Electron microscopy of indium oxide thin films

Super High-Resolution TEM/STEM Analysis
in Materials Science
Recently, both transmission electron microscope(TEM) and scanning transmission electron
microscope(STEM) have made huge progress owing to a stable field emission gun (FEG) and
sophisticated lens designing technologies. Also, a spherical aberration corrected (Cscorrected) lens is now becoming widely spread as commercial instrument. In this paper, very
high-resolution (atomic scale) image observation and elemental analysis were successively
applied to nanometals, with Cs-corrected TEM and STEM. Instruments of Atomic Scale
analysis used in this investigation were the JEM-2100F (200 kV FEG TEM/STEM) equipped
Cs-correctors for imaging and probe forming lenses. In the lecture, atomic resolution TEM
image analysis and atomic order resolution EELS-maps are introduced. It is ascertained that
the JEM-2100F/Cs-correctors is able to realize an atomic resolution nano-analysis.