FINAL REPORT REFERRING TO THE ORGANIZATION OF BULGARIAN – DUTCH EXCHANGE OF KNOW HOW AND EXPERTISE IN THE FIELD OF INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL ZONES THROUGHOUT A STUDY TOUR TO HOLLAND AND A WORKSHOP IN BULGARIA 1. INTRODUCTION This project aimed at strengthening the role of environmental awareness to contribute to sustainable development of coastal zones in Bulgaria. The main output of this project is the development of sustainable capacity nationwide for organising relevant sustainable development of the Black Sea Coastal Zone in Bulgaria. The institutions working together are a part of the process of improving environmental awareness and the quality of the environment along the Black Sea Coast. They ensure the sustainability of the project outcome, its dissemination throughout Bulgaria and the continued increase of environmental quality in Bulgaria. a) Relevance for sustainable social transformation: This project contributes to the societal transformation of Bulgaria by supporting essential factors for sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as a development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (“Our common future”, the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development), or in other words a development that requires economic, environmental and social aspects of development in a community or region to be in balance. The Netherlands is currently one of the leading countries in the field of sustainable development, which aims to minimize the burden for the environment during economical development. Due to the ongoing pre-accession process of Bulgaria to the European Union there is considerable interest among Bulgarian institutions in learning from practical applications of Dutch approaches and technology – a fact confirmed by the four successful seminars on sustainable development and sustainable building, initiated and organized by the Bulgarian Consulting Company of YANADEL under an assignment of the Ministry of VROM of the Netherelands. In this project YANADEL responded to this interest, both for its own strategic objectives as well as to promote Dutch views on sustainable development of coastal zone and environment protection and sustainable living in general. b) Background YANADEL organized in June 2004 a broad Dutch – Bulgarian seminar about Sustainable Development of historical cities by promoting and popularizing Dutch expertise in this field. The seminar was inaugurated By Mrs. Sybilla Dekker, Minister of VROM. YANADEL actively assisted the preparation of the program of this first visit to Bulgaria of Mrs. Dekker and the organization of the meeting of Mrs. Dekker with her Bulgarian counter partner Mr. Tserovski, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. During the discussion between the two Ministers the topic of the sustainable development of Bulgarian coastal zones was raised. CURRENT AND FUTURE PROBLEMS IN THE BULGARIAN COASTAL ZONES Bulgaria is located along the western shore of the Black Sea. The country is experiencing a continental climate with warm dry summers. The Bulgarian coastline has a length of 394 km of which 28% are sandy beaches and 70% rocky coastline. The Bulgarian coastline has a very long history. Already in ancient times the Greek colonisers established settlements along the entire coast of the Black Sea including Bulgaria. Thanks to its beautiful natural landscape and its mild climate, the Bulgarian coastline has always attracted domestic and foreign visitors. During communist time many standard hotels were built for the workers of state enterprises and luxury well protected complexes for the members of the Communist Party. After the changes in 1989, the system of state enterprises and its related party system collapsed. Around the middle of 1990’s the beautiful Bulgarian coast was re-discovered by the private sector and investments in tourist facilities started slowly. These investments were mainly concentrated in two areas: Zlatny Piassatsi (Golden Sands) north of the 3rd largest town of Bulgaria Varna and Slantchev Briag (Sunny Beach), north of the 4th largest Bulgarian town of Bourgas. 1 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 At present the Sunny Beach area is experiencing a tremendous growth in the construction of tourist hotels, many of them 4 and 5 stars, in the order of 10-20% per year. In 2004 the hotel capacity grew with 20.000 beds to 105.000 beds and a similar growth is expected in 2005. Last winter (2004/2005) 40 new hotels were built only in Sunny Beach and 150 hew hotels along the whole Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. In general tourist development is very favourable for the Bulgarian society as it brings investments, employment and foreign currency. However, due to inadequate legislation and enforcement, this growth goes at the cost of nature, public space, infrastructure, public facilities as drinking water supply, sewerage systems, waste collection etc. The Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) is fully aware of the current situation and made several attempts to regulate and co-ordinate this tourist development, but failed so far to convince local- and regional authorities to aim at a more sustainable coastal development. The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (Ministry of PDPW) has recently prepared a draft Law for the Development of the Bulgarian Coastal Zone, which is an attempt of modern approach to the preservation of the nature and environment richness of Bulgaria as well as of restriction of the uncontrolled construction on the coast. The Draft Law introduced controlling and restrictive texts and zoning of the coastal zone. This Law has been under preparation for the last 10 years and aims at preserving the value of the coastal territories, at stopping the invasion of the construction on the beach itself and at introducing European Union criteria in the perspective economy branch of the Black Sea tourism. According to the Vice – minister of RDPW Mr. Savin Covachev there are acting law and norms at present. However, nobody from the Bulgarian Municipal Administrations takes them into consideration. The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works undertook the political responsibility to regulate the social relationships with regards to the balanced and sustainable development and territory set up of the Black sea coastal zone. First steps in this respect were the changes in the Law of Territory Set Up, Law of Water, Law of the Protected Territories and so on. With the Draft Law of the Black Sea Coastal Zone those steps have been developed further. However, there is an enormous political and economic pressure on the present government to withdraw the draft law for coastal development in order to leave the big business appetites uncontrolled. Still many Bulgarian and foreign experts have warned that if the expansion of this concentrated tourism continues, Sunny Beach and other areas, may loose its attractiveness for foreign and national tourists who may look for other destinations. It is estimated that approximately € 2, 5 – 5, 0 billion has been invested in hotels and restaurants in the Sunny Beach area, which is a large amount at stake. Although it is said that Bulgaria has a rich nature and bird life in addition to a very interesting cultural history and heritage, these potentials have hardly been developed, certainly not in proportion to beach tourism. The exchange of know how and expertise mentioned hereunder achieved the combination of the objectives of the Ministry of VROM and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria. The way to be followed was determined during the cooperative Dutch – Bulgarian events. This is the way of integration of the Bulgarian coastal zones legislation and management to the European coastal zones development during the process of the European integration of Bulgaria as well as the way of creating a basis for social consensus concerning the future coastal development of the country in order to harmonize the efforts according to the common interests. 2. STUDY TOUR TO THE NETHERLANDS a) Activities held After due consultations with various parties concerned about coastal developments in Bulgaria and the Netherlands, YANADEL together with VROM Platform International initiated and organised a study tour for Bulgarian experts to the Dutch coast and visit to a number of relevant locations. 1. Duration of the study tour: 2 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 The study tour took place from 5th to 17th of March 2005. From 5th to 12th of March Bulgarian delegation of officials visited the country and from 13th t 17th of March the team of the Bulgarian most influential television BTV visited the country in order to learn and popularize nationwide Dutch best practices in the field of coastal development 2. Place of the Study Tour The Netherlands, The Ministry of VROM headquarters in The Hague, some Municipalities, towns and areas along the coast defined in coordination with the VROM Platform International. 3. Participants in the Study Tour Coastal development is a topic, which is on the political and public agenda in Bulgaria and many politicians were interested to take part in the study tour. Since the problem in Bulgaria is mainly a difference of opinion between central government on the one hand and municipal governments and private businesses on the other hand, it was decided in close coordination between VROM Platform International and Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to include politicians from the different responsible ministries, parliament, Black Sea regions and municipalities in the Bulgarian delegation. Due to a political crisis prior to the study tour and the subsequent political changes, the Vice-Minister for Tourism had to cancel his participation in the study tour. After consultation with the Vice – minister of Regional Development and Public Works Mr. Mollov and Mr. Rieff from VROM Platform International the following members of the delegation were determined and took part in the study tour: - Mr. Valentine Tserovski, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works - Mr. Belin Mollov, Vice – minister of Regional Development and Public Works - Mr. Hristo Kirchev, Vice – chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Local Government, Regional Policy and Public Works - Mr. Ivan Vitanov, Governor of Bourgas Region - Mr. Simeon Simeonov, Director of the Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water - Mr. Petko Arnaudov, Mayor of Tsarevo Municipality - Mr. Krassimir Mihaylov, Mayor of Balchik Municipality - Mrs. Mariya lazarova, Representative of the press center of the MRDPW - Mrs. Karmelita Toneva, Chief Editor of Information Directorate of Bulgarian National Television - Mr. Liubomir Stanoev, Camera man in Bulgarian National television YANADEL invited the members of the delegation through direct mailing. Invitation letters, presenting the initiative of the Ministry of VROM and its goal were sent via courier and were followed by many additional fax messages, telephone calls and personal meetings, done by YANADEL. Due to the high level of the Bulgarian delegation Mrs. Emiliya Semkova, Director of YANADEL, visited the Netherlands before hand and together with Mr. Rieff and Mr. van der Hoogt from the VROM Platform International they prepared the visiting program of the delegation, which was the most relevant to the Bulgarian situation along the Black Sea Coast. During her visit to the Netherlands Mrs. Semkova travelled along the Dutch coast and met different stakeholders of the Dutch coastal management and development process and policy. She informed them about the current situation of Bulgarian coast development and the need for Bulgarian decision makers to learn about best Dutch practices and expertise. 3 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 (Mrs. Semkova visits municipal authorities in Zandvoort) As per the preliminarily prepared program of the study tour of the Bulgarian delegation to the Netherlands, a number of very interesting presentations were given by Dutch experts from the four Dutch ministries and other regional and municipal institutions, which are involved in the Dutch integrated approach towards coastal issues. After the presentations there were many discussions between Dutch and Bulgarian experts about financial, political and technical aspects of sustainable coastal development. 1. ( Mr. Demmers, Vice – mayor of Zandvoort) 2. (IJmuidem municipal authorities) 3. (Minister Tserovski and Professor Waterman) 4 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 Furthermore Bulgarian delegation visited different Dutch coastal towns and sea resorts such as The Hague/Scheveningen, IJmuiden, Zandvoort and Hook of Holland. In addition to that, a visit was made to the Port of Rotterdam Authority and ROM Rijnmond, as well as the Maasvlakte and the famous Delta Works. In order to compare two different approaches towards coastal development it was decided that Bulgarian delegation visits also the Flemish coast. The visit to the Belgian coast was very informative and educational for the Bulgarian delegation members as it showed projects of nature restoration at the place of already existing infrastructure and buildings. The message was clear – if we do not take care of preserving the existing nature, one day we will have to restore it at a high cost. (Bulgarian delegation visits the governor of West Flanders Mr. Breyne) During the study tour the Bulgarian delegation made a courtesy visit to Mrs. Dekker, Minister of VROM. - (Minister Tserovski meets Minister Dekker) 5 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 Both Minister Tserovski and Minister Dekker exchanged ideas about further development of the co operational process between the two ministries – of VROM and of RDPW. Mr. Tserovski emphasized on the need of the continuation of exchange of know how and expertise between Dutch and Bulgarian experts and showed his interest in being informed more about as follows: - financial aspects of housing and social housing, redevelopment of abandoned industrial areas, refurbishment of high rise prefabricated apartment blocks public – public and public – private partnership use as a tool of better implementation of the national policy of the central government. During all the meetings and the presentations translation and interpretation were done by Mrs. Emiliya Semkova from YANADEL. She also took care of the organizational matters of the study tour in close collaboration with VROM Platform International representatives. b) Discussed topics: The study tour allowed the exchange of opinions, ideas and expertise between Dutch, Belgian and Bulgarian experts with reference to the following topics: 1. Dutch, Belgian and Bulgarian policy for preservation, management and sustainable development of the coastal zones in the Netherlands, Belgium and Bulgaria; 2. Dutch Legislation and its implementation for the development of the Dutch coastal zone; 3. Role of the local municipal governments for the preservation and the management of the coastal zones in the Netherlands and Bulgaria; 4. Aspects of urban and tourist developments and the environment protection in the coastal zones as far as: a. organization; b. financing c. legislation; d. development of renovation technologies; e. Energy conservation, etc. 5. Participation of the public in the proposed development projects; 6. Cooperation of the government and the private sector; 1. Integrated management of the coastal zones; 2. Promotion of the coastal zone development throughout the development of sustainable tourism 3. Enforcement of spatial planning regulations against violators; 4. Criteria for assigning areas for urban and tourist development and for nature in view of European union regulations 5. How can municipalities (public sector) earn more out of coastal tourism in order to invest in the public space; 6. How to increase local employment out of coastal tourism 7. How can the tourist season be prolonged by undertaking other activities in order to make longer use of facilities, etc? c) Findings of the study tour The members of the Bulgarian delegation were very impressed by the professional way Dutch and Belgian experts from the different visited institutions presented their work in the field of coastal development and management. Interesting discussions between Bulgarian members of the delegation and the visited experts took place. Main points of interest for the Bulgarian experts revealed to be as follows: 6 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 - Integrated approach towards coastal management based on spatial planning Decentralized government at regional and local level Co-operation between the institutions, local authorities and the representatives of the civil society Public – Public Partnership and Public – Private Partnership Implementing the principles of Sustainable Development Implementing the legislation of the European Union and the European Directives for the preservation of nature, habitats and birds Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage, etc. 3. WORKSHOP IN BULGARIA i. Duration of the workshop Further to the series of Dutch – Bulgarian seminars, organized by YANADEL and due to the huge interest of the Bulgarian professionals into the Dutch best experiences, the workshop about the Sustainable development of coastal zones had duration of 2 days and gave opportunity for many discussions between Dutch and Bulgarian participants in the seminar. In this way the seminar provided with more time for presentations and following discussions on serious legislative, financial and political topics referring to the Bulgarian Draft Law for Coastal Zones Development and the contradictions it provoked in Bulgarian public space. In spite of the fact that all the participants in the workshop were top decision makers and professionals with extremely busy agendas and that they had to travel long hours to arrive to the coast hotel resort where the seminar was held, their presence and interest in the topics of the seminar were the proofs of the significant importance of the discussed theme of coastal development for Bulgaria. The first day of the seminar the discussions continued about 12 hours and the second day - 7 hours as the participants had to leave the hotel and to travel back to Sofia (7 hours driving from Sunny Beach). ii. Place of the workshop In order the participants in the seminar from Dutch and Bulgarian sides to get more acquainted with the Bulgarian coastal zones present situation, the workshop took place on the coast itself in the conference hotel of Helena Park in Sunny Beach, providing with all the necessary accommodations, catering and workshop halls. The chosen site is concentrating all the contradictions of the Bulgarian coastal development – Sunny Beach is the fastest developing sea resort in Bulgaria. Upon arrival participants in the seminar were facing the huge constructions of new hotels, some of them on the beach itself. All the participants were very much concerned about the ongoing deterioration of the sea resort due to the uncontrolled construction. All the invited by YANADEL journalists broadcasted hot reportages from the spot about the Dutch – Bulgarian seminar and its ideas of urgent need for strict policy implementation towards the uncontrolled construction, following the good example of Dutch sustainable approach towards coastal development. iii. Date of the workshop The workshop was held on the 8th and 9th of April 2005, less than 1 month after the study tour of the Bulgarian delegation to the Netherlands. The dates of the study tour and the workshop were determined in close collaboration with the Ministry of VROM / VROM Platform International and the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. - iv. Participants: governmental authorities – Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Mayors and Chief Architects of the municipalities along the Black Sea coast, Regional authorities representatives, etc. 7 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 - - non- governmental organizations - Association of Black Sea Municipalities, National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria, Union of architects in Bulgaria, Construction Chamber, Bulgarian Trade and Industry Chamber, Bulgarian Association of Tourist Agencies, Bulgarian Chamber of Entrepreneurs, etc. journalists from leading Bulgarian media, private Dutch and Bulgarian companies YANADEL sent via courier direct invitation letters on behalf of the Ministry of VROM, which were signed by Mr. Henk Rieff from VROM Platform International. Invitation letters were sent only to the high level decision makers and professionals according to a list, preliminarily approved by both, Mr. Rieff and Mr. Mollov, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. The Dutch expertise and know how were professionally presented by 15 Dutch experts from different governmental and private institutions. As Bulgaria and Romania are facing similar challenges with regard to their future membership into European Union, representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism were also invited to inform the participants in the workshop about the Romanian approach towards Romanian Black Sea Coast development in the framework of the future membership of Romania in the EU. They also presented successful co-operational Dutch – Romanian projects, which were implemented along Romanian Black Sea Coast. (Moments of the workshop) v. The aim of the workshop The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the findings of the study tour of the Bulgarian delegation to the Netherlands Coastal Zone and to determine the relevance of the Dutch approach in the Bulgarian context. The Netherlands is famous for its battle against water and its way to deal with inter-governmental problems: the so called “Polder model”. During the workshop participants experienced the various ways in which local, regional and national government(s), governmental and non-governmental organisations, private sector work together on various fields concerning sustainable coast management and sustainable tourism. The programme of the workshop was largely based on the topics observed during the study tour and their relevancy to the Bulgarian situation. 8 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 (Mr. Henk Rieff and Deputy – Ministers of RDPW Mr. Kovachev and Mr. Mollov give presentations) In addition to that a number of Bulgarian experts gave presentations regarding the Black Sea coast development from the point of view of construction and tourism development, environment preservation, implementation of the Bulgarian government policy. Reference is made to the attached program of the workshop, which was distributed before hand to the participants in the workshop. vi. Findings and conclusions of the workshop During the workshop the following findings and recommendations for further co-operational activities between the Ministry of VROM and Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works were summarized by Deputy – Minister of RDPW Mr. Mollov and approved by all the participants in the workshop: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS DURING THE STUDY TOUR TO THE NETHERLANDS AND THE WORKSHOP IN BULGARIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The need for a long term Vision on the sustainable development of the Bulgarian coastal zone received great support by all the participants of the workshop; Such Vision of the sustainable development of the Bulgarian Coastal Zone should be prepared by the four relevant Bulgarian Ministries under the leadership of the Bulgarian MRDPW in close consultation with regional- and local authorities, representative governmental- and environmental organisations and the private sector; There is a lack of detailed know how on the consequences on coastal development of future EUlegislation once to be applicable to Bulgaria in particular with regard to EU Birds- and Habitat Directive; It is urgently required to finalise the National Plan for Economic Development and for Spatial Development. The National Plan for Tourism Development can act as a basis for the Vision on Sustainable Coastal Zone Development; An appeal is made to the next Bulgarian cabinet to allocate sufficient funds for the preparation of the Vision on Sustainable Coastal Zone Development and the subsequent draft Law; In view of the current high volume of investments in de field of real estate along the Bulgarian coast which do not take proper consideration with nature, public space and public facilities, an Emergency Plan for the Coastal Zone has to be prepared on short notice. 9 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 7. 8. 9. it is very useful to continue the on-going co-operation between the Bulgarian Ministry of MRDPW and the Netherlands Ministry of VROM and others such as Yanadel in the field of exchange of know how and experience; It needs to be investigated how the long term benefits from the Coastal Tourism can be increased by investing in nature, public space, infrastructure, diversity of tourist facilities and public facilities in the field of environment; There is an urgent need in further exploring public-private-partnerships and public-public-partnerships and to protect the society against illegal activities; RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER ACTION IN BULGARIA On the basis of the aforementioned findings the following action in Bulgaria is recommended: a. b. c. d. e. The establishment of a co-ordinating institution for a sustainable and integrated coastal zone development is considered useful in order to balance the various interests. The organisational structure has to be determined in due course but reference can be made to similar institutions such as the Belgian Co-ordination Centre for Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the Dutch ROM-Rijnmond Agency; To increase and expand the existing tourist facilities in order to provide ample possibilities for entertaining domestic and foreign tourists. In this respect it can be considered to modernise the Marina in Balchik and in other beach resorts; To consider the construction of artificial beaches in areas with insufficient beach area, rocky coastlines or areas which are vulnerable for land slides. In the Netherlands, the Arab Gulf and elsewhere, ample experience has been gained and this experience can be used to explore the possibilities in Bulgaria through “building through nature” of enlarging coastlines or the creation of new islands; To train regional- and municipal staff in the implementation of European guidelines and regulations, in particular with regard the Habitat- and Birds Directives; To establish an “Emergency Plan” on short notice which incorporates the following elements: process management; communication; permit systems; enforcement; SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER CO-OPERATION WITH THE NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF VROM a. Sustainable coastal development a.1. workshops about public-public co-operation and public-private co-operation; a.2. support for the establishment of an co-coordinating institution to draft the Vision for Long Term sustainable development of the coastal zone; a.3. training of central-, regional- and municipal staff in the implementation of the guidelines and directives of the European Union; b. Spatial and Regional development b.1. workshop about the objectives and drafting of Strategic Spatial Planning Plans, Long Structure Plans etc; b.2. workshop about Sustainable Danube River Bank Development Plans; Term Visions and 10 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 c. Housing And Urban Renewal C.1. workshop about financial- and other instruments to stimulate new housing and housing rehabilitation such as National Mortgage Guarantee Systems, Guarantee Systems for House Building, Housing Consumers Association (Eigen Huis) etc. c.2. seminar about the legal, technical, energetic, financial, architectural and organizational aspects of the refurbishment of concrete Apartment Buildings vii. Meetings and discussions in some Black Sea Municipalities During the workshop the Bulgarian participants showed their interest in the presented best Dutch practices. They were very much impressed by the high professionalism of the team of Dutch lecturers, who were called by Deputy – Minister Kovachev “a real scientific institute”. Some of the representatives of the local authorities as the mayors of Balchik and of Tsarevo and representatives of the Ministries of Environment and of Regional Development and Public Works expressed their will to have further discussions with Dutch lecturers during the weekend and invited them to visit some of the spots along the Black Sea Coast. After the end of the workshop and before the Dutch delegation returned to the Netherlands, YANADEL organized meetings between Dutch, Romanian and Bulgarian lecturers in the workshop with representatives of the local authorities in some of the Black Sea Municipalities. The lecturers visited several locations along the Southern and Northern Black Sea coasts and discussed the possibilities for further joint activities with their Bulgarian partners of regional and municipal levels. The interpretation during these meetings was done by Mrs. Emiliya Semkova. (Dutch lecturers visit locations along the Black Sea Coast) 4. Publicity campaign around the events: - The organizing company of YANADEL did a broad advertising of the initiated by VROM Platform International together with YANADEL Dutch – Bulgarian exchange of know how and expertise in the field of coastal development and management. It was deemed useful to inform Bulgarian society about the ongoing cooperation between the Ministry of VROM and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works in the framework of the European integration of Bulgaria. In order to meet the requirements of the European Union Bulgaria needs the assistance and the good examples of all the countries members of the EU. The Netherlands expertise in social, political, economic aspects of sustainable society organization is a good example to be followed. The findings and the conclusions out of the study tour to the Netherlands and the consequent workshop served as eye opener for not only the 11 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 members of the Bulgarian delegation, visiting the Netherlands for a study tour, but also for the participating in the workshop top decision makers and high professionals. Through the media, participating in this exchange of ideas the message of the need for sustainable development and integrated management of coastal zones through following the best Dutch and European practices and expertise in this field was clearly transferred to Bulgarian and also Romanian societies. Ample attention to information and communication was given through a well defined publicity campaign. YANADEL organized and lead a press conference during the workshop, whereas leading journalists from Bulgarian most popular televisions, newspapers, radio, internet media, etc. were invited. The officials in the workshop made statements for the press representatives and afterwards they answered the journalists’ questions. YANADEL provided all journalists with press information about the Dutch – Bulgarian exchange of know how in the field of sustainable coastal development. The Dutch – Bulgarian exchange of know how and best Dutch practices and technologies were broadly covered by almost all leading Bulgarian media. In addition to the articles several reportages from the events were broadcasted during the study tour and the workshop in the leading Bulgarian televisions (Bulgarian national television, BTV, Bulgaria cable national TV, Bourgas regional TV, SKAT TV, etc.). (Moments of the TV reportages with Deputy-ministers Kovachev and Mollov and Mr. Rieff) Interviews were taken with all the members of the Bulgarian delegation to the Netherlands and Mr. Rieff by BNT and BTV national Bulgarian satellite televisions. BTV broadcasted a series of reportages about Zandvoort tourist development and an interview with its vice – mayor Mr. Demmers, a reportage about Dutch floating houses, about Bulgarian current situation and the over construction of the sea resorts, etc. During the seminar Bulgarian National television broadcasted an interview with Mr. Rieff with emphasis on the current situation of the Dutch coastal zone and the best examples of the Dutch policy implementation in this field. Thanks to this Dutch – Bulgarian initiative and the well organized by YANADEL publicity campaign the message of the urgent need of a sustainable development of coastal zones was successfully transferred to Bulgarian general public and is still one of the leading news in Bulgarian media. YANADEL assisted the teams of the two most popular televisions in Bulgaria – BNT and BTV during the study tour in the Netherlands and the consequent workshop in Bulgaria by providing them with translations and interpretations and needed information about Dutch policy and expertise in the coastal development as well as in choosing the best examples and in interviewing people. 5. Follow up activities: Yanadel will gladly assist any follow up activities and will duly inform the Dutch counter partners about the interest and the inquiries on behalf of Bulgarian institutions and companies. 12 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016 Prepared by: Emiliya Semkova Director of YANADEL 13 YANADEL Final Report 2/17/2016