LWRRDC QPI 20 1. Volume 6 PROJECT TITLE QPI20 Development of a National Drought Alert Strategic Information System (May-1996) 2. VOLUME 6: WHEAT MODELLING SUB-PROJECT 3. CONTACT DETAILS: a) Primary Research Organisation: b) Principal Investigator: 4. Climate Impacts and Applications Resource Sciences Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Resources 80 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, 4068. Mr Ken D. Brook Principal Scientist Tel: 07-3896 9379 Fax: 07-3896 9606 DPI research staff: John Carter, Tim Danaher, Greg McKeon, Cheryl Kuhnell, Neil Flood, Graeme Hammer, David Butler, Robert Hassett, Helen Wood, Alan Beswick, Alan Peacock, Colin Paull, Patricia Hugman 5. Collaborating Organisations (i) Research Organisations Greg Beeston, Greg Mlodawski, David Stephens, Agriculture Western Australia. Dennis Barber (now NSW DLWC), Russell Flavel, Department of Environment and Land Management, South Australia Rik Dance, Danny Brock, Don Petty, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Northern Territory Daryl Green, David Hart, Rob Richards, Department of Land and Water Conservation, New South Wales (ii) Funding Organisations Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Grains Research & Development Corporation Goodman Fielder Mills Ltd. Evaluation of model performance relative to rainfall, Inter-state model calibration, Extension, and State comments Page i LWRRDC QPI 20 6. Volume 6 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: There are 6 volumes of documentation available on LWRRDC QPI20. The volumes are: (1) Research summary (2) Field validation of pasture biomass and tree cover (3) Development of data rasters for model inputs (4) Model framework, Parameter derivation, Model calibration, Model validation, Model outputs, Web technology (5) Evaluation of model performance relative to rainfall, Inter-state model calibration, Extension, and State comments. (6) Wheat modelling sub-project. (this document) A short video of computer visualisations produced from the project is also available. The above information sets are available at a nominal charge to cover printing and distribution costs. For more detailed information contact: Spatial rangeland model, drought alerts Mr John Carter, Resource Sciences Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 80 Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly. 4068. Ph 07 - 3896 9588 Fax: 07 - 3896 9606 GRASP pasture simulation Dr Greg McKeon, Resource Sciences Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 80 Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly. 4068. Ph 07 - 3896 9548 Fax: 07 - 3896 9606 Meteorological data Mr Neil Flood, Resource Sciences Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, 80 Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly. 4068. Ph 07 - 3896 9734 Fax: 07 - 3896 9606 Wheat simulation modelling Dr Graeme Hammer, Agricultural Production and Systems Research Unit, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Tor Street, Toowoomba. 4068. Ph 076 - 314 379 Fax: 076 - 332 678 Wheat statistical modelling and yield forecasting Mr David Stephens, c/- Agriculture Western Australia, Ngala Annex, Baron - Hay Court, South Perth. 6151. Ph 09 - 368 3983 Fax: 09 - 368 3946 Evaluation of model performance relative to rainfall, Inter-state model calibration, Extension, and State comments Page ii LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 SECTION (a) - Development of Predictive Models of Wheat Production Contents 1. PROJECT TITLE .............................................................................................................................................. I 2. VOLUME 6: WHEAT MODELLING SUB-PROJECT ................................................................................ I 3. CONTACT DETAILS: ...................................................................................................................................... I 4. DPI RESEARCH STAFF:................................................................................................................................. I 5. COLLABORATING ORGANISATIONS ....................................................................................................... I 6. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:................................................................................................................ II 7. ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................................ 1 8. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 1 9. MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................................................................................... 4 9.1 STUDY PERIOD AND DATA SETS ..................................................................................................................... 4 9.2 RAINFALL REGRESSION MODEL ..................................................................................................................... 7 9.2.1 Location ................................................................................................................................................ 7 9.2.2 Time ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 9.2.3 Monthly Rain ......................................................................................................................................... 8 9.3 WEIGHTED RAINFALL INDEX .......................................................................................................................... 9 9.4 AGRO-CLIMATIC MODELS ............................................................................................................................ 10 9.5 STRESS INDEX MODEL ................................................................................................................................. 10 9.6 DROUGHT INDEX.......................................................................................................................................... 12 9.7 CALIBRATING THE INDICES - TRENDS IN WHEAT YIELDS ............................................................................. 13 9.8 COMMON WATER BALANCE ........................................................................................................................ 14 9.9 SIMULATION MODELS .................................................................................................................................. 16 9.10 TACT SIMULATION MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 16 9.11 APSIM-WHEAT ......................................................................................................................................... 17 10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 18 10.1.1 Individual Shire Results .................................................................................................................... 19 10.1.2 State / National Averages ................................................................................................................ 20 10.2 IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page i LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 11. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 23 12. REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................... 37 List of Figures FIGURE 1: 127 RAINFALL STATIONS USED BY THE AGRO-CLIMATIC MODELS; + = 70 STATIONS WITH TEMPERATURE DATA ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2: AUSTRALIAN CROPPING BOUNDARIES AND RAINFALL STATIONS USED IN THE MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL. ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 3: ABS YIELD (T/HA) FOR 1982 ................................................................................................................. 21 FIGURE 4: ABS YIELD (T/HA) FOR 1983 ................................................................................................................. 21 FIGURE 5: STRESS INDEX YIELD (T/HA) 1982 ......................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 6: STRESS INDEX YIELD (T/HA) 1983 ......................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 7 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) APSIM-WHEAT SIMULATION FOR THE WAGGAMBA SHIRE.24 FIGURE 8 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) APSIM-WHEAT SIMULATION FOR THE MURILLA SHIRE. .... 25 FIGURE 9 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) APSIM-WHEAT SIMULATION FOR THE BANANA SHIRE. ..... 26 FIGURE 10 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) APSIM-WHEAT SIMULATION FOR THE BUNGIL SHIRE. ...... 27 FIGURE 11 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) TACT SIMULATION FOR THE MERREDIN SHIRE. ................. 28 FIGURE 12 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED YIELD (ABS) AND PREDICTED YIELD FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) TACT SIMULATION FOR THE CUNDERDIN SHIRE. ............... 29 FIGURE 13 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) QUEENSLAND YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX. ................ 30 FIGURE 14 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) QUEENSLAND YIELDS FOR THE APSIM-WHEAT MODEL ................................................................................................................................ 31 Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page ii LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 FIGURE 15 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) NEW SOUTH WALES YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX. .... 32 FIGURE 16 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) VICTORIAN YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX. ................ 33 FIGURE 17 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX ..... 34 FIGURE 18 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) WEST AUSTRALIAN YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX ............ 35 FIGURE 19 COMPARISON BETWEEN OBSERVED (ABS) AND PREDICTED (WEIGHTED) AUSTRALIAN YIELDS FOR (1) RAINFALL REGRESSION, (2) STRESS INDEX, (3) DROUGHT INDEX, AND (4) WEIGHTED RAIN INDEX ................. 36 List of Tables TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MODELS USED TO ESTIMATE YIELDS .................................................................................... 3 TABLE 2 MAXIMUM MONTHLY RAINFALL AMOUNTS ALLOWED IN MODEL CALCULATIONS FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS AND PERIODS. ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 TABLE 3 YIELD TRENDS (T/HA/YEAR) FOR (A) A PERIOD WHERE YIELD GROWTH HAD LEVELLED OFF, AND (B) RECENT INTERVALS CHOSEN TO REPRESENT MORE RECENT TRENDS (EXCLUDING SEQUENCES OF EXTREME YEARS), WITH ** P<0.01 ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 TABLE 4 CRITERION TO CALCULATE THE MIDPOINT OF DISTRICT SOWING. ............................................................. 16 TABLE 5 R2 AND MAE (T/HA) VALUES FROM A FIT OF OBSERVED (ABS) VS PREDICTED VALUES FOR EACH METHOD AT 6 SELECTED SHIRES. ........................................................................................................................................... 19 TABLE 6 R2 AND MAE (T/HA) VALUES FROM A FIT OF OBSERVED WEIGHTED YIELD (ABS) VS PREDICTED WEIGHTED YIELD FOR EACH METHOD FOR EACH STATE AND NATIONALLY. ............................................................. 20 Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page iii LWRRDC QPI 20 7. Volume 6 ABSTRACT In developing a wheat yield forecasting capability for a National Drought Alert Strategic Information System, a feasibility study of six yield forecasting models (rainfall regression, weighted rainfall index, stress index, drought index, TACT simulation model and the APSIMWheat simulation model) from three classes (empirical, agroclimatic and simulation) was undertaken and evaluated at a number of scales. Essentially it was found that while all classes have the potential to satisfactorily forecast Australian wheat yields at the shire scale, the simpler empirical and agroclimatic models performed best overall, particularly when the demand on computing resources is taken into account. Of these, the empirical approaches were marginally superior to the agroclimatic models in a number of cases and equivalent in others. It should be noted, however, that poor knowledge of some input data layers did impact on the performance of the crop simulation models; efforts to overcome this would need to be balanced against the expected gain in precision given the performance of the simpler models. 8. INTRODUCTION Australia is a major exporter of wheat and coarse grains. Wheat production alone is worth in excess of $2000 million per annum (AWB, 1993), but this varies as a result of one of the most variable climates in the world (Russell, 1988). Large annual fluctuations in yields (and production) are of major concern to marketing agencies who have to sell this grain on a volatile world market. While other grain exporting countries have developed systematic techniques and models to forecast crop yields (Motha and Heddinghaus, 1986; Stephens, 1988; Walker, 1989), Australia has yet to use any formal forecasting procedure to estimate its own production (AACM, 1991). Existing forecasts are based on a compilation from various sources of information and are unreliable and only broadly indicative (AACM, 1991). To address this problem, this project sought to: 1. develop and apply approaches capable of forecasting Australian wheat yield and its spatial distribution at the shire scale by considering approaches covering a range in complexity, and 2. compare the predictive ability of the approaches and assess the trade-offs between accuracy and likely cost of application in a real-time forecasting mode. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 1 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 A vast number of crop weather models have been proposed and these have been reviewed in the Australian context by a number of authors (McMahon, 1983; Rimmington et al., 1986; Angus, 1991; AACM, 1991). Models that can specifically forecast yields have been classified into three broad categories (Baier, 1977; 1979): 1. Empirical models that relate weather (typically rainfall) and soil variables directly to yield through a statistical model. 2. Crop weather analysis models that evaluate crop response to variations in derived agrometeorolgical indices that are usually based on a simple water balance; and 3. Simulation models - that explicitly model plant growth and development with a set of mathematical equations which have a physical, chemical and physiological basis. The development of simulation models of ever increasing complexity has been a feature of research in the last two decades, but there are now signs of real efforts to return to simpler and more general models (Nix, 1985). The increased cost, effort and complexity of more recent crop models have not lead to commensurate improvements in predictions (Norman, 1981). Complex models have often been significantly less successful at simulating grain yield (on a broad scale) than more empirical models that have been tested locally (White et al., 1993). However, due to the short history of the field and the difficulty in obtaining adequate data sets, no direct comparisons of model accuracy has been made for different levels of model complexity. At the simplest level, Lehane and Staple (1965) found in Canada that multiple regression equations based on rainfall distribution and soil moisture gave better estimates of yield than did equations based on total seasonal rainfall alone. Similarly, Nix and Fitzpatrick (1969) showed an agrometeorological (stress) index based on soil water supply at ear-emergence considerable improved on equations based on total crop rainfall, soil moisture at sowing and sums of evapotranspiration. Hashemi (1976) however found that a simple moisture balance did not improve on growing season rainfall totals in Iran. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of information on model comparisons as modelling progresses from water based budgets to simulation models of plant growth. This report therefore reviews the utility of various yield forecasting models deemed appropriate for Australian conditions. Modelling approaches are listed in Table 1. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 2 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Table 1 Summary of models used to estimate yields Class Model Description Empirical Rainfall Regression Empirically derived relationship between historical shire yields and rainfall Weighted Rainfall Index Linear function of (biologically based) weighted monthly rainfall for Australian rainfall districts. (Stephens et al., 1994) The derived index is calibrated against historical yield data. Agroclimatic Stress Index An index is derived from water stress relative to plant available water using daily rain, average weekly temperature and radiation data throughout the growing season. (Stephens et al., 1989) The index is calibrated against historical yield records. Drought Index Calculates a seasonally integrated daily growth index from a physiologically based model using daily rain and temperature. (Walker, 1989) As with the stress index the drought index is calibrated against historical yields. Simulation TACT A derivative of the CERES-Wheat model. (Robinson and Abrecht, 1994) APSIM-Wheat Woodruff-Hammer simulation model (Hammer et al., 1987) Of these models, most can be run at a shire (or lower) level and predictions scaled up by weighting to a forecast at a national scale. The exception is the weighted rainfall model which runs on district rainfall and can only be aggregated to forecast state or national yields. Apart from the Weighted Rainfall Index, the basic unit for predictive purposes was the shire (or county in South Australia). No claim is made that any one model is the definitive in its class but rather they are representative of their type. An exhaustive search, particularly of the empirical class, was beyond the scope of the project. Due to data and time constraints this study could only test the simulation models at two shires in Western Australia (TACT model) and four shires in Queensland (APSIM-Wheat model). To aid in model comparison the same fallow water balance (Ritchie, 1972) was utilised (from the Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 3 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 CERES-Wheat model - Ritchie and Otter, 1985) in both the Crop weather analysis models and the Tact simulation model. A modified form of this is also used in the APSIM-Wheat model. 9. MATERIALS AND METHODS 9.1 Study Period and Data Sets In the process of model development many years of data are needed to cover the full range of conditions and derive the necessary parameters. King (1989) suggests at least twenty are needed for multiple regression models, if too few are used relative to the number of predictors then overfitting can be a problem.. The Agroclimatic index and simulation models have a less strict requirement as only one parameter or index is being regressed against historical yields. However, in all cases an extended range of years is essential to avoid spurious results from runs of advantageous seasons. In this study, the most recent 18 years of available yield data was chosen as this has a good mixture of drought, average and wet years and yield fluctuations were the greatest on record (Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993). This period was also chosen because older crop varieties were replaced from the mid 1970's with varieties that have benefited from the successful incorporation of the reduced height (dwarfing) and multiple rust resistance genes (Zwer et al., 1992; Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993). Present varieties have a superior resistance to lodging, higher yield potential, higher harvest index and less incidence of rust (Richards, 1992; Zwer et al., 1992). Higher yields closer to potential are now possible in wetter years when yield losses are highest. The data sets generated and / or used in the study include: Daily rainfall (from the bureau of Meteorology) for 127 rainfall stations, 1975-1992, carefully selected to evenly spread over the wheat belt. Each station roughly represent 1% of the national crop (Figure 1). A subset of 70 stations had adequate daily maximum and minimum temperature data. Years that had missing monthly rainfall data were removed from the analysis. Unfortunately, due to problems with supplied media, 1992 temperature data was not available for New South Wales and South Australia. These data were used to derive the indices from the Stress and Drought models. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 4 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Monthly rainfall for all available meteorological stations in the Australian (mainland) cropping belt (Figure 2) from 1974-1992. This data set was a subset of the data used in the RAINMAN (Clewett et al 1994) project and includes spatially interpolated data (Hutchinson, 1991) to estimate missing values. This data set was used for the multiple regression model. Digitised Australian cropping land boundaries (McNaught in Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993; Figure 2) derived by the Bureau of Resource Sciences from the digital version of the Atlas of Australian Resources, Volume 6, Vegetation, produced by AUSLIG, with additions from NSW Agriculture and Queensland Department of Primary Industries. Wheat production and area planted from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for each Statistical Local Area (shire or county) for the years 1975-1992 inclusive. Considerable effort was put into constructing this data set and reconciling historical SLA boundary changes (particularly in South Australia) with those currently in use. Average climate data from the AUSTCLIM dataset (Nix, 1981) gave required average weekly solar radiation, maximum temperatures and minimum temperatures where these were missing or not recorded. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 5 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 1: 127 rainfall stations used by the agro-climatic models; + = 70 stations with temperature data Figure 2: Australian cropping boundaries and rainfall stations used in the multiple regression model. Colour plates enclosed overleaf: Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 6 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Spatially interpolated 5km grid of historical daily climate data for Queensland, 1972-1992. Digitised Queensland cropping land boundaries derived from visual interpretation of Landsat Imagery 9.2 Rainfall Regression Model Regression models are a static representation of the dynamic crop system. Typically, a yield series is regressed against various independent variables representing monthly rainfall, location and time etc. The general linear regression model can be written as: Y X where Y is a n1 vector of observations, X is a np matrix of independent variables, is a p1 vector of parameters, and is a n1 vector of random errors which is assumed here to be N(0,2I) In this study the Y consisted of SLA (Statistical Local Government Areas; shire or county) wheat yields (t/ha) as recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the period 1975-1992. Only those shires reporting some production in all years were included in the regression, resulting in 285 shire yields in each of 18 years. That is, n 285 18. The independent variables included in the regression were: 9.2.1 Location This factor includes a constant term for each shire and can be interpreted as the long term yield of an SLA. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 7 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 9.2.2 Time The inclusion of a time trend is a simple way of accounting for the aggregate effects due to advances in cultural practice, variety performance and other technology advances. A simple linear term for year was used in this model to account for general increases (or decreases) in shire yield over the study period. Trends in Australian wheat yields are discussed further in 2.3.3. 9.2.3 Monthly Rain Rainfall is the primary causal (albeit indirectly) variable considered here in determining final yield. Only monthly totals were considered as initial candidates for inclusion as the disagregation into smaller (ultimately daily) time steps was unlikely to improve prediction and would result in a large number of highly correlated predictors. Twelve monthly totals were used in the analysis: from December in the previous year to November of the year for which yield was recorded. For example, for the 1975 harvest 12 totals beginning with December 1974 through to November 1975 were used. As the experimental unit is the SLA, a single rainfall value for each SLA for each month had to be derived. Only rainfall stations within the boundary of cropping land (Figure 2) were included, and, in the absence of any further detailed knowledge it was assumed that yield was evenly distributed throughout each SLA (or part thereof) within this cropping boundary. An estimate of the “spatial average” total shire rain for a given shire for each month was calculated as the weighted average of the rainfall from those stations whose “area of influence” fell within the shire boundary. These 12 monthly values can be further aggregated into relatively homogeneous biologically meaningful periods. In the interests of parsimony, only 4 rainfall variables were ultimately used in the model fitting. These were: Rn1 = Dec+Jan+Feb+Mar (fallow rain) Rn2 = Apr+May+June (pre-plant) Rn3 = Jul+Aug+Sep (flowering) Rn4 = Oct+Nov (grain fill) Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 8 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 9.3 Weighted Rainfall Index Each month the Bureau of Meteorology calculates an average district rainfall for each of its defined rainfall districts. An accumulated accounting procedure that gives more importance to rainfall in critical periods should relate strongly to yields due to various physiological reasons (Hochman, 1982), but also because the rainfall distribution on a given soil determines how much of the rainfall is available for plant use, and ultimately, the response of crop yield to rainfall amount (van Keulen, 1987). Based on these assumptions a Weighted Rainfall Index (WRI) was formed by adding and weighting district rainfall over the wheat-belt through the growing season. That is, n w d w m Rm m 1 d 1 45 WRI 45 w d d 1 where d is the district, m the month, Rm the monthly district rainfall, wm the monthly weighting factor which assigns a relative value to the month in relation to the crop cycle and wd is the district weighting factor which is simply the proportion each district makes to the Australian production. Summation is over the total number of districts (45) and number of months (n) found between October (in the previous year) and the end of the growing season in each district. The WRI is equivalent to a regression approach in that it is a weighted average of a linear predictor, however, the coefficients (wm ) are subjectively determined. Prior to calculating the index, the district rainfall is screened for extreme amounts. Monthly totals less than 10 mm were removed as these light amounts spread over a month would mostly be lost to surface evaporation. Excess rainfall on a regional basis, determined from the soil types shown in the soil atlas of Australia (Northcote et al., 1975), is removed according to the values shown in Table 2. Amounts above winter maximums were subtracted from the maximum corresponding to the negative affects of waterlogging on plant germination and growth. In addition, a final screen was made of the data for two consecutive very wet months as it is unrealistic to expect the second month’s rainfall to be as useful as the first. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 9 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 9.4 Agro-climatic Models 9.5 Stress Index Model Dugas et al (1983) suggested that if the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) crop monitoring method (Frere and Popov, 1979) was incorporated into a water balance, it could be used for crop yield forecasting. This is essentially what Stephens et al. (1989) did when they joined the CERES-Wheat fallow water balance (Ritchie and Otter, 1985) to the Frere and Popov (1979) model. This resultant stress index model calculates yields from year to year using daily rainfall with average weekly radiation, maximum temperatures and minimum temperatures needed for the water balance. Representative soil data are needed to describe the soil profile and calculate PAW on a district sowing date. Table 2 Maximum monthly rainfall amounts allowed in model calculations for different regions and periods. REGION 1 Month Total (mm) Winter 2 Month Total (mm) Growing-season 1 Month Total (mm) Non-winter Queensland 125 200 150 New South Wales 125 200 140 Victoria 100 195 125 South Australia 100 190 125 Western Australia 95 170 125 W.A. District 10 80 150 125 Since the stress index calculates a moisture stress in relation to a PAW value, if too high a soil water holding capacity is given the model overestimates yields in wet years, while conversely, too low a value underestimates yields in dry years. Given the importance of this value, the stress index model was optimised for PAW in relation to final yields. If optimised values were thought inappropriate for each shire in relation to the dominant soil types shown in the soil atlas of Australia (Northcote et al.,1975), they were adjusted to a more realistic value. From sowing to a fixed "maturity date" (date rainfall stops contributing to final yield - just after soft dough in the grainfilling stage) a weekly potential water balance is calculated. The potential water balance assumes that rainfall (R) is added to the existing soil water supply and that a crop water requirement (WR) is removed at a highest yielding (no stress) rate. As such, the soil Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 10 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 moisture at sowing switches to be come a potential soil water (PSW) and is calculated weekly (i) by: PSWi = PSW i-1 + (Ri - WRi ) Usually a negative potential soil water supply is reached and a cumulative stress index (I), which starts at 100, is reduced by the percentage of the total seasonal water requirement (WRT) not met. This index is also reduced if the water holding capacity of the soil is exceeded by surplus rain. If a surplus or deficit is represented as SD then: I i = I i-1 + ( SDi ) WRT For late sowings the same total water requirement is removed from the soil, but because a fixed maturity date is used for each year the length of the growing season is reduced and individual weekly water requirements are increased. In fact later sown crops mature a little later and use less water (French and Scultz, 1984), but because a potential water use is calculated in relation to a non stressed crop, each year must be related to a potential total water use and what doesn’t meet that is "stress". Stephens et al. (1989) describe an elaborate procedure for calculating WR based on a Penman derivative of potential evapotranspiration and crop coefficients. However, in extending the model to many locations it became impractical to always adjust the crop coefficients so that WR always equalled WRT. Instead, the same set of weekly water use values were used at all locations, with the criteria that the proportion of water use was related to the observations of French and Schultz (1984). That is, 70% of total water use occurred between sowing and anthesis, 30% between sowing and tillering (~ 2 months), 40% for the period between tillering and anthesis (2 months), 20% for the following month up to soft dough, and 10% for the remaining time to maturity. The end of the growing season or "maturity date" was reached when rainfall stops being useful to the crop (just after soft dough in the grainfilling stage). Maturity dates were determined from discussions with district agronomists from each state. Generally, an optimised model result based on various maturity dates usually agreed with comments from district agronomist. Final Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 11 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 dates used were based on a gradual change in optimised values from northern to southern regions. Another assumption used in the growing season was that any excess soil moisture above the water holding capacity of the soil is removed (as does any rainfall greater than 75mm in one day) - consistent with either runoff or infiltration. 9.6 Drought Index The drought index was developed at the Canadian Wheat Board for real-time crop yield projections, and is described in detail by Walker (1989). The model uses as inputs temperature and precipitation (rainfall and snow) data for available weather stations. Growth of wheat is simulated, in daily time steps, with a physiological-based approach, and the seasonally integrated daily growth values (drought indices) that the model calculates are inversely correlated with the level of drought (Walker, 1989). Like the stress index, this model does not explicitly calculate actual PAW but instead calculates the difference between cumulative water supply and transpiration demand over the growing season. Cumulative water supply is simply the fraction of precipitation from each month that is accumulated from the end of the previous year. Similarly, cumulative crop demand for water is a summation of daily transpiration demand which is approximated as T j = VPD j * G j * C where for day j, VPD is a mean daytime saturation deficit estimated from mean daily temperature, G is a mean daytime maximum crop conductance based on a phenology curve (Gp) and C is a constant to convert to the appropriate units. If the cumulative supply stays far enough above the cumulative demand throughout the season, then no water stress results. But if the difference between supply and demand narrows, or becomes negative, a water supply growth function Gw is progressively reduced. The drought index, D, is calculated by integrating actual growth over the growing season. n D = min(G pj , Gwj ) j=1 Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 12 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 where actual growth is the minimum of growth allowed by phenology and water supply. For this equation n is the number of days in the growing season, which in turn, is determined by a summation of growing degree days (base 5°C). This approach has the effect of initially limiting growth by leaf area, but subsequently by the water supply and demand. However, some modifications were necessary before this model could be applied to Australian conditions. Originally, Walker (1989) only adds a percentage of the precipitation to the supply and has sowing on the same date each year. In Canada these assumptions are quite safe as snow accumulates with low evaporation rates for much of the year and a short growing season means the phenological development of wheat is limited to a narrow time frame. In Australia, the opposite conditions apply leading into the crop season, with high and variable evaporation rates and sowing varying over a number of months. Therefore, the CERES-Wheat water balance (Ritchie, 1972) was added to the model, as was an automatic date calculation. The water balance was run from 1 October on the previous year through to the date that transpiration exceeded soil evaporation. Transpiration is multiplied by 1.4 so that an actual water use (soil evaporation and transpiration) can be calculated with all rainfall being added. 9.7 Calibrating the Indices - Trends in Wheat Yields Before calibration of the stress and drought indices, the climate and yield series should be analysed to determine if climate trends are contributing to trends in yield in either a positive or negative way (Sakamoto and Le Duc, 1981). If this is not occurring and a positive trend in yield is evident, it is usual to attribute this to technology. This trend is removed by a curve fitting procedure (eg. Wigley and Tu Qipu, 1983), or by using a yearly index (eg. Sakamoto, 1978). In these cases, it is assumed that departures from trend are associated with weather variability. In Australia, the rate of wheat yield growth has been one of the lowest in the world (Kogan, 1986; Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993). Both Sakamoto et al. (1980) and Kogan (1986) showed that Australian yields had levelled from the mid 1950's through to the 1980’s. More recently, Hamblin and Kyneur (1993) showed that there have been some modest increases in yield since the mid 1980's, particularly in Western Australia. Better seasons and an absence of major droughts since 1983 have contributed to this, but higher inputs (Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993) and the normal lag between the introduction of new technology (new varieties) and higher yield trends (Kogan, 1986) would have also helped. Table 3 illustrates how longer term trends have varied with more recent ones. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 13 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 The specification of trend in the short term is a difficult problem and may not be resolved without major assumptions (Sakamoto et al., 1980). Kogan suggests that a time series of yields should encompass at least 30 years to correctly separate and approximate the climate-technology interaction and facilitate the proper choice of trend shape and rate. Unfortunately, yields for all shires selected were not all available for this time and so yield trends were selected from a line of best fit to the longest possible interval with average years at the end of the interval. Depending on regional drought, or wet years, these end points varied. Table 3 Yield trends (t/ha/year) for (a) a period where yield growth had levelled off, and (b) recent intervals chosen to represent more recent trends (excluding sequences of extreme years), with ** P<0.01 Region Western Australia South Australia Victoria New South Wales. Queensland. Australia Trend t/ha/yr 1958-88 (a) 0.0068 0.0037 0.0153 0.0107 0.0070 0.0070 Trend 1958-88 R2 0.089 0.009 0.100 0.053 0.020 0.067 Recent Trend Years (b) 1981-91 1975-90 1976-91 1975-91 1975-91 1975-90 Trend t/ha/yr Recent 0.050** 0.021 0.010 0.012 0.001 0.020 Recent Trend R2 0.564 0.067 0.008 0.020 0.000 0.116 The agroclimatic indices were calibrated against yields for the 1976-1988 period assuming that the effect of technology was minimal. The year that an additional trend term was first introduced was 1983 for the eastern states and from 1984 for Western Australia. These years were chosen as 1983 was the first of a sequence of good years in the east, while in the west 1983 suffered from a very late sowing, whereas 1984 was the first of a sequence of years that benefited from a swing to earlier sowing. In the latter case, a dramatic increase in the area planted to nitrogen fixing lupins, nitrogen application, herbicides use and an almost complete switch to semi-dwarf varieties occurred after 1983. These new adaptations started to level off by the 1990's - the reason for ending the trend term by 1991. 9.8 Common Water Balance The tipping bucket two stage evaporation subroutine of CERES-Wheat (Ritchie, 1972; Ritchie and Otter, 1985) was run to calculate soil moisture at sowing. Daily meteorological data needed by this model are rainfall, solar radiation, and maximum and minimum temperatures. Parameters needed to describe a soil profile are the soil albedo (SALB), the maximum amount of stage one Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 14 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 energy-limiting evaporation (U), transformation term needed to determine stage two evaporation (C), whole profile drainage rate (SWCON), runoff curve number (CN2) and the number of soil layers. For each layer, volumetric soil water contents are needed at saturation (SAT), drained upper limit (DUL), and at the lower limit (LL) of plant Extractable Soil Water. Plant Available Water PAW (or soil water holding capacity) is calculated as the difference DUL-LL (Ritchie et al., 1986). The soil properties used in WATBAL were for three representative soil profiles which all had a shallow surface layer (10-20cm) and a deeper sub-surface layer. Since about 60% of Western Australian wheat belt soils are duplex (Tennant et al., 1992) stations in this state were run on a typical duplex soil with a light textured surface. South Australian stations had a more medium textured surface, whereas the other states were run on a heavy soil profile. Plant available water (PAW) was increased for each profile by increasing the depth of the sub-surface layer. Approximate regional PAW values were therefore deduced by combining a scattering of measurements at individual sites (eg. Forest et al., 1985) with the geographical distribution of soil types shown in the soil atlas of Australia (Northcote et al., 1975). The water balance is started for each model run on 1 October in the previous year with no plant available water (PAW) assumed. Runoff was assumed to occur prior to sowing via a runoff curve number and this gave runoff amounts proportional to the amount of rain that fell in a day. The final estimated water balance is calculated for the day that a mean midpoint of sowing for that district is determined. Regional sowing dates are a function of farmers attitudes to early sowing, plus the actual amount and distribution of rainfall in each year. Based on an analysis of sowing date survey forms and discussions with agronomists from each state, a mean district midpoint of sowing was calculated from rainfall amounts or changes in soil moisture over a three day period (Table 4). To simplify the programming on a national scale, the same sowing date procedure was used for each region. This assumption is possible because most of the heavier soils of the eastern states are fallowed leading into the sowing time, while the lighter soils in Western Australia, which normally need less rain, are commonly unploughed at this time. A region specific (ksd) factor is added to differentiate regions that sow earlier than others. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 15 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Table 4 Criterion to calculate the midpoint of district sowing. Period (Day of Year) Change in Soil Moisture (mm) Sum of 3 day Rainfall (mm) Sowing Day 101 < day 106 15 - 150 + ksd 106 < day 113 12 - 150 + ksd 113 < day 120 9 12 151 + ksd 120 < day 127 7 10 151 + ksd 127 < day 134 7 9 152 + ksd 134 < day < 189 7 9 day + 21 + ksd day = 189 - - 190 9.9 Simulation Models 9.10 TACT Simulation Model The TACT (Tactical decision support) model is a derivative of the CERES-Wheat model (version 1) and uses a photosynthetic approach (Robinson and Abrecht, 1994). This fallowcereal crop water balance has a series of sub-routines covering soil water flow, crop growth and phenological development. Daily dry matter increments are generated by a photosynthesis algorithm and partitioned into "leaf" and other material. Leaf area index determines light interception, which is then used both in the photosynthesis sub-routine and to partition evaporative losses between the soil surface and plant canopy (McMahon, 1983). Final yield is a function of biomass, being the product of kernel weight times the number of plants. Meteorological data needed to run the model are daily rainfall, solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures. Management parameters needed are crop variety, sowing depth, sowing density, and latitude. In addition 10 variety specific genetic coefficients are needed to describe growth and phenological development. Fortunately, TACT is set up to run on two representative Western Australian soils with typical crop coefficients for wheat given. An automatic sowing date calculation is made similar to that given above, but in this case, sowing occurs as soon as the criteria is met. The model was run at all available meteorological stations within Merredin and Cunderdin shires for the years 1976-1992. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 16 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 9.11 APSIM-Wheat APSIM-Wheat (Hammer et al., 1987), is a dynamic wheat model that forms a module of the APSIM cropping system model (McCown et al., 1995). It contains three interdependent submodels - soil water balance, crop growth and crop phenology. Based on a soil profile with two layers, the water balance determines crop water use and soil evaporation by combining the approaches of Ritchie (1972) and Shaw (1962). In the crop growth sub-model, daily crop growth is expressed as the product of transpiration and transpiration efficiency, with transpiration being a function of soil water content, leaf area and pan evaporation. Intercepted radiation determines the partitioning of potential evapotranspiration to potential transpiration and potential soil evaporation. Final yield is closely related to crop growth around anthesis and is based on the work by Woodruff and Tonks (1983). They derived a yield index (GYI), such that GYI = TRANS PAN * T m where TRANS = transpiration (mm), PAN = class A pan evaporation (mm), and Tm = mean daily temperature (°C), all for the 20-day period centred on the day of anthesis. This relationship integrates the effects of growth duration, anthesis date, and environment into a single index which is related to crop yield (Y) by: Y = min(148,25+0.22* TDWA)+ 2833* GYI + 46291* (GYI )2 where Y = grain yield (g m-2), and TDWA = total dry weight at anthesis (g m-2). Meteorological data needed to run this model include daily rainfall, maximum temperatures, minimum temperatures and pan evaporation. The same soil parameters listed above are required, as are three phenological parameters. The model was run for the period 1970-1992 assuming continuous wheat cropping. The APSIM model maintains the soil water balance during fallows between wheat crops and simulates planting when the specified rainfall and stored soil water thresholds for planting are met within the defined planting period. The feasible planting period depends on the latitude. The date of Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 17 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 occurrence of a planting event determines the cultivar maturity used in a manner designed to avoid frost at flowering (Woodruff, 1992). The simulation was conducted at each point in a 5km grid across Queensland that fell within the boundary of cropped land as determined by the interpretation of Landsat Imagery. Spatially interpolated daily rainfall and temperatures were used at each point. Modelled shire yields were determined as the weighted (for area of cropped land) average of the model results of the 25 km2 pixels within each shire. The modelled yields (x) were calibrated against historical (ABS) shire yields (y) to give predicted shire yields. 10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 285 SLAs were included in the multiple regression approach and a subset of these were used in the agro-meteorological models. Data from 127 rainfall stations were used in the Stress Index model while the Drought Index model used a subset of 70 stations with temperature records (Figure 1). Given the number of shires involved, it is difficult to summarise the results for all methods at the shire scale. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the 285 observed (ABS) shire yields for 1982 and 1983, for example. As the Weighted Rainfall Index does not operate at the SLA scale, further levels of aggregation are necessary to compare the results of the WRI with the other methods. State and national average yields were also calculated for each year from the shire and rainfall district (WRI method) predictions. Six major wheat producing shires from Queensland (4: Waggamba, Murilla, Banana and Bungil) and Western Australia (2: Merredin and Cunderdin) have been used to illustrate the results for those methods that can be applied at the SLA scale; with Queensland and Western Australia chosen because there was ready access to dynamic yield models (APSIM-Wheat and TACT) applicable to these two regions. Weighted (by area) average yields within states and nationally have also been used to assess the relative performance of the methods. The significant predictors in the fitted rainfall regression model were: shire, year , Rn1 , Rn2 , Rn3 , Rn4 , Rn12 , Rn22 , Rn32 , Rn42 , shire. Rn2 , shire. Rn3 , shire. Rn4 , shire. Rn42 Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 18 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 where shire, year and the Rn are the location, time and rainfall variables, respectively, described in 2.1.1. The fitted relationship has an R2 = 0.73 (at the shire level). The coefficient of the year term was 0.01528 (SE: 0.00107) which compares reasonably well with the recent trend data in Table 4. Although the overall R2 is 0.73, for the purpose of comparison with the other methods individual R2 values and mean absolute errors (MAE; Mayer and Butler, 1993) have been calculated on an “observed vs predicted” basis for selected shires and state averages. 10.1.1 Individual Shire Results By way of comparison between methods, Table 5 lists the R2 and MAE values from a simple fit of observed (ABS) and predicted yields (t/ha) for each method in each of the 6 shires. The data for Table 5 is shown in Figures 7 to 12. No single model was consistently superior over all six shires; the regression model performed best in the Queensland shires while the Drought Index model was superior in Western Australia. The performance of the APSIM-Wheat model was comparable to or better than the Stress and Drought Indices in 3 of the 4 Queensland shires while TACT performed poorly in both Western Australia shires. Table 5 R2 and MAE (t/ha) values from a fit of observed (ABS) vs predicted values for each method at 6 selected shires. Shire Regression SI R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE Waggamba 0.75 0.21 0.73 0.22 0.64 0.25 na na 0.51 0.32 Murilla 0.84 0.24 0.76 0.26 0.70 0.35 na na 0.72 0.29 Banana 0.88 0.14 0.64 0.26 0.62 0.24 na na 0.76 0.20 Bungil 0.88 0.19 0.77 0.26 0.68 0.33 na na 0.80 0.21 Merredin 0.84 0.09 0.73 0.12 0.93 0.08 0.66 0.13 na na Cunderdin 0.64 0.16 0.63 0.19 0.70 0.14 0.50 0.20 na na Wheat Modelling Sub-project DI TACT APSIM-Wheat Page 19 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 10.1.2 State / National Averages Weighted average yields for each state and nationally can be calculated by using ABS reported crop areas for each shire in each year and the methods compared at this level in the same way as for individual shires. That is, for a given state, weighted yield areai yieldi total production i total area areai i Table 6 lists the R2 and MAE values from simple regressions of predicted weighted yield vs observed weighted yield (ABS) for each method for each state. These data are illustrated in Figures 13 to 19. The regression model was consistent over states, performing best in New South Wales and was marginally superior at the national level. The WRI performed best in Queensland, the Stress Index in Western Australia and the Drought Index in Victoria and South Australia. Table 6 R2 and MAE (t/ha) values from a fit of observed weighted yield (ABS) vs predicted weighted yield for each method for each state and nationally. Region Regression WRI R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE R2 MAE QLD 0.86 0.15 0.89 0.14 0.82 0.17 0.84 0.16 0.73 0.22 NSW 0.89 0.12 0.84 0.14 0.87 0.12 0.77 0.17 na na VIC 0.88 0.13 0.90 0.13 0.90 0.12 0.91 0.13 na na S.A. 0.88 0.11 0.76 0.16 0.85 0.13 0.92 0.08 na na W.A. 0.86 0.07 0.86 0.10 0.91 0.08 0.89 0.08 na na Australia 0.92 0.07 0.90 0.08 0.90 0.07 0.88 0.07 na na Wheat Modelling Sub-project SI DI APSIM Wheat Page 20 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 3: ABS yield (t/ha) for 1982 Figure 4: ABS yield (t/ha) for 1983 Figure 5: Stress Index yield (t/ha) 1982 Figure 6: Stress Index yield (t/ha) 1983 Colour plates for these figures overleaf: Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 21 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 10.2 Implications The results indicate that good accuracy and precision are possible in forecasting shire, state and national wheat yields. All methods achieved a useable level of skill. The simplest forecasting methods are the rainfall regression and WRI, which require only monthly rainfall from 45 meteorological districts. (Although, the multiple regression as implemented here uses monthly rain from 1152 stations; further work is required to determine the minimum subset of relevant stations.) Both perform as well as any of the more complex approaches and have similar outcomes (Table 6, Figures 13 - 19). The similarity indicates that the subjective weights in the WRI are matched by the objective weights determined over the years used in the analysis. While the WRI method cannot be used at the shire scale, the regression method performs best at this level (Table 5, Figures 7 - 12). This finding suggests that there is no need to go beyond simple rainfall relationships. However, in operational forecasting one is looking ahead, not using historical data. The extrapolation ability of an approach must be considered. It is likely that these empirical models would be the poorest when extrapolated. They give good fit within the bounds of the data on which they are derived, but have no (or few) constraints if very different circumstance arise. The agroclimatic and simulation / Geographic Information System (GIS) approaches largely overcome the concern about extrapolation as they contain enough biophysical rigour to better mimic the agroecology. However, their performance is not always as good as the empirical approach. The agroclimatic methods, however, approach the empirical approach in predictive capability (Tables 2 and 3) particularly at the state level. While these methods require greater input specification associated with soil and crop factors, this remains relatively simple. The performance of these agroclimatic methods at the shire level is illustrated in Figures 3 to 6 where actual (ABS) and predicted production from the Stress Index model have been mapped for the 1982 and 1983 seasons. The simulation / GIS approach is much more demanding of spatial data and computing technology, but is unable to match the simpler approaches in utility. This likely relates to the sensitivity of such models to factors such as cropping history and management (eg. fertility), which cannot be easily specified in spatial data bases. However, it is unlikely that further effort to refine spatial data bases for improved commodity forecasting would be worth the payoff given the good performance of the simpler approaches. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 22 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 The agroclimatic methods specified in this study are most likely to be successful in an operational wheat forecasting system by using existing rainfall up to any point in time and historical data to project into the future. This approach also provides the basis for consideration of how to utilise seasonal forecasting in commodity forecasting. The projection into the future may be based on a seasonal forecast of rainfall or on subsets of analog years. The historical record provides a means to examine such approaches given that we now have a method that satisfactorily captures the crop response to environment at this scale. We consider this a more robust means to proceed than to seek to incorporate climatic indices (such as the SOI) directly into the predictive framework. The methods developed here also provide the basis to rigorously examine production trends in wheat throughout Australia by first removing the effects of climate variability. Recent studies (Hamblin and Kyneur, 1993) have used empirical methods to examine trends using ABS production data and have then used these analyses to suggest likely causes. These analyses are confounded by seasonal variation. By removing seasonal trends with the agroclimatic methods outlined in this study the residual component would more closely reflect real production trends. 11. CONCLUSIONS This study has identified empirical, agroclimatic, and simulation / GIS approaches that have the potential to satisfactorily forecast Australian wheat yield at the shire scale. The empirical and agroclimatic approaches had better predictive ability and were less demanding of input requirement than the more complex simulation / GIS approach. The agroclimatic approaches are likely to be more robust in operational forecasting as they embody sufficient biophysical rigour to overcome issues of extrapolation into different seasons / years, which would be likely with the purely empirical approaches. The additional requirement of the agroclimatic approaches for soil and crop factors (beyond rainfall data) should not be a significant impediment to development of such methods in an operational context. These methods provide a basis for a detailed and rigorous evaluation of the implications of seasonal weather forecasting in commodity forecasting. They also provide a basis to examine real trends in wheat production after estimating seasonal effects. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 23 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 7 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) APSIM-Wheat simulation for the Waggamba shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 24 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 8 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) APSIM-Wheat simulation for the Murilla shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 25 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 9 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) APSIM-Wheat simulation for the Banana shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 26 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 10 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) APSIM-Wheat simulation for the Bungil shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 27 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 11 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) TACT simulation for the Merredin shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 28 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 12 Comparison between observed yield (ABS) and predicted yield for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) TACT simulation for the Cunderdin shire. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 29 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 13 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) Queensland yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 30 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 14 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) Queensland yields for the APSIM-Wheat model Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 31 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 15 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) New South Wales yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 32 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 16 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) Victorian yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index. Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 33 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 17 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) South Australian yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 34 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 18 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) West Australian yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 35 LWRRDC QPI 20 Volume 6 Figure 19 Comparison between observed (ABS) and predicted (weighted) Australian yields for (1) rainfall regression, (2) stress index, (3) drought index, and (4) weighted rain index Wheat Modelling Sub-project Page 36 LWRRDC QPI 20 12. Volume 6 REFERENCES AACM (1991) Review of Crop Forecasting Systems. Australian Agricultural Consulting and Management Company Pty. Ltd., Adelaide, 35 p. Angus, J.F. 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