Research Paper: Rough Draft Template

Your Name / 1
Your Name
English 11
Mr. Reitz
Your Title
Introduction: The story you use to engage your reader’s interest and introduce the topic.
First Body Section/Paragraph: Explanation
Topic Sentence.
Q1 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q1 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Transition Sentence
Q2 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q2 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Concluding Sentence or Transition Sentence to next body section
Second Body Section/Paragraph: History
Topic Sentence
Q3 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q3 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Transition Sentence
Q4 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q4 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Concluding Sentence or Transition Sentence to next body section
Third Body Section/Paragraph: Reasons/Causes
Topic Sentence
Q5 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q5 works cited information in table at end of template)
Your Name / 2
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Transition Sentence
Q6 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q6 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Concluding Sentence or Transition Sentence to next body section
Fourth Body Section/Paragraph: Consequences
Topic Sentence
Q7 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q7 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Transition Sentence
Q8 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q8 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Concluding Sentence or Transition Sentence to next body section
Fifth Body Section/Paragraph: Alternatives/Solutions
Topic Sentence
Q9 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q9 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Transition Sentence
Q10 Research Chunk
introductory commentary (your introduction to the research)
signal phrase and research and if necessary (parenthetical reference)
** (record Q10 works cited information in table at end of template)
following commentary (your analysis of the research)
Concluding Sentence or Transition Sentence to Conclusion
Conclusion: Refer to the introductory story. Explain how your solution would have changed the
Your Name / 3
Works Cited
In the table below, record the information that you will later enter into EasyBib.
Works Cited Information
Examples of works cited information:
For most books, you will need the following information:
The author's name
The title and subtitle, underlined or italicized.
The place of publication, the publisher, and the date.
Page numbers
For most magazine and newspaper articles, you will need the following information:
The author's name
The title of the article, in quotation marks
The title of the magazine, underlined
The date and the page numbers
For most internet web pages, you will need the following information
The name of the author (if known)
The title of the article
The title of the site, underlined
The names of any editors
The date of publication or last update
The name of any sponsoring organization
The date of access
The URL (Web address)
Example of how the information would look in the table:
Works Cited Information
Verdugo, David. "The Last Mile." Jumpcut. 26 Nov. 1996. Independent Film. 14 Jan.
Your Name / 4
Student Example of Story, First Body Paragraph, and Works Cited Information
Jane Doe/1
Jane Doe
English 6
Mr. Reitz
Child Abuse
Every morning, when the alarm goes off, Lucy, a second grader, pulls the covers over her
head, scared to wake up to a new day. She’s scared to leave her room because she knows what’s
next: the same hurtful daily routine. She’s slapped in the face, shoved against the wall, or
shouted at: “You better do what I say, you little bitch!” And who’s doing the slapping, the
shoving, the shouting? The person you would least expect, the person who is supposed to care
for and to protect Lucy from abuse: Lucy’s mom. Does Lucy’s mom’s behavior surprise you? If
you are at all familiar with the insanity of parents who abuse their kids, you know Lucy’s story.
It is a story of beatings and verbal abuse. It’s the story of young children whose homes have
become houses of terror.
Child abuse is a serious problem. Many people know what child abuse is when they see
it; others have no idea what it is. One definition of child abuse is “intentional acts that result in
physical or emotional harm to children” (Gelles). Child abuse does not happen by accident.
There’s a difference between accidentally and intentionally hurting a child. For example, an
accident is when you turn around and knock your kid down when you didn’t know the child was
there. Abuse is when you beat the child or verbally assault the child. People who study child
abuse have identified different types. According to Gelles, there are four types: physical abuse,Q2
sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and emotional neglect. Sexual abuse can include molestation and
Your Name / 5
rape. Emotional abuse can include humiliating a child. Emotional neglect would be never
showing love or affection to your child. These are the most common forms of child abuse.
Child abuse is nothing new. You can find examples of child abuse in the Bible. For
Your Name / 6
Works Cited
When you have finished writing your paper, you will use EasyBib to put together your works
cited page. Here, you need to record the information that you will later enter into EasyBib.
Works Cited Information
Gelles, Richard. “Child Abuse.” Microsoft Encarta. 2007. 19 March 2007.
Same as Q1