Objectives in spending PPG:
Continue the focus on improving literacy and numeracy skills.
Ensure that all PP students have the opportunity to succeed through additional.
Provide targeted support to improve attainment of PP students.
Ensure the gap in attainment between FSM and non FSM is reduced.
Encourage parents/carers to apply for free academy meals.
Continually raise staff awareness of the extra responsibility towards the PP group of students.
Ensure rigorous tracking of PP progress and provide intervention when students fall behind.
Continue to closely monitor student attendance and use a range of strategies to improve attendance rates and reduce PA (Persistent Absenteeism).
Links to research from The Sutton Trust-EEF
Teaching and Learning Toolkit which provides guidance for teachers on how to use their resources to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils, are highlighted in blue and shows average impact estimated in terms of additional month’s progress.
Lead Intervention/Maths department – teaching whole classes and working with small intervention groups. New role created - responsibility for ensuring that interventions with vulnerable groups have impact.
Lead Intervention/English department – teaching whole classes and working with small intervention groups. New role created - responsibility for ensuring that interventions with vulnerable groups have impact.
Lead Intervention/Science department – teaching whole classes and working with small intervention groups. New role created - responsibility for ensuring that interventions with vulnerable groups have impact
Intervention in English/Maths.
SOL Attendance Support package to closely monitor student attendance and PA rates.
ASWs/TAs placed into departments or specific classes, to support intervention in all departments. To provide targeted support (placed where data indicates there is underachievement) - to help with
Cost (£)
Intended objectives/Impact
Raise outcomes for all students, including Pupil
Premium (PP) students.
Feedback +8 months
After-school provision
Raise outcomes for all students, including PP students.
Feedback +8 months
After-school provision
Raise outcomes for all students, including PP students.
Feedback +8 months
After-school provision
Increase in proportion of PP students making at least expected progress in English and Maths. Improved outcomes for these students giving greater opportunity for accessing further study.
Intervention classes formed to address specific barriers to learning and overcoming them to ensure success
Subsequent improvement in the
5 A*-C E&M and APS figures for the academy.
Raise outcomes for all students, including PP students.
Feedback +8 months
After-school provision
.Excellent attendance figures overall, targeted to rise to above
94% 2014 – 15
Raise outcomes of PP students
(academic & attendance). To provide individualised support to
PP students.
Mentoring +1 month
Social & Emotional learning +4 months.
a range of barriers to pupils’ learning, including attendance, behaviour, family circumstances and resources to support learning at home or in the academy.
Continuation of the GOLD
Curriculum for Year 7 students entering the academy at L3b and below.
Continuation of the Success
Centre/Intervention Base for intensive intervention and to prevent exclusion.
Good facilities for self-supported study with the introduction of
I pads - Pupil Premium/LAC students have been given extra help in buying the devices.
Academy counsellor in for three days a week to support pastoral intervention.
Continue to provide uniform to
PP students when necessary.
FSM students entitled to help with uniform – a key factor in ensuring that all students feel equal and part of academy.
Continue to organise enrichment activities (visits to Franklin
College/Grimsby Institute & universities,
and visits to the academy of outside speakers
Improve the progress for the least able, including some Pupil
Premium students.
Raise outcomes of specific groups of students.
Small group tuition +4 months
Reduction in number of fixed term exclusions for PP cohort.
Improved attendance for PP cohort. Individuals/groups of students able to overcome social/emotional difficulties in order to access the curriculum & make at least expected progress. Behaviour
Interventions +4 months.
Ensure that all students have access to the same equipment .
We expect to use this new technology to support the development of new innovations in terms of developing appropriate resources and teaching styles.
Digital technology +4 months.
Ensure vulnerable students
Identified & offered support from counsellor with exam nerves/emotional issues/bereavement so that they are able to access learning.
Social & Emotional learning +4 months.
Ensure students are wearing academy uniform and are fully participating in PE lessons.
Ensure that students are able to take part in all activities and ensure that PP students are not disadvantaged and that their aspirations are raised .
Analysis of attendance at extracurricular clubs and trips indicates that FSM students are attending at the same rate as non FSM
Student Engagement Trust –
Student Leadership Development and Staff Development
(Aspirations Framework).
Individualised tuition
More able students
Talented students- Music lessons, sports equipment, access to sports events.
Additional child protection/safeguarding costs.
Parental Engagement opportunities.
100 Club for Y11
Targeted rewards – achievement, good behaviour, attendance.
Y7 Catch-up
Increased focus on future goals, students can relate current achievement to future prospects.
Students are better equipped to make KS4 option choices.
Extended school time + 2 months.
Ensure that there is increased student responsibility for student engagement in learning.
Meta-cognition and selfregulation +8months
Each Y11 student who qualifies as LAC receives 1:1 support to cover whichever subjects require additional support. The support is tailored to the individual’s needs.
1:1 Tuition +5months.
Ensure 100% of students identified make 3 levels of progress and 30% make 4/5 levels of progress.
Ensure talented PP students are not disadvantaged.
Feedback +8 months
After-school provision
Arts participation +2months.
Sports participation
All students have support when necessary.
Parent meetings held at local venues as an alternative to the academy..
Parental Involvement +3months.
Increased motivation of PP students.
Raise outcomes of specific groups of students
Motivational strategy – particularly aimed at Pupil
Read, Write, Gold.
Provide an bank of laptops for
Pupil Premium students to use for this program.
Staffing for the Literacy and
Numeracy programmes in the academy.
Other actions:
Continue to raise the profile of
Pupil Premium students amongst staff making them more aware of their needs, data available and of the support that is available.
Effective teaching and learning continues to be a clear focus as good teaching is recognised by all staff as leading to progress for all, including Pupil Premium students.
Staff training has been focused accordingly on development of giving effective feedback, active learning and AfL.
To establish extra-curricular clubs at lunchtime and after school.
Continued intensive literacy support through Sound Reading
Re-establish Academic
Mentoring by SLT and teaching staff. This is based on establishing ‘Learning
Conversations’ - a powerful intervention strategy for targeted learners because it addresses self-limiting beliefs about their own capacity to make progress
Ensure teachers are aware of whom the Pupil Premium cohort is and how to track and monitor their progress, intervening with notable impact.
Ensure staff tracking their PP students. Profile of PP students as a cohort will be clearly shared and understood by all staff.
Staff attending CPD focussed on feedback, active learning and
Appraisals include discussions about PP students. PP students’ needs will be better catered for across all curriculum areas.
At least expected progress made by PP students across all subject areas. Higher levels of confidence and engagement.
100% of lesson will be typically good or better. KS4 results for
FSM students raised to match those of non FSM students
Feedback +8months.
Learning styles +2months
Provide additional support for studen ts’ independent study, research, homework and personal development.
Homework +5months.
After school programmes
Accelerate reading skills of targeted Y7 and Y8 students, including PP students. Students who take part in this programme can expect to improve their reading comprehension by an average of 12 months in 12 weeks.
Phonics +4 months.
Provide targeted support for students in danger of not making expected progress.
Provide a means of bringing together information about students’ subject progress with their development as learners across the curriculum, giving pupils greater control of and responsibility for their own learning,
Improved attainment of specific students
Re-establish weekly RAP meetings. Continued use of data tracking to identify the gaps and underachieving students.
Careers IAG and development of
U-Explore (independent and impartial national careers platform).
Careers Advisor supports students with choices throughout the academy and works not only with Year 11 leavers but with all students.
More robust homework structure
– led by the new Homework
Policy.- making homework an integral part of learning, rather than an add-on is a clear focus.
Continue Peer Mentoring this time involving the Student
Engagement Team mentoring Y7 and Y8 students.
Early intervention.
A summer academy took place during summer 2014. An outside organisation and Academy staff worked closely with feeder primary schools/academies to target the correct audience.
Ensure prompt identification of students who are falling behind and subsequent intervention.
Expert IAG means that students are better able to set their own goals and plan for the future, understanding how to make their education work for them.
All students in education, employment or training (re
NEETs) at the end of year 11.
Students with high aspirations clearly informed about how to achieve these goals.
Ensure that the importance of homework is understood by staff and students. Ensure that students are provided with high quality feedback on their homework.
Homework +5 months
Cross-age tutoring - an older learner takes the tutoring role and is paired with a younger tutee or tutees.
Peer mentoring +6 months.
The summer academy had clear aims, to breakdown traditional transitional barriers. Transition of students from primary school to secondary school is enhanced through the provision of academic and social support and guidance.
Prepares students socially and emotionally for transition
Secures general improvements in students’ academic progress and capacity to learn Student confidence levels will be boosted as they will feel part of our academy before September.
Summer schools +3months
Parental involvement +3 months.