Responsibility for stormwater nuisance (private land) Council receives a number of complaints each year regarding stormwater run-off and overland flow from private land causing a nuisance to an adjoining or downstream property. It should be noted that in such instances council’s intervention powers are limited and can only be invoked depending on the circumstances. Interference with path of stormwater There is no power under any Act for a local government to require a property owner to carry out new building work or alter building work in relation to an existing building/structure (unless the stormwater installation for the building/structure does not comply with the associated building development approval or condition of the approval – not all buildings/structures require an approval). Therefore, where dwelling houses, garages, fences, retaining walls, pools, sheds and the like have been erected and are interfering with the path of stormwater, council does not have any legal provisions to become involved. Likewise, where a property owner has performed landscaping (i.e. constructed gardens, mounds, cut-off drains, path ways, etc) which alters and/or diverts the path of natural overland flow and causes a nuisance, there are no regulatory intervention powers available to council. These matters are civil in nature and between the parties themselves, where clear remedies under the ordinary civil law of nuisance are available (Parliament will not usually legislate something that already has a “clear remedy” under the common law system). In the first instance it is encouraged that the respective parties communicate and negotiate acceptable outcomes in good faith, in order to avoid expensive legal proceedings. The Department of Justice and Attorney General provides a mediation service, which may assist in achieving a resolution. The contact details are as follows: Dispute Resolution Branch Address: Level 1 Brisbane Magistrates Court 363 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Postal address: GPO Box 149 Brisbane QLD 4001 Phone: 07 3239 6269 or 1800 017 288 (toll free outside Brisbane) Fax: 07 3239 6284 Roof catchments and stormwater installations Where a roof catchment system, such as gutters and downpipes have been installed and there is constructed council drainage (either roadside kerb and channelling or an inter-allotment drainage network), within the specified distance and site conditions are amenable, then legislative provisions can be invoked to require the property owner to connect their roof catchment system to the constructed council drainage. Page 1 of 2 October 09 Conversely, where there is no constructed council drainage within the specified distance or site conditions are not amenable (i.e. the property slopes downhill and away from the street and there is no inter-allotment drainage network at the rear of that property), then there are no intervention powers available to council. This means that council can not enforce a property owner to install an on-site dispersion system (rubble pit) on site in such circumstances. Building development approvals It is important to note that it is not always necessary to install gutters and downpipes to a building, however if they are installed, they must comply with the appropriate technical standard and be installed so as not to cause a nuisance to adjoining properties. What is, or is not necessary is ultimately the responsibility of the private building certifier to determine at the time of assessing the building development application. Primary responsibility for stormwater installations approved under a building development approval will remain with the individual private building certifier until the approval is finalised or has lapsed (no longer current). The certifier has enforcement powers and should take appropriate action under relevant legislation. Council will refer stormwater complaints for privately certified buildings that are the subject of a current building development approval to the responsible certifier in the first instance. As previously mentioned, there is no power under legislation for council to require a property owner to carry out new building work or alter building work in relation to an existing building/structure when the associated building development approval has been finalised or has lapsed, unless council can link the required work to contravention of a specific building development approval or condition of the approval. When a building certifier defaults Council has co-extensive authority under legislative provisions, so if the private building certifier informs council that they do not intend to enforce the conditions of their building development approval relating to the stormwater installation, council may issue a notice to the property owner or builder. The High court decision in the Pyreness Shire Council v Day case does make council obliged to follow the matter through to its most logical conclusion particularly if the stormwater installation is causing considerable damage to land or buildings. Should it be established from the resultant investigation that the stormwater installation was covered by either the building development approval or condition of the approval, and therefore the certifier had a clear duty to act and did not, they will be reported to the Building Services Authority for appropriate disciplinary action. For clarification, council is unable to act if the specific building development approval or condition of the approval does not contain provisions relating to stormwater. (In practice, this should not be an issue as most building development approvals usually contain some condition relating to the management and discharge of stormwater). Page 2 of 2 October 09