SCAN form 6 - SCAN AM Team core member agreement

SCAN team form 5
SCAN team core member commitment
As a core member of the (insert name of team) SCAN team, I understand and agree to commit to the purpose
and principles outlined below:
Purpose of the SCAN team system
The purpose of the SCAN team system is to enable a coordinated, multi-agency response to children where statutory intervention
is required to assess and meet their protection needs. This will be achieved by:
timely information sharing between SCAN team core members
planning and coordination of actions to assess and respond to the protection needs of children who have experienced
harm or risk of harm
holistic and culturally responsive assessment of children’s protection needs.
The following principles inform the operation of the SCAN team system:
All business conducted through SCAN teams will prioritise consideration of the safety and wellbeing of the child, including
the cultural context for the child.
A coordinated, multi-agency approach results in quality planning, assessment and response to the protection needs of
the child.
Individual SCAN team core member agencies are accountable and retain responsibility for their actions in accordance
with their respective legislative authorities.
SCAN teams do not have distinct decision making authority.
Recommendations will be developed based on consensus following a critical analysis of the information available to the
SCAN team, and will be evidence based.
SCAN team processes will occur in a timely way and all actions will be consistent with legislative and policy guidelines.
SCAN teams will attempt to resolve complaints or issues locally through existing agency specific line management or
complaints mechanisms, with the particular mechanism utilised dependent upon the issue for resolution.
SCAN team business meetings are the appropriate forum for concerns to be addressed in relation to SCAN team
functioning and systemic issues.
All participants will:
share relevant information to assess and respond to the protection needs of the child in accordance with information
sharing provisions
ensure relevant information is provided to staff within their own agency in accordance with confidentiality and privacy
requirements in a timely way
facilitate, as far as possible, access to available resources to assess and respond to the protection needs of the child
provide an appropriate level of professional expertise and knowledge
support collaboration across agencies by demonstrating professional respect at all times.
Name of core member:
Signature of core
member representative:
Family name:
Jun 2010