Curriculum and lectures in GEOF 230

Curriculum and lectures in GEOF 230
”Physical-biological couplings”, autumn 2005
The textbook ”Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems” by Mann & Lazier forms the
framework of the curriculum in GEOF 230 “Physical-biological couplings“. The book
covers a broad spectrum of problems within marine ecology. Some of the material is
basic biology; some of it is basic physical oceanography that is part of other
oceanography courses at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. These parts
of the textbook will not be emphasized in the lectures of GEOF 230. However, the
parts of the book considering plankton dynamics and the influences of physical
processes will be in focus of the lectures. Moreover, special lectures going more in
depth on the physical-biological couplings, particularly the effects of turbulence will
be given.
The first part of the textbook,”Part A: Processes on a Scale of less than 1 Kilometer”
is particularly emphasized. All of the chapters here (chapters 2, 3, and 4) are
curriculum. Most of the special lectures are all in-depth lectures on these chapters; i.e.
on Vertical distributions of fish eggs, on Turbulence and contact rates, and on
Measurements, analysis and generation of turbulence. All these lectures emphasize
the effects of turbulence and mixing on plankton.
In the second part of the textbook, ”Part B: Processes on a Scale of 1 – 1000
Kilometers”, chapter 5 on the large upwelling areas is curriculum. This chapter is
supported by special examples from the Benguela upwelling ecosystem (Lecture 8).
Also in this lecture the distribution of plankton is a key issue.
In the third part of the textbook ”Part C: Processes on a Scale of Thousands of
Kilometer”, chapter 9 on the influence of variability in ocean circulation on marine
ecosystems is curriculum. The chapter is not directly lectured, however, in Lectures 1 and
2 on marine ecosystems and ocean climate parameters examples are given on how ocean
climate and ocean climate variability influence productivity and distribution of marine
organisms, particularly in Norwegian waters, i.e. the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea,
and the Norwegian coastal waters, including the fjords.
In the laboratory course I teach the method on how to measure the specific gravity, and
buoyancy of live fish eggs by making vertical salinity gradients in density gradient
columns. The method is directly related to Lectures 6 and 7 on vertical distributions of
fish eggs.
All the lectures, 12 double hours, and the laboratory course are presented in Powerpoint
and listed in Annex A. The literature from where the Powerpoint illustrations are taken
are listed in Annex B. Powerpoint illustrations without reference are either the lecturer’s
own presentations or taken from the textbook “Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems”.
References in bold contains material that is central in the lectures.
Svein Sundby
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen
29 August 2005
Annex A. Overview of the GEOF 230 lectures autumn 2005
1. Climate parameters and marine ecosystems I
2. Climate parameters and marine ecosystems II
3. Phytoplankton and physics
4. Textbook lecture: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (Mann & Lazier) Chapters 1
and 2.
5. Textbook: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (Mann & Lazier) Chapter 3.
6. Vertical distributions of fish eggs I
7. Vertical distributions of fish eggs II
8. Textbook lecture: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (Mann & Lazier) Chapter 4
9. Textbook lecture: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (Mann & Lazier) Chapter 5 and
recruitment mechanisms in the Benguela Current.
10. Turbulence and plankton contact rates I
11. Turbulence and plankton contact rates II
12. Measurements, analysis and generation of turbulence
13. Laboratory course: The density gradient column - Measuring the specific gravity
of fish eggs.
Annex B. Literature
Asplin L. 1999. Nonlocal wind-driven fjord-coast advection and its potential effect on plankton
and fish recruitment. Fisheries Oceanography 8(4): 255-263
Asplin L. 2003. Unpublished report.
Barrange M , Pillar S. 1992. Cross-shelf circulation, zonation and maintenance mechanisms of
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Continetal Shelf Research 12(9): 1027-1042.
Batchelder et al. 2002. Oceanography 15(2): 36-47.
Brander KM. 1995. The effect of temperature on growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). ICES
Journal of Marine Science 52:1-10.
Burchard, H., 2002. Applied turbulence modelling in marine waters. Springer, Berlin, 215 pp.
Cury P, Roy C. 1989. Optimal environmental windowand pelagic fish recruitment success in
upwelling areas. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 670-680.
Ellertsen B, Fossum P, Solemdal P, Sundby S. 1989. Relations between temperature and survival
of eggs and first feeding larvae of the North-East Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Rapports et
Procès-verbaux des Réunions du Conseil international pour l´Exploration de la Mer 191:209219.
Estrada M and Berdalet E. 1997. Phytoplankton in a turbulent world. Scientia Marina 61 (Supl. 1):
Furnes, G.K. and Sundby, S. 1981. Upwelling and wind induced circulation in Vestfjorden. Proc.
from Norwegian Coastal Current Symposium, Geilo, Norway, 9-12 September 1980 (Eds:
R.Sætre and M. Mork). University of Bergen 1981: 152-178.
Gargett, AE. 1997. “Theories” and techniques for observing turbulence in the euphotic zone.
Scientia Marina 61 (Supl. 1): 25-45
Gerritsen J and Strickler JR. 1977. Encounter probabilities and community structure in
zooplankton: a mathematical model. J. Fish Res. Bd. Can. 34: 73-82.
Hassel A. Unpublished report.
IGBP/SCOR 2002. Draft Framework for Future Research on Biological and Chemical Aspects of
Global Change in the Ocean. Scientific Committe on Oceanic Reserach and IGBP. September 2002. 60
Kjesbu, O.S., Kryvi, H., Sundby, S. and Solemdal, P. 1992. Buoyancy variations in eggs of
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in relation to chorion thickness and egg size - theory and
observations. Journal of Fish Biology, 41:581-599.
Libes, SM. 1992. An introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 734 p.
Mann, KH and Lazier JRN. 1991. Dynamics of marine ecosystems: biological-physical
interactions in the oceans. Blackwell Scientific Publications Inc., Boston, USA.
Margalef, R. 1997. Turbulence and marine life. Scientia Marina 61 (Supl. 1): 109-123.
Otterlei E, Nyhammer G, Folkvord A, Stefansson S, Svåsand A. 1996. The effect of temperature on
growth and survival of juvenile Atlantic cod. American Society of Ichtyologists and Herpetologists. 76.
Annual Meeting, 13-19 June 1996.
Ottersen G, Loeng H. 2000. Covariability in early growth and year-class strength of Barents Sea cod,
haddock and herring: the environmental link. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57: 339-348.
Pedley, TJ. 1997. Introduction to fluid dynamics. Scientia Marina 61 (Supl. 1): 7-24.
Planque B, Frédou T. 1999. Temperature and the recruitment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2069-2077.
Purcell EM. 1977. Life at low Reynolds number. American Journal of Physics 45 (1): 3-11.
Rothschild BJ and Osborn TR. 1988. Small-scale turbulence and plankton contact rates. Journal
of Plankton Research 10(3): 465-474.
Sakshaug E, Bjørge A, Gulliksen B, Loeng og Mehlum F. (eds.) 1992. Økosystem Barentshavet.
Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd, Norges fiskeriforskningsråd,
Miljøverndepartementet. 304 s. ISBN 82-90565-17-8
Stenevik, E.K., Sundby, S. and Cloete, R. 2002. Buoyancy and vertical distribution of pilchard eggs
and larvae and its influence on spreading of the offspring in the northern Benguela ecosystem. In: A
Decade of Namibian Fisheries Science. Payne, A. I. L., Pillar, S. C. and R. J. M. Crawford (Eds). South
African Journal of Marine Science 23: 85-97.
Stiansen, J.E., 2001. Small scale turbulence in relation to plankton ecology; Sources, measurements
and analysis - with focus on energy dissipation rates and turbulent scales. Dr. scient. theis, University
of Bergen, 168 pp.
Stiansen, J.E. and Sundby, S. 2001. Improved methods for generating and estimating turbulence
in tanks suitable for fish larvae experiments. Scientia Marina 65(2): 151-167.
Utne-Palm, A.C. & J.E. Stiansen, 2002. Effect of larval ontogeny, turbulence and light on prey attack
rate and swimming activity in herring larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,
268: 147-170.
Sundby, S. 1983. A one-dimensional model for the vertical distribution of pelagic fish eggs
in the mixed layer. Deep-Sea Research, 30 (6A): 645-661.
Sundby, S. 1991. Factors affecting the vertical distribution of eggs. ICES mar. Sci. Symp.,
192: 33-38.
Sundby, S. 1995. Wind climate and foraging of larval and juvenile Arcto-Norwegian cod.
Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 121: 405-415
Sundby, S. 1997. Turbulence and ichtyoplankton - influence on vertical distributions and
encounter rates. In: Ocean turbulence: A basic environmental property, Barcelona, 18 - 29
September 1995. Scientia Marina, 61 (Suppl. 1): 159-176.
Sundby, S. 2000. Havklima og raudåte - to sentrale faktorer for produksjonen av fisk i Nordatlanteren.
Miljørapport 2000.
Sundby S. 2000. Recruitment of Atlantic cod stocks in relation to temperature and advection of
copepod populations. Sarsia 85: 277-298.
Sundby S., Boyd A., Hutchings L., O’Toole M., Thorisson K., and Thorsen, A. 2002. Interaction
between Cape hake spawning and the circulation in the Northern Benguela upwelling ecosystem.
In: A Decade of Namibian Fisheries Science. Payne, A. I. L., Pillar, S. C. and R. J. M. Crawford
(Eds). South African Journal of Marine Science 23: 317-336.
Sundby S, Ellertsen B, Fossum P. 1994. Encounter rates between first-feeding cod larvae and
their prey during moderate to strong turbulent mixing. ICES Marine Science Symposia 198:393405.
Sundby, S and Fossum P. 1990. Feeding conditions of Arcto-Norwegian cod larvae
compared to the Rothschild-Osborn theory on small-scale turbulence and plankton contact
rates. Journal of Plankton Research 12(6):1153-1162.
Sundby, S., Skogen, M. and Kjesbu, O.S. 1999. Lysing in namibiske farvann - en økologisk
tilspasning til et oppstrømningssystem. I: Havets miljø 1999. Fisken og Havet Særnummer 2. 6875.
Suthers, I. M. and Sundby, S. 1993. Dispersal and growth of pelagic juvenile Arcto-Norwegian
cod (Gadus morhua), inferred from otolith microstructure and water temperature. ICES Journal
of Marine Sciences, 50: 261-270.
Suthers, I.M. and Sundby, S. 1996. Role of the midnight sun: comparative growth of pelagic
juvenile cod (Gadus morhua) from the Arcto-Norwegian and a Nova Scotian stock. ICES Journal
of Marine Science, 53: 827-837.
Svendsen H. 1997. Physical oceanography and marine ecosystems: some illustrative examples. Scientia
Marina 61 (Supl. 1): 93-108.
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Ådlandsvik, B, Coombs, S, Sundby, S, and Temple, G. 2001. Buoyancy and vertical distribution of
eggs and larvae of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou): observations and modeling. Fisheries
Research 50: 59-72.