Appendix 3 PERSONAL EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN (PEEP) A Personal Evacuation Plan must be completed for all staff who believe they will need assistance in evacuating their place of work in event of an emergency. The process starts with a ’review’ of the individual’s needs. Then the member of staff and their manager must complete the Plan to ensure that evacuation can be safely achieved. Copies of both forms are attached. Aim A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (known as a PEEP) provides people who may need assistance evacuating their place of work with information and a method to manage their escape. It is also essential for those assisting with the evacuation so they have appropriate information, instruction and training. Why this Plan is important? As your employer Salford City Council has a legal responsibility to ensure your health and safety at work including implementing effective arrangements for access and emergency evacuation for staff and visitors. By completing this Plan you and your manager will be able to establish any particular requirements that you may have to enable you to safely evacuate the building. Who completes the Plan? If having completed the Evacuation Review both you and your manager have identified specific requirements for assistance to enable you to respond to a fire alarm and evacuate the building to a final exit, then please go on to complete the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. You and your manager should complete this Plan together. Both of you should read the local emergency evacuation policies before filling it in, and be satisfied that all aspects of a personal evacuation procedure have been covered before the PEEP is finalised. You may wish to consult with your Area Control Officer and Health and Safety advisor in completing the Plan. Please note that some questions may be duplicated between the Evacuation Review and the Evacuation Plan. Duplication is necessary as these documents may be separated. All Information will only be used on a ‘need-to-know’ basis. What happens once the form is completed? Once developed the PEEP will identify your intended means of evacuating the building(s) in which you work in the event of an emergency or practice drill. Depending on the job role involved, the PEEP’s can be amended to include other buildings that you work from. A copy of the Plan must be lodged with your local Search Officer and Area Control Officer. EVACUATION REVIEW Name: Tel: Job Title: Location: Section: Division: Directorate: Description of duties: Managers Name: Tel: A: Employee Location Building: Floor: Room No: B: Evacuation Details 1. If your job takes you to more than one location in the building in which you are based please describe these areas. Continue on a separate sheet if required 2. If your job takes you to different buildings not listed above please list these buildings. Continue on a separate sheet if required 3. Do you need further information to improve your awareness of the emergency evacuation procedures that operate in the buildings in which you work? Building name Yes No 4. Do you require a written emergency evacuation procedure? Yes: No: 5. Do you require the emergency evacuation procedures to be provided in an alternative format e.g. BSL, Braille, tape, large print etc? Yes: No: 6. Do you have any difficulties reading and identifying the signs that mark the emergency exits and evacuation routes to the emergency exits? Yes: No: Don’t know: 7. Do you have any difficulties hearing the fire alarm(s) provided in your place(s) of work? Yes: No: Don’t know: 8. Would you experience ANY problems raising the alarm if you discovered a fire? Yes: No: Don’t know: 9. Has anyone agreed to assist you to evacuate in an emergency? Yes: No: Don’t know: 10. If yes to question 9, give the name(s) and their location(s) below: Name Location Extension 11. Is the arrangement with your assistant(s) informal i.e. not included in any written plan? Yes: No: Don’t know: 12. Are you likely to experience problems independently travelling to the nearest emergency exit at a safe speed? Yes: No: Don’t know: 13. Do you find the stairs difficult to use? Yes: No: Don’t know: No: Don’t know: 14. Are you a wheelchair user? Yes: 15. If you are a wheelchair user, are you able to transfer from a wheelchair by yourself? Yes: No: Don’t know: 16. General Comments (to include any relevant information not already identified above) If you have ticked ‘YES’ to any of the above questions, complete the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. 17. Do you work outside usual flexitime hours at your usual place of work? (7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.) Regularly If yes please give details below. Sometimes Never PERSONAL EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN This form should be completed for any employee who requires assistance with ANY aspect of emergency evacuation. The plan should include assistance required from the point of raising the alarm to passing through the final exit of the building. A completed form should be held by: Employee Employee’s line manager Search Officers and Area Control Officers (for each building identified) The Head of HR (confidentially held central record for inspection purposes) Note: This plan must be reviewed on an annual basis or when a change in circumstance (of the building or employee) occurs or is anticipated. This Plan is for: Tel: Job Title: Location: Section: Division: Directorate: Description of duties: Managers Name: Date completed: Tel: Date reviewed: A: Alarm System 1. I am able/unable to raise the alarm (delete as appropriate). If unable to raise the alarm independently please detail alternative procedures agreed 2. I am informed of an emergency evacuation by: existing alarm system: vibrating pager device: visual alarm system: other: (please specify) B: Evacuation Procedure (step by step account starting when alarm raised and finishing on final exit) C: Designated Assistance (details of all persons designated to assist in executing evacuation plan and the nature of assistance to be provided by each) D: Method of Assistance (e.g. transfer procedures, methods of guidance) E: Equipment provided (details of all equipment needed to execute the plan and its location) F: Training on use of equipment Date Comments G: Safe route(s) (description of the primary & secondary escape routes) N.B. A copy of the building plan with route clearly marked to be attached. (a plan of your building can be obtained from Property Information, Ext: 6104 or e-mail: An alternate exit route should also be shown. (i.e. two routes). Has the route been travelled by employee & manager? Have copies of the exit route(s) been attached? Has the equipment detailed above been tried & tested? Has the PEEP been completed to full satisfaction? If No to any of the above please explain below. Yes No I am aware of the emergency evacuation procedures and believe them to be appropriate to the requirements identified above. Employee signature: Date: Employee name: Managers signature: Date: Managers name: This plan must be reviewed on an annual basis or when a change in circumstance (of the building or employee) occurs or is anticipated, which could affect the plan. The review should determine what changes have occurred and what impact these changes have on enabling the person to escape in an emergency. Copies of this form should be held by: The person it has been prepared for Line Manager (if applicable) Search Officers for the building(s) they are usually based in Area Control Officers for the building(s) they are usually based in The Head of HR (confidentially held central record for inspection purposes) Date of next review: