White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Guide to the role of the DTC Training Pathway Leaders This guide outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Training Pathway Leaders for the 21 training pathways across the White Rose Doctoral Training Centre (WRDTC). What is a Training Pathway Leader? The role of a WRDTC Training Pathway Leader is expected to be taken on voluntarily by an academic colleague who has the relevant experience with postgraduate students in their University and may have/had links with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). There are two types training of pathway leaders. Local Training Pathway Leader (LPL). There is one for each Pathway within the local institution. This means that, in most cases, there are three Local Pathway Leaders per pathway – one based at each of the White Rose Universities. White Rose Training Pathway Leader (WRPL). One LPL is nominated to be the overall White Rose Training Pathway Leader. If the name of a Pathway Leader changes, the updated contact details should be submitted to enquiries@wrdtc.ac.uk and the web site page updated. Local Training Pathway Leaders (LPL) – driving change forward Role and responsibilities The Local Training Pathway Leaders are responsible for: Proactively ensuring that the shared training promises made in the WRDTC bid for their Pathway are met; Representing their Pathway at the WRDTC Pathway Meeting (2 x per annum), location will rotate around the three White Rose Universities; Participating in regular calls/meetings organised by their WRDTC Pathway Leader; Pursuing the development of cross institutional provision for their pathway from their local institution to meet their pathway development strategy; Overseeing the updating of their pathway webpage/s on wrdtc.ac.uk with events, training, student posters and general info. Contact itsupport@wrdtc.ac.uk for help. White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: enquiries@wrdtc.ac.uk Web: www.wrdtc.ac.uk Encouraging the use of the WRDTC Twitter account by students @wrssdtc and using the hashtag #wrssdtc to tweet at events/conferences etc Attending and contributing to Pathway activities at the annual WRDTC Induction Event (October) and the DTC Spring Conference (May) Contributing to building up a research culture in the Pathway by... o Co-ordinating responses to annual DTC Studentship calls Aiming to ‘add value’ to the PhD student experience by... o Opening up events/training opportunities related to your pathway to the WR Universities and beyond o Working collaboratively across your WR DTC Pathway to organise events Communicating and liaising with the staff/students locally within their own institution concerning important WRDTC news, upcoming events and training opportunities etc; Disseminating information from the WRDTC Office to the relevant academic staff/students locally; Communicating with fellow Pathway Leaders at the other two institutions to ensure there is a coherent development strategy for their pathway; Communicating/liaising with their WRPL any local issues that may need addressing; Offering case studies and articles for the DTC Matters newsletter by sending information via the web site to http://wrdtc.ac.uk/news/add-article/ Identifying 3 student Pathway representatives who would like to act as a nominated contact for students in your Pathway and advertising their contact details on your Pathway pages at wrdtc.ac.uk Identifying partnership/collaborative/internship opportunities for students within the Pathway Setting up and updating your email student contact list Setting dates for your Pathway meetings this coming year Identifying any advanced training needs and feeding requests to enquiries@wrdtc.ac.uk Seize the opportunity to use the WRDTC as an engine of change across the region to further impact and lever engagement. White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: enquiries@wrdtc.ac.uk Web: www.wrdtc.ac.uk White Rose Training Pathway Leader (WRPL)– driving change forward Role and responsibilities In addition to the responsibilities above, the White Rose Training Pathway Leader is also responsible for: Proactively ensuring that the promises made in the WRDTC bid are fulfilled according to schedule; Leading on the development of cross institutional training provision for their pathway; Coordinating the organisation of events, conferences and students meetings as appropriate. Communicating and liaising with their Local Training Pathway Leaders (LPLs) concerning important WRDTC news and procedures; Communicating with fellow LPLs with regard to WRDTC initiatives and new funding opportunities; Reporting back any issues within their pathways to the WRDTC Academic Quality Committee via the DTC Office; Ensuring that there is representation of their pathway at the WRDTC Pathway Leaders Meetings (2 x per annum); Ensuring that there are regular calls/meetings of all LPLs to discuss the progress of the pathway and disseminate relevant information to their own pathway; Ensuring that good practice is shared across institutions within the DTC; Playing a key role in driving change forward. List of Institutional Pathway Leads For all LPL and WRPL contact details see www.wrdtc.ac.uk/pathways White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: enquiries@wrdtc.ac.uk Web: www.wrdtc.ac.uk