Southeastern Louisiana University COURSES OFFERED BY THE UNIVERSITY HONORS PROGRAM, FALL 2009 Authorization is required for all courses listed below. For authorization call 985-549-2135 (2135 on campus) or go to the Honors Center (McGehee Hall, Room 122). ENGLISH 121H. ANCIENT EPIC: COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE. Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: minimum ACT Composite of 21 and minimum high school GPA of 3.0. This course is required of all students pursuing an Honors Program diploma. It is recommended that you take History 101H in the same semester you take this course. A student may not receive credit for both English 121H and English 230. Readings include the epics of Homer, Virgil, and the Gawain poet. You must schedule both the lecture period and the one-hour weekly lab. Separate registration for the lab is not necessary. 1678 English 121H-01 Ancient Epic TTh 09:00-10:45 Dorrill FAY 241 1843 English 121H-02 Ancient Epic TTh 02:00-03:15 Dorrill DVIC 316 1846 English 121H-03 Ancient Epic MWF 09:00-09:50 Faust DVIC 313 1849 English 121H-04 Ancient Epic MWF 01:00-01:50 Faust DVIC 313 ENGLISH 122H. MODERN EPIC: COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE. Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C in English 121H or demonstration of superior ability in English 101 or a minimum ACT English score of 32. This course is required of all students pursuing an Honors Program diploma. It is recommended that you take History 102H in the same semester you take this course. A student may not receive credit for both English 122H and English 230. Readings include epics by Dante and Milton and other modern works exhibiting traits of epic. You must schedule both the lecture period and the one-hour weekly lab. Separate registration for the lab is not necessary. 1857 English 122H-01 Modern Epic MWF 09:9:00-09:50 Walter DVIC 310 ENGLISH 291H. HONORS TRAGEDY AND COMEDY. Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: Demonstration of superior ability in English 102 or a minimum grade of C in English 122H. A study of representative works from the great periods of drama to understand the tragic and comic visions of life. Emphasis on literature as a criticism of life, appreciation, and improvement of writing skills. 1908 English 291H-01 Tragedy & Comedy TTh 11:00-12:15 Kearney DVIC 316 HISTORY 101H. HONORS HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Credit 3 hours. A survey of Western Civilization from the Pre-Historic times to the Renaissance. Since this course is coordinated with English 121H, it is recommended that you take English 121H in the same semester you take this course. 0823 History 101H-21H History of Western Civilization I MWF 10:00-10:50 Price FAY 240 0824 History 101H-22H History of Western Civilization I MWF 12:00-12:50 Fai-Podlipnik FAY 240 0829 History 101H-23H History of Western Civilization I TTh 11:00-12:15 Traver FAY 240 HISTORY 102H. HONORS HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Credit 3 hours. A survey of Western Civilization from the Renaissance to the present. Since this course is coordinated with English 122H, it is recommended that you take English 122H in the same semester you take this course. 0862 History 102H-21H History of Western Civilization II MWF 11:00-11:50 Saucier FAY 240 HISTORY 201H. HONORS UNITED STATES HISTORY. Credit 3 hours. A survey of United States history from the period of discovery to 1876. One of History 201H or 201, and one of History 202H or 202, are required in the curriculum for the Honors Diploma in Liberal Studies. 0919 History 201H-21H American History before 1876 TTh 09:30-10:45 Sanders FAY 240 GBIOLOGY 151H. Credit 3 hours. Introductory principles of Biology I. Must be eligible to enroll in English 101 and Math 160 or 161 and have an ACT of 21 or higher or a University GPA of 2.75. 0769 General Biology 151H-01 Principles of Biology I TTh 11:00-12:15 Stiller SBA 108 0772 General Biology 151H-01 Principles of Biology I TTh 12:30-01:45 Stiller SBA 108 MATH 161H. COLLEGE ALGEBRA. Credit 3 hours. A study of families of functions, conic sections, and sequences and series including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. These functions will be used to model and solve real world problems with the aid of calculators and computers. Emphasis will be placed on the communication of solutions to problems and mathematical ideas through oral presentations and writing. A graphing calculator is required for this course. 0581 Math 161H-01 College Algebra TTh 02:00-03:15 Kabza FAY 241 HONORS 300. SENIOR THESIS. Credit of 1 hour. Prerequisite: Completion the previous semester of a thesis project in a 300 or 400-level 3-hour Independent Study or other course in the student's major approved by the student's Department Head and the Honors Director. Honors 300-01 Senior Thesis TBA TBA Neuerburg TBA HONORS 311. IDEAS IN CONFLICT I: ANCIENT WORLD. Credit of 3 hours. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. An interdisciplinary seminar for Honors students and other students with 2.75 or higher GPA. Through reading and discussion of selected major texts in rhetoric, literature, philosophy, and politics, students examine important intellectual debates of the Biblical, Greek, and Roman eras. HONR 311 may be substituted for a “Humanities” or “Social Science” elective, or it may be taken as a communications elective when the substitution is approved by the Head of the Department for the student’s major. 0144 Honors 311-01 Ideas in Conflict I MWF 01:00-01:50 Price FAY 240 HONORS 313. IDEAS IN CONFLICT III: ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTIC PERIODS. Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. An interdisciplinary seminar for Honors students and other students with 2.75 or higher GPA. Through reading and discussion of selected major texts in politics, philosophy, social science, and theory of education, students examine important intellectual debates of the 18th and 19th centuries. HONR 313 may be substituted for a “Humanities” or “Social Science” elective, or it may be taken as a political science elective when the substitution is approved by the Head of the Department for the student’s major. 0153 Honors 313-01 Ideas in Conflict III TTh 12:30-01:45 Hanson DVIC 326