
*replace with State seal
State of ____
Flood Risk Management Team
“Silver Jackets”
Reducing Risk throughout the Flooding Hazard Life-Cycle
Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxx
Col, Corps of Engineers
District Commander
Date: ___________________
Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxx
Regional Director, Region #
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date: ___________________
Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxx
_______ Department of Homeland Security (or equivalent state agency)
Date: ___________________
Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxx
______ Department of Natural Resources (or equivalent state agency)
Date: ___________________
This charter establishes and formalizes the expectations for implementation of the Flood Risk
Management Team for the State of ______. A review of this charter will be conducted annually,
or at any time, with the consent of the core member agencies.
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions will be used:
Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.
Risk is defined as the product of the probability of a flooding event and the consequences of the
flooding event.
Life-cycle denotes all phases of the flooding emergency: preparation, response, recovery and
mitigation. The intent is to integrate mitigation into all phases.
Vision Statement:
Establish and strengthen intergovernmental partnerships at the state level as a catalyst in
developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions to state flood hazard challenges.
Mission Statement:
Through an interagency team of State and Federal agencies a collaborative process will:
Facilitate strategic, integrated life-cycle mitigation actions to reduce the threat,
vulnerability and consequences of flooding in the state of ____;
Create or supplement a mechanism to collaboratively solve issues and implement or
recommend solutions;
Foster leveraging of available resources and information between agencies;
Increase and improve flood risk communication and outreach,
Promote wise stewardship of the taxpayers’ investments,
Develop a more comprehensive regional flood risk management strategy through
participation in the Regional Interagency Flood Risk Management Team,
Inform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District Commander during response and
recovery activities, and
Integrate mitigation into recovery actions.
1. Ensure continuous pre- and post-disaster collaboration.
2. Provide a forum for examining all types of solutions for flood risk management,
including non-structural solutions.
3. Learn about programs, identifying limitations and opportunities, and combine
programs to create integrated, comprehensive and sustainable solutions.
4. Create a multi-agency technical resource for state and local agencies.
5. Provide assistance in implementing high priority actions identified in states’ hazard
mitigation plans.
6. Improve flood risk outreach by presenting a unified interagency message to better
educate and advise mutual customers as a result of gaining familiarity with each
agency’s missions, processes and programs.
7. Improve internal and external risk communication, including increased awareness of
residual risk.
8. Identify and facilitate improvements to existing programs, policies and processes.
9. Identify other collaboration opportunities to combine resources and identify gaps;
minimize duplication of effort and ensure consistency.
10. Catalog and share information on past and future projects and initiatives.
11. Prioritize current and future initiatives individually and collectively.
Roles & Responsibilities:
The team will be led by the state of ______. Membership will vary based on available resources
and team focus; however, the core member agencies involved at all times will include the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the
State of ___ Department of Natural Resources (XDNR), and the State of ____ Department of
Homeland Security (XDHS). Representatives may be from the regional and state levels of the
organizations. As the team priorities evolve, other State, Federal and local agencies may choose
to participate in this initiative. Examples of such Federal agencies are the U.S. Geological Survey,
the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Weather Service, and the Economic
Development Administration. The state may choose to invite non-governmental representatives.
All participating agencies will contribute experience and information to team efforts.
At the request of the state, the USACE representative may support the team, including
maintaining and distributing a contact sheet, organizing, coordinating and facilitating team
meetings, and recording and maintaining final meeting minutes. .
At a minimum, meetings will be conducted on a quarterly basis under Roberts Rules of Order.
Coordination between meetings may occur through email and teleconferencing. Meeting agendas
shall be published at least one week prior to a meeting. Draft minutes shall be distributed via
email for comment. Final minutes shall be distributed to all members and posted on a public
website ( A Silver Jackets website is being developed, though teams may
choose to post minutes to any agency’s website.
Decision Making:
Decisions will be accomplished through team consensus after discussion. If a decision cannot be
reached through consensus, the secondary method will be _________. The core member
agencies that should be involved in all major decisions are USACE, FEMA, XDNR, and XDHS.