Comparative Genomics Applied to Prokaryotic Analysis 9:0010:00 Monday , August 10th DATA SOURCES IN GENOMICS Biological concepts: Next Generation Sequencing Genetic Variation (Genomic Plasticity) TB Evolutionary history Tuesday, August 11th CORE-GENOME, PANGENOME, SYNTENY Biological concepts: Genome structure Synteny Gene structure Gene homology Core-genome/Pangenome 10:0011:00 Computational concepts: Sequence alignment NGS mapping and assembly Overview of phylogeny inference algorithms NCBI databases Wednesday, August 12th Thursday, August 13th Andreas Tauch Plenary talk: A decade of Corynebacterium jeikeium research: From genomics to the design of new deodorants Computational concepts: continued Overview of suffix trees applications Homology identification Overview of algorithms for gene prediction in prokaryotes Overview of overlap layout consensus graphs 11:0012:00 Practical analysis: Computational environment Query, download and data organization Practical analysis: Gene sequence alignment core-genome exercise Arwa Al-Dilaimi Talk: Corynebacterium vitaeruminis and its potential for vitamin production – an example for comparative corynebacterial genomic Arwa Al-Dilaimi Talk: Genome and transcriptome of the new species Corynebacterium glyciniphilum – an example for corynebacterial transcriptomics Arwa Al-Dilaimi Associated software demonstration: Application of ReadXplorer for detecting the transcriptional landscape of microbes Friday, August 14th GENOMIC STRUCTURAL VARIANTS Practical analysis: Transposons and Insertion Sequences Phages CRISPR-Cas and VNTR locus Pathogenicity island identification Synteny blocks contiguity analysis Visualization with Circos Results interpretation: Genome annotation visualization Andreas Tauch Strategy talk: The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure APPLICATIONS GENOMIC STRUCTURAL VARIANTS Biological concepts: Computational concepts: Biological concepts: Genotyping Variants associated with antibiotic resistance 12:0014:00 Lunch 14:0016:30 Practical analysis: Practical analysis: Gene sequence alignment Variant identification TB lineage identification Phylogeny inference pan-genome exercise Homology exercise Harvest Suite core-genome exercise Sibelia synteny blocks exercise Arwa Al-Dilaimi Associated software demonstration: Application of GenDB for microbial genome annotation Arwa Al-Dilaimi Associated software demonstration: Application of EDGAR for comparative microbial genome analysis Results interpretation: Genome collection Variome statistics and figure Results interpretation: Comparison of core- genomes using Venn diagram Pan-genome curve Synteny visualization Homology report Arwa Al-Dilaimi Short Talk: My experience with Vibrio cholerae isolated from a Brazilian university campus Phages CRISPR-Cas and VNTR locus Pathogenicity islands Selecting SNPs for discrimination Classifier performance evaluation Practical analysis: SNPs for lineage discrimination Primer design for antibiotic resistance identification TB lineages Computational concepts: 16:3017:00 Transposons and Insertion Sequences Sequence alignment applications for identification of large variations Contiguity analysis Structural variants representation Results interpretation: Simulated performance measures Conclusions and perspectives