Introduction & Thesis Paragraph:

AP US History
Essay Writing
Introduction & Thesis Paragraph:
1. Discuss some of the historical events surrounding the question
2. Discuss some ideas surrounding the question
3. Lead directly into the thesis as the next to the last or the last sentence
Example (don’t use…create your own!!)
By 1789 the United States had formed itself into a new nation with a new
Constitution. However, not all things were perfect and not all people enjoyed
the rights of liberty. By the beginning of the 19th century a major social
change began to take place within the United States. This change was
foreshadowed by the development of the 2nd Great Awakening, a religious
revival that laid the foundation for the philosophy of the reform movements
that took place during the early 19th century. That philosophy believed that
man was inherently good and that he could change his habits for the better.
Because of this philosophy reformers believed that people could change
themselves and/or their environment in order to create a better, more
democratic America. These reforms, abolition (1), women’s rights (2),
education (3), prison and asylums (4), and utopian movements (5) all were
directed to create an America with greater democratic ideals. However,
there were those reforms that took away freedom, such as temperance; and
there were those people and groups who opposed such reforms movements.
When using Docs in Essay:
As Charles finney states “……..” (Doc B)
Doc B states = NO!
Second Paragraph:
Topic Sentence: What you will discuss in this paragraph
(1) Abolition was a major reform of the early 19th century that created
some of the most virulent activity in the United States,
Three Points and SOI covering this idea:
1. American Colonization Society 1817 and its idea
2. William Lloyd Garrison & Fredrick Douglass – emancipation - differences
3. Compromise of 1850 – Fugitive Slave Law – Personal Liberty Laws
a. Slave Rebellions – Vesey & Turner
Analysis: How does this create a more democratic ideal?
Although abolition was not completely successful, the actions of Garrison,
Douglass, and many others helped bring to the forefront the lack of
democracy within the United States of a large segment of the population.
Through their efforts many began to see the stranglehold that slavery had
on the growing democracy of the country.
Third Paragraph:
Topic Sentence: What you will discuss in this paragraph
(2) The women’s rights movement was the smallest and least effective of
the reform movements of the time period.
Three Points and SOI covering this idea:
1. Cult of Domesticity – Doctrine of Separate Spheres – Catherine Beecher
2. Stanton, Anthony, Grimke sisters, Garrison
3. Seneca Falls – Declaration of Sentiments
Analysis: The women’s rights movement set the stage for what was to come
after the tragic Civil War. Their desire to gain suffrage for women helped
others to gain more democracy and ultimately themselves.
Fourth Paragraph:
Topic Sentence: What you will discuss in this paragraph
The (3) education reform movement came about primarily because of the
influx of immigrants into the country.
Three Points and SOI covering this idea:
1. Increase in immigrants – Irish & German
2. Horace Mann – Massachusetts – teach values – graded schools
3. In South, Calvin Wiley, some beginnings of education
Analysis: Education proved to be not only an immediate assistance to the
creation of democratic ideals but also had a long term importance in
developing American democratic ideals. By the fact that it taught specific
American values and also helped to level the playing field for all Americans,
education reform allowed all to be on a socially educated equal level.
Fifth Paragraph:
Topic Sentence: What you will discuss in this paragraph
One of the most touching incidents of reform came with prison and asylum
(4) reform.
Three Points and SOI covering this idea:
1. Prisons – Auburn Penitentiary – prevention rather than punishment
2. Asylums – Dorothea Dix – research study and report
Analysis: This reform movement served as the epitome of idealism. The
reformers believed that because man was basically good and good change his
behavior, then changing the environment would be sufficient enough to bring
about change in behavior, unfortunately, the long term benefits did not work
out as thought. Simply changing the environment was not sufficient.
Sixth Paragraph:
Topic Sentence: What you will discuss in this paragraph
The most complete attempt at democracy came through the utopian
movements (5) of the early 19th century.
Three Points and SOI covering this idea:
1. New Harmony
2. Oneida
3. Brooke Farm
Analysis: Although many of the utopian movements failed or converted to
some other economic form, they were an attempt at complete democracy
through a communistic society where all shared their lives with each other.
This was also the ultimate in the belief that man was basically good and could
work together in a unified sort of a community.
Conclusion Paragraph:
Tell the reader what you have already told the reader. Summarize your points according
to the question.
The early 19th century saw the birth of many new reform movements that
had a major impact on the development of the United States and on the
development of democracy with the country. Such reforms as abolition,
women’s rights, education, prison and asylums, and utopian movements all
added some element of democracy to the country. However, not all reform
movements promoted democratic ideals as the temperance movement
indicates and as other ideas of the time period such as nativism shows.