Quick Survey of Priorities - Product Stewardship Institute

Illinois Product Stewardship Initiative - Quick Survey of Priorities
Summary of Results
May 2010
Ten responses were received to a 3-question survey sent following the first call of the Illinois Product
Stewardship Initiative.
1. Of the products mentioned on the first call (electronics, paint, thermostats, pharmaceuticals, and
phone books) the following were the top priorities given:
2. Other products suggested:
batteries, fluorescent lamps, pesticides, carpet
Paint - lay groundwork toward setting up a program like Oregon. Work with manufacturers, retailers, and legislators. Electronics - fix issues with IL
State law, such as establishing better manufacturer goals, covering total cost of recycling (inc. transportation), as well as addressing collection
from rural areas. Pharmaceuticals - increase interest and knowledge of the issue amongst local governments, legislators, State agencies, water &
wastewater professionals, etc. Pressure Illinois EPA to provide more guidance & assistance; get State Police and law enforcement associations
on board to encourage police depts. to partner with collection agencies for witnessed destruction of controlled substances.
Paint is the most important product for SWALCO because we own and operate a HHW facility and 40% of what we collect is paint. If we could
develop a source of funding to manage paint it would be very beneficial to the long term prospects for our program. We are quite concerned that
we will lose state funding which covers 50% of our program's cost. Pharmaceuticals are second in priority but I believe that will be a difficult task
legislatively and believe we are better off tackling after we have several other products covered by product stewardship legislation.
Household Hazardous Waste/Chemicals - Proper disposal - Since state EPA no longer running programs due to budget cuts. Would like to
develop a product guide on proper and safe disposal of chemicals such as solvents, paints, pesticides, etc; or reuse applications.
I have learned that of communities get complaints about coupon packs and HOY and other FREE publications that seem to not be classified as
junk mail.
We already have programs in place for electronics, phone books and thermostat recycling.
3. Other topics suggested:
I would like to see product stewardship systems serving small businesses
While addressing small business waste should be a longer-term goal, let's stay focused on household wastes and gain some successes in that
arena first. Stay focused on the target; don't broaden out too early in the process.
Plastic bags is another topic that SWALCO is grappling with and we are preparing a report to the General Assembly regarding a pilot collection
program we operated in 2009 per state law. We now want to take our findings and craft legislation and are interested in learning about different
approaches being taken across the country.
At a later date, I would like to see framework for institutions and schools. Residential issues are top priority now.