Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 1. Litter Action Remind children of our Litter Policy at assemblies and in class Who's in charge? SMT Eco Term 2 Committee Carry out a litter audit Mrs MacKay Mrs Gray P5 Pupils Set up a new P5 Litter Pickers Rota, outlining rules and map of where to pick Mrs MacKay Mrs Gray P5 Pupils Raise awareness of the school’s do not drop litter policy Order Posters from ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ Pupils design posters in class for use in playground and school Order personalised reward stickers When will it be done by? Miss Robertson Mrs MacKay Mrs Gray P5 Pupils Term 3 Ongoing Ongoing How can we monitor it? How will we know when we're successful? Emily and Ben to check class EcoBoards to ensure Policy displayed Playground and school will have less litter Graph Janitor Photographs of playground There will be less litter in the playground and in the school Rota Pupils will regularly support in keeping the grounds litter free Pupils will be rewarded when they are seen picking up litter How much will it cost? Did it work? Any ideas for the future? This is an ongoing target that is included in our assemblies on a regular basis. Order more Pickers and gloves £25 Posters still not arrived. Need to check out ‘Sparklebox’ again. Playground and school will have less litter Stickers £20 Order 4 more lidded, wheelie bins for the grass areas Pupil Council Involve wider community in Litter Pick on our Eco Day of Action Miss Robertson Term 3 Quantity of rubbish put in bins and not! Grassed areas will have less litter Term 4 Number of volunteers involved Playground and school will have less litter These have been ordered and are ready to be used. Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 2. Health and Well Being Action Who's in charge? When will it be done by? Secure Health Promotion Accreditation, Phase 3 Mrs Anderson Miss M Robertson Term 1 Organise another Health and Well Being Fortnight Taster sessions e.g. rugby, Scottish dancing, yoga, Encourage Healthy Eating SMT Volunteers Parents Asda How can we monitor it? How will we know when we're successful? Folder of Evidence Successful accreditation May 2011 Pupil Diaries / Comments Timetable of Activities Questionnaire Pupils will have had the opportunity to try out lots of different Health Promoting activities. Pupils lunch boxes will have a healthier selection of food Encourage Healthy packed lunches Newsletters Posters Eco Committee Term3 >4 Lunchtime staff and Hall monitors Survey of Packed lunch Boxes Continue to plant and grow fruit and vegetables Gardening Club Ongoing Pupil Rota Questionnaire Harvesting and eating our crop! Questionnaire Pupils will be involves in a varied, active 2 hour weekly programme of PE Ensure that all children get 2 hours PE every week Trim Trail Playground markings and equipment Shake It Up/Class Moves School Grounds Class Teachers SMT Ongoing How much will it cost? Did it work? Any ideas for the future? Plans for this a re well underway already. PTA £250 Making good progress Training for P5 Playground Games Leaders Mrs Anderson Encourage Health Promotion P1/P7 Health Checks P7 Worry box Health Visitor Drop In for P7 Start a P6 Drop-In P7 Delta – drugs awareness PSD Programme / Topics Rights and Responsibilities Valuing Others Diversity Respect / Bullying Global Citizenship Comenius Project Health Topics School Nurse and Health Visitor Miss Cedermark Medieval Garden – SGF Pallet Garden Challenge Potato planting mini project SMT P5 Playground Buddies will support others playing games in the playground Our HV/School nurse will support us in keeping some of our pupils Healthy Summer Term 2011 Playground staff SMT Ongoing Discussion with pupils and HV/School nurse Ongoing Pupils will have PSD Programme more knowledge Annual SIP and Pupil/Staff understanding of Questionnaires Health and Well Being Primary 3/4 Mrs Bains Term 4 Photographs Design, plan and make a Medieval Garden on a pallet Primary 2 Term 4 Photographs Graphs Pupils plant and harvest a potato crop in tyres £100 for herbs £15 for compost Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 3. Waste Minimisation Action Redraft class rules for recycling Who’s in charge? Eco Committee Continue to encourage parents and staff to make use of e-mail in communication Newsletters Staff’s weekly and daily info sheets Office Staff Encourage recycling of clothes using Ragbags. Miss Robertson Recycle Christmas Cards for Woodland Trust Miss Hughes Develop composting in school Fruit Rota > Compost Bins Wooden composting bay in new garden Eco Committee Fife Diet Garden Club Continue to recycle paper Order new bins Make up rota for emptying Eco Committee Recycling school uniforms PTA events Termly stall in school PTA When will it be done by? How can we monitor it? How will we know when we’re successful? How much will it cost? Did it work? Any ideas for the future? Term 3 Class Eco Reps There will be less waste paper in the paper bins. Term 1 Office staff There will be less paper letters and communication sheets. Ongoing Number of bags being donated Resulting funds will support work in our grounds. Term 2 Quantity of cards collected Quantity of cards collected Term 3 Compost Bins regularly filled We will have turned brown and green waste into compost e.g. fruit, garden waste, paper £150 from PTA Composting bay is now installed! Term 1 Weigh bins at the beginning + end of term We will have less paper waste New paper bins arrived and in use. Ongoing Quantity of uniforms being donated and sold Parents will have regular opportunities to donate and buy school uniform PTA remain committed to recycling stall at Christmas Fair and Daffodil Tea Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 4. School Grounds Action Develop our new Garden in the grounds planters / planting compost system P1’s plant fruit orchard Seating area Grounds for Learning Eco DVD Continue to promote and develop the schools Gardening Club P1-7 Rota Maintaining gardens Growing fruit and veg Encourage more active play in the grounds New playground markings, blackboards Order new playground equipment Complete and install mosaics grout, mount consult about installation Who's in charge? Gardening Club Mrs Bains Miss Robertson Mrs Dunlop/P7 Gardening Club Mrs Bains Mrs Johnston Pupil Council Lyn Rae Karen Macdonald P5 pupils Miss Robertson When will it be done by? How can we monitor it? How will we know when we're successful? Photographs Pupil and Staff annual SIP questionnaires Our new school garden will offer a wider range of habitats and opportunities for varied pupil activities e.g. planting, seating How much will it cost? Did it work? Any ideas for the future? £250 from PTA Good progress with targets. Trees planted, DVD finished, composting bay also installed. Fife Diet to make us more planters. Term 1 > 4 Rota Pupil questionnaires A large number of children will choose to take part in activities. Our gardening spaces will be well looked after £250 from PTA Gardening Club remains popular with pupils. Good access to gardening spaces. Term 1 Photographs Pupil questionnaires Pupils will be seen to be involved in a wide range of active play in the playground Grants/PTA £1500 £800 Target achieved Term 2 > 4 Two new mosaics will be completed and installed in the quadrangle Two new mosaics will be completed and installed in the quadrangle Term 1 > 4 ? Mosaics more or less Cost of finished. Now need to installation get them installed! P7 Greener Grounds project Produce a DVD showing the developments in the school regarding recycling, grounds and planting Involve older volunteers in our Garden Club Secure funding for disclosures Buy more gardening tools and resources Continue to develop nursery outdoor areas maintain existing garden develop the new nursery garden for the other room. Local business to erect a fence. Volunteers to put in steps, path and help with planting. Nursery will grow potatoes in barrows, supplied by Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society Plan and organise an Eco Day of Action involving the whole school, parents and the wider community recycling planting litter picking fund raiser for grounds Mrs Dunlop P7 group Mrs Bains Miss Robertson Nursery Staff Sky Term 2 DVD Pupils will have produced and shared their DVD in school and other participating schools Term 2 > 4 Number of older volunteers involved Pupils will have the opportunities to gain knowledge and support from Term 3 Volunteers Photographs Pupil questionnaires Parent Helpers Nursery Staff SMT Class Teachers Term3 > 4 Term 4 Growth of Potatoes Programme of activities Photographs Pupil questionnaires Nursery children from both rooms will have regular access to varied, quality outdoor areas. There will be opportunities for physical play, planting, exploring and investigating We will win the prize for the most potatoes grown, in competition with the other nursery in DB Pupil across the school will have opportunities to be involved in a variety of Eco activities £750 Grant Target achieved. We will continue our links with Greener Grounds. Secured some volunteers and making good use of grant to support Gardening Club. Poor weather resulted in us having to postpone our day working on our new outdoor area. Now planned for Sat 30th April. Potatoes planted in barrows already. Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 5. Transport Action Continue to promote and develop the Walk to School Club Who's in charge? SMT When will it be done by? Ongoing Cycle training for P6 Mrs Term 4 Anderson Encourage more children to cycle to school more cycle storage needed Mrs Johnston Regular walking events Termly Health and Well Being Fortnight Encourage use of new dropoff point and church ‘Park and Walk’ Newsletters SMT SMT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing How can we monitor it? Folder Pupil Books Box in Foyer Survey Number of children involved How will we know when we're successful? Increased numbers of members. More children walking or cycling to school. Fewer cars. Certificates / Awards Better road sense and control displayed by pupils Photographs There will be more children cycling to school and less coming in cars. Pupil books More children will walk to school and less coming in cars. Survey More pupils coming to school by car, will be use the new drop-off point and church ‘Park and Walk’ How much will it cost? Badges supplied by PTA Did it work? Any ideas for the future? Encourage responsible driving and considerate parking raised road tables liaise with police/ community council newsletters Parent Council Children design ‘20’s Plenty’ signs for use in their local community SMT Fife Council Ongoing Community Traffic wardens Council Fife Council Feb ‘11 Pupils designs Cars will be not be speeding and will be parking considerately around the school Mrs Johnston has been liaising with the Parent Council, Community Council and local police Competition winners Three children were successful with this and their designs will shortly be displayed round Dalgety Bay. Dalgety Bay Primary Eco-Schools Action Plan 2010-2011 6. Sustaining Our World Action Rights Respecting School Accreditation Class Charters Working Party PSD Informing parents Steering Group / pupil focus group Pupil Charter cards Whole school commitment to studying ‘Sustaining our World’ Nursery – Forest Kindergarten 1 – Under The Sea 2 – My World / Under the Sea 3 – Mini Beasts / Changing Habitats 4 – Endangered Species 5 – Rainforest/Habitats 6 – Energy Conservation 7 – Impact of Climate Change PSD Programme/Topics Develop links with Malawi PSD/Assembly Responsibility to be taken on by Rights Respecting Schools Working Party Who's in charge? Mrs Watson All Staff Mr and Mrs Arnott All staff When will it be done by? How can we monitor it? How will we know when we're successful? Term 1 > 4 Every class will have its own Class Rights Charter. Respecting Pupils will be aware School of their rights and Accreditation responsibilities as school and Global citizens Term 1 > 4 Pupils will be confident talking about environmental issues that will affect their lives and to appreciate the perspective of others across the planet. Term 2 Ongoing Displays Photographs Pupils work Pupils will have a better understanding of Malawi’s culture How much will it cost? Did it work? Any ideas for the future? All classes have a Class Charter. A working party has been set up. Mrs Arnott has visited assemblies and spoken to the children about Malawi life and culture. We have sent them an introductory letter and photos Pupils and staff will have developed knowledge and understanding of the diversity of European cultures and the value of this diversity. Pupils will have acquired basic life skills and competences for their own development, future employment and active European citizenship. P7 pupils and staff involved with a Comenius Project Our pupils will be linked and will visit schools in Italy, Sweden and Germany. Participating schools will visit and perform a musical in the different European settings. Move towards calculating the school’s global footprint. P6 pupils to examine, and measure aspects of our school’s Ecological Footprint/Carbon Footprint P6 pupils to feed back to our Eco Committee on their findings so that they can begin to attempt to reduce our school’s Ecological Footprint. Promote Earth Hour with children and staff. Raise awareness of climate change at assemblies Mrs Anderson Mrs Dunlop Mrs Reid P7 Pupils All Staff Mrs Watson Miss Cedermark P6 pupils Miss Robertson All staff Term 1 > 4 Summer 2011 26.3.11 Evidence folder Pupils will make use of ‘Schools Global Footprint’ Online footprint calculator We will see a reduction in our Ecological Footprint/Carbon Footprint Pupil discussion Children will understand about some of the issues linked to climate change and that their small actions can make a big difference Grant from British Council This has been a very successful project so far. We have established very positive links with the other schools, shared our cultures and made friends! A group of P7’s have visited Italy and another is about to go to Germany. The snowy weather resulted in the Swedish trip being cancelled This was discussed during assemblies and staff were given information through our newsletters. Develop this next year!