HEPATOBILIARY DISEASES INFECTONS SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY lek. Kazimierz Kowalski HEPATOBILIARY DISEASES Hepatitis Cholestasis in Pregnancy Cholelitiasis in Pregnancy Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy HEPATITIS Main cause of jaundice(bilirubin>4 mg/%) during pregnancy. Types: A B C E HEPATITIS VIRALIS TYPE A(HAV) This type is speard by ingestion of contaminated food or water and fecal-oral transmission. Approximately 10% of cases of hepatitis in pregnancy, incubation 15-50 days, symthoms are often vague. Pregnant woman exposed can be given Gamma-globulin. HEPATITIS VIRALIS TYPE B The most common hepatitis in pregnancy(80% of cases). It is speard by infected blood or percutaneous/permucosal routes. Serum include elevated transaminase levels often above 1000 mU/ml and increased albumin. HEPATITIS VIRALIS TYPE B(HBV) Most patients recover completly within 3-6months 10% develop chronic infection with circulating HBV antigens. Sequelaes: Hepatic crcinoma Cirhosis HEPATITIS VIRALIS TYPE B(HBV) Vertical transmission to the fetus at delivery is now recognized to pose significant danger to the neonate. that’s why pregnant woman should have universal screening of the HbsAg. If mother is HbsAg(+) neonate should recive: - both active immunization(HBV vaccine) - passive immunisation (HBIG)-antibodies 48 hours of exposure. CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY (pruritus gravidarum) Occurs in<0,1% of pregnancies It’s second reason of jaundice in gestation It usually occures in third third trimester CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY ETIOLOGY Etiology is not clear Probably involves an increased hepatic sensivity to estrogen There is no hepatocellular damage CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY SYMPTHOMS Pruritus (often associated with fatigue) Joundice Dark urine (not always) CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY LABORATORY TESTS Bile acids levels elevated even to 100 times normal Alkaline phosphatase elevated to 10 times normal Bilirubin levels elevated up to 5 mg/ml CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY MAIN EFFECTS Discomfort of intense pruritus Coagulation abnormalities as a result of decreased vitamin K absorbtion CHOLESTASIS IN PREGNANCY TREATMENT ANTIPRURITICS: -diphenhydramine hydrochloride(Benadryl) -hydroxyzine hydrochloride(Vistaril) OTHERS: -Cholestyramine -Phenobarbital CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY It occurs at the same incidence of 0,1% in pregnancy as without pregnancy. Pathogenesis and phatophisiology in gestation is also unchanged.(supersaturation of bile with cholesterol being folowed by cristalisation and formation of gallstones). Association with fatty food intake is note. CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY MAIN REASON DURING GESTATION In pregnancy, increased estrogen/progesterone concentration may increase the concentration of cholesterol and the rate of stone formation. CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS AND SYMTHOMS Jaundice Biliary collic Unconfortable distension of the gallbladder CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY The clinical history of food-associated colic and laboratory evidence of elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin should be confirmed by ultrasonography of the gallbladder. CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY TREATMENT Asymptomatic cholelitiasis in pregnancy requires no treatment except admonitions about fatty food intake. Biliary colic is treated with: -nasogastric suction -hydration -analgesia -antibiotics (if needed) CHOLELITIASIS IN PREGNANCY BILIARY COLLIC-TREATMENT Papaverin+Buscolisin+Petidin(Dolcontral) i.v in one iniection. Drotaverin(NoSpa)+Petidin(Dolcontral)+Hioscin i.v. in one iniection. ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY It’s a rare complication of gestation but its severity. Maternal mortality rate of 30%, that’s why it should be timely diagnose and timely treated. ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY- risk indicators Primigravidas Last 12 weeks of gstation ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY- sympthoms Vague gastrointestinal sympthoms becoming worse over several days’time Headache Mental confusion Epigastric pain. ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY-complications If untreated there may be rapid development of: -coagulopathy -coma -multiple organ failure -death ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY-laboratory tests Bilirubin value-modest elevation Transaminase levels- modest elevation at the initial time. Magnitude of this elevations is not great and the disease may be misdiagnosed. ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY-treatment Treatment of this serious complication is: -correction of coagulopathy -correction of electrolyte imbalances -cardiorespiratory support -delivery as soon as feasible by the vaginal route, if possible INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN PREGNANCY URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs) GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS CANDIDA VULVOVAGINITIS TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS VIRAL INFECTIONS URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) Approximately 8% of all woman(pregnant and nonpregnant) have greater than 10 colonies of a single bacteria on a midstream culture. 25% of the pregnant portion of this group develop an acute, symthomatic UTI. URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) Asympthomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy is more likely to lead to: -cystitis -pyelonephritis URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) MAIN REASONS URINARY STASIS- is a result of: -progesterone associated decreased ureteral tone -mechanical compression of the ureters and bladder GLUCOSURIA-in pregnancy INCREASED pH OF THE URINE(bicarbonate excretion)-enhances bacterial growth URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA Requires treatment: -Ampicillin 500mg p.o./day -Sulfisoxazole(Gantrisin) 1000mg p.o/day (may produce hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn) -Nitrofurantoin 50 mg p.o/day (may produce hemolysis) Treatment for 7-10 days is usually quite effective, because most common bacteria is Escherichia coli. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS(UTIs) 25-30% of patients not treated for asymptomatic bacteriuria proceed to symptomatic UTI. Suppresive antimicrobial therapy (Nitrofurantoine 50-100mg p.o./day) is indicated if there are repetitive UTIs during pregnancy. URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) ACUTE CYSTITIS-sympthoms Occurs in 1% pregnancies. Patient complain of: -urinary frequency,urgency,dysuria and bladder discomfort -occasionally, hematuria is also seen -there should be no fever(presence suggest upper UTI) URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) ACUTE CYSTITIS-treatment Treatment is the same as that of ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA: -Ampicillin 500mg p.o./day -Sulfisoxazole(Gantrisin) 1000mg p.o/day -Nitrofurantoin 50 mg p.o/day URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) PYELONEPHRITIS-sympthoms Fever Costovertebral tenderness General malaise is not good dehydration URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) PYELONEPHRITIS It occurs in 2% of all pregnant patients 20% of these ill patients demonstrate increased uterine activity and preterm labor It is one of the most common medical complication of pregnancy requiring hospitalization URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) PYELONEPHRITIS-Treatment After obtain urinalysis and urine culture patients are treated with: -intravenous hydration -intravenous antibiotics, comonly first generation cephalosporin or ampicillin. If improvement does not occur within 48-72 hours, urinary tracr obstruction or urinary calculus should be considered along with a reevaluation of antibiotic. URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) PYELONEPHRITIS-preterm labor-why? Most common patogen E.coli can produce phospholipase A, which in turn can promote prostaglandin synthesis, resulting in uterine contractions. TOCOLITIC therapy may be required: -Beta 2 mimetics:Fenoterol -Drotaverin(NoSpa) -Calcium blockers: Nifedypine -MgSO4 URINARY TRACT INFECTION(UTIs) PYELONEPHRITIS-evaluation A single-shot intravenous pyelogram and/or ultrasonography with attention to the ureters and kidneys is an integral part of evaluation. BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS(BV) Bacterial vaginosis is current term for vaginitis perviously called nonspecyfic vaginitis which depents on: -Hemophilus vaginalis -Corynebacterium vaginalis -Gardenella vaginalis BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS(BV) SYMPTHOM Elevated pH- change in a vaginal flora, resulting in a loss of lactobacili. COMMON VAGINAL INFECTIONS INFECTIONS Characterisitic Normal Bacterial vaginosis Common patient complaint None Candida Trichomonas Vulvovaginitis vaginitis Discharge: fishy odor, possibly worse after intercourse Vaginal pH Discharge Apperance Itching, burning discharge Frothy discharge bad odor vulvar pruritus dysuria <4,5 (usually) >4,5 White,curdy, Yellow,gren, „cottage cheese” frothy, adherent Absent Often fishly Mycelia budding, Trichomonads, yeast, WBCs present 3,8-4,2 >4,5 White Thin flocculent white, grey, adherent Amine odor (KOH) Absent Present Microscopic Lactobacili Clue cells, coccobacillary bacteria, no WBCs Treatment Metronidazol Natamycin(Pimafucin) Metronidazol GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS The group B Streptococcus is an important cause of perinatal infections. Asymptomatic cervical colonization occurs in up to 30% of pregnant woman 50% of infants exposed to the organism in the lower genital tract will become colonized. 2-3 infants per 1000 live births, occurs significant clinical infection. GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS MANIFESTATIONS There are two manifestations of clinical infection of the newborn: -Early-onset infection -Late-onset infection GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS EARLY-ONSET INFECTION IS MANIFEST AS: -Septicemia and septic shock -Pneumonia -Meningitis Such an infection is much more likely in premature infants then in term gestation. The mortality rate exceeds 50%. GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS LATE-ONSET INFECTION: -occurs up to 4 weeks after delivery -meningitis is the most common specyfic infection -mortality rate is about 25% -prematurity is not a factor for late-onset infection GROUP B STREPTOCOCCUS TREATMENT Recommendations include: - treatment of patients at high risk for perinatal infection:(AMPICILLIN 3x1000mg/day) -Preterm labor -Ruptured membranes - screening of all patients late in pregnancy(inoculation). Neither approach is perfect. SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY SMOKING ALCOHOL COCAINE MARIJUANA SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY smoking It is estimated that 25% of reproductive-age women smoke. In pregnancy, placental perfusion is altered by vasoconstriction inducted by NICOTINE SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY Reproductive Effects of Smoking Decreased fertility Increased risk of spontaneous abortion Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy Decreased birth weit Increased risk of preterm delivery(preterm labor,PROM) Increased risk of abruptio placentae and placenta previa Increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome Increased risk of developmental problems SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY ALCOHOL-Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mental retardation: -Performance defects -Lowered IQ Growth: -Prenatal and postnatal growth restriction Congenital anomalies: -Brain defects, cardiac defects(especially ventricular septal defects), spinal defects. SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY ALCOHOL-Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Craniofacial anomalies: -flattened nasal bridge -broad upper lip -micrognathia -microphthalmia -short nose -short palpebral fissure SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY COCAINE ACTION LOCAL ANESTHETIC SYMPATHOMIMETIC ACTION BY DOPAMINE POTENTIATION(it blocks reception of dopamine and norepinephrine) CENTRAL NERVOUS STIMULATION SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY Cocaine Cocaine use is associated with: -an increased incidence of spontaneus abortion -in utero fetal demise (death) -PROM -preterm labor -intrauterine growth restriciton -meconium-stained amniotic fluid -placental abruption -limb-reduction defects -intestinal atresia SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN PREGNANCY MARIJUANA 5-15% PREGNANCY WOMAN USE MARIJUANA OR HASHISH THC- 9-TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL IS A HIGHLY ACTIVE PSYCHOTROPIC COMPOUND THAT IS TERATOGENIC IN ANIMAL MODELS.(EQUIVOCALLY SO IN HUMAN STUDIES). ITS USE SHOULD BE AVOIDED IN PREGNANCY THIS IS THE END THANK YOU!