Plate Tectonics What is the Plate Tectonic Theory? Who proposed that Earth’s surface Plate Tectonic Theory= idea that convection currents in the mantle move lithospheric plates Lithospheric plate= huge piece of the crust-cracked into huge pieces Mvmt of plates causes EQ’s, volcanoes, mtn ranges, rift valleys, midocean ridges, deep-ocean trenches Mvmt changes the size & shape of oceans & continents Alfred Wegener (18801930) 1st proposed Earth’s surface moves moves? What evidence supports PT theory? Proved HAD moved→ Thought that the continents were once joined together, but drifted apart Gathered evidence to support his idea 1) continents “fit together” like a puzzle-LAND FEATURES Pangaea= “supercontinent” that broke up 300 million yrs ago Coal fields in NA & Europe line up Mtn ranges of SA & Africa meet up 2) FOSSILS- fossil beds on diff. continents line up; fossils of the same organisms were spread across continents now separated by oceans 3) CLIMATE- evidence of tropical climate in the Arctic region & Antarctic glaciers in a warm region Scientists rejected Wegener’s hypothesis b/c he couldn’t explain the “pull & push”-the HOW Could only explain the HAD Died w/out anyone believing his hypothesis 1960 technology advances led to… → ↓ Showed HOW it 4) Sea-floor Spreading= magma finds a crack in the sea floor, comes out, cools into new rock, spreading the continents apart (action)-“the push” Creates a mid-ocean ridge= (landform) under ocean mtn range 5) Subduction Zone= ocean floor plate sinks into the mantle under another plate (densest plate sinks)-“the pull” Creates a deep-ocean trench= (landform) under ocean canyon; Marianas Trench is the deepest place on Earth (≈ 25 miles deep) **subduction & sea-floor spreading shrink & expand oceans, moving continents **convection currents in the Asthenosphere is the “motor” that moves the plates What is a Tectonic plate boundary= tectonic plate where 2+ plates touch e@ moved ↓ → boundary? other DIVERGENT (spreading/separating) 1a) Mid-Atlantic Ridge & Iceland 1b) Great Rift Valley in E. Africa CONVERGENT (colliding) 2a) Cascade Mtns in NW NA (Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Ranier, Mt. Olympia, Mt. Shasta) 2b) Indonesian Islands & Marianas Trench 2c) Himalaya Mtns where Eurasia meets India TRANSFORM (“touchy-slidy traveling”) 3) San Andreas Fault in CA where the Pacific Plate & NA plate slide by e@ other **a plate can have all 3 types of boundary**