KS2 Scheme of Work Mandarin Chinese

Unit 10 动动更健康! dòng dòng gèng jiàn kāng (Activity Brings a Healthier Life!)
Overview Unit 10
In this unit children learn about the environment of children living in China. They gain
insight into living in an apartment block and making friends in the local area. They
accompany children on a day out into the countryside. They revise the days of the week
and learn to say what activities they do on particular days. They understand the enjoyment
of having an active lifestyle.
They continue the pronunciation work. Children have already learnt some
words for activities (Unit 3). They can apply their knowledge of the days of
the week (Unit 7) to work on a diary of activities. In learning the vocabulary
the children learn about the everyday lives of children in China and compare
them to their own, learning vocabulary related to the home.
The children work on sentence patterns with options for teachers to work at
higher or less complex levels with a Bag of Words concept.
Prior Learning
It is helpful if children
already know:
 some activities
(unit 3).
 the days of the
week (unit 7).
 how to perform a
role-play with a
End of Unit Activity
Divided into teams children design an aural quiz for another team using
sound recording equipment. Teams record their answers and jointly both
teams assess each others work, having agreed a scoring method before
New Language Content
Making simple statements (about activities and areas
in which those activities occur).
在 zài + place at, in, inside, on,
Vocabulary related to homes (rooms and objects).
At the end of this unit:
Most children
make good progress with the pronunciation work, describe areas of the
house, talk about possible activities outside of the home, understand
the differences between their lives in and outside of their home and
those of children living in cities in China; gain an understanding of the
value of having a healthy lifestyle. Sentence pattern awareness and
ability to construct sentences should be forming by this unit, it being
midway through units 7-12.
Some children
will not have
made so much
progress and will:
some children will not have made so much progress and will: have less
than perfect pronunciation, need assistance as regards the
vocabulary, only be able to compare and contrast their lives indoor and
outdoor with prompting; relate to only aspects of the value and nature
of a healthy lifestyle. Sentence pattern awareness and construction will
be highly limited.
Some children
will have
further and will:
express spontaneous opinions about differences between Chinese city
lives and their own and relate these to a healthy lifestyle, create small
role plays with the activity vocabulary, make a weekly record of
activities from memory. Sentence patterns will intrigue these children
who will understand the differences between English and Chinese.
National Curriculum Links
Primary framework for literacy:
Strand 1 Speaking: Y4 - Use and reflect on some ground rules for sustaining
talk and interactions
Strand 1 Speaking; Y3 – choose and prepare poems for performance,
identifying appropriate expression, tone volume and use of voices and other
Strand 6 Word structure and spelling; Y4 - Distinguish the spelling and
meaning of common homophones
3a Children should be taught what makes a healthy lifestyle, including the
benefits of exercise and healthy eating, what affects mental health, and how
to make informed choices.
SC2 Humans and other animals; 2b) Children should be taught about the
need for food for activity and growth, and about the importance of an
adequate and varied diet for health.
Unit 10 动动更健康! dòng dòng gèng jiàn kāng (Activity Brings a Healthier Life!)
Overview Unit 10
Material to make class display of a cut out house
Flashcards of words to make sentence patterns
Props of objects within the house to help vocabulary learning
Picture / word cards of activities and pictures
Two word card bags
Props to help story telling
Squared paper and pens or Squared Magic Water paper and brushes
Material for making medals
Photos of sports people and other material for display
Props for sentence construction
Material for creating a bar chart unless using ICT
ICT Resources
Clip art of objects within a house within a presentation package
A sentence making application (online or software) can be used if available instead
of flashcards
Online photo application software and photo slide show application
Presentation application including clip art of active people and bar chart functionality
Photos of famous/high achieving sports people
Sentence creation software if available
Video-cast equipment and application
Access to an internet search engine
Videocast equipment
Class language learning blog
Classroom PCs with word processor able to work with Chinese characters
Digital camera
Multimedia presentation software
Class language learning blog
Software for sentence construction if available or free word magnet online
Presentation application for numeracy work (bar chart or stacked bar chart)
E-files with pin-yin phrases within them
Unit 10 动动更健康! dòng dòng gèng jiàn kāng (Activity Brings a Healthier Life!)
Overview Unit 10
This is the second piece of Chinese poetry. It is probably the most famous poem in the Chinese language. Before you start , revise some of the background information
from before:
What is poetry?
 Where words are used for their rhythmic and aesthetic qualities as well as their meaning and where meaning can be conveyed and remembered more
easily because it is in the form of a poem.
 Talk about Chinese sounding a poetic sing song language when normally spoken.
 Talk about tones in Chinese adding rhythm to language and poetry.
What is interesting about Chinese Poetry?
 To obtain jobs working for the government you had to study poetry!
 Everyone was encouraged to join in the poetry so many poems were written.
 Many poems carried hidden meanings that were passed on through the popularity of sharing poems.
 Many websites feature information on ‘Tang poetry’.
Jìng yè sī
Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng
Yí shì di shàng shuāng
Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè
Dī tóu sī gù xiāng
Thoughts on a still night
Before my bed, the moon is shining bright,
I think that it is frost upon the ground.
I raise my head and look at the bright moon,
I lower my head and think of home.
Teaching Tips
Introduce and practice the poem in incremental steps.
Correct poor pronunciation gently through slow repetition rather than use of the word ‘no’.
Create teacher and children podcasts to place on the classroom language learning blog.
Display the Chinese character version in the classroom preferably with the children watching you create the Chinese characters.
Making the poem more meaningful. For example explore and comment upon the general concise feel of the Chinese language. You might also want to
look at all the words that suggest light in this poem. What effect is the poet trying to create?
Unit 10 动动更健康! dòng dòng gèng jiàn kāng (Activity Brings a Healthier Life!)
Overview Unit 10