Assignment of cMegaBAC-CGCs to the virtual sheep genome The virtual sheep genome spreadsheets contain the following columns, all information relates back to the cMegaBAC-CGC column. The only columns where additional information has been added by the editors have been indicated by italics. Code – see below HSA – human chromosome CGC – cMegaBAC-CGCs numbered in ascending order from strt to end of the human chromosome OAR – predicted sheep chromosome added by the editor Sense – initial orientation will be based on the sheep via dog-human synteny Mod Sense – sense for vsheep genome Link to - added by the editor indicates BAC-linkages between cMega-CGCs Link from –added by the editor indicates BAC-linkages between cMega-CGCs Marker OAR – sheep chromosome numbers of marker(s) in the CGC, if more than one listed in the order they map to the human genome (do not change order when you invert orientation of fragment) Marker cM – coordinates on corresponding sheep chromosome, if more than one listed in the order they map to the human genome (do not change order when you invert orientation of fragment) Cow break – intrachromosomal breaks predicted from cow mapping, #.1, #2, #.3, or vice versa, are the order that we expect them to occur in the sheep genome. Dog break – intrachromosomal breaks predicted from dog mapping, #.1, #2, #.3, or vice versa, are the order that we expect them to occur in the sheep genome. TTO – outsize tail to tail BACs, suggest large insertion of DNA TH – tail to head BACs, suggest possible inversion of one cMegaBAC-CGC relative to the other, or more likely local rearrangements. THO – outsize tail to head BACs, suggest possible inversion of one cMegaBACCGC relative to the other HH – head to head local rearrangements, unlikely to be informative Href – CGCs linked by human refseq gene Cow-human – Cow human syntenic blocks, however there may be small reordering and inversions with blocks, does not give orientation information unlike sheep-doghuman synteny Mammalian synteny – syntenic blocks conserved in the mammals however there may be small reordering and inversions with blocks, does not give orientation information unlike sheep-dog-human synteny (Murphy et al., 2005, Science 309, 613617). Mam-chicken synteny - syntenic blocks conserved in the mammals and chickens however there may be small reordering and inversions with blocks, does not give orientation information unlike sheep-dog-human synteny (Bourque et al., 2005, Genome Res 15, 98-110). Sheep-Dog-human synteny – syntenic blocks defined by overlapping sheep BACs and conserved in order and orientation between dog and human genomes. The cMegaBAC-CGCs were ordered into their most likely order and orientation in the sheep genome. The table below lists the hierarchy in which the information was used. Table 1. cMegaBAC blocks confidence codes code colour Anchored by 1 Dark green Linkage markers 2 Pale green Linkage markers Oriented by Linkage markers Linked directly or indirectly to oriented CGCs by BACs, or part of an oriented block of linked CGCs Linked directly or indirectly to oriented blocks by BACs, or part of an oriented block of linked CGCs chicken-mammal or mammalian synteny or cow/human synteny chicken-mammal or mammalian synteny or cow/human synteny or dog/human synteny 3 Light yellow Linked directly or indirectly to anchored CGCs by BACs 4 Dark yellow 5 Orange 6 Pink 7 Red Linkage markers or linked directly or indirectly to anchored CGCs by BACs Cytogentic markers or linked directly or indirectly to anchored CGCs by Chickenmammal or Mammalian synteny Linked directly or indirectly to chicken-mammal or anchored CGCs by cow/human mammalian synteny or synteny or unbroken gene cow/human synteny or dog/human synteny Not linked directly or chicken-mammal or indirectly to an anchored CGC mammalian synteny or cow/human synteny or dog/human synteny Version 1.0 of the virtual genome released as spreadsheets 1st August 2006 for comment from interested parties. Initially to be used in conjunction with the rumhum browser,, use the “virtual sheep” predefined viewing state. The virtual sheep genome browser to be released in the next few weeks. Comment period will close on Friday 8th September. A new freeze of the virtual genome, v1.1 will be released soon after the closure of the comment period. V1.1 will be released to the broader research community. V2 will be built using the Btau3.0 and hg18 genome assemblies for expected release December 2006.