VCE Religion and Society Resources 2011–2016 (Updated March 2014) Some of the print resources contained in this list may be out of print. They have been included because they may still be available from libraries, bookshops and private collections. At the time of publication the URLs (website addresses) cited were checked for accuracy and appropriateness of content. However, due to the transient nature of material placed on the web, their continuing accuracy cannot be verified. Teachers are strongly advised to prepare their own indexes of sites that are suitable and applicable to the courses they teach, and to check these addresses prior to allowing student access. BOOKS Alexander, P (ed.) 1984, Textual Sources for the Study of Judaism, Manchester University Press, Manchester. Armstrong, KA 1993, History of God, Mandarin, London. Armstrong, KA 2002, Islam – A Short History, Phoenix Press, London. Aryasura, 1983, The Marvellous Companion: Life-Stories of the Buddha, Dharma Publishing, Berkeley, California. Ata, AW 1989, Religion and Ethnic Identity: An Australian Study, Vol. 2, Victracc, Burwood, Victoria. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, 1997, Eastern Catholics in Australia, Canberra, ACT. Badiner, A (ed.) 1990, Dharma Gala: A Harvest of Essays on Buddhism and Ecology, Parallax Press, Berkeley, California. Baeck, L 1978, The Essence of Judaism, Schocken Books, New York. Baker, P 1982, More Simulation Games, Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Victoria. Baker, P 1991, Simulation Games 4, Joint Board of Christian Education, Melbourne, Victoria. Bamberger, BJ 1985, God, Torah, Israel: Concepts That Distinguish Judaism, Brian Borth Books, Washington DC. Bamberger, BJ 1970, The Story of Judaism, Schocken Books, New York. Bausch, WJ 1999, Catholics in Crisis? The Church Confronts Contemporary Challenges, Twenty-Third Publications, USA. Bentley, P 1998, Australian Life and the Christian Faith: Facts and Figures, Christian Research Association, Kew, Victoria. Birnbaum, P 1991, Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts, Hebrew Publishing Company, New York. Bohr, D 1999, Catholic Moral Tradition Revised, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, Indiana. Bokenkotter, T 1992, Dynamic Catholicism – A Historical Catechism, Image Books Doubleday, New York. VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Bouma, G 1992, Religion: Meaning, Transcendence and Community in Australia, Longman Cheshire, London. Bowden, J 2007, A Chronology of World Christianity, Continuum, UK and NY. Carmody, D 1989, Women and World Religions, 2nd edn, Prentice-Hill, New Jersey. Charlesworth, M (ed.) 1984, Religion in Aboriginal Australia: An Anthology, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Queensland. Charlesworth, M & Ingpen, R 1989, Religious Worlds, Puffin Books, Australia. Cohn-Sherbok, D 1992, The Blackwell Dictionary of Judaica, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. Coleman, N 1999, The Worlds of Religion, McGraw-Hill, Victoria. Cozzens, D 2000, The Changing Face of the Priesthood, The Order of St Benedict, Inc., Minnesota. Cross, F 1974, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, London. Crotty, R 1991, Set your Heart on Goodness – Ethics of World Religions (revised), Collins Dove, North Blackburn, Victoria. De Bary, WT (ed.) 1972, The Buddhist Tradition in India, China and Japan, Vintage Books, New York. Donders, JG 1997, John Paul II: The Encyclicals in Everyday Language, Orbis Books, New York. Droel, W 2002, Full-Time Christians – The Real Challenge from Vatican II, Twenty-Third Publications, Connecticut, USA. Dues, G 2001, Catholic Customs & Traditions – A Popular Guide, revised edition, Twenty-Third Publications, Connecticut, USA. Dulles, A 1994, The Assurance of Things Hoped For: A Theory of Christian Faith, Oxford University Press, New York. Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 Vols, Macmillian, New York. Engebretson, K & Elliott, R 2001, Chaos or Clarity: Encountering Ethics, 3rd edn, Social Science Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW. Engebretson, K & Rule, P 1995, My Story, Our Stories: Religion and Identity in Australia, Social Science Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW. Engebretson, K 1999, Aspects of Faith: Exploring the World of Religion with the Secondary Student, Social Science Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW. Engebretson, K 1996, Creating Meaning: Essays in Belief, Social Science Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW. Engebretson, K, Duncan, B, et al. 2004, Catholic Ethical Thinking, James Goold House Publications, Melbourne. Fishman, I 1978, Introduction to Judaism, Jewish Chronicle Publications, London. Freakley, M & Burgh, G 2000, Engaging with Ethics – Ethical Enquiry for Teachers, Social Science Press, Wentworth Falls, NSW. Gilles, AE 2000, People of God the History of Catholic Christianity, St Anthony Messenger Press, USA. Glasse, C (ed.) 1989, The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, Stacey International, London. Goldberg, DJ & Rayner, JD 1989, The Jewish People – Their History and Their Religion, Penguin Books, London. Green, D & Samuel S 2012, VCE Religion and Society Units 1–4, MacMillan. Hallett, K & Risicato, C 1997, Religion and Identity: A Christian Perspective VCE Unit 1, Nelson, South Melbourne, Victoria. Hammudah Abd al Ati 2001, Islam in Focus, Maryland, Amana Publications, Maryland. ©VCAA, March 2014 2 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Henriot, PJ 1988, Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1995, Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart, Thorsons (Harper Collins), London. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1994, The Good Heart. His Holiness the Dalai Lama Explores the Heart of Christianity, Random House, NSW. Holt, P et al. (eds) 1977, The Cambridge History of Islam, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Hughes, P 1993, Religion: A View from the Australian Census, Christian Research Association, Kew, Victoria. Hunt, AD & Crotty, RB 1976, Set Your Heart on Goodness: Ethics of World Religions, Dove Communications, Victoria. Johnson, P 1995, A History of the Jews, A Phoenix Giant Paperback, UK. Kaldor, P et al. 1995, Views from the Pews – Australian Church Attenders Speak Out, Openbook Publishers, SA. Kalupahana, D 1992, A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and Discontinuities, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. Kaniel, M 1979, Judaism, Blandford, Dorset. Korn, N 1999, Shades of Belonging – Conversations with Australian Jews, Harper Collins, East Melbourne, Victoria. Malaty, T 1987, Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church, St Marty’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottawa. McBride, R 1995, Encyclopaedia of Catholicism, Harper Collins, San Francisco. McDaniel, J 1994, Earth, Sky, Gods and Mortals – A Theology of Ecology for the 21st Century, Twenty-Third Publications, Connecticut. Meinardus, O 1999, Two Thousand Years of Coptic Christianity, American University Press, Cairo. Merritt, D 1996, Understanding the Uniting Church in Australia, Uniting Church Press, Victoria. Moynahan, B 2003, The Faith: a History of Christianity, Pimlico, London. National Church Life Survey, 2003, Profiling Australians: Social and Religious Characteristics of the Population, NCLS, Sydney. Neuse, J 1988, The Way of Torah: An Introduction to Judaism, Wadsworth, California. Noveck, S (ed.) 1969, Great Jewish Thinkers of the Twentieth Century, The Colonial Press Inc, Clinton, Massachusetts. Panzer, J 2002, The Popes and Slavery, Society of St Paul, New York. Pattel-Gray, A 1996, Aboriginal Spirituality: Past and Present, Harper Collins, Blackburn, Victoria. Pell, G 1996, Issues of Faith and Morals, Oxford University Press, NSW. Petersen, D 2000, A Concise History of Christianity, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, California. Powers, J 1995, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York. Rankin, J, Brown, A & Gateshill, P 1991, Ethics and Religions, Longman, Victoria. Richardson, B 2001, Christianity, Evolution and the Environment – Fitting it Together, UNSW Press, NSW. Robinson, R & Johnson, W 1982, The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction (The Religious Life of Man Series), Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, California. Rowland, C 2002, Christian Origins, 2nd edn, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, UK. ©VCAA, March 2014 3 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Rule, P & Engebretson, K 2001, My Story, Our Stories: Religion and Identity in Australia, 3rd edn., Social Science Press, NSW. Saeed, A 2003, Islam in Australia, Allen & Unwin, NSW. Snelling, J 1996, Buddhism, Element Books, Brisbane. St Paul’s Publications, 1994, Catechism of the Catholic Church (English edition), Homebush, NSW. Unterman, A 1985, Jews: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, Rowledge, London. Walker, A & Carras, C (eds) 1996, Living Orthodoxy in the Modern World, SPCK, London. Weate, J 1998, A Young Person’s Guide to Philosophy, Dorling Kindersley, London. Wigoder, G (ed.) 1974, Jewish Values, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem. Williams, J 1994, The World of Islam, University of Texas Press, Austin. Wilson, JW 2010, Christianity alongside Islam, Acorn Press, Melbourne. Wolfe, R 2001, Ethics and World Religions – Cross-Cultural Case Studies, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York. Wright, J 2003, The Story of Philosophy, Social Science Press, Tuggerah, NSW. Zernov, N 1961, Eastern Christendom: A Study of the Origin and Development of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Putnam, New York. JOURNALS Annals Australia, Journal of Catholic Culture, Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW. Australasian Catholic Record, Apostolic Delegate in Australia Sydney, NSW. Australian Cultural History, Australian Academy of the Humanities and the History of Ideas Unit, Canberra, ACT. Australian Journal of Jewish Studies, Australian Association for Jewish Studies, Camberwell, Vic, Australia. Australian Religious Studies Review, Australian Association for the Study of Religion, Wollstonecraft, NSW. Ben-Meir, (ed.) Gesher: The Official Journal of the Council of Christians and Jews, Victoria. Bioethics News, Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria. Bioethics Outlook, Centre for Studies in Bioethics, NSW. Buddhist-Christian Studies, East-West Religions Project, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Catholic Historical Review, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA. Also the Electronic Journal (full text available online via Periodicals Abstracts). Communio: International Catholic Review, Washington DC. Compass Theological Review, Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Kensington, NSW. Ethics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA. International Journal of Education and Religion, Brill, Leiden, Netherlands. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, University Park, Pa. Journal of Religion & Society, Creighton University, Centre for the Study of Religion and Society, Omaha, Neb. Journal of Religious Thought, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Also the Electronic Journal (full text available online via Periodicals Abstracts). Journal of Third World Studies, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Also the Electronic Journal (full text available online via Periodicals Abstracts). ©VCAA, March 2014 4 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Pacific Journal of Theology & Science, Flinders University and Adelaide College of Divinity, Centre for Theology, Science and Culture, Brooklyn Park, SA. Quadrant, Australian Committee for Cultural Freedom, Sydney, NSW. Sociology of Religion, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Theology Digest, School of Divinity, St. Louis University, USA. AUDIOVISUAL Art films has a database of over 4000 films from around the world, sorted into categories such as Culture and Criminal Justice at ‘The Aboriginal Presence’, 1996, Catholic Communications, Fitzroy, Victoria. ‘Australian Judaism’, 1997, ABC, NSW. ‘Bells Smells and Singing: Ways of Worship in Australia’, ARERS, Double Bay, NSW. ‘Beyond Beliefs’, 2007, Issues Deliberation Australia/America (IDA) ‘Buddhism: Part 2’, Appleseed, Williamstown, Victoria. 'Buddhism', 1998, Liberty Entertainment Inc., United States. 'The Catholic Church: Part 3', Appleseed, Williamstown, Victoria. 'Ceremonies of the Church: Part 4', Appleseed, Williamstown, Victoria. ‘Challenge, Change, Faith’ (Catholic Australia and the second Vatican Council), 2009, Delux Films, ( ‘Circle of Faith: Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism in Australia Today’, 1992, ABC, NSW. ‘Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story’, 1999, Warner, USA. 'Hinduism: an Ancient Path in the Modern World', Delphi Productions; Niles, Il. United Learning, Boulder, Colorado. 'Foundations of Christianity', 2000, St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, Ohio. 'Introduction: World Religions: Part 1', Department of Multicultural Affairs. 'Islam Sacrifice to Allah', 1996, Educational Media Australia [distributor], North South Productions, South Melbourne. 'Judaism: Part 4', Appleseed, Williamstown, Victoria. 'Judaism', 1998, Liberty Entertainment Inc., United States. 'Kingdom of David: the Saga of the Israelites', 2003, directed by Carl Byker and Mitch Wilson, SBS, Sydney, NSW. 'Mosque', Catholic Communications, Fitzroy, Victoria. 'Muslims in Australia', 2001, Video Education Australasia, Bendigo, Vic. 'Nation of Islam' produced and directed by Geoff Small, 1998, BBC, Manchester, England. 'Orthodox and Roman Catholicism', 1998, Liberty Entertainment Inc., United States. ‘Paul Davies: More Big Questions’, 1998, 4-part series, ABC, NSW. 'Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution', director Margaret Koval, 2003, SBS, Australia. 'Protestant Christianity', 1998, Liberty Entertainment Inc., United States. 'Search for Meaning', 1996, SBS, Sydney. 'Servants of the Poor: Part 1', Catholic Communications, Victoria. ‘Settlers in a Far, Far Land – Muslims in Australia’, 1985, Film Australia. ‘A Shifting Heart Revised: Program 1’, 1997, ABC, NSW. 'Secular Soul', 2002, ABC, Sydney, NSW. 'Tomorrow’s Islam', 2003, ABC, NSW. ©VCAA, March 2014 5 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES ‘Walking the Walk: Celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Social Teaching’, Catholic Audio Visual Centre, NSW. 'Walking with the Buddha', 1995, Catholic Communications, Fitzroy, Victoria. 'A World of Faith: Tape 1', Catholic Communications, Fitzroy, Victoria. WEBSITES American Jewish Historical Society Catholic Church in Australia Buddhist Information Network Caritas Australia Catechism of the Catholic Church Coptic Encyclopedia Coptic Web Commonweal Cybrary of the Holocaust Eastern Christian Churches Ethics (Catholic, with an issues focus, regularly updated) Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Medieval Sourcebook New Religious Pluralism Reform Judaism Religious artifacts Shamash: The Jewish Internet Consortium Sociology of Religion The Holy See (Vatican) The Jewish Agency for Israel, The Department for Jewish Zionist Education The Koran, February 1997, University of Michigan The Tablet, The Tablet Publishing Co Tricycle: The Buddhist Review ©VCAA, March 2014 6 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Vatican II Documents Wabash Center for Teaching Resources in Society and Religion Youth and Religion General sites on ethics BBC Markula Centre for Applied Ethics Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy St. James Ethics Centre ORGANISATIONS Aboriginal Catholic Ministry 434 St Georges Road Thornbury Vic 3071 Tel: (03) 9480 3849 Amnesty International 14 Risley Street Richmond Vic 3121 Tel: (03) 9427 7055 Caritas Australia Cardinal Knox Centre 383 Albert Street East Melbourne Vic 3002 Tel: (03) 9926 5706 Fax: (03) 9926 5792 Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics 7th Floor 166 Gipps Street East Melbourne Vic 3002 Tel: (03) 9270 2681 Fax: (03) 9270 2682 Email: Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Diocesan Centre 228 Victoria Parade East Melbourne Vic 3002 Tel: (03) 9926 5677 Fax: (03) 9926 5617 Christian Research Association PO Box 206 Nunawading LPO Vic 3131 Tel: (03) 9878 3477 Fax: (03) 9879 7508 Email: Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Melbourne 88–146 Park Road ©VCAA, March 2014 7 VCE Religion and Society 2011–2015 RESOURCES Donvale Vic 3111 Tel: (03) 9874 8206 Community Council of Christians and Jews Vic 179 Cotham Road Kew Vic 3101 Tel: (03) 9817 3848 Fax: (03) 9816 9036 Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Level 3 168 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Tel: (03) 9662 2722 Islamic Information and Support Centre of Australia 19 Michael Street Brunswick Vic 3057 Tel: (03) 9387 7100 Islamic Society of Victoria 90 Cramer Street Preston Vic 3072 Tel: (03) 9470 2424 Jewish Holocaust Centre 155 Selwyn Street Elsternwick Vic 3185 Tel: (03) 9528 1985 Jewish Museum of Australia 26 Alma Road St Kilda Vic 3182 Tel: (03) 9534 0083 Makor Jewish Community Library 306 Hawthorn Road Caulfield South Vic 3162 Tel: (03) 9272 5611 Tara Institute (Buddhist) 3 Mavis Avenue Brighton East Vic 3187 Tel: (03) 9596 8900 ©VCAA, March 2014 8