Nutrient Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Name:

Nutrient Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus
Name: ___________________
Carbon Cycle
1. What are two sources of Carbon in the atmosphere?
2. What takes Carbon out of the atmosphere?
3. What form is carbon found in the atmosphere?
4. How is carbon transferred from organism to organism?
5. What part of the carbon cycle is a contributor to global warming?
Nitrogen Cycle
1. What form is nitrogen found in the atmosphere?
2. Is this usable by most organisms?
3. What organism helps to continue the nitrogen cycle along?
4. What is the name of the process in which plants take in nitrogen?
1. What causes phosphorus to be brought to the surface over millions of years?
2. Run off of phosphorus causes what type of environmental condition?
3. Phosphorus is different from the other cycles we have talked about it what way?
Compare and Contrast
1. Each cycle returns nutrients through the use of what type of organism?
2. Matter is transferred from organism to organism through a ________ ________.
3. Energy flows and matter _____________.
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