doc - Northeastern University

Problem Set - I
(Due at the beginning of class on 2/16/11)
CS 4740/6740 Network Security
This problem set will be graded out of 240 points. It will count for 8% of your final
grade.In this first assignment, you will be forming your teams and preparing your
machines for the rest of the upcoming assignments. You will be required to understand
and acknowledge the lab rules and you will get your first taste of the Network Security
Lab layout.
Forming a team
Students should form teams with 3 people or less per group and choose a team name.
You are responsible for choosing your teammates, so consider your choice carefully.
Successful teams are made up of individuals who:
Complement each other well in the areas of Unix Systems Administration,
Windows Systems Administration, and Cryptography.
Get along well with one another under stressful situations and can stay organized
in a task-oriented environment.
Once you have chosen your teammates, send an email to the TA (with a CC to Professor
Ravi Sundaram) with the subject <course number> - Team: <team name> and the
body containing the following information:
Team name
Team member names and email addresses (each line for one member)
Your team will be then contacted with information/credentials to remotely access your
lab machines at which point, you may begin the setup and scanning sections. Each team
will be given two machines which run Ubuntu 10.x and Microsoft Windows Server 2003
respectively, which are a part of the NetSec Lab network. DO NOT install service packs,
patches, firewalls, or any other software/service that is not explicitly noted in the
Submitting the assignment.
Please submit your assignment in electronic format via email to the TA (Triet Vo-huu)
with a cc to the instructor (Ravi Sundaram). The assignment is due before 6 PM on
1) Internet – Architecture, Layers [20]
a) Explain what is layering giving one advantage and one disadvantage of layering?
b) Describe briefly and give one example of each of the following layers - physical,
data link, network and transport. [4]
c) State and explain the significance of the end-to-end principle? [2]
d) What keeps packets from being passed along, router to router, indefinitely? [2]
e) Which is better for transferring a large file – UDP or TCP and why? [2]
f) What is an ICMP echo-request packet used for? [2]
g) Explain how traceroute works? [4]
2) IP/BGP/DNS [20]
a) Go to Query for “Northeastern University” (quotes not
included). List the IP blocks that are registered to Northeastern. [4]
b) Go to . Query for “a Northeastern University” (quotes not
included). List the AS number(s) registered to Northeastern. List the emailid(s) of
the tech contact for Northeastern’s Autonomous System(s). [4]
c) Go to Leave the Name
Server and Query Type field as is; query in the Domain Name
field. What is the IP address of [2]
d) Go to Run a traceroute from SDSC (San Diego Super
Computer Center) to List the IP(s) encountered in order. What
is the average round trip time? How does it compare to the speed of light? [4]
e) Go to any online ping server (e.g. Run a ping to and to Do you see a difference? Why is this? [2]
f) Go to Pick any location; query for type
“bgp” the IP address from part c). What is the AS number that CCIS’ website
lives in and which organization does this AS belong to? What is the AS number
immediately upstream of the AS that CCIS’ website lives in? Use to determine the OrgName of the organization that provides
connectivity to CCIS’ website. [4]
3) Creating Accounts [25]
Each team is provided with a team account for each machine. In order for team
members to work more conveniently on the assignments, each member will have to
create his/her own account on the team machines.
 To create an account on your Linux system, use the useradd command. However,
you must have permission to execute the command, refer to the man page of sudo
command for information. When creating your account, review the command
options in the useradd man page to make sure the following requirements are
o Shell is /bin/bash.
o A home directory is created and attached to the new account.
Add the account to admin group.
By default, a newly created account is disabled. To enable it, login as the team
user given to you by the TA, and use the passwd command to set a new password.
Log into your Windows machine via Remote Desktop using the Administrator
account provided and create your own account which should be added to the
Administrators group.
Passwords are not necessarily the same on both machines. Remember not to use
weak passwords.
Create all required accounts for each team member. [10]
Explain the purpose of the sudo command. [5]
What are the differences between sudo and su? [5]
What is the /etc/sudoers file used for? [5]
4) Reviewing Network Settings [20]
In order to perform any kind of attack, you will need to understand the network
layout. To review your network settings, follow these steps, saving all the information
for your report:
a) On your Linux machine, determine network interfaces on the machine and their
configuration using the ifconfig command. Determine the routing table using the
route command. [6]
b) On your Windows server, determine the network interfaces and their
configuration using the ipconfig command or checking the properties on the Local
Area Connection. [6]
c) What does the overall topology of NetSec Lab network look like (give a detailed
diagram)? [8]
The topic of this section is network reconnaissance and scanning. This is the first step an
attacker might use to survey your network and locate potential weaknesses. Therefore, it
is imperative that users (especially those who might at one point run their own server)
understand these techniques and themselves use scanning tools to discover their own
system weaknesses as the first step in improving their defenses.
5) Port Scanning using NMAP [35]
NMAP is a popular tool for various types of scanning against hosts on a network.
Install NMAP and read its man page.
a. Run a discovery scan using -sP against the IP range You should
have identified two systems in that IP range. Record the output for your report. [5]
b. NMAP has an option to determine the operating systems and services running on
the identified systems. Find it and record the output for your report [5]
c. NMAP has a feature which automates banner-grabbing. Read the man page on the
-sV option. Then, run a scan against the two discovered systems using the -sS and
-sV options. Record the results of this scan. [5]
d. Scan those systems with options -sT and -sS respectively. Record the output.
What is the difference between those options? Which one runs faster and why? In
general, why would an attacker use TCP SYN scan instead of a full TCP connect
scan? [15]
e. Review the -p option in the man page. Use this option to scan every UDP port of
the two systems in question. Do you notice a difference between the scan rate of
the two systems? Record the output of this command. Describe how you could
use icmp_ratelimit kernel parameter in Linux to slow down a UDP scan. [5]
6) Stealth Scanning [30]
A sneaky method was developed in 1998 to perform spoofed scans through the
information leak of IP ID numbers. IP IDs are a field in the IP header of packets
which allows a recipient to piece together packets that get fragmented in transit. In
order to function properly, these IDs need to be mostly unique, and many IP
implementations simply increment a global counter for each packet sent out.
However, such an implementation leaks information about how many packets are
being sent from a host. Using this leak, one can obtain the results of a spoofed TCP
scan. Fyodor describes idle scanning in detail, along with an early post announcing
the technique. We will first try this technique manually, then learn how to use nmap's
automated idle scan feature.
You will use three machines for this experiment. The Windows machine you
identified in the previous scan will be called the "zombie" or "zero traffic host". The
Linux machine you identified in the previous scan will be known as the victim. Your
team's Linux machine will be the attacker.
Before you begin the stealth scan, you will be checking to make sure that the zombie
is not receiving traffic at the time of your test. If it is, you will have to wait for a later
Open three seperate shell sessions to your Linux machine. In the first session,
setup your Linux machine to listen for ICMP echo reply packets. These packets
will be used to check the IP ID on the zombie host. A suggested command line for
this is:
tcpdump -v -i eth0 icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echoreply
In the second session, send a few packets to the zombie machine to determine if it
is idle. A suggested command is:
Back in the first session, you should see ten lines of output from tcpdump
corresponding to the ten echo reply packets. The lines should look something like:
11:37:52.054397 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 6197, offset 0,
flags [DF], proto 1, length: 84) 10.0.0.X > 10.0.0.T:
icmp 64: echo reply seq 376
Notice the id field in the IP headers section. This field is the IP ID and it should
be incrementing by one for every line. If it is not, the zombie is not idle. Try this
lab at another time.
Now, in the third session window, scan the victim on a single port, spoofing the
source address to point to the zombie server. You can do this with nmap using a
command line like:
You should first select PORT as a port you know is open on the VICTIM. This
scan will send a single SYN packet to an open TCP port on the victim system,
made to look like it came from the zombie machine.
Send a few more ICMP echo requests to the zombie host with the command:
Return to the router session window in which tcpdump is running. Play close
attention to the IP ID field. You should see a hole in the sequence between the
packets from the first ping command and the last one. You can repeat the
experiment several times. If you did everything right, you should notice the
sequence skips one number for each time you run the scan. This is because the
zombie system will respond with a RST packet to the SYN/ACK received from
the victim system, which causes the system-wide ID to increment by one.
a) Record a snippet of the tcpdump output when the scan was run. Annotate the
output to point-out holes in the IP ID sequence associated with your spoofed scan.
NOTE: nmap will report correct results of the scan, even though you didn't give
your system's address as the source. Because of the current network configuration,
nmap sees the responses even though they aren't technically destined for your
Linux router. If you were using an idle host the same interface as the victim,
nmap would likely show all ports as filtered, even though the IP IDs would
indicate otherwise.
 Run the experiment again, this time against a port which you know is closed.
Watch the IP ID sequence and see if there are any holes. Repeat this several times
to be sure; there shouldn't be a hole. This is because the victim will return a RST
packet to the zombie host and the zombie host will not respond to a RST packet.
b) Fortunately, this labor-intensive scan technique has been automated in nmap.
Read the man page's explanation of the -sI scan type. Run an idle scan against the
same victim host, once again using the zombie host. Scan at least 5 TCP ports,
some known to be open, and some known to be closed. Record the output of this
scan. [12]
7) Automated Network Discovery Tools [20]
a. Download from the Internet and use an automated network discovery tool like
NeoTrace, VisualRoute (try at least one) to form a network map of the target
network (choose any target outside of the NetSec Lab network). What information
would this would give you? [10]
b. Explain how this is useful both for network administrators as well as for potential
attackers. [10]
8) Basic UNIX Service Enumeration [25]
a. Learn about the netcat tool and what you can do with it. Provide a brief
explanation of it’s capabilities, both from an offensive and defensive point of
view. [5]
b. If you found any Web server or Telnet server on your target network, use netcat
for grabbing the available banners. What good does this do and what does it tell a
potential intruder about the target host? How might they use this information?
c. Check UNIX users/groups on remote targets (or your own if no users are logged
in on the target subnet) via finger and report your findings. How could this
information be used by an attacker? How can we prevent this sort of information
leakage? What if we really needed to run finger for some bizarre reason? [10]
9) Windows NetBIOS/SMB Enumeration [20]
a. Use net view (Windows command line) or smbclient (Linux) to enumerate
NetBIOS services (Windows port 139, try hosts on your own local network, in
particular try host knoxville, assume the investigating user has an unprivileged
local account) including Samba shares. Record your output. [10]
b. To further simplify the process, try using nbtscan (pre-installed) and scan the
entire network for shares using Legion (download from
http://strawman/scan/). What did you find? Include your output. [10]
10) All-in-one Vulnerability Scanners [25]
a. These are really powerful, and really easy to use. You will be using Nessus to
scan your own local subnet. Download the software (either Windows or Linux),
read installation and user guide, register to the HomeFeed subscription and try
using it. Provide a listing of what you have found in the local subnet. Describe
how a tool such as Nessus can be an incredibly powerful asset to any system
administrator and also how they can be dangerous in the wrong hands. [15]
b. Take a quick look at the Nessus architecture and describe how it works. How do
they keep their inventory of service vulnerabilities up to date? How does the
plugin architecture work, and how can an administrator or developer use this to
write custom tools for their own deployments? [10]