August 18, 2006 minutes - Our Lady of the Valley Parish

Our Lady of the Valley
August 18,2006
Cemetery Committee Minutes—August 17,2006
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM buy B. Lee
Present: Bob Lee, Brenda Haley, Peggy Lynch, John VanScoter, Larry Gleason,
Jim Bebout, Ron Meehan, Jim and Louise Ahearn, Tom Pradelski. Late to arrive:
Fr. Pat and John Buchko.
B. Lee reviewed minutes from last month’s meeting. Acceptance motioned by R.
Meehan, seconded by T. Pradelski.
New Business:
Benches, in lieu of a monument, at Rexville. Request by a lot owner was
discussed and the group collectively decided not to allow these.
Lynch bushes- Discussion with Buchko and Father later.
Foundations in the new sections at Fremont- Discussion was held about a solid
row of foundations. Would have to sell next graves available in the row and
would not allow “jumping around” in a section for a particular grave. J.
VanScoter to investigate cost aspect and bring to next meeting.
Problems with cars near dump on a Saturday morning and a person did follow a
cemetery visitor one day which made the visitor uneasyfollowing another visitor.
BOCES to grade next section at Fremont the 3rd week of September. Building to
be completed by Thanksgiving. Plumbing to be put in under floor before floor is
poured in anticipation of bathroom and sink. The garage-type doors will be
facing Route 21 and a man-door will be on a side perpendicular to the large
Election of Chair and Co-Chair- Ron Meehan nominated Bob Lee as Chair;
seconded by Brenda Haley.
Tom Pradelski nominated Frank Meehan as Co-Chair; seconded by Jim Ahearn.
Jim Ahearn motioned that nominations be closed; Brenda seconded. Election of
nominees was unanimous and vote was closed by Peg and seconded byu Ron.
Back-to-back graves in Section D at Fremont are being offered, where possible,
as a 4- square plot.
Jim Bebout raised the issue of monuments being grass-set and the foundation
being poured afterward. John Buchko agreed to write to the monument
companies emphasizing the Rules that no monuments are to be grass-set in the
future and that graves and foundations must be paid prior to a monument being
brought to the cemetery.
Jim Bebout also raised the issue of a bench (in lieu of a monument) that has
been in an unfinished state for several years. Buchko will talk to monument
company and follow up with a letter stating that the situation be corrected.
Committee was advised that a new bulletin board has been placed on the back of
the chapel by Jim Bebout. Also, a suggestion box will be placed near the bulletin
board at a later date.
Next meeting will be at Rexville on September 21, 7PM.
Additional Item- Not Cemetery related:
Ron Meehan brought an example of sign verbage for use at the parking lot
across from the church and behind at Rexville. Buchko to review with that
supplied by Larry Nye and have signs made.
Meeting adjourned on motion by Meehan and second by Pradelski.
Another additional note:
Gary Swackhamer sprayed the front bank at St. Ann Cemetery with Roundup in
mid July. Today, he called and informed me that he had the bank cleaned up
and the weeds removed. He recommends we put Crown Vetch on the bank to
keep the weeds down. I’ll advise.