THE REASON FOR BEARING CAPACITY FAILURE IN FINE GRAINED SOILS Ayfer Erken1, M.B. Can Ulker2, Z.Kaya3, B.Elibol4 ABSTRACT In this study the effect of cyclic loads on monotonic shear strength has been studied on torsional, triaxial and simple shear apparatus. Tests have been conducted on undisturbed fine grained soil specimens. The plasticity index of soils is in the range from NP to 22 % for undisturbed soil specimens. The existence of critical shear strain level, which is called as yield shear strain, where softening starts, is determined from cyclic tests. The level of cyclic yield strain is 0.5 % for the undisturbed soils. If soil undergoes a cyclic shear strain level below the cyclic yield strain, reduction of monotonic strength of undisturbed specimens is limited but when cyclic shear strain level is larger than yield strain monotonic strength decreases down to 40% of initial strength. Introduction After the 1999 Kocaeli disastrous earthquake, lots of structural damages and many casualties have occurred as a result of ground failures generated due to softening silts and clays. Under earthquake loads, the induced pore water pressure causes an increase shear strain at soft fine grained soils. For this reason, it has a great importance to determine post cyclic strength of soils in the areas having a seismic activity. To decrease structural damage related to foundation soils the stress-strain relationships under cyclic loads and post cyclic shear strength properties of soil stratums should be determined by conducting static and dynamic soil laboratory tests. In this study, the cyclic and monotonic tests have been conducted on undisturbed soils by using the cyclic simple shear apparatus, cyclic triaxial apparatus and cyclic torsional shear apparatus. The cyclic behavior of silty and clayey soils was determined according to test results and postcyclic monotonic shear strengths have been evaluated after various numbers of cycles of dynamic loading. Stress controlled dynamic tests were performed under different cyclic shear stress ratios and monotonic tests have been conducted on reconstituted soil specimens 1 Prof. Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Geotechnical Division, 34469 Maslak-Istanbul, Turkey., Fax:90-212-285 6557 2 Graduate Student, North Carolina State Univ., Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Eng. NC.,USA 3 Graduate Student Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Geotechnical Division, 34469 MaslakIstanbul 4 Graduate Student Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Geotechnical Division, 34469 MaslakIstanbul 1 controlling the strain rate in order to determine the pre-cyclic undrained static shear strength and also the post-cyclic failure mechanism of fine grained soils. To date, a comprehensive understanding of the cyclic behavior and post-cyclic shear strength of non-plastic silts, the silty clays and clayey silts having low plasticity is lacking. The determination of static undrained shear strength reduction plays an important role in this study and the primary objective is to systematically determine the post-cyclic undrained shear strengths of low plastic silty clays and clayey silts and compare the results with the pre-cyclic condition. Also the effect of soil plasticity and the specimen type on the dynamic shear strength and post-cyclic shear strength behavior of fine grained soils was determined. The observations of the field conditions and damaged areas after the earthquakes showed that under cyclic loadings, bearing failure occurs at low plastic silty and clayey soils due to rapid increase in shear strains and limited amount of pore water pressures resulting from ground softening. The previous studies made by several researchers agreed well with the field observations considering the cyclic behavior of low plastic silty and clayey soil. Although the silts are classified as fine grained soils, as it has been also investigated from other researchers, the cyclic behavior of them can be different from than that of clays. The difference exists in the cyclic shear strength properties and the pore water pressure response during cyclic loading depending upon the plasticity of fines. Pore pressures increase into a certain amount in plastic silty clays whereas it can reach to the effective confining pressure in one cycle of loading in saturated sandy silts and silty sands. The plasticity of fines is one of the major parameter that affects the cyclic behavior of silty soils (Erken et al., 1994). Cyclic strength of undisturbed non plastic silts is lower then that of plastic silts. Puri (1984) investigated the effect of plasticity index to the cyclic undrained shear strength of normally consolidated silty soils conducting cyclic triaxial tests on the reconstituted soil specimens. From the results, it was determined that the shear stress ratio to cause 5 % double amplitude shear strain increases significantly with the increase in the plasticity index at the same number of cycles. El Hosri (1984) determined the effect of plasticity index on the cyclic behavior of undisturbed silty soils. As it has been observed from the normalized shear stress ratio-plasticity index relationship, the cyclic strength increases with the plasticity index starting from a certain value of 5 %. Zhu and Law (1988) reported the similarity of the cyclic behavior of silty soils to that of silty sands from the results of the cyclic tests conducted on undisturbed and reconstituted specimens having a constant initial void ratio. Additionally, they have concluded that the shear deformations increase rapidly when the pore water pressures reach the 80 % of the effective confining pressure. Ansal and Erken (1989) presented an existence of the cyclic yield strength level having a critical cyclic shear strain level above which soils undergo rapidly large deformations at every number of cycles. Konrad and Wagg (1991) investigated the effect of the degree of shear deformation on the pore water pressure response from the undrained cyclic tests performed using anisotropically consolidated clay-silt mixtures having a clay content ranging from 0-40 %. Liu (1992) also studied the effect of plasticity index on the cyclic behavior of soft silty soils by obtaining the strength curves from regression analyses. He emphasized the difference in the strength of clean fine sands and the silty soils having plasticity index of between 4 and 40 %. The clean sands have the maximum cyclic shear strength and the difference between the test results of sands and silts could become more than 40 %. 2 Sandoval (1989) and Prakash and Sandoval (1992) obtained relatively different results from the previous researches. They pointed out the decrease in the liquefaction resistance of silts with the addition of clays having a plasticity of between 2-4 %. Guo and Prakash (1999) also demonstrated the similar behavior of silts with clays. In general, the previous studies and the critical examination of relevant data from the literature suggest that there is a threshold plasticity index value of clay fractions below which the liquefaction resistance decreases and beyond, which the liquefaction resistance starts increasing. Another important part of this study deals with the post-cyclic strength of reconstituted and undisturbed soft silty soils. Several researchers have investigated the post-cyclic behavior of the fine grained soils since the beginning of the 1980s. These studies include the loss of static undrained shear strengths of softening soils lying under the foundations of structures. In fact, it would be relatively safe to tell that the soils subjected to residual strains from cyclic loadings have zero post-cyclic strength (Koester, 1992). On the other hand, it was determined from the previous studies that the static undrained shear strengths of fine grained soils decrease significantly after the application of cyclic shear stresses. Finn (1982a) and Ramanujam et al. (1978) evaluated the change in the residual undrained shear strength of the soil through the shear surface after the earthquake loads. They determined that the stability analysis of the soil should be made at the limit state condition with a confining pressure correction. In another research, monotonic undrained strain controlled triaxial shear tests have been conducted and the post-yield shear strength was determined. This strength was found as the minimum value that the soil could experience in the undrained condition. The post-cyclic strength of soils was also studied by Marcuson et al. (1990), Seed et al. (1989), Vasquez and Dobry (1989) and Castro et al. (1989). In order to determine the residual strengths of the soil specimens taken from the hydraulic fill of San Fernando Dam, several laboratory tests were performed. Then the test results were compared with the field approach obtained from the standard penetration values. It was concluded that the actual field approach was determined having a wide range of residual strengths considering the actual laboratory curve. Lee and Focht (1975) determined the post-cyclic static strength reduction of fine grained soils. Researchers indicated that due to cyclic loading, failure occurs as a result of softening behavior and the deformations occurred when the liquefaction takes place at the foundation soils. The cyclic triaxial test results showed a 20 % decrease in the static strength of fine grained soils. Also, the pore water pressures obtained after the cyclic tests decreased to a certain value in the static triaxial tests. Materials and Experimental Procedure To determine the reason bearing capacity failure of fine grained soils cyclic and post cyclic monotonic tests have been conducted on reconstituted and undisturbed soil specimens. Undisturbed soil samples were obtained from boreholes drilled in the cities of Adapazari, Erzincan –Eksisu (1992 earthquake site) and Izmir located on Aegean Sea shore cost. The index properties of the reconstituted and undisturbed soil specimens can be seen in Table 1. The plasticity index of soils varies between NP and 22 %. 3 Table 1. Index properties of soils tested WL IP (%) (%) FC (%) n (kN/m3) Group 7.0-7.5 49 NP 98 15.7 ML E18 4.0-4.5 36 10 62 17.46 ML Erzincan-Eksisu1 E20 4.0-4.5 36 10 62 17.95 ML Erzincan-Eksisu1 E25 10.0-10.5 55 22 99 15.5 MH Erzincan-Eksisu1 E37 5.5-6.0 31 NP 83 17.36 OL Adapazari2 S3-1 10.5-11.0 - NP 53 - ML Adapazarı2 S3-3 10.5-11.0 - NP 39 - SM Adapazarı2 S4-1 3.0-3.5 - NP 56 17.0 ML Adapazarı3 DO2 3.5-4.0 37 13 95 19.0 ML İzmir3 DSO2 9.0-9.5 34 8 63 18.6 ML İzmir3 DSO1 5.0-5.5 31 9 55 18.7 CL Izmir3 DSO3 5.0-5.5 31 6 52 17.9 ML İzmir3 DO3 9.0-9.5 31 5 80 17.37 ML Field Sample No Depth (m) Erzincan-Eksisu1 E06 Erzincan-Eksisu1 1 Cyclic simple shear test 2 Cyclic triaxial test 3 Cyclic torsional shear test In this study, soils were tested using the pneumatic cyclic torsional shear apparatus, cyclic triaxial apparatus and cyclic simple shear apparatus. The cyclic and static tests have been conducted hollow cylinder specimens in torsional shear apparatus. The stress-strain relationships and the shear strength properties of the soil specimens can be determined under isotropic and anisotropic conditions by applying sinusoidal earthquake loads with a frequency range of 0.01 Hz at torsional and triaxial systems and 1 Hz at simple shear system. Then, the cyclic tests were stopped at the desired loading cycle and monotonic undrained tests were conducted at 0.50 mm/sec loading rate in torsional system and 0.20 mm/sec loading rate in triaxial system. 4 Undisturbed soil specimens were prepared using an outer mold to hold the cylindrical specimen and the inner parts of the specimens were carved with a special screw by applying torque. The inner radius of undisturbed hollow cylinder specimens is 1.50 cm, the outer radius is 3.50 cm and the height of the specimens is approximately 14.00 cm each. The size of specimens are in simple shear apparatus is 3 cm high and 7 cm diameter in simple shear apparatus and 5 cm diameter and 10 cm high in triaxial apparatus. The specimens were consolidated isotropically to an effective stress of 100 kPa. All the undisturbed specimens were exhibited a saturation ratio of greater or equal to 0.96. After the consolidation process, the loading was applied cyclically in dynamic tests and monotonically in static tests. Testing program The testing program consisted of three test series, each designed to investigate a particular effect of the undrained cyclic and monotonic behavior of the undisturbed silty and silty clay soil specimens. Series 1 included only the cyclic simple shear tests conducted on Erzincan - Eksisu specimens with a plasticity of NP to22 %. At the second series tests to determine the dynamic shear strength and post cyclic monotonic strength of the undisturbed silty soil specimens obtained from Adapazari city, cyclic axial loads were applied till the failure condition of DA 5 % shear strain occurred in specimens. The monotonic loading that was applied at 0.20 mm/sec loading rate lasted till the soil specimens exhibited a shear strain of 10 %. Series 3 also included the cyclic tests followed by static loading of low plastic silty soils in order to determine the effect of cyclic shear stresses on the undrained static shear strength of undisturbed fine grained soils in torsional apparatus. The cyclic torsional loads were performed under the shear stress ratios within 0.170 and 0.327 in silty soils with a plasticity index ranged from 5 to 13 %. The monotonic loading that was applied at 0.50 mm/sec loading rate lasted till the soil specimens exhibited a shear strain of 10 % (Table 2). Table 2 Cyclic test properties of undisturbed specimens Test No wn (%) wn/wl IP (%) nc (kN/m3) B (%) d/c' N (=2.5%) E06 36 0.73 NP 15.7 95 0.183 4.5 E18 36 1 10 17.46 95 0.353 5 E20 36 1 10 17.95 100 0.249 40 E25 44 0.8 22 15.5 95 0.249 100 E37 31 1 NP 17.36 95 0.200 20 S3-1 37 - NP 96 0.280 8.5 5 S3-3 32 - NP 95 0.210 23.5 S4-1 22 - NP 96 0.320 19 DO2 37 0.99 13 19.0 100 0.327 1 DO3 19 0.61 5 17.37 98 0.208 760 DSO1 30 0.97 9 18.7 96 0.240 10 DSO2 29 0.85 8 18.58 96 0.227 3 DSO3 28 0.90 6 17.9 98 0.170 20* * The test is continued till 1 % DA strain Cyclic Behavior of Undisturbed Silty Soils In this part of the study, cyclic simple shear tests were conducted on the undisturbed and reconstituted silty specimens. Fig. 1 shows the cyclic test result of the non-plastic soil specimen. Here, the relationships between shear strain versus number of cycles and pore water pressure versus number of cycles are presented. It is obviously seen that with the increasing number of cycles, shear strains increase rapidly whereas pore water pressures stay limited which results from soil softening in reconstituted silty specimen. So, when the pore water pressure ratio reached nearly 0.8, shear strains have already exceeded the failure limit of 5 % DA. The other specimens present similar behavior. As the compressive character of the water is neglected, pore water pressure occurs and the effective stresses decrease significantly. This decrease would be much more in the low plastic range because the pore pressures increase much more in low plastic silty soils. The contractive behavior of the low plastic silty soil seems to be same as the condition of clean fine sands under cyclic loading (Ishihara, 1993; Verdugo and Ishihara, 1996; Lade and Yamamuro, 1997). Fig. 2 shows the cyclic behavior of low plastic silty soil samples obtained from Adapazari city after 1999 Kocaeli earthquake. The sample was taken from 3.5 m depth and included 56% of non-plastic fines. Cyclic axial strain increases suddenly after 11th repetition of cyclic axial stress ratio of d/2c=0.320. Pore pressure ratio is around 0.7 at this number and reaches around 1.0 at DA =6%. The sample having 53 fines, obtained from 11 m depth, presents similar behavior under d/2c= 0.280 (Fig. 3). Cyclic behaviors of undisturbed soils obtained from the cities of Adapazari and Izmir are compared in Fig. 4. The plasticity index of the undisturbed specimens having fines content varying from 52 to 95% is in a range between 5 and 13 %. As it is seen from Figure 4, the increased cyclic shear stress ratio causes to reach the failure limit of double amplitude shear strain of 5 % in lower cycles of loading. Shear strains increase rapidly at first few cycles and the undisturbed soil specimen loses its cyclic strength following the test. When the ratio of w n/wl exceeds 0.90 undisturbed soils become more collapsible due to strain softening within 20 cycles with a pore pressure ratio in range 0.52 to 0.60 (Table 2). Whereas the soil having a ratio of 6 wn/wl =0.61 reaches the failure state of deformation at 750 cycles of loading with a limited excess pore pressure ratio of 0.52. The silty specimen with a plasticity of 13 % has considerably more cyclic strength compared to specimens with lower plasticity index under smaller cyclic shear stresses. 7 Shear Starin (%) 6 4 2 0 -2 Shear Strain (%) 0 20 40 60 80 Effective Stress (kPa) 100 120 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 30 40 50 Time (Sec) Pore Pressure Ratio 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 Time (Sec) Fig. 1. Cyclic undrained test results of the undisturbed silty soil specimen, IP=NP d/c=0.183. 8 Axial Shear Starin (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 Axial Shear Strain (%) 0 20 40 60 80 Effective Stress (kPa) 100 120 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 Number of Cycle (N) 8 10 0 2 4 6 Number of Cycle (N) 8 10 Pore Pressure Ratio 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Fig.2. Cyclic undrained triaxial test results of the undisturbed silty soil specimen, IP=NP d/2c=0.320. 9 Axial Shear Starin (%) 4 2 0 -2 Axial Shear Strain (%) -4 0 24 48 72 Effective Stress (kPa) 96 120 0 5 10 15 Number of Cycle (N) 20 25 0 5 10 15 Number of Cycle (N) 20 25 4 3 2 1 0 Pore Pressure Ratio 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Fig.3. Cyclic undrained triaxial test results of the undisturbed silty soil specimen, IP=NP d/2c=0.280. 10 6.0 Test No IP(%) DSO2 8 DSO1 9 DO3 5 DSO3 6 DO2 13 Shear Strain (%) 5.0 4.0 d/ c 0.227 0.24 0.208 0.17 0.327 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1 10 100 1000 Number of Cycles, N 1 Test No IP(%) DSO2 8 DSO1 9 DO3 5 DSO3 6 DO3 13 Pore Pressure Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 d/ c 0.227 0.240 0.208 0.170 0.327 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 10 100 1000 Number of Cycles, N Fig. 4. Pore water pressure and shear strain behaviors of undisturbed soils As shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, there is a critical cyclic shear strain level for every soil that the cyclic shear strain increases suddenly due to the softening of soil when cyclic shear stress is large enough to produce pore water pressure and shear strain (Erken et al., 2005). As shown in the figures, the intersection of the straight part of curve gives the cyclic yield shear strain level as cr = 0. 5 % for the undisturbed fine grained soils with the plasticity index in a range from NP to 22. Above the cr, the shear deformations increase rapidly exceeding the failure limit of 5 % DA. Ansal and Erken (1989) also determined around 0. 50 % of the cyclic yield shear strain level for one-dimensionally consolidated kaolinite clay having a plasticity index of 40. Erken and Ulker also used reconstituted fine grained soil specimens to obtain the relationship between plasticity index and the number of cycles at cr. As shown in Fig. 5 the number of cycles at cr increases by increasing plasticity index. 11 40 Plasticity Index (%) 35 30 25 20 15 R (Erken et al., 2005)) 10 DS O1 (Erken et al., 2005) 5 DS S T (Erken et al., 1995) 0 1 10 100 1000 Number of Cycles, N cr Fig. 5. The relationship between plasticity index and the number of cycles at cr (Erken et al., 2005) Post-cyclic Undrained Monotonic Strength of Undisturbed Fine Grained Soils During 1999 Kocaeli earthquake, one of the most important phenomenon related to ground failure was bearing capacity failure developed as a result of shear strength reduction due to soil softening. It is necessary to determine the effect of earthquake loads on monotonic shear strength for the design of structure to mitigate earthquake effects. In this part of the research, the static torsional tests have been conducted after ending the cyclic tests on undisturbed specimens for a certain number of cycles at constant shear stress amplitude. Fig. 6 shows the monotonic shear strength results obtained from three undisturbed silty specimens loaded cyclically at different stress ratios. The plasticity index and fines content values of the specimens are between 6-9 % and 52-63 % respectively. The cyclic shear strain was increased up to 0.09 % at the end of 20 cycles of application of the cyclic shear stress level of 0.170. The post cyclic ultimate monotonic strength value is obtained as 40 kPa at 10 % shear strain. However the failure state achieved during cyclic loading significantly influenced the monotonic undrained strengths. After a shear strain of 2.95 %, shear strength decreased to 35 kPa and strain potential of 5.04 % caused the monotonic strengths to decrease to 25 kPa.. The cyclic strain amplitude of 0.09 %, pore water pressures increase from 29 kPa to 45 kPa. However, pressures decrease from 55 kPa to 14 kPa at the cyclic shear strain history of 2.95 % and from 78 kPa to 50 kPa at the static test having at the cyclic shear strain history of 5.04 %. It is obviously seen that cyclic shear stress history directly affects the saturated and soft undisturbed silty soils. 12 Pore Water Pressure (kPa) 100 DSO2 80 c=5.04% 60 DSO3 c=0.09% DSO1 c=2.95% 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 Shear Strain % 10 12 14 60 Shear Stress (kPa) DSO1 c=2.95% DSO3 c=0.09% 50 40 30 20 DSO2 10 c=5.04% 0 0 2 4 6 8 Shear Strain % 10 12 14 Fig. 6. Undrained monotonic shear strength and pore water behavior of undisturbed silt samples after cyclic loading. Conclusion On the basis of the tests reported in this paper regarding the cyclic and the post-cyclic monotonic behaviors of fine grained soils by using cyclic tests, the followings were found: The results of cyclic undrained torsional shear tests conducted on both reconstituted and undisturbed low plastic silty and silty clay soils show that shear strains increase rapidly and steadily until the failure limit described as 5 % DA shear strain level, but excess pore water pressures increase only a limited amount whereas the pore water pressures are equal to effective confining pressure when cyclic axial strains in triaxial test system and cyclic shear strains in simple shear system exceed DA5%. There is a critical cyclic shear strain level triggering excessive increase in shear strain. As the yield cyclic shear strain level is obtained around cr = 0.5 % for undisturbed fine grained soils. 13 The number of cycles at cr increases by increasing plasticity index of reconstituted and undisturbed fine grained soils. The monotonic undrained shear strengths of undisturbed specimens decrease with the cyclic shear stress history and the reduction depends on the previous number of cycles of loading at the same cyclic shear stress amplitude. However, this reduction is significant when the soil specimen exceeds a certain yield strain level under the same shear stress amplitude prior to static undrained test and reaches nearly 40 % in silty soil. While the previous cyclic stress history affects the post-cyclic strength, the influence of other factors like effective confining pressure, relative density, aging, structure etc. on the post-cyclic monotonic shear strength should also be determined with a comprehensive study. Acknowledgments The research reported herein has been supported by the Graduate Research Department of Istanbul Technical University and Ulker Geotechnical Engineering Company. The supports are strongly appreciated. References Ansal, A.M., A. Erken, 1989. Undrained behavior of clay under cyclic shear stresses, Journal of The Geotechnical Engineering Division 115, 968-983. Castro, G., T. O. Keller and S. S. Boynton, 1989. Re-evaluation of the lower San Fernando Dam, Report 1: Contract Report GL-89-2, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. El Hosri, M.S., H. Biarez, and P. Y. Hicher, 1984. Liquefaction characteristics of silty clay, Proc. Eight World Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Prentice Hall, NJ, p.277-284 Erken, A. and A. M. Ansal, 1994. Liquefaction characteristics of undisturbed sands, Performance of Ground and Soil Structures, Thirteenth Int. Conf. On Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering, p.65-170. Erken A., A. M. Ansal, H. Yildirim, R. Ulker, T. 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