Nitrogen Versus Phosphorus Limitation of Benthic Primary Production and the Role of Epiphyte Grazers in Florida Bay Thomas A. Frankovich, Amy Willman, and James W. Fourqurean Florida International University, Miami, FL Kenneth L. Heck Dauphin Island Sea Lab and University of South Alabama, Dauphin Island, AL Restoration of the greater Everglades ecosystem will increase freshwater input to Florida Bay. Ecosystem health will be dependent upon the quality and quantity of that water. Recent evidence suggests that, depending on location, either nitrogen or phosphorus limitation exists for Florida Bay primary producers. Increased freshwater flow, as envisioned by the Restoration Plan, may increase loadings of both nitrogen and phosphorus into the Bay. The regional and temporal effects of these increased loadings on benthic primary production are a focus of this investigation. The grazing activities of indigenous epiphyte mesograzers may ameliorate some of the negative effects of increased nutrient loadings. The role of these associated consumer organisms as mitigating factors are a second focus of this investigation. N+P P N C N+P N C N+P P N N+P N P C C N+P P C P P N C N+P N Figure 1. Schematic of 2 X 2 factorial design employed at each site. Individual plots are 0.25 m-2 and are separated by 1.5 meters. Treatments were assigned randomly within each column and row. To determine nutrient limitation for benthic primary producers, and to assess the regional and temporal variability of N vs. P limitation, long-term replicated 2X2 factorial experiments (Figure 1) designed to assess the effects of nutrient additions (N, P, N + P) are being conducted at six sites within Florida Bay (Figure 2). Sites were selected in northeastern, central and western Florida Bay along an existing nutrient availability gradient (Fourqurean et al., 1993; Boyer et al., 1997). Slow-release nitrogen fertilizer (Poly-on, 38-0-0, Pursell Technologies) and phosphorus as granular phosphate rock (Multifos, IMC Phosphates) are being applied to the sediment surface at rates of 0.62 g N m-2 day-1 and 0.09 g P m-2 day1 . The following response variables are being measured: seagrass biomass, productivity, Braun-Blanquet abundance, and leaf CNP, total epiphyte load, epiphyte chlorophyll-a, epiphyte accumulation rate, and benthic chlorophyll-a. + Duck + Nest + Bob Allen + Rabbit + 9-Mile + Sprigger Figure 2. Location map of long-term fertilization sites. Chamber experiment conducted on banktop adjacent to Rabbit site. To assess the role of epiphyte mesograzers under conditions of increased nutrient loadings, a series of short-term field mesocosm experiments are also being conducted. During August 2002, the abundances of 3 mesograzers (i.e., caridean shrimp - Thor and Hippolyte spp, the hermit crab Paguristes tortugae, and the gastropod Turbo castanea) and nutrient loading rates were manipulated inside acrylic chambers set within a Thalassia testudinum meadow. Nutrients were supplied to the water column within each chamber via slow-release fertilizer (Osmocote, 18-6-12). A two-way ANOVA design consisting of 3 levels of nutrient treatments and 8 levels of grazer treatments was employed. The 24 unique experimental treatments were replicated 3 times. The following response variables were measured: seagrass short-shoot biomass and leaf CNP, watercolumn nutrients, total epiphyte load, and epiphyte chlorophyll-a. Preliminary Results - In October 2002, at the long-term fertilization sites, initial mean Braun- Blanquet Thalassia testudinum abundances measured on a scale from 0 to 5 ranged from 1.5 (Sprigger Bank) to 5.0 (Rabbit Key Basin). Syringodium filiforme was only abundant (BB = 3.1) at Sprigger Bank. Mean total epiphyte loads ranged from 0.22 mg dw cm-2 at Rabbit to 12.16 mg dw cm-2 at Bob Allen. Epiphyte chlorophyll-a ranged from 0.02 ug cm-2 at Rabbit to 2.63 ug cm-2 at Bob Allen. Preliminary analyses of the 2002 chamber experiments indicate fertilized treatments, relative to unfertilized treatments, produced higher mean total epiphyte load, epiphyte chlorophyll-a, epiphyte autotrophic index, water-column chlorophyll-a, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus, water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus. Grazer treatments, relative to ungrazed treatments, produced higher mean total epiphyte load, epiphyte chlorophyll-a, epiphyte autotrophic index, water-column chlorophyll-a, and Thalassia shortshoot biomass. Further results from the long-term fertilization experiment and statistical analyses from the 2002 chamber experiment will be presented. Future Plans - The replicated nitrogen and phosphorus addition experiments will continue through summer 2005. The response of the epiphytic diatom species assemblages to the nutrient manipulations will also be assessed beginning in February 2003. Further mesocosm experiments will also be conducted in other areas of Florida Bay during different months to assess seasonality and the role of different indigenous grazer organisms. This research is being supported by a CESI grant from Everglades National Park, Department of the Interior Tom, Frankovich, Florida Bay Interagency Science Center, 98630 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 Phone: 305-852-2668, FAX: 305-852-0325,, Question 4