be present for an individual meeting of the Commission, the SNM President will designate another member of the Board of Directors to exercise this responsibility. The meeting of the Commission on Regional Chapters should be so schedule as not to conflict with the official Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting schedules of the SNM President-Elect. REQUEST TO DISSOLVE THE QUEBEC CHAPTER OF THE SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE MOTION: Whereas, it is the unanimous opinion of the Executive Committee and of the polled membership of the Quebec Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, who are all very proud of belonging to the Society of Nuclear Medicine and fully intend to remain members of this Society, that the Chapter as such has no future due to the fact that any function it could assume is already very well covered by other local association, And whereas, the continuing existence of the Quebec Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine would merely generate continued wasteful exchanges of correspondence and other material, to the detriment of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charter for the Quebec Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine be revoked by the House of Delegates, and that the members of this Chapter retain the status of Members At Large of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. ACCEPTED. Chapter chartering process and charters for both incorporated and unincorporated chapters. (Resolution, February 9, 2002, BOD), next review date 2007 25 2012/0429BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to allow SNM affiliated chapters to utilize “doing business as (DBA).” Chapters will be able to utilize the “doing business as (DBA)” function for the foreseeable future. 2012/0608BOD It was made, seconded and voted to approve Puerto Rico as an honorary chapter awaiting the formal paperwork from Puerto Rico and approval from the Committee on Chapters and House of Delegates. MOTION 26 COMMITTEE ON CONTINUING EDUCATION Fall 2004 SNM Board of Directors Meeting Revised SNM CME Mission Statement In accordance with sound educational practice, SNM reviews its CME mission statement periodically to ensure that the mission includes the purpose, content areas, target audience, type of activities provided, and expected result of the program. To that end, the Continuing Education Committee reviewed the existing mission statement and submitted the proposed revised CME Mission Statement to the board for approval. MOTION: A motion was made to approve the Revised SNM CME Mission Statement. The motion was seconded and voted to approve the revised SNM CME Mission Statement attached as (Appendix 2) 060602BOD MOTION: Be it resolved that SNM Approve the Separation Of Education Activities and Commercial Promotion CME Policy.(APPENDIX 3) 090612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the revised Continuing Medical Education Conflict of Interest Policy be approved. (APPENDIX 34) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to amend the guidelines for CE applications to increase the timeline for Joint Sponsor CE applications from 60 to 90 days. Any application received after the 90 day deadline will incur a $300 dollar late fee. This change would be effective immediately. 27 COMMITTEE ON COUNCILS 960602HOD-IH DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR BRAIN SPECT IMAGING IN COOPERATION WITH THE AMA AND OTHER APPROPRIATE PHYSICIAN SPECIALTY GROUPS MOTION: 950212BOT-11 PROPOSED SNM COUNCIL ON CLINICAL TRIALS MOTION: 941008EC-17 To authorize the Brain Imaging Council to proceed with all due speed to develop practice parameter guidelines in cooperation with other medical specialty groups such as the American Academy of Neurology, American Psychiatric Association, as well as other clinical medical societies representing neurosurgery, geriatrics, internal medicine and the AMA. To approve the establishment of a Council on Clinical Trials. PROPOSED SNM COUNCIL ON CLINICAL TRIALS MOTION: To approve the establishment of a Council on Clinical Trials. 061502 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the formal dissolution of the SNM Radioassay Council. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 091402 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve a second task force with the Committee on Councils to develop a new model for how councils function in the new SNM governance structure. The model plan outline will be delivered at the 2003 Mid Winter Meeting. (Resolution, September 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007 012503 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the following four (4) Procedure Guidelines: Procedure Guideline for Brain Death Scintigraphy (New Guideline) Procedure Guideline for Palliative Treatment of Painful Bone Metastases (Revised Guideline) Procedure Guideline for Radionuclide Cystography in Children (Revised Guideline) 28 Procedure Guideline for Pediatric Sedation in Nuclear Medicine (Revised Guideline) (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 060911 MOTION: 060602BOD MOTION: Resolved, that the composition of the Committee on Councils be changed to include a) all council vice presidents (or president-elect or similar designation) as members in addition to all council presidents. b) the chairs (or Presidents or similar designation) and the vice- hairs (or vice-presidents or similar designation) of the Centers of Excellence Be it further resolved, that a vice chair for the Committee on Councils be appointed from among current council presidents. Be it finally resolved, that each Council or Center of Excellence have one vote on the Committee on Councils. SNM supports the document "Recommended Minimal Components of a Resident's Participation in a Radioiodine Therapy Case" as approved by the NMPD and the Academic Council Recommended Minimal Components of a Resident's Participation in a Radioiodine Therapy Case 1. Dictation(s) of Patient Evaluation -To include: A. B. C. D. E. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pertinent Medical History and Physical examination Summary of laboratory and diagnostic studies Impression confirming diagnosis and appropriateness of therapy Therapy options presented to patient Exclusion of pregnancy as appropriate Document resident’s participation in obtaining informed consent Document rationale for dose of radioiodine (size/wt of gland for benign disease; lesion histology, patient age, nodal/extrathyroidal involvement etc for neoplasia) Resident will complete a written directive that is signed by authorized user Document Radiation Safety Instructions / Precautions and Other Pertinent Instructions for Patient. Verify correct patient and radioiodine dosage, document dose administration, and the administration of any ancillary drugs (anti-nausea, lithium etc) Document plans for follow up patient appointment to assess response to therapy. 29 8. Program director/authorized user confirms that all items are complete and that the resident's log indicates satisfactory completion of requirements for a patient’s radioiodine therapy. 060212HOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the name of the Nuclear Oncology Diagnosis and Therapy Council be changed to the Nuclear Oncology Council. 070218HOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and vote to approve the new GI Council. 30 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION 061402 MOTION: To approve the Curriculum Guide for “Student Education in Nuclear Medicine.” (Resolution, June 14, 2002, BOD) Next review date 2007 061502 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the written curriculum guidelines for student education in nuclear medicine. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 091402 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve changes to the SNM Procedures realigning the Committee on Continuing Education, Committee on HealthCare Policy and Practice, and Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals under committees monitored by the BOD. (Resolution, Sept 14, 2002, BOD) Next review date 2007. PET Certification Dr. Maurer discussed that at present there is a need to establish standards for competency for PET by physicians. The American Board of Nuclear Medicine (ABNM) is unable to establish a certifying examination in PET. Legally, it would be best for an independent organization to create a certification program; certification is not achievable through American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) channels. Dr. Gelfand proposes the establishment of a working group to fast track an effort to establish what needs to be done, and whether it requires certification, other evidence of competency or CME credit. 012503 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to develop a program on maintenance of competency with regard to PET education. (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Curriculum Guide for Student Education in Nuclear Medicine. Fall 2004 SNM Board of Directors Meeting Cardinal Health Program Dr. Thakur gave an overview of the Educational Program entitled, Confidence in PET, which is currently sponsored by Cardinal Health. For the past three years SNM has had conversations with representatives from Cardinal Health regarding the need for education in PET and PET/CT for nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists, and referring 31 physicians similar to the Confidence in PET program. Within the infrastructure of the PET Learning Center programs SNM will incorporate 3 additional training opportunities to meet this need. The programs will be organized in accordance with ACCME Essentials and Standards and will be funded by an educational grant from Cardinal Health. Other industry supporters will be informed of this program and invited to fund similar educational opportunities. Virginia Pappas stated that the program meets the SNM guidelines on Commercial Support and that the contract needs to be finalized. Discussion followed about the need for making an announcement about the program. A decision was made to not make an announcement until a proposal had been drafted by SNM and agreed upon by both parties. MOTION: There was a motion to approve the Educational Program. The motion was seconded and voted to approve an educational program entitled, Confidence in PET to be funded an educational grant from Cardinal Health. MOTION: PET and CT Education Program,Dr. Conti made a motion for the board to approve a contingency access of up to $100k from the reserve fund for the education committee and staff to develop a plan including program, costs and revenue stream for a CT training educational initiative by December 2004. Once a plan is reviewed and approved by the board the intent is to return the money to the reserves as revenue is accrued. MOTION: The motion was seconded and voted to approve a budget contingency amount of up to $100,000 for the development of a program for a CT educational initiative. The Education Committee is to present a proposal to the Board at the SNM Midwinter meeting. 070601BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse the plan to comply with the MOC Part IV requirement in developing a project base curriculum to offer the membership assistance. 070929BOD MOTION: It was moved and voted to approve the revised Continuing Education Mission Statement as amended. (attached as Appendix 4) 080216BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the 32 SNM Education Strategic Plan. (Appendix 23) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM MOC Part IV Business Plan. (Appendix 24) 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to create a business plan and cost analysis of developing a standalone CT exam. Staff will report back to the board during the Spring Meeting. In addition, a small task force will be created to help staff develop the business plan. 090418BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors summarize the Academic Council comments in a letter to ACGME and include SNM’s position regarding the current program requirements. SNM’s position is: Current program requirements are inadequate for a Program Director to be able to plan a residency/fellowship program and for an ACGME site visit reviewer to be able to review the program. SNM recommends that the Nuclear Residency Program Requirements be revised using the current ACGME Nuclear Medicine residency program requirements as a guide. 33 COMMITTEE ON ETHICS 950212BOT-16 SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE: POLICY ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOR LEADERSHIP AND REPRESENTATIVES MOTION: 950210EC-02 To endorse the Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure Statement, as presented. The Ethics Committee recommended that the Conflict of Interest be kept in the SNM Headquarters for a period of one (1) year. The Executive Director will act as the gatekeeper of the Conflict of Interest Statements. CONFLICT OF INTEREST IMPLEMENTATION PROTOCOL MOTION: To approve the current disclosure statement as presented by the Committee on Ethics in Nuclear Medicine. APPROVED. MOTION: To request that the Committee on Ethics in Nuclear Medicine develop implementation protocol and record maintenance. APPROVED. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted, to approve the revised Conflict of Interest disclosure form and policy with the amendments noted above.(Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 010622 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Conflict of Interest Policy, attached, be approved. (Appendix 35) 020614 MOTION: 2010/0129BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted, to approve the revised Conflict of Interest disclosure form and policy with the amendments noted below. The BOD discussed the new form and proposed an amendment whereby the Board of Directors annually shall have an open review of the non-financial portions of the disclosure forms of its members and the summary report of potential financial conflicts prepared by the General Counsel. SNM's General Counsel was directed by the BOD to work with the Committee on Ethics to develop a procedure on how to handle compilation of financial disclosure information for the annual GC's report to the board, as well as a procedure manual implementation of the revised Conflict of Interest Policy. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve and 34 endorse the CMSS Conflict of Interest Document. (APPENDIX 36) 2011/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted for SNM to develop a code of professional conduct, similar and consistent with that of the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies, which will include a schedule for implementation. 35 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 960602HOD-07 FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTEER OFFICERS: SNM PRESIDENT, JNM EDITOR, OTHER ELECTED OFFICERS MOTION: To provide an annual stipend of $20,000 for the SNM President and an annual stipend of $10,000 for the SNM President-Elect, beginning with the 1996-1997 SNM Fiscal Year. To provide an annual stipend of $10,000 for the current SNM President, from the SNM President Contingency Fund. 960531BOD-13 ANNUAL BUDGETED CONTRIBUTION TO RESERVES MOTION: 960531BOD-06 To approve a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 1996 1997, including a contribution to reserves of five (5) percent (%) of budgeted revenue. Future Society budgets will be balanced with a like contribution to reserves until total reserves are equal to 50% of annual budgeted expenses, plus accumulated depreciation. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTEER OFFICERS: SNM PRESIDENT, JNM EDITOR AND OTHER ELECTED OFFICERS. MOTION: To provide an annual stipend of $20,000 for the SNM President and an annual stipend of $10,000 for the SNM President-Elect, beginning with the 1996-1997 SNM Fiscal Year, if requested by the employer and paid to the employer. MOTION: To provide an stipend of $10,000 for the current SNM President from the SNM President Contingency Fund, if requested by the employer and paid to the employer. 36 960413BOD-17 FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTEER OFFICERS: SNM PRESIDENT, JNM EDITOR, OTHER ELECTED OFFICERS MOTION: 960413BOD-02 To provide an annual stipend of $20,000 for the SNM President and an annual stipend of $10,000 for the SNM President-Elect, beginning with the 1996-1997 SNM Fiscal Year. To provide an annual stipend of $10,000 for the current SNM President, from the SNM President Contingency Fund. REVIEW OF 1995-1996 SNM BUDGET REVISION MOTION: To bring the Contingency Fund for the SNM President back to $25,000 and to reset the funding for the SNM President's reception at $14,800. APPROVED. 960112BOD-NBF SCHEDULING OF THE ANNUAL SNM BUDGET-PLANNING MEETING MOTION: To change the scheduling and structuring of the annual budget from April to September of each year, preceding with the Fall Meeting of the Board of Directors. 960112BOD-NBE FY 1995 SNM, INC. FINANCIAL AUDIT MOTION: 950610BOD-09 To approve the FY 1995 SNM, Inc. Financial Audit, as submitted. 1994-1995 AUDIT FIRM MOTION: To approve the selection of the firm, Tate & Tryon, to conduct the SNM Annual audit beginning with Fiscal Year 1994-1995. [Cf. Bylaws, Article X, Section 2D, Responsibilities of the Board of Directors: "To manage the business and financial affairs of the Society in accord with the policy approved by the House of Delegates."] 37 950610BOD-07 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND BUDGETS MOTION: 1. To approve the 1995-1996 SNM Budget as presented by the Committee on Finance & Budgets. 2. To allocate $2,500 to the ARR in a good faith effort to obtain representation on the ARR Board. The Society hopes the ACNP, ASNC, ABNM, and other Nuclear Medicine Organizations will also make a contribution in order to present an even stronger financial representation. 950609BOD-NB11995-1996 SNM BUDGET MOTION: 950408EC-01 To approve the 1995-1996 SNM Budget, as reviewed and revised. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE & BUDGETS: 1996 RECOMMENDATIONS BY HAROLD ATKINS, M.D. MOTION: All classes of members of the Society (only) shall have their dues increased by 4% for fiscal year 1995 1996, rounded to the nearest $5. 960602 MOTION: To provide an annual stipend of $20,000 for the SNM President and an annual stipend of $10,000 for the SNM President-Elect, if requested by the employer and paid to the employer, beginning with the 1996 1997 SNM Fiscal Year. To provide an annual stipend of $10,000 for the current SNM President, if requested by the employer and paid to the employer, from the SNM President Contingency Fund. (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 010210 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to require immediate notification by the Chairman of the Finance Committee at any point an anticipated Board action is in conflict with the current Society budget and to render an assessment of the pending action’s impact on the Society’s financial standing. It was further moved that the Finance Committee Chair give a report to the Board at every meeting on the financial 38 status of the organization comparing current membership, current state of SNM investments and reserves and notification of motions coming before the Board at that meeting which would impact the Society financial picture. 010929 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that a formal policy be established requiring a financial impact statement on any action taken by any SNM entity which would have a financial impact on the Society and/or its budget, and that the statement be submitted for review by the SNM Committee on Finance. 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted, that BOD approve the re-allocation of $25,000 to the SNM capital budget for these upgrades. (Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 020914 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and approved to institute a $20 registration increase for physicians, scientists and industry attendees, as recommended by the Finance Committee, for 2003 Annual Meeting. (Resolution, September 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 030125 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve an increase of $5.00 in SNM dues beginning with the year 2003-2004, and a process for similar dues increases every other year. (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: There was a motion to revise the reserve fund line item for 2004 and future years. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve including a line item in the 2003-2004 operating budget transferring .5% of the operating expense budget to the reserve fund and increase this line item amount in 2004-2005 and future year budgets to equal the savings of the mortgage payments until we reach the reserve fund goal of 50% of the immediately succeeding years operating expense, which includes depreciation. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 39 Fall 2004 SNM Board of Directors Meeting Discussion of the FY 2004-2005 budget included highlights from the Finance Committee meeting that took place earlier that day. Dr. Murphy reported that included in the Budget is a transfer of funds to capital fund, a fifteen dollar increase in membership dues, a $10 - $15 increase in annual meeting registration fees depending on category, a workforce research study and an increase in the SNMTS management fee to $780,000. There was additional discussion regarding the need to create additional educational programs on CT and PET. Expenses associated with these types of educational programs were not included in the proposed FY 2004-2005 Budget. It was decided that the topic would be tabled and discussed later in the meeting during New Business. 2004FALL MOTION: 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the draft revision to the Society of Nuclear Medicine Investment Policy Statement for Managed Corporate Account (the Long-Term Investment Policy Statement), attached as (Appendix 5). 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the adoption of the Short-Term Investment Policy Statement, attached as (Appendix 6). 050918BOD There was a motion to approve the overall budget. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the FY 2004-2005 Budget. Dr. Murphy asked the BOD to review the Business plans included in the budget packet. There was a motion to approve the Councils Business Plans respective of budget. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Business Plans presented by the SNM Councils. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to rescind the 2003 Capital Investment Funding Policy Resolution. The Finance Committee should consider a contingency plan and planned investment fund going forward. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Reserve Spending Policy (Appendix 25) with a revision to the last sentence of the first paragraph of the third page to read: “If this 30% minimum level is not achieved, no discretionary spending may take place. 40 060211BOD MOTION: Resolved, that the Board of Directors re-designate $238,000 from the Capital Fund to be used as a contingency fund to be increased each year by 50% of the investment returns as measured by the audited year-end financial statements. The mechanisms for spending these funds will be developed by a task force who will present the Contingency fund usage policy and guidelines at the April Board of Directors meeting. 060424BOD MOTION: Resolved, that the Board of Directors adopt the following spending policy for the Contingency Fund: Approval for spending moneys from the Contingency Fund must be obtained from the executive committee in writing prior to it being spent. This would include amounts of money up to $25,000. Any amount of money above $25,000 would need full majority board approval. Requests for expenditures less than $25,000 must be submitted to the executive committee for discussion and vote prior to the money being committed. These requests should be in keeping with the strategic plan of the society and help the president be more nimble and augment faster decision-making necessary to accomplish the goals of the strategic plan. A full monthly accounting of the fund will be reported in the monthly financials. This will include commitments made, amounts spent, the vendor, and the purpose of the payment. Any money not spent in a year would go into the Capital Fund. The Contingency Fund will be funded every year with any amount in the Capital Fund over 30% of the next year's operating expense budget, up to a maximum of $200,000. There will be a limit of funds available in the Contingency Fund of $200,000 annually. 060601BOD MOTION: Resolved, that the Board of Directors approve spending under the Contingency fund to engage McKinley Marketing to assist SNM with the branding process. They will use focus groups, surveys, and interviews to help SNM re-brand in the field of 41 molecular imaging and therapy. 060910BOD 070217BOD 080216 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted approve the JM Institutional Subscription Rate effective for FY2008 be increased a total of 25% above the FY2006 rate. MOTION: Resolved, that the Board approve that SNM not send the abstract books to the pre-registrants for the Annual Meeting. MOTION: Resolved, that the Finance Committee recommends that any additional work requested of the independent auditors beyond the audit and tax return filings be approved by the Board of Directors. MOTION: Resolved, that the Finance Committee recommends approval of the CEO’s and the President’s Travel and Expense Reports by the Treasurer on a quarterly basis. MOTION: Resolved that the Finance Committee recommends the SNM Board of Directors approve the increase of the dues for full members from $260.00 to $275.00. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to change the target and range percentages as presented in Section III.D. for two asset classes to: Asset Class Target Range Domestic Equities45% (55%) 30 - 70% (40 – 70%) International Equities 15% (5%) 0 - 20% (0 – 10%) MOTION: 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve that Foreign Bonds and the appropriate benchmark to the Asset Class shown in Section IV be added to the Investment Policy. These investments will be held as bond mutual funds, but subject to the target and range limits stated for Fixed Income Securities. It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM select the independent audit firm of McGladrey & Pullen to audit the financial statements of SNM, Inc. for the years ended September 30, 2008, 2009 and 2010 provided that the firm match the fee submitted by a competitor during the bidding process and rotate the proposed audit partner. 42 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Committee on Finance work with SNM Leadership to develop a long-term funding strategy that will sustain the society’s molecular imaging initiatives once the initial Corporate and ERF campaign commitments are depleted. This funding plan should be presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting. 090208BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors accept the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. audited Financial Report for September 30, 2008 as audited by McGladrey & Pullen. 090612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM/SNMTS management fee for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 be fixed at the amount budgeted for fiscal year 2009 of $1,094,637. It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNMTS Mid-Winter Meeting stipend be set at $80 per each paid SNMTS member and non-member technologist registrant to the 2010 and 2011 MWM. It was moved, seconded and voted that the CEO of SNM be authorized to enter into a computer equipment lease arrangement on behalf of SNM in order to comply with lending requirements of BB&T Equipment Finance Corporation. It was moved, seconded and voted that Section III D. of the SNM Investment Policy Statement be changed to add Commodities Funds (mutual funds and exchange-traded funds) to the list of allowed asset classes with a target and range of 0-5%. Further resolved that Section III D. of the Investment Policy Statement be changed to specify a range as the Target replacing the fixed percentage Target now presented. Target Domestic Equities 40-45% from 45% International Equities 12-16% from 15% Fixed Income Securities36-41% from 40% Commodities Funds 0-5% from Short-term Investments 0-5% from 0% 43 Further resolved that Section III E. of the SNM Investment Policy Statement be changed to strike the wording which currently doe not allow commodity transactions. Further resolved that Section IV. Of the Investment Policy Statement be changed to add commodities funds to the asset classes, with the benchmark index to be the Dow Jones – AIG Commodities Index. 2010/0604BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to amend the investment policy as follows: 1. Section III D. - add Real Estate Funds to the list of allowed asset classes, with a “Target” and a Range of 0-5%. 2. The “Target” for Domestic Equities and Fix Income Securities asset class in Section III D. of the SNM Investment Policy Statement be changed as follows : Domestic Equities Fixed Income Securities Target 4047% 3339% From 4045% 3641% 3. Section IV. - add Real Estate Funds to the allowed asset classes, with the Benchmark index to be the Dow Jones – All Equity REIT Index. It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Subcommittee on Investments will request proposals from investment advisors at least every five years, sooner if performance warrants. The subcommittee’s review of proposals will include no less than three qualified investment advisors. 2011/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the SNM Board of Directors accept the recommendation of the audit subcommittee to reappoint the CPA firm of McGladrey & Pullen to a three-year term as independent auditor of SNM’s financial statements. It was moved, seconded and voted that the allocation methodology for determining the SNM/SNMTS management fee for fiscal year 2012 be changed to 44 that recommended by the SNM/SNMTS Management Fee Task Force. 2011/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation be permitted to carry over funds from year to year up to $25,000. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation be permitted to carry over funds from year to year up to $25,000. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation be permitted to carry over any remaining Molecular Imaging Campaign funds into its budget for FY2012 and FY2013 to be used for CMIIT staffing and programs. 2012/0429BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve management’s recommendation to open a bank account for the new FSA with SNM’s CEO and CFO as signatories on the account. 45 COMMITTEE ON GUIDELINES AND COMMUNICATION 010623 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the following procedure guidelines be adopted: 1. Procedure Guideline for C-14 Urea Breath Test 2. Procedure Guideline for Gallium Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Malignant Disease 3. Procedure Guideline for Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy 4. Procedure Guideline for Guideline Development 5. Procedure Guideline for the Use of Radiopharmaceuticals (Resolution, June 23, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. 010210 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Procedure Guideline for Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy. 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve four procedure guidelines as listed below: Procedure Guideline for Gated Equilibrium Radionuclide Ventriculography Procedure Guideline for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Procedure Guideline for TeleNuclear Medicine Procedure Guideline for Lymphoscintigraphy and the Use of Intraoperative Gamma Probe for Sentinel Lymph Node Localization in Melanoma of Intermediate Thickness. (Resolution June 14, 2002, Board of Directors)Next review date 2007 020615 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Gated Equilibrium Radionuclide Ventriculography, Procedure Guideline for Mycardial Perfusion Imaging, Procedure Guideline for TeleNuclear Medicine and Procedure Guideline for Lymphoscintigraphy and the Use of Intraoperative Gamma Probe for Sentinel Lymph Node Localization in Melanoma of Intermediate Thickness as written. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, BOD) Next review 2007 FALL 2004 SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 46 FALL 2004 MOTION: Dr. Thakur reported that the Procedure Guidelines were presented at the June board meeting. The board is asked to approve the following revised guidelines: Parathyroid Scintigraphy, General Imaging, Breast Scintigraphy, Tc99m Examentazime, labeled Leukocyte Scintigraphy, In-111 Leukocyte Scintigraphy for Suspected Infection/Inflammation, Gallium Scintigraphy for Suspected Infection/Inflammation and LungScintigraphy. He reported that Pediatric is still in review. FALL 2004 MOTION There was a motion to approve the Procedure Guidelines revisions. The motion was seconded and voted to approve the guidelines. 070601BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for the Use of Radiopharmaceuticals v3.3. (APPENDIX 7) 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that to approve the existing combined guidelines in current format, and send a letter to ACR stating approval of the guidelines along with a request that ACR and SNM continue to work together with the ultimate goal of having a single document coming from both ACR/SNM. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve and adopt the five ACR/SNM 2009 Scintigraphy Practice Guidelines: Pulmonary Scintigraphy in Adults and Children, Thyroid Scintigraphy and Uptake Measurements, Scintigraphy for Inflammation and Infection, Cardiac Scintigraphy, and Pulmonary Scintigraphy. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for FDG-PET Brain Imaging, version (3.0). 47 COMMITTEE ON HEALTH CARE POLICY & PRACTICE 951021BOD-03 SNM COMMISSION ON HEALTH CARE POLICY MOTION 950610BOD-06 To approve proposed new activities of the Commission on Health Care Policy, as identified above. DISSOLUTION OF THE SOCIOECONOMIC COMMITTEE MOTION: To recommend that the SNM Socioeconomic Committee be dissolved and the functions of the Committee not being performed by other society activities be transferred to the Commission on Practice. 960114 MOTION: To approve the Proposed Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guidelines Reviewed and Approved by the SNM Commission on Health Care Policy (CHCP) and reviewed during Reference Committee Hearings at the 1966 SNM Mid-Winter Meeting, with the exception of the guideline on pediatric sedation. (Resolution, January 14, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 980201 MOTION: Review and approval of the Performance and Responsibility Guidelines for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist as revised. The Performance and Responsibility Guidelines for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist (1998 revision) submitted by Kathy Thomas, CNMT, President of the SNMTS and the SNM Practice Management committee. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 020914 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve changes to the SNM Procedures realigning the Committee on Continuing Education, Committee on HealthCare Policy and Practice, and Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals under committees monitored by the BOD. (Resolution, September 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. MOTION: It was moved, and voted to update the SNM 48 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. government relation’s list of priorities to the following: DOE Issues a. DOE funding for basic nuclear medicine research b. National Radionuclide Production Enhancement (NRPE) program. NRC Issues a. Energy Policy Act b. General Outreach FDA Issues a. Continuing solid relations b. Broaden the scope of the FDA NM coalition beyond FDA issues Increasing the sales of the Phantom Program (pursue contract with Dept. of Defense) a. Medical training/Residence Issue SHPLs (further establishing a grassroots network) It was further decided that a task force would review the medical training/residency issues and recommend policy and course of action to the Government Relations committee. 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM develop specific clinical guidelines/indicators for use in pay for quality performance. The SNM should work with other organizations where possible when developing these guidelines/ indicators. Be it further, resolved that the HCPP committee form a subcommittee to develop these indicators and report back with a draft by November 1, 2005. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM develop new or revised CPT codes that correctly reflect the resource utilization when PET and diagnostic CT are performed at the same time. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM develop a cadre of physicians and educational programs that promotes accurate completion of UC surveys. Board members and key committee chairs be included in this cadre. 49 Be it further, Resolved, that the HCPP committee develop a subcommittee to work on this project and also work closely with the ACNP on implementation. 060211BOD 060602BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to communicate to ICANL the need for increased emphasis on general nuclear medicine services and the marketing of ICANL programs. Should ICANL be unwilling or unable to fulfill this need, the SNM should explore other alternatives to meet this demand. MOTION: The Committee recommends to the BOD that the SNM support the coalition being formed to reverse the imaging reductions contained in the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act. This support should be limited to the use of the SNM’s name only until such time as we have further data on the cost of private practice exams versus the APC cost. Further, the Committee suggests reserving future support until the nature and content of the proposed technical amendment is available for review. MOTION: Given the increasing demand for practice accreditation in the third-party payer community and concerns for continuing patient safety, the Committee recommends to the BOD that the SNM support mandatory/compulsory accreditation by a recognized accrediting body. MOTION: The Committee recommends to the BOD that, pending the approval of the revised Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Guideline by the SNM Guidelines Committee, the BOD adopt this guideline as a draft document and share it with the other concerned nuclear medicine organizations for further refinement and the development of a consensus guideline. MOTION: The Committee recommends to the BOD that the SNM remain an active participant in the Access to Medical Imaging Coalition but not contribute anything financially to the coalition, thus forfeiting voting rights. 50 070217BOD MOTION: The SNM Health Care Policy and Practice Committee recommends that the SNM BOD accept the proposed radiopharmaceutical reimbursement methodology based on invoice pricing as presented in the attached document and direct that SNM representatives present to CMS this methodology. MOTION: The SNM Committee on Health Care Policy and Practice recommends to the SNM BOD that the SNM continue as a member of the Access to Medical Imaging Coalition. However, should an issue arise where we do not agree with the position of AMIC, the committee recommends that the SNM BOD retain the option to request removal of the Society’s name from the position paper. 080216BOD MOTION: The SNM Committee on Health Care Policy and Practice recommends that the SNM BOD establish with the SNMTS Leadership a joint task force composed of nuclear medicine technologists, pharmacists, and physicians to develop medication management and reconciliation processes that meet the existing regulatory expectations for adjunctive medications used in nuclear medicine. Further, the committee recommends that the matter of medication management and reconciliation be communicated to membership immediately as this could have potential impact on nuclear medicine departments. MOTION: The SNM Committee on Health Care Policy and Practice recommends that the SNM BOD form a group to work on developing a methodology and data to support an impact factor that can be used for advocacy. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Practice Standards Committee and PET Utilization Task Force be charged with developing the next guideline to be used for physician performance measures. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM commit to developing guidelines oriented towards what constitutes good physician performance in imaging 51 specialties. 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the ACCF/ACR/AHA/ASE/ASNC/HRS/NASCI/RSNA/ SAIP/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR 2008 Health Policy Statement on Structured Reporting in Cardiovascular Imaging. 090727BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that the SNM adopt the following position related to legislative proposals to increase the practice expense imaging equipment utilization rate assumption. “SNM opposes proposed increases to the practice expense imaging equipment utilization rate assumption and urges CMS to conduct research into actual utilization rates, particularly in rural areas, for imaging on which to base any change.“ It was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that the SNM adopt the following language as the official SNM position on the separate payment categories: SNM opposes the creation of any system that attributes the reimbursement for imaging services rendered to a separate imaging category or “bucket.” Instead, the reimbursement costs associated with imaging procedures should always be attributable to the specialty to which the referring physician belongs. For example, imaging done and/or ordered by a neurologist should be attributed to the neurology bucket. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that the SNM adopt the following position related to the Stark ancillary in-office exception. “(1) SNM supports no change at this time in the ancillary inoffice exception. (2) SNM recognizes there is concern about inappropriate use of the exception and therefore recommends increased transparency by requiring that physicians disclose to their patients their financial interest in certain imaging services provided through the in-office ancillary services exception and requiring referring physicians to inform patients in writing (at the time of referral) that the patient can obtain imaging services from 52 other entities, and provide to the patient a written list of other entities within a 20-mile radius of the imaging facility capable of providing the services.” 2010/0418BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve and accept the following statement dose reduction; It is the position of SNM that patient exposure to ionizing radiation should be at the minimum level consistent with obtaining a diagnostic examination. Reduction in patient radiation exposure may be accomplished by administering less radiopharmaceutical when the technique or equipment used for imaging can support such an action. Each patient procedure is unique and the methodology to achieve minimum exposure while maintaining diagnostic accuracy needs to be viewed in this light. Radiopharmaceutical dose ranges outlined in this document should be considered as a guide. Dose reduction techniques should be utilized when appropriate. The same principles should be applied when CT is used in a hybrid imaging procedure. CT acquisition protocols should be optimized to provide the information needed while minimizing patient radiation exposure. 53 COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS 960114HOD-NCC NOMINATIONS SLATE OF CANDIDATES MOTION: To accept the slate of candidates submitted by the Subcommission on Nominations. 950212BOT-NCC NOMINATING COMMITTEE MOTION: To endorse of the slate of candidates on the Ballot. 54 COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS 960112BOD-PCR JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE MOTION: 941008EC-16 That the Publications Committee consider an editorial change in the format of the JNM, requiring the content to be formulated as acceptable for outcomes analysis work and in a format similar to other medical journals. PROPOSED SNM NEWSPAPER MOTION: To endorse the "Recommendations of the Publications Committee on the Feasibility of a Society-Wide Newspaper". After discussing the report, the Executive Committee ratified the following recommendations outlined in the Report of the Publications Committee Recommendation #1: The Society should sponsor a Reference Committee Hearing for a potential Society Newspaper at the 1995 SNM Midwinter Meeting; Recommendation #2: The Executive Committee and the Committee on Finance & Budgets should assess the financial impact of any Society Newspaper; Recommendation #3: Results of the Reference Committee Hearing will be reviewed by the Publications Committee with a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees 960114HOD-04 PUBLIC RELEASE OF POLICY STATEMENTS, POSITION PAPERS, ETC. DEVELOPED BY SNM ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENTS MOTION: Organizational components of the SNM are empowered to submit manuscripts to the JNM or the JNMT directly, as long as such manuscripts are simultaneously submitted to the Board of Directors. APPROVED. Organizational components of the SNM are empowered to submit manuscripts to the JNM or the JNMT directly, as long as such manuscripts are 55 simultaneously submitted to the Board of Directors. (Resolution, January 14, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 010210 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that all existing policies prohibiting the inclusion of staff time, overhead and other legitimate direct or indirect costs in the costing and pricing of SNM publications shall be revoked. 020209 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to use a tag line emphasizing molecular imaging with the current SNM name. (Resolution, February 9, 2002, Board Of Directors) next review date 2007. 030621 MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and voted that the Board authorize acceptance of online advertising in JNM under the purview of the JNM Editor following the same management policies as print advertising. (Resolution, June 21, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030621 MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and voted that the SNM Board not approve the acceptance of online sponsorships and advertising on pending further investigation. (Resolution, June 21, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. FALL 2004 SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Virtual Journal - Dr. Thakur gave the background information regarding Virtual Journal. Roberta Arnold of RSNA approached SNM about participation in a virtual journal of molecular imaging. The board asked the Publications Committee to consider the issue and provide input. The Publications Committee recommended that SNM not participate in this effort. Dr. Royal indicated that he is in favor of accepting the recommendation from the Publications Committee. FALL 2004 MOTION: Dr. Conti made a motion that in light of NIH’s Open Access initiative, the issue be tabled for the time being. After NIH decides on its course of action, the Publications Committee should reconsider the issue and make a new recommendation to the board. The motion was seconded and voted to table discussion of the Virtual Journal until the Open Access issue is resolved. 56 Open Access Dr. Thakur explained the issue of Open Access. The current NIH initiative proposes that the public be able to access online, free of charge, any article from any scientific, technological or medical (STM) journal that discusses the results of research funded by NIH. All articles would be made available on the PubMed Central database six months after original publication. Dr. Thakur expressed some of his concerns, noting that Open Access has more negatives than positives. A draft letter has been prepared from Dr. Thakur addressed to NIH expressing SNM’s position. There was agreement from the board to send the letter. FALL 2004 MOTION: There was a motion to send the letter to NIH. It was seconded and voted to send a letter to NIH expressing SNM’s position on the Open Access issue. 060602BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM create a licensing structure for its journals and hire a consultant to undertake the scope of work described in the proposal. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM provide open access to JNM and JNMT 12 months after the date of publication. 070531BOD It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the JNM Mission Statement as follows: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine advances the knowledge and practice of molecular imaging and therapy and nuclear medicine to improve patient care through publication of original basic science and clinical research. JNM is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal published both in print and online by SNM, an international, multidisciplinary professional organization for molecular imaging and therapy and nuclear medicine professionals. 070601BOD MOTION: MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to extend the JNM Editor term for 2 years ending in December 2010 with his term being consecutive starting with his current term. 070929BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve that all guidelines be published in the JNMT and at the discretion of the JNM editor, a short summary be published in Newsline. 080216BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM’s journal articles be openly available to the public 6 months after print publication. 57 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) move to full color printing, with no increase in SNMTS expenses to offset the cost. 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the estimated net cost of converting the JNM to full color of $198,410, as estimated by the Publications Committee, be funded as follows: 1. $20 per year dues increase for the SNM Inc. Members (approximately $94,000 of additional revenue) 2. 5% increase on the 2009 institutional subscribers subscription rate (approximately $40,000 of additional revenue) 3. That the Publications Committee be responsible for identifying and supporting implementation of business activities that will generate the remaining revenue needed to fully fund the costs of conversion (approximately $64,410) 58 Committee on Pharmacopeia 080215BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to charge the Committee on Pharmacopeia with formulating a set of recommendations to amend 797 to be more adaptable to the nuclear medicine community. 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Proposed Revisions for USP Monograph on Ammonia N13 Injection. 2010/0129BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Sodium Acetate (1-11C) Injection Monograph. (APPENDIX 37) 2010/0604BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the document “Use of Compounded Radiopharmaceuticals and Adjunct Drug Preparations.” (Appendix 38) 59 Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals 2011/0121BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted to approve the document: “Recommendations for BeyondUse Dates (BUD) for Tc-99m Radiopharmaceuticals.” (APPENDIX 39) 60 COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 960413BOD-10 950609BOD-11 POSITION OF GENERAL PROGRAM CHAIRMAN MOTION: To appoint Paul H. Murphy, Ph.D. for an additional two (2)-year term as General Program Chairman. MOTION: To revise the PROCEDURES to establish staggered terms of office, each two (2) years in length, for the position of General Program Chairman and Scientific Program Chairman, with the understanding the individual appointed to each position will serve one (1)-year as Chairman-Elect with the current Chairman. MOTION: To revise the PROCEDURES to make the terms of these two chairmanship effectively three (3) years in length. The Chairperson of the Scientific Program Committee and the General Program Chairman will be named as Chairperson-Elect for a one (1)-year period along with the current Chairman, followed by a two (2)-year term of office as Chairman of Scientific Program Committee or General Program Chairman, on an overlapping basis with the General Program Chairman. APPOINTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM CHAIRMAN-ELECT MOTION: To approve the appointment of William C. Eckelman, Ph.D. as Scientific Program Chairman-Elect for a second term as Chairman, Scientific Program Committee. APPROVED. It was moved, seconded and defeated to add Scientific Program Chair as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.(Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) next review date 2007. 070217BOD MOTION: Be it resolved that the abstract book be sent to the Annual Meeting pre-registrants prior to the Annual Meeting. (Retraction to Finance Committee Motion 09-10-2006) 070601BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Policy on Stipends at SNM Mid- Winter Symposium will be changed to establish the payment of stipends as 61 follows: Funds in the amount of 7500 will be set aside for council stipends each year for the next three years beginning with the 2008 SNM MidWinter Education Symposium. The Committee on Councils will determine how these funds shall be dispensed among councils participating in the MidWinter Educational Symposium. This policy will be re-evaluated after 3 years. 2012/0429BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve Alan Packard, PhD as the General Program Chair-Elect (term starting June 2012). 2012/0429BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve Satoshi Minoshima as the Scientific Program Committee Chair-Elect (term beginning June 2012). 62 Comparative Effectiveness Research 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to support a strategic evaluation and the development of a cost-effectiveness model for using PET/CT in recurrent colorectal cancer patients. 63 ELECTIONS 950611BOT-AP APPOINTMENTS FOR 1995-1996 MOTION: 960602HOD-02 To approve the 1995-1996 SNM Committee appointments submitted by Peter T. Kirchner, M.D., SNM President-Elect. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE TO SERVE ON THE SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS The following were elected to the SNM Board of Directors as Directors-At-Large: Robert F. Carretta, M.D. [3-year term of office] B. David Collier, M.D. [2-year term of office] James J. Conway, M.D. [3-year term of office] Gary L. Dillehay, M.D. [1-year term of office] William C. Eckelman, Ph.D. [2-year term of office] Miriam K. Miller, CNMT [3-year term of office] Ronald K. Tikofsy, Ph.D. [1-year term of office] 960114HOD-05 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AT LARGE; IDENTIFICATION OF AGENDA TOPICS FOR MEETINGS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES On behalf Dr. Croll, who had to leave the meeting earlier, Dr. Murphy presented the agenda topic on the forthcoming election of Directors-At-Large, which was referenced earlier by Dr. Croll in his report. Dr. Murphy announced that eight (8) members of the House of Delegates were selected by lot, to form the Nominating Committee of the House of Delegates: Two (2) were selected from the 14 SNM Regional Chapters: Judith Joyce, M.D., Pittsburgh Chapter Kevin Donohoe, M.D. New England Chapter Two (2) were chosen from the 12 Council Delegates: Hani Nabi, M.D., Clinical Trials Council B. David Collier, M.D., Correlative Imaging Council Four (4) were selected from the 28 Delegates-At Large: 64 I. Ross McDougall, Ph.D., Northern California Alan D. Waxman, M.D., Southern California Gary L. Dillehay, M.D., Central Martin P. Sandler, M.D., Southeastern 030913 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the concept of on-line voting beginning in the 2003-04 election. (Resolution, September 13, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 65 GOVERNMENT / PUBLIC RELATIONS 960602HOD-06 ACNP/SNM GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE MOTION: 960531BOD-03 To endorse the SNM Board of Directors to respond to the upcoming [June 4, 1996] American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP) Board of Regents (BOR) decisions regarding the ACNP/SNM Government Relations Office. The House of Delegates directs the Board of Directors to develop strategic plans and budgets for the government relations program and report back to the House of Delegates at its next meeting. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE CONTRACT WITH MINTZ, LEVIN, COHN, FERRIS, GLOVSKY AND POPEO, P.C. MOTION: WHEREAS the ACNP/SNM Government Relations Committee endorsed the extension of the contract with Mintz, Levin,, for a period of six (6) months, beginning August 1, 1996, primarily for the services of Alvin J. Lorman, Esq. as counsel to the Government Relations Office. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the SNM Board of Directors approve a six (6)-month extension of the contract with Mintz, Levin,, primarily for the services of Alvin J. Lorman, Esq. as counsel to the Government Relations Office. 960531BOD-02 ACNP/SNM GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE MOTION: The Board of Directors desires the endorsement of the House of Delegates to respond to the upcoming [Tuesday, June 4, 1996] American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP) Board of Regents (BOR) decisions regarding the ACNP/SNM Government Relations Office. Such endorsement concerns Board of Director’s direction to both the Committee of Government Relations and the Committee on Finance to develop strategic plans and budgets in response to various ACNP alternatives. 951021BOD-NB1 SECRETARIAL SUPPORT FOR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN 66 MOTION: 951021BOD-09 ACNP/SNM JOINT GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE MOTION: 950408EC-02 To deny additional funding for secretarial support in her roles as Chairman, ACNP/SNM Committee on Government Relations: $1,000.00/month for secretarial assistance. The funding level from the Society for its 1995-1996 Fiscal Year for the ACNP/SNM Government Relations Office will remain unchanged. ACNP/SNM WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE MOTION: SNM will endorse an open forum with FDA. APPROVED. 941008EC-13 ACNP/SNM JOINT GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) MOTION: The Executive Committee unanimously endorses a paradigm shift in the way the ACNP/SNM Joint Office approaches Government Relations. The SNM wishes to add a legal arm to the strategic and tactical planning of the attainment of its goals. The addition of legal advice and implementation of action items should be added to the management of the RFP for the Joint Government Relations Program. The Executive Committee also reviewed the Proposal for a Joint Government Relations Committee in the context of integrating activities on a vertical basis with the ACNP and approved the proposal. MOTION: 960413BOD-04 SNM PUBLIC RELATIONS FRAMEWORK WORK PLAN MOTION: 960112BOD-04 To approve the proposal for an SNM/ACNP Joint Government Relations Committee. To support this program as submitted directed toward Oncologists, with funding to be addressed at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. PUBLIC RELATIONS CENTENNIAL MOTION: To allow Committee on Public Relations to conduct a 67 fund raising activity directed towards membership, affiliated organizations and industry. 951021BOD-11 APPROVAL OF SNM PUBLIC RELATIONS POLICY GUIDELINES MOTION: 951021BOD-12 SNM CENTENNIAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROGRAM MOTION: 941008EC-18 To table final approval of the "Society of Nuclear Medicine Public Relations Policy Guidelines," pending review and revision of paragraphs A(1), A(4) and B based upon the ACNP/SNM Statement of collaboration and cooperation referenced by Dr. Kirchner in his report. To approve activities connected with celebration of the "Discovery of Radioactivity Centennial," including seeking outside (non-corporate) grant funding, and to endorse the theme of the Centennial, "Nuclear Medicine: 100 Years in the Making." RBRVS UPDATE STUDY FINAL REPORT The Executive Committee reviewed the September, 1994 Confidential Executive Summary of the Harvard RBRVS Study submitted by Kenneth A. McKusick, M.D. After considering the document at length, the Executive Committee recommended that Dr. Conway confer with Dr. McKusick regarding promulgation to the membership. It was moved, seconded and voted that the House of Delegates approve the recommendations of the NRC Task Force with the inclusion of the following statement: “The SNM firmly believes that demonstrated competence in nuclear science should be the basis for education, training and experience criteria, and it lists the parts 35.290, .292, and .390, and the NRC should not define the criteria used to determine clinical competence in the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of radiopharmaceuticals and believe that such clinical training and competence criteria are best defined by relevant medical specialty organizations such as the ACGME-approved training programs and the ABMS sanctioned certifying boards.” (Resolution, June 7, 1998, House of Delegates) next review date 2003. 68 030125 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the project under the stipulation that funding to be identified comes from outside the SNM, and project is budget neutral for SNM, Inc. (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 060910BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the comments to 10 CFR Part 20, 30, 31 et al. Requirements for Expanded Definition of Byproduct Material; Proposed 071113BOD MOTION: 090208BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors ensure that the SNM Government Relations Joint Task Force address and respond to the Joint Commission’s adoption of the CMS’ Hospital Conditions of Participation (COP’s) into the hospital accreditation program. The SNM Government Relations Committee shall report any/all progress back to the SNMTS Leadership. 2010/0115BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Issue Brief of HR4371 as amended. It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse the government relations plan with the stipulation that the leadership would discuss possible funding options and make recommendations to the board for approval on the December conference call. 69 HISTORICAL REFERENCE 960413BOD-05 960602HOD-08 NUCLEAR MEDICINE ARCHIVES; REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SNM ARCHIVES PROPOSAL AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARCHIVES MOTION: To approve the concept of a combined organizational archive and history center, particularly with respect to the bequests of papers of nuclear medicine pioneers. MOTION: To approve the initial consultation of SNM Staff with Nancy Knight, Ph.D., former senior archivist, Center for the American History of Radiology. Consultation would comprise such topics as (a) criteria for archival selection (b) logistics of acceptance of materials (c) legal and financial ramifications and (d) site assessment at a cost of approximately $4,000 for her services for the remainder of the current fiscal year. MOTION: That the Board of Directors empowers the Committee on Archives to seek funding of the SNM Archives from the SNM Education and Research Foundation, as well as the families of Dr. Marshall Brucer, Dr. John Kuranz, etc. NUCLEAR MEDICINE HISTORY CENTER MOTION: 960531BOD-12 To endorse the concept to establish a Nuclear Medicine History Center at the SNM Reston, VA Headquarters Office. APPROVED. NUCLEAR MEDICINE HISTORY CENTER MOTION: To endorse the concept to establish a Nuclear Medicine History Center at the SNM Headquarters in Reston, VA. To endorse the concept to establish a Nuclear Medicine History Center at the SNM Reston, VA Headquarters Office. (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) next review date 2001. 050918BOD National Museum of Nuclear Science and History MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to form a committee to investigate financial and academic 70 consulting support for the new National Museum of Nuclear Science and History. The task force is to report back to the Board by the Midwinter meeting. 050918BOD International Museum of Surgical Science MOTION: 060211BOD It was moved, seconded and voted to refer approval of the request of $5,000 for support for Phase 2 of the International Museum of Surgical Science’s exhibit on modern medical imaging to the task force chaired by Dr. Zubal that is looking to SNM support for museums. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted, that the Society will waive the fees that the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History would normally pay for occupying a booth in the Exhibitors Hall in San Diego. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Society will donate a one page advertisement space in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine where the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History (NMNSH) could make the public aware of its existence in program offerings. The NMNSH would supply the artwork and design layout. The ad would be run every 3 months over the next 12 months. MOTION: MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM’s PR committee will send a written flyer to industry about the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History’s (NMNSH’s) appeal to manufacturers and other organizations for naming rights, sponsorship, and donation opportunities. It was moved, seconded and voted that during the opening remarks at the annual summer meeting in San Diego, an announcement be made regarding the establishment of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, with content of the announcement left to the discretion of the chair of the Scientific Program Committee. 71 HOUSE OF DELEGATES 950408EC-10 COMMISSION PROCEDURES AND COUNCILS TRANSITION TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES: NUMBER OF APPOINTED DELEGATES MOTION: 960602HOD-03 ELECTION OF HISTORIAN MOTION: 960602HOD-01 960602 The Society does not make any additional efforts this year to determine numbers of members for Primary Councils. The voting members of the House voted for the Historian of the Society by a secret ballot distributed at the June 2, 1996 meeting of the House. Dr. Dennis D. Patton was elected as the Historian of the Society. ORGANIZATIONS WITH NON-VOTING REPRESENTATIVES TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES MOTION: To invite the following organizations to designate a representative to attend meetings of the House of Delegates with the right to speak. APPROVED. American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM) American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP) American College of Radiology (ACR) Commission on Nuclear Medicine American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) Institute for Clinical PET (ICP) Society of Nuclear Medicine in Canada (SNMC) MOTION: Subcommissions of the House of Delegates to be designated unofficially as Committees of the House of Delegates. (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) next review date 2001. 72 MOTION: Members of the Committees of the House of Delegates serve for a term of three (3) years, with a maximum of two (2) full terms, with the terms staggered, so that three (3) are appointed each year with the understanding that the Chairman will come from one of the nine (9) committee members. Exceptions to the number of committee members are noted in PROCEDURES. (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 980201 MOTION: Be it resolved, that formal written reports of meetings of the SNM Board of Directors and its Executive Committee be distributed to the voting members of the House of Delegates within thirty (30) days of the regularly scheduled meetings of the House of Delegates. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House Delegates) next review date 2003. 000603 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the House 1) reaffirm its policy of authorizing the Board of Directors to negotiate and implement partnerships with organizations with strategic interests compatible with those of the Society, 2) that a House Task Force be established to recommend policies governing future partnerships, 3) that the House approve a set of polices by the next Midwinter Meeting and after consideration of the Task Force recommendations and that no new Board approvals of partnerships take place until the House acts on the Task Force recommendations. (Resolution, June 3, 2000, House of Delegates) Next review date 2005. 010623 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the President appoint a task force of House members to review the role and structure of the House to come back to the HOD with a report and proposed bylaws changes in an expeditious fashion. (Resolution, June 23, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. 73 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedures document as amended. (Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 020615 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Bylaws changes related to the new restructuring of the SNM HOD. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) next review date 2007. 020615 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the recommendations from the Task Force on Policies and Procedures. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) next review date 2007. 020615 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the revised SNM Procedures document. (Resolution, June 15, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 030126 MOTION: It was moved seconded and voted to provide the Centers of Excellence with two (2) votes on the SNM House of Delegates. (Resolution, January 26, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 090913BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to create a Governance Task Force to develop a plan for restructuring the Society and possibly eliminating the HOD. 2010/0129BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Governance Review Task Force recommendation as outlined above (APPENDIX 40). 2010/0130BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to form a new joint task force to review the recommendations of the BOD Task Force on potential restructuring the responsibilities of the HOD, the SNM BOD will retract its prior vote to send the BOD task force recommendations to the bylaws committee pending the new review by the joint BOD & HOD Task Force. 74 International 050615BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to table the proposed motion until the Board has adequate information on its financial impact, including if US residents are included in the motion. To approve that the SNM offer free membership to fellows and trainees of international nuclear medicine programs, for a two-year trial period. The membership will include access to an electronic copy of the JNM and JNMT. 050615BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM provide support for international meetings and programs. The SNM provide no more than three speakers per meeting in response to support for international programs and meetings. This support will be based on a predetermined amount per individual speaker and total budget. This support will normally be given only for major organizations and not regional programs and will be based on a firstcome, first-serve basis. The total budget amount will be determined during the budget development process, where the Finance Committee will recommend a budget to the Board. 050615BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM continue to provide support for in kind assistance upon request to international organizations putting together educational programs and meetings. The SNM will share its experience and expertise to international organizations on a case-by-case basis and within the limits of the resources that the Society can provide. 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM would support the following large international meeting (This support would be in the form of providing up to 3 speakers per meeting (which includes representation by Society leadership) unless additional resources are available.) 75 European Association of Nuclear Medicine Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Association of the Latin American Societies of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Asia-Pacific Conference 070216BOD MOTION: 070415BOD MOTION: 070929BOD MOTION: The motion was moved, seconded and voted to approve SNM giving a contribution of $5,000 to IAEA to support meeting expenses including speaker travel reimbursement. It was moved, seconded and voted to send a letter to IAEA stating SNM’s disapproval of the new Radiation Safety sign, designed and accepted by IAEA, as it will be counter productive to the principle for which the IAEA was formed and that is " to promote peaceful applications of atomic energy for the benefit of mankind. SNM believes that, if used inappropriately, the sign will discourage patients and public alike to undergo diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are based on the use of radioactivity or external radiation. It was moved, seconded and approved to continue the discussion between the SNM Leadership, Dr. Heinrich Schelbert and the CSNM to develop a proposed business plan. 76 LIAISON / RELATED ORGANIZATIONS 950212BOT-18 PROPOSED ACADEMY OF RADIOLOGY RESEARCH (ARR) MOTION: 960413BOD-03 SNM MEMBERSHIP IN THE ACADEMY OF RADIOLOGY RESEARCH (ARR) MOTION: 951021BOD-07 The Society will join the ARR as a participating member, pending identification of funding for its membership dues. ACADEMY OF RADIOLOGY RESEARCH (ARR) MOTION: 950609BOD-13 To resubmit a request to the SNM Education & Research Foundation for funding that portion ($5,800) of the full membership fee for the Society as a participating member ($18,000), which is allowed for 501 (c) (3) organizations, given the 43% of current year ARR funds associated with lobbying. ACADEMY OF RADIOLOGY RESEARCH (ARR) PARTICIPATING MEMBERSHIP MOTION: 950210EC-05 To approve, in principal, SNM efforts to participate in Academy of Radiology Research. Dues to be negotiated and forwarded at a later date. To refer issue to the Board of Trustees for its review and discussion. The Executive Committee will explore participation and cost for same, with the assistance of Dr. Alazraki. PROPOSED ACADEMY OF RADIOLOGY RESEARCH (ARR) STATUS REPORT MOTION: To forward a recommendation to the Committee on Finance that the Society contribute $2,500 for Society Membership in the ARR for review and recommendation at its Saturday, June 10, 1995 meeting. The members noted that they preferred that this membership be a collaborative membership including the ACNP, ACNM, ASNC, ABNM, ICP, etc. [3 Opposed] 77 950610BOD-05 SUPPORT FOR AHCPR FUNDING MOTION: 951021BOD-02 ACR APPROPRIATENESS CRITERIA FOR NUCLEAR MEDICINE STUDIES MOTION: 960413BOD-11 The Committee on Health Care Reform [Commission on Health Care Policy] recommends that the Board of Directors charge the Government Relations Office to lobby for the continuation of the AHCPR activities.. The Board of Directors approves the Society Task Force on ACR Appropriateness Criteria to be housed within the CHCP. COMMUNICATION FROM THE AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY (ANS) REGARDING THE NAMING OF ELEMENTS, ESPECIALLY IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE ELEMENT DISCOVERED BY DR. GLENN SEABORG MOTION: To forward a letter directly to the IUPAC stating that the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) supports elemental naming to include living individuals. 960114HOD-06 CERTIFICATION COUNCIL IN NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY MOTION: Whereas the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) recognizes the importance of ensuring quality in the limited practice of nuclear medicine and supports efforts to find a mechanism to ensure quality in the practice of cardiovascular nuclear medicine, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society communicate to the ASNC that it cannot respond by sending a member to participate in a certifying exam as described to the Society, but suggest as an alternative that the ASNC, the SNM, the ACNP, the ACNM, the ABR, the ABNM, the ABIM and the Residency Review Committee for Nuclear Medicine develop conjointly a mechanism to achieve quality certification in cardiovascular nuclear medicine. MOTION: To name a representative from the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) to the ASNC to communicate with them about this alternative recommendation and to be able to communicate back to the Society what they are doing in their discussion. 78 960112BOD-11 CERTIFICATION COUNCIL IN NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY MOTION: 951021BOD-05 MEDICAL SPECIALTY COALITION MOTION: 951021BOD-08 To join the Syncor International Corp. v. Shalala lawsuit as an intervener at no cost to the Society, pending expeditious SNM legal counsel review of any risk to the Society. WORLD FEDERATION OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE & BIOLOGY (WFNMB) SNM DUES PAYMENTS MOTION: 960114HOD-O1 Allocate $8,500 in the budget for Sheldon Trubatch to continue pursing the NRC, with a note that by passing this motion, the Board would be adding $8,500 to the budget deficit. The motion passed 6-5. SOCIETY "INTERVENTION" IN SYNCOR INTERNATIONAL CORP v. SHALALA MOTION: 950210EC-04 To increase the SNM level of support for the NCRP from $500.00 to $1,500.00 per annum, with recommendation for further SNM participation on NCRP Committees. SHELDON TRUBACH RETAINER FOR LOBBYING EFFORTS TOWARDS THE NRC MOTION: 951021BOD-10 To approve Society membership to the Medical Specialty Coalition, with a $3,000 annual budget, including membership fee as well as associated travel expenses for SNM Representative(s). REQUEST TO INCREASE SNM FUNDING FOR NCRP MOTION: 950408EC-NB1 To table further discussion on this topic. To approve funding for Annual SNM Dues on the WFNMB for U.S. Physician Full Members at $1.00 each year through the 1998 WFMNB Congress. INTERSOCIETY/INDUSTRY COMMITTEE 79 MOTION: 960112BOD-01 To accept the report of the Intersociety/Industry Committee, as presented and to endorse the mission statement and the four assumptions and report that underlie the whole process. INTERSOCIETY/INDUSTRY COMMITTEE MOTION: To approve the January 5, 1996 Intersociety/Industry Committee Progress Report, as submitted. 960114 MOTION: Whereas the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) recognizes the importance of ensuring quality in the limited practice of nuclear medicine and supports efforts to find a mechanism to ensure quality in the practice of cardiovascular nuclear medicine, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society communicate to the ASNC that it cannot respond by sending a member to participate in a certifying exam as described to the Society, but suggest as an alternative that the ASNC, the SNM, the ACNP, the ACNM, the ABR, the ABNM, the ABIM and the Residency Review Committee for Nuclear Medicine develop conjointly a mechanism to achieve quality certification in cardiovascular nuclear medicine. (Resolution, January 14, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 960602 MOTION: To name a representative from the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) to the ASNC to communicate with them about this alternative recommendation and to be able to communicate back to the Society what they are doing in their discussion. (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 960602 MOTION: To invite the following organizations to designate a representative to attend meetings of the House of Delegates with the right to speak: American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM) American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP) American College of Radiology (ACR) Commission on Nuclear Medicine American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) Institute for Clinical PET (ICP) Society of Nuclear Medicine in Canada (SNMC) 80 (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 970601 MOTION: To endorse the Health Physics Society Position Statement, “Radiation Risk in Perspective”, March, 1996. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE: Radiation absorbed does under 5 rem / y or a lifetime does of 10 rem over background is not associated with measurable risk. (Resolution, June 1, 1997, House of Delegates) next review date 2002. 980201 MOTION: Be it resolved that the SNM President appoint a special Task Force to prepare a timely response to the 1/30/98 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) draft rewrite of 10 CFR Part 35. This Task Force report will be transmitted through the Government Relations Committee to the NRC and subsequently provided to the House of Delegates. Submitted By : Michael D. Devous, Sr., Ph.D. (Resolution, February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 980607 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM will send a liaison individual to the Certification Council of Nuclear Cardiology. (Resolution, June 7, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 000603 MOTION: It was moved, seconded, but not voted that the partnership agreement with General Electric Medical Systems be rescinded. (Resolution, June 3, 2000, House of Delegates) Next review date 2005. General Electric Medical Systems be rescinded. (Resolution, June 3, 2000, House of Delegates) Next review date 2005. 010211 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Guideline son External Partnerships are adopted as presented. (Resolution, February 11, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. 030125 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse pursuit of concept for 2004 Basic Science meeting, and to include this concept into the FY2003-2004 annual budget. (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 81 060910BOD ICANL ACCREDITATION COMMISSION MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to provide a $25,000 loan to the organization for start up costs. 070216BOD AMERICAN BOARD OF RADIOLOCY MOTION: The motion was moved, seconded and voted to approve the American Board of Radiology Proposal for Accessing CME Data from CME Gateway for the purpose of assisting ABR diplomates in completing Maintenance of Certification requirements. 070415BOD 070713BOD MACNIS MOTION: IMT MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve that Peter S. Conti, MD be the SNM Liaison to the Executive Council of MACNIS. It was moved, seconded and voted to support the proposal to have SNM pursue the IMT merger. AMI/SNM Meeting in Niece, France MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse the collaboration with AMI/SMI on the Nice, France meeting. 070827BOD NUCLEAR MEDICINE TOMORROW MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse the Nuclear Medicine Tomorrow Meeting. 070929BOD IMT MOTION: It was moved, second and voted to approve the SNM leadership to enter into discussions with IMT regarding the proposal and possible relationship with the IMT and report back to the board by the first fortnight in November. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the five-year review process for representation in the American Medical Association House of Delegates. 071113BOD AMERICAN SOCIETY NUCLEAR CARIOLOGY MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse the ASNC “Clinical Imaging Prevention: Directed Strategies for Improved Detection of Pre-Symptomatic Patients 82 with Undetected Atherosclerosis,” and request that an SNM Cardiovascular Council be represented on the Part 2 committee. 080117BOD WORLD MOLECULAR IMAGING CONFERENCE MOTION: It was moved, second and voted unanimously to approve SNM’s participation in the WMIC as outlined above. 080730BOD 080614BOD 090913BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to request that ABNM begin dialogue with the ABR regarding Nuclear Medicine Training Programs. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to have SNM named as a sponsor, including an SNM representative and monetary support up to $100,000. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted for the SNM to support and become a part of the Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging. Advisory Committee on the Medical Use of Isotopes (ACMUI). MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to nominate Henry Royal, MD as SNM’s nominee to the Advisory Committee on the Medical Use of Isotopes (ACMUI). 2010/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that organizations managed by SNM should be charged full expenses for management. This policy should go into effect at the end of the existing contracts. 2011/0114BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve and endorse SNM collaboration with the Geneva Imaging Symposium. 2011/0121BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted (2 abstentions) to approve and endorse the Radiotherapeutic Foundation Project. (APPENDIX 41) 2011/0917BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to make donation to Image Gently campaign in the amount of $2,500 to support the printing and postage for the posters. Accreditation Council for Graduation Medical Education (ACGME) 2011/1121BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the 83 attached letter from the SNM to the ACGME regarding Therapies Involving Oral Administration of I-131 (APPENDIX 69). 2011/0121BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM comments to ACGME re: Common Program Requirements (APPENDIX 70). Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) 2012/0117BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the CMS Coverage with Evidence Development letter as submitted. (APPENDIX 71) 84 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE 960531BOD-14 ANNUAL DUES BILLING PROCESS MOTION: To implement an anniversary billing system for new members only, assigning staff the responsibility of evaluating and subsequent reporting on the financial impact and logistics of converting existing SNM Members to an anniversary billing system. 010210 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to accept the proposal to create an SNM membership category for corporate membership and that staff create a detailed corporate membership proposal for consideration at the June meeting. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve grandfathering all current Technologist Voting Members into the Associate Member category and close the Technologist Voting category to new applicants. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION It was moved, seconded, and voted that the SNM Board approved the new membership benefit / Wells Fargo – The Capital for Knowledge Program. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 090612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that Nuclear Medicine and Radiology residents have a free membership to the SNM, throughout their residency. This membership would be for the electronic journals rather than hard copy. It was moved, seconded and approved that Nuclear Medicine Residents from Australia and New Zealand have free SNM Membership during their residency as approved by their residency director. 090827BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to increase full member dues by $80.00 and emeritus dues by $10.00. 85 090913BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to institute a oneyear special membership promotion of 50% discount off first-year membership dues for full and associate member categories and a 50% discount on the member registration fee during SNM meetings for one-year for new SNM members (never before members) who are members of “related organizations”.“Related organizations” would include AACR, AAPM, AMI, EANM, ESMI, FASMI, ICUS, IEEE, ISMRM, RSNA, SMI, and SPIE. It was moved, seconded and voted to offer scientists in- training free membership. SNM will require proof of full-time student status from a mentor or program director from their institution. Trainees will get free membership, for up to three years, with proof of post doctorial training from an advisor. 2010/0129BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to change the associate categories to read “masters or baccalaureate degree.” It was moved, seconded and voted to incorporate levels of membership for a Scientific Laboratory Professional into the membership categories as outlined in the SNM Bylaws. Expand language in Full Member, Associate Members, Technologist, Affiliate and In-Training categories to be inclusive of all types of molecular imaging and therapy. It was moved, seconded and voted to institute a two-year special membership dues promotion of 50% off the technologist membership dues (current promotion would be $52.00) per year for Scientific Laboratory Professional (Technologist SectionSNMTS). This promotion will be reviewed in two years from its start date to determine if it should continue. 2010/0709BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the dues for international Full members be increased by $25.00 and mailing the journal to international members be reinstated. 86 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the transition rate for scientists in- training. 87 MEETINGS 941008EC-14 1995 SNM LEADERSHIP MEETING MOTON: 950610BOD-04 1995 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE MOTION: 960531BOD-05 The Executive Committee [Board of Directors] recommended that an action plan be derived by the Focus Group on Practice Issues and the Focus Group on Research and the Development. REVIEW OF THE SNM CALENDAR AND PROTOCOL FOR DETERMINING FUTURE MEETING SITES AND DATES OF THE SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS. MOTION: 960413BOD-09 To endorse the program as a matter of high priority within the Society along with a budget up to $25,000. To schedule the Spring, 1997 meeting of the Board of Directors for Saturday and Sunday, April 5-6, 1997. REVIEW OF THE SNM CALENDAR AND PROTOCOL FOR DETERMINING FUTURE MEETING SITES AND DATES OF SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS. MOTION: The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) will schedule the dates and sites one year in advance of the subsequent Fall and Spring Meetings of the Board of Directors at the end of each of these meetings. 960413BOD-GPC ANNUAL MEETING SAP MOTION: Request for endorsement of Standard Administrative Procedures (SAP) dealing with affiliated group meetings at the Annual Meeting. 960112BOD-NBC PROPOSAL FOR A PERSONALIZED MEETING SCHEDULE FOR PARTICIPANTS AT THE SNM ANNUAL MEETING TO BE SPONSORED BY MALLINCKRODT MOTION: To approve this proposal which will be managed by the Department: Meeting Services on behalf of the Committee on Technical Exhibits, while addressing concerns of the Committee regarding management of 88 this activity on the floor of the Technical Exhibits at the Annual Meeting. 960112BOD-GPC FUTURE SITES FOR SNM MID-WINTER MEETING MOTION: 951021BOD-18 SNM ANNUAL MEETING HANDOUTS MOTION: 951021BOD-14 Be it resolved that the Board of Directors support the production of Syllabi for categorical and CME courses at the 1996 SNM Annual Meeting, providing the cost can be covered by adjusting registration for such courses or sales of syllabi. Be it further resolved that alternative methods of publication be considered in future years. ANNUAL MEETING NEEDS ASSESSMENT MOTION: 951021BOD-15 The future sites for the SNM Mid-Winter Meeting will be located in the Southern sections of the United States. To approve a request from the General Program Chairman and the Scientific Program Chairman to conduct an SNM Annual Meeting Needs Assessment as identified above. FUTURE ANNUAL MEETING SITES AND MID-WINTER MEETING SITES MOTION: To move the site of the 1998 SNM Annual Meeting from New Orleans, LA to Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. MOTION: The Board of Directors directs the Department: Meeting Services to configure a conjoint meeting of the ACNP and the SNM in 1999 for Project Integration. 950609BOD-NB2 FUTURE ANNUAL MEETING SITES 89 MOTION: 951021BOD-16 To approve the future Annual Meeting sites recommended by the General Program Committee which include: 1) 2001-Chicago, IL, 2) 2002-Los Angeles, CA, and 3) Toronto, Canada. AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEM (READ WITH THE EXPERTS CE COURSES) MOTION: To review and to approve request for $10,000 $13,000 for interactive audience response system for four (4) continuing education courses at the 1996 SNM Annual Meeting. 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Annual Meeting Reimbursement Policy, attached as Appendix 8. 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Mid-Winter Reimbursement Policy as originally presented: Registration - Complimentary registration is provided for all speakers and moderators. Travel Reimbursement - All speakers receive travel reimbursement (Coach airfare with cap at $450, one night hotel and two-day per diem with cap at $75/day). 080614BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the proposed SNM/MICoE CV Imaging Symposium at NIH. 090612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the following travel reimbursement for non-member speakers presenting at the SNM Annual Meetings be approved; US or Canadian non-member speakers – reimbursement for one night’s hotel stay, $450 cap applied to other travel or lodging expenses, and complimentary registration for meeting. International non-member speakers – reimbursement for two night’s hotel stay; $750 cap for other travel or lodging expenses, and one-day complimentary registration to meeting (day of presentation). 2010/0130BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNMTS Executive Board approve the narrowing down of the sites, from four to two, for the Annual Meeting, and 90 make a recommendation, on behalf of the SNMTS to the SNM Board of Directors. Be it further resolved that the remaining two sites be presented to the Executive Board for recommendation, on behalf of the SNMTS, to the SNM Board of Directors. It was moved, seconded and voted to expand the site selection committee to include an SNMTS Representative (as determined by the SNMTS Leadership) for both the annual and mid-winter meeting. 2010/0813BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the revised Reimbursement Policy for CE Speakers at the SNM MWM Educational Symposia and ACNM annual meetings be approved. This will provide reimbursement for travel up to $500 and complimentary registration. It was moved, seconded and voted to change to the reimbursement policy in order to reduce the speaker travel line item by 15% (~$5,000). (1) All Categorical speakers, regardless of member status, will receive complimentary registration to the Categoricals on Saturday at the Annual Meeting. (2) All non-member speakers (US and Canada) for both Categoricals and CE sessions will receive complementary full registration to the Annual Meeting and will be reimbursed for airfare up to $450, plus one night hotel in an amount approximately equal to the mean hotel price (including taxes). (3) All international non-member speakers for both Categoricals and CE sessions will receive full registration to the Annual Meeting and will be reimbursed for airfare up to $750, plus two nights hotel in an amount approximately equal to the mean hotel price (including taxes). 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved and voted to approve that SNM will have a reimbursement policy for non-member speakers at the Mid-Winter Meeting (see attached). SNM will offer reimbursement for up to 4 non-member speakers. However, only 1 non-member speaker will be reimbursed for each half-day or evening session. To be eligible for non-member speaker reimbursement, a Council/Center must demonstrate that the proposed content area cannot be covered by a member speaker. 91 If the Council/Center requests a keynote speaker as part of the session, these speakers can be funded through the Council/Center budget and be reimbursed for their direct expenses including airfare, hotel, and ground transportation, up to a limit of $2,000 per speaker. Non-member speakers for the SNM Mid-Winter Educational Symposium will be reimbursed as follows: Complimentary meeting registration to all meetings at MWM; Airfare with $450 cap that can be applied to other travel or lodging expenses; Hotel reimbursement for one night's hotel stay in an amount approximately equal to the mean hotel price (including taxes, no incidentals). A speaker will be reimbursed for an additional night's hotel stay if traveling from the opposite US coast. Per diem with $75 cap to be used for meals, ground transportation or other expenses. A speaker will be provided with a second day of per diem if traveling from the opposite US coast. 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve a discounted fee of $20.00 for council/center members for physician’s categoricals. 92 Molecular Imaging Center of Excellence (MICE) 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Capital Campaign, Molecular Imaging: Bench to Bedside” 060910BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Molecular Imaging Center Campaign Strategic Plan recommendations, first year deliverables, and budget. (APPENDIX 42). 070415BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Molecular Imaging Definition as stated below: Molecular imaging is the visualization, characterization, and measurement of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels in humans and other living systems. o Molecular imaging typically includes two- or three- dimensional imaging as well as quantification over time. o The techniques used include radiotracer imaging/nuclear medicine, MRI, MRS,optical imaging, ultrasound and others. 070601BOD 070929BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that interested practitioners may join the Molecular Imaging Center of Excellence—and SNM—for a free 90-day trial membership. After 90 days, individuals will have to join the SNM as a member to continue membership in the Center. The trial membership may not be renewed. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that invited members and special invitees may receive a one-year complementary membership in the Molecular Imaging Center of Excellence—and SNM. After one year, individuals will have to join the SNM as a member to continue membership in the Center. The complementary membership may not be extended. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and approved that the SNM BOD approves the proposed curriculum (attached as Appendix 9) and for SNM to formally submit a request to the Residency Review Committee (RRC) and American Board 93 of Nuclear Medicine (ABNM) to consider suggested revisions to the Nuclear Medicine Residency Curriculum to incorporate more molecular imaging topics. 2010/0813BOD MOITON It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors endorse the Scientist’s Curriculum White Paper – with the suggested changes (APPENDIX 43) 94 PHANTOM QUALITY ASSURANCE COMMITTEE 95 PET CENTER OF EXCELLENCE 960112BOD-16 ICP REQUEST FOR SNM TO JOIN MANAGED CARE TASK FORCE ON CLINICAL POSITRON IMAGING MOTION: 960531BOD-07 While the Society is not in a position to contribute financially to this undertaking, it is willing to participate in the deliberations with the expertise of Society Members and that of the membership of the Committee on PET. PROPOSED SNM LEARNING CENTER MOTION: To endorse the concept of a nuclear medicine learning center and encourage Dr. H. William Strauss to develop a business plan for future review by the Board of Directors. PET Center of Excellence Peter Conti, M.D., Chair of the Task Force on the PET Center of Excellence, discussed the proposed structure and bylaws changes for this new organizational category within SNM. 030125 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to accept presented changes to the Bylaws creating Centers as a new organizational category in the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. (Resolution, January 25, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030405 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse thE PET Myocardial Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism Imaging Guideline. (Resolution, April 4-5, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to adopt the revised SNM Procedure Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Renovascular Hypertension v2.3. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 96 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to adopt the revised SNM Procedure Guideline for Renal Cortical Scintigraphy in Children V2.3. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to adopt the revised SNM Procedures for Hepatic and Splenic Imaging V2.3. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to adopt the SNM Procedures for Bone Scintigraphy V2.3. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Guidelines Committee will review Item C Page 3 and replace with a more general statement. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 080612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Referring Physicians Plan as outlined and to continue conversations around the Referring Physicians Plan with industry representatives. (APPENDIX 64) 2012/0128BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted that the PET Center of Excellence be permitted to carry over funds from year to year up to $20,000. 97 Political Action Committee 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM political action committee be disbanded and any balances in its account be distributed in accordance with the bylaws and rules of the PAC and in accordance with federal law and regulations. 98 PRACTICE GUIDELINES COMMITTEE Proposed Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pediatric Sedation in Nuclear Medicine Radionuclide Cystographer in Children Diuretic Renography in Children Renal Cortical Scintigraphy in Children Brain Perfusion Single Photon Computer Tomography (SPECT) Hepatic and Splenic Imaging C-14 Urea Breath Test Tumor Imaging using F-18 FDG At its June 1, 1996 Meeting, the Board of Directors approved the procedure guidelines, including revisions made at the Procedure Guideline Reference Committee meeting on June 1, 1996. The Board of Directors unanimously approved the guidelines be forwarded to the House of Delegates for final approval. 960602 MOTION: To approve the new Nuclear Medicine procedure guidelines (Resolution, June 2, 1996, House of Delegates) Next review date 2001. 970601 MOTION: To change the designation of the PD-1 guideline (urinary tract infections in children) to “no action”. (Resolution, June 1, 1997, House of Delegates) Next review date 2002. 970601 MOTION: To ratify the recommendations of the SNM Task Force on External Guidelines as amended. (Resolution, June 1, 1997, House of Delegates) Next review date 2002. 980607 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the four Procedure Guidelines listed below be approved: Procedure Guideline for Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy Procedure Guideline for C-14 Urea Breath Test Procedure Guideline for Use of Radiopharmaceuticals Procedure Guideline for Gallium Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Malignant Disease (Resolution, June 7, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 99 010211 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy Procedure Guideline be approved. (Resolution, February 11, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Therapy of Thyroid Disease with Iodine-131 (Sodium Iodine) 060211BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the edited language within the Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Guideline as it pertains to qualifications and MOC issues. The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the language as well. At the same time, the Committee recognizes that the guideline is outdated and in need of revision. (APPENDIX 10) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted, that the BOD approve the Procedure Guideline for Tumor Imaging Using FDG-PET/CT version 0.7 (APPENDIX 65) MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approach ASNC to discuss their newly developed comprehensive Nuclear Cardiology Guideline and decide whether collaboration with the SNM Guidelines Committee is appropriate. 060424BOD MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the Procedure Guideline for SPECT/CT Imaging version 0.6 060602BOD MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the “Statement on Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges for CT Performed in Conjunction with PET or SPECT.” If approved, the Committee recommends that the statement be published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (APPENDIX 11) MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the revised “Qualifications of Personnel” statement. Once approved, this statement will be inserted into the Guideline on General Imaging and serve as a reference in all SNM guidelines moving forward. 100 In each guideline, please insert: V. Qualifications of Personnel Please refer to the Guideline on General Imaging. No qualifications unique to this procedure are applicable. In General Imaging Guideline please insert: VII. Qualifications of Personnel A. The qualifications and responsibilities of physicians supervising and interpreting Nuclear Medicine studies should include: - current board certification (ABNM or equivalent as defined in the SNM Statement of Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges) - participation in MOC (maintenance of certification) B. The qualifications and responsibilities of technologists performing Nuclear Medicine procedures should be consistent with the SNMTS Scope of Practice for NMT. 060910BOD 060910BOD MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the “Statement on Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges for Cardiovascular CT.” If approved, the Committee recommends that the statement be published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (APPENDIX 12) MOTION: The Committee recommends that the BOD approve the “Statement on Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges for PET.” If approved, the Committee recommends that the statement be published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (APPENDIX 13) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Thyroid Scintigraphy v2.4 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Thyroid Uptake Measurement v2. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Scintigraphy for Differentiated Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Cancer v2.6 101 070217BOD MOTION: MOTION: 070415BOD 070601BOD MOTION: It was moved, second and voted that the SNM participate with the AMA Physician Consortium Group to serve as a lead organization on performance measures for myocardial perfusion imaging and FDG PET/CT for Oncology. Be it resolved, that a Subcommittee of the Practice Standards Committee be created to evaluate and recommend credentialing in various nuclear medicine procedures. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the elimination of Section III, “Examples of Clinical Research Applications”, from all SNM procedure guidelines. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Diuretic Renography in Children v2.8 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the manuscript “Consensus Recommendations for Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy,” jointly developed by the SNM and the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society. The Committee further recommends that the consensus document be published in an upcoming issue of JNM. (Appendix 14) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM BOD begin work on developing practice standards for the following three areas: Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy (conjointly with the GI Council and the American Motility Society) Hybrid Cardiac Imaging (conjointly with the ACR, ASNC and ACC) Radioimmunotherapy for lymphoma (conjointly with ASTRO, ASCO and ASH) 070713BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approved the recommendations from the joint SNM/ASCO PET/CT Panel entitled, “Recommendations of the use of FDG (fluorine-18), PET in Oncology”. 102 2011/0918 BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Practice Guideline for Parathyroid Scintigraphy V4.0. (APPENDIX 66) 2011/1026 BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted to approve the SNM Practice Guideline for Dopamine Transporter Imaging with 123I-Ioflupane SPECT V1.0. (APPENDIX 67) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to refer the EANM Guideline for MIBG Therapy back to the Procedure Guidelines Committee to discuss and include language addressing the issue of nonapproved applications in the United States. 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Guideline for Brain Death Scintigraphy V2.0. (APPENDIX 76) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Guideline for Therapies of Thyroid Disease. (APPENDIX 77) . 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM-EANM Guideline for Guideline Development. (APPENDIX 78) 103 Procedure Guidelines Committee 020612 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the BOD approves the Procedure for SNM Review of External Procedure and Practice Guidelines. 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Procedure Guideline. 090206 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the revised Procedure Guideline for Adult Solid Meal Gastric Emptying Study, version (2.0). It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Procedure Guideline for Brain Perfusion Single Photon Computed Tomography (SPECT) Using Tc-99m Radiopharmaceuticals. 090126BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve and endorse the “Appropriate Use Criteria for Cardiac Raionuclide Imaging.” 090612BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approved and endorse the ASNC PET Myocardial Perfusion and Metabolism Clinical Imaging Guideline. 2010/0130BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the new Procedure Guideline for Guideline Development v 4.0. It was moved and voted to approve the new Procedure Guideline for General Imaging v 4.0 as amended. (APPENDIX 44) It was moved, seconded and voted to approve and accept the five collaborative guidelines developed with ACR; 1.ACR-SNM-SPR Practice Guideline for the Performance of Adult and Pediatric Radionuclide Cystograpy; 2. ACR-ASTRO-SNM Practice Guideline for the Performance of Therapy of Unsealed Radiopharmaceutical Sources; 3. ACRSNM-SPR Practice Guideline for the Performance of 104 Liver/Spleen Scintigraphy; 4. ACR-SNM-SPR Practice Guideline for the Performance of Tumor Scintigraphy (with Gamma Cameras); 5. ACR-SNMSPR Practice Guideline for the Performance of Gastrointestinal Scintigraphy, as amended. 2010/0417BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve adding the qualification of personnel in the guideline on general imaging guideline” All nuclear medicine examinations should be performed under the supervision of and interpreted by a physicians certified in Nuclear Medicine or Nuclear Radiology by the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, the American Board of Radiology, the Royal College des medicines due Quebec, or the equivalent .In addition, the physician should participate in maintenance of certification in the field of nuclear medicine.” It was moved, seconded and voted to allow SNM Leadership to develop a plan regarding qualifications for interpreting nuclear medicine studies, to take to the third party payers. 2010/0604BOD 2010/09113BOD 2010/0912BOD 2010/1210BOD MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve all four guidelines; SNM Procedure Guideline on Breast Scintigraphy with Breast-Specific Gamma Cameras, SNM Procedure Guideline for Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy, SNM Procedure Guideline for Sodium 18-F-Fluoride PET/CT Bone Scans, and SNM Procedure Guideline for General Imaging V5.0. (Appendix 26, 59, 60 and 61) It was moved, seconded and voted to amend a section of the general imaging guidelines – from examples of clinical and research indications to common clinical indications. It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve and endorse the North American Consensus Guideline for Administered Radiopharmaceutical Activities in Children. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the 105 proposal (and budget) to evaluate half dose protocol for Nuclear Cardiology Scan. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve and endorse the ATA Hyperthyroidism Management Guideline (APPENDIX 45). 2011/0114BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the revised Credentialing Statement (APPENDIX 46). 2011/0211BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to table the approval the ACR-SNM Technical Standard for Procedures Using Radiopharmaceutical Guideline as amended (APPENDIX 47). 2011/0311BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Cardiovascular Council position paper on radiation exposure (APPENDIX 48). 2011/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the ACR SNM Technical Standard for Procedures Using Radiopharmaceuticals. (APPENDIX 50). 2011/0719BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Practice Guideline for Lung Scintigraphy V4.0 with the requested changes (APPENDIX 51). It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Practice Guideline for Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy V2.0 (APPENDIX 52). 2012/0320BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted to approve the EANM Guideline for I-131 and I-123 MIBG Scintigraphy. (APPENDIX 72) 2011/0320BOD MOTION It was moved and unanimously voted to approve the EANM Guideline for Radioimmunotherpay (Zevalin) with a comment added: "Pretherapeutic imaging with 111In-ibritumomab tiuxetan is no longer mandatory in the United States" (APPENDIX 73) 106 PROFESSIONAL POLICES 960112BOD-12 SNM DIRECTORS AND LIABILITY COVERAGE MOTION: To approve the following agenda topic for the 1996 SNM Annual Business Meeting: RESOLVED, that an additional article be added to the Articles of Incorporation of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) as Article VIII: ARTICLE VIII Limitation of Liability The directors and officers of the Society shall have no personal liability for monetary damages to the Society or its members for their conduct as directors or officers, provided, that the liability of directors and officers shall not be limited for acts or omissions that involve intentional misconduct by them or a knowing violation of law, an unlawful distribution or a benefit in money, property or services to which they are not legally entitled. 980607 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that a task force be formed to revise the Statement on Credentialing and Delineation of Privileges and that it be a continue to be co-joint statement that other organizations would also endorse. (Resolution, June 7, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. SNMTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT Ms. Clarke reported on the activities of the SNMTS since the last meeting. She specifically mentioned the efforts of the SNMTS in identifying the minimum requirements for entry level into the profession of the nuclear medicine technology and advanced practice. She asked the BOD to approve the Scope of Practice document contained in the packet. The BOD approved the following motion. 020209 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Scope of Practice document. (Resolution, February 9, 2002, Board Of Directors) Next review date 2007. 107 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the BOD approves the Procedure for SNM Review of External Procedure and Practice Guidelines.(Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the 2003 version of Essentials and Guidelines for an Accredited Educational Program for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist as presented by the JRCNMT. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the Performance and Responsibility Guidelines for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist (Revision 2003) be adopted to include the Errata as presented at the meeting. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 2012/0515BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the paper and send it to ABNM to request that they sign-on. If ABNM does not approve or wishes to make major changes, their name will be removed from the document. (APPENDIX 74) 108 RADAR 070713BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that the issue (establishing a committee seeking $10,000) be tabled and the proposal be referred to the Restructuring Task Force to evaluate how to make most effective use of this proposal in terms of organizational structure. 109 RadioImmunotherapy (RIT) 050918BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve acceptance of an unrestricted educational grant from Biogen IDEC to launch a national program to: Develop educational and organizational materials to foster the spread and increased utilization of RIT. Develop a database of those centers that have experience in the use of radiopharmaceuticals for RIT. 110 SNM/ EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION 030405 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the ERF/SNM Alliance document. (Resolution, April 4-5, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. 2010/0912BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the relationship of SNM with ERF as currently organized should be guided by the following principles: 1.Identification of fundraising needs is developed and approved by SNM with input from ERF. 2.Corporate fundraising is done by SNM, with help from ERF when requested. 3.Grants from ERF are unrestricted funds for education and research, unless the donor specifically designates the purposes 4.SNM supports a strategic integration merger of ERF with SNM. It was moved, seconded and voted to: 1. Task force will be formed, 3 from SNM and 3 from ERF)(including 1 tech each), along with Bob, Teri and Virginia. To discuss how we can better fundraise together. 2.SNM with the input of ERF will identify a demonstration project. Suggested Timeline: The demonstration project should be identified by December 1. 3.The SNM BOD will review the ERF alliance agreement document including ERF management – ERF will update alliance agreement to move toward a definite long term structure. 2011/0501BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Named Award Guidelines. (APPENDIX 53) 111 TASK FORCES 951021BOD-06 RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS MOTION: 950611BOD-09 ISOTOPE AVAILABILITY COMMITTEE MOTION: 950610BOD-08 To retain the SNM Task Force on Radiopharmaceuticals and to engage in the process to establish it as a Commission of the Society. The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) strongly supports funding for the NBTF project. Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) also urges augmentation of funding to support the Medical Applications Program. APPROVED. ISOTOPE AVAILABILITY COMMITTEE MOTION: The SNM is vehemently opposed to DOE using funds from the medical application research budget to fund further conceptual design studies for the NBTF from either FY 1995 or FY 1996 allocations. APPROVED. MOTION: The DOE should make every effort to identify funding that does not come out of medical application research funds, to execute the NBTF project. APPROVED. 960114 MOTION: To accept the report of the Intersociety/Industry Committee, as presented and to endorse the mission statement and the four assumptions and report that underlie the whole process. (Resolution, January 14, 1996, House of Delegates) next review date 2001. 980201 MOTION: To approve SNM’s response to the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) final rule regarding physician supervision guidelines with the following amendment to the document proposed at the House of Delegates Meeting in Las Vegas: Changing the word from “may” to “can” on the submitted Physician Supervision Task Force Guideline document. Submitted by : Ronald T. Tikofsky, Ph.D. (Resolution, 112 February 1, 1998, House of Delegates) Next review date 2003. 010211 010622 020614 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to modify Goal #4 of the SNM Strategic Plan in the following manner: Item #2 be deleted Item #6 be deleted Item #3 is reworded to exclude the phrases “regulatory agencies” and “enhanced monitoring of federal activities.” Dr. Links will forward items 2, 6 and portions of 3 that have been deleted to the ACNP for follow-up and report back to the SNM. (Resolution, February 11, 2001, House of Delegates) Next review date 2006. MOTION: It was moved, and seconded to adopt the following formula for allocating expenses and revenues in support of the Technologist Section: 1. The management fee will be eliminated and the Technologist Section budget will be based on actual expenditures and revenues for both the direct and allocated activities, with the allocated activities based on current percentages. 2. Additional expenditures approved by the SNM Board of Directors that were not part of the joint SNM/SNMTS approved budget process will not be charged to the Technologist Section, unless they willingly agree to the charge and were part of the generation of the expenditure, in that current budget year – even if they were allocated activities. 3. The allocation formula will be adjusted as needed based on an annual review by both the SNM and SNMTS financial committees. 4. This will begin with the 2001-2002-budget year. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and approved for Dr.Gelfand to establish a task force to investigate methods for cooperating with other affiliated organizations and representative groups. (Resolution June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. 113 030620 MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to develop a task force to develop a strategic plan for government relation’s activities to help guide the selection of firms. (Resolution, June 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to direct the President to appoint a task force to develop a new organizational component, with particular emphasis on setting up a PET organization based on the guidelines from the working group. (Resolution, September 14, 2002, Board of Directors) Next review date 2007. MOTION: Approval of Advanced Practice Nuclear Medicine Technologist There was a motion to approve the development of an Advanced Practice Technologist in Nuclear Medicine; seconded. A friendly amendment was suggested – establish task force to investigate further; seconded and discussion. There was a Call to Question; seconded and approved with two (2) opposed. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to support the establishment of a task force to explore the establishment of a middle level provider in nuclear medicine known as the Advanced Practice Nuclear Medicine Technologist. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. MOTION: It was voted, seconded, and approved that the SNM Board approve the establishment of a task force to work with various committees to explore educational needs internationally and develop a comprehensive program. (Resolution, June 20, 2003, Board of Directors) Next review date 2008. FALL 2004 SNM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NRP Task Force - Dr. Thakur asked the BOD to review the outline, timeline and position included in the BOD agenda packets to begin work towards congressional support for a National Isotope Program. The BOD approved the following motion: MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Task Force’s outline of activities to begin work 114 towards congressional support for a National Isotope Program as attached in (Appendix 15). 060211BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the proposal of the Technologist Section Management Fee Task Force as recommended in their report to the National Council. (Appendix 16) 115 Young Professionals Committee 090206 MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the conversion of the Young Professionals Committee to a Standing Committee of the BOD of the SNM. 116 SNMMI-TS 050617BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the endorsement of baccalaureate level degree as entry level for nuclear medicine technologists by 2015. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the motion as amended, to endorse the establishment of a middle level provider in nuclear medicine known as the nuclear medicine practitioner. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to endorse that individuals practicing nuclear medicine technology, as defined under the scope of practice of a nuclear medicine technologist, must hold credentials given by a nationally recognized certification body in nuclear medicine, or be recognized by state licensure in order to practice nuclear medicine technology. 060211BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM approve the proposed Core Curriculum to meet the preprofessional educational requirements of NMT programs. Given the time necessary to complete the Core Curriculum and the NMT professional curriculum, this would result in the necessity of NMTs having a minimum of a 4 year degree for entry into the field. The resolution approving the Entry-Level requirements was approved by the SNMTS Executive Committee and the SNMBOD in June 2005. (Appendix 17) 060602BOD MOTION: Be it resolved that SNM Approve the Revised Core Competencies for the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner. The resolution approving the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner was approved in June 2005; the resolution approving the first draft of the Core Competencies was approved in February 2006. (APPENDIX 18) 070531BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and voted that the SNM and SNMTS incoming Presidents’ will discuss shortening the time spent at the annual meeting 117 and come up with a formal plan to fix the schedule and report back to the SNM Board at the September BOD meeting. 070601BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded approve the SNMTS Scope of Practice. (APPENDIX 19) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNMTS Strategic Plan. (APPENDIX 20) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve that the Professional Curriculum to meet the professional portion of the NMT curriculum with the understanding that the final professional curriculum will be distributed, with supporting materials, for approval at the June 2008 Executive Board meeting. (APPENDIX 21) 080117BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the title of Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate as the professional title for the technologist advanced practice position. 080614BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that beginning October 1, 2008, the SNMTS will begin full participation in the investment return (loss) of the SNM Capital Fund. The SNMTS capital fund assets will be invested in accordance with the investment policy of SNM. The SNMTS capital assets will not be segregated into their own account, but held as part of the overall SNM Capital Fund assets. MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate curriculum as amended. (APPENDIX 54) MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the BS Entry Level Curriculum. (APPENDIX 55) 090126BOD MOTION: It was moved, seconded and voted that SNM Support Senate Bill 79 – “An Act to Regulate Radiologists Assistants, Radiology Practitioner Assistants and Nuclear Medicine Advanced 118 Associates; and For Other Purposes as written. 090418BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the NMAA Roles and Responsibilities document (APPENDIX 56) 090912BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded, and voted to endorse the development of nuclear medicine practice models for physician/technologist partnerships, which will improve the quality of studies within nuclear medicine and ultimately, patient care. 090913BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted that the SNM Board of Directors approve the final draft of the Accreditation Standards for Nuclear Medicine Technologist Education, revised in 2009. 2010/0130BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the NMAA Scope of Practice. (APPENDIX 57) 2011/0603BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the revised NMT Scope of Practice. (APPENDIX 58) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Performance Standards. (APPENDIX 80) 2012/0608BOD MOTION It was moved, seconded and voted to approve adding the PDEF to the SNM, Inc. membership renewal notices. 119