UVU Course Number: ART 1050
UVU Course Name: Photography I
High School Course Name:
This is a Concurrent Enrollment Course, offering both high school credit through _____________ High School and
college credit through Utah Valley University. Credit from this course is transferable to all colleges and
universities. Contact the receiving institution for how the credits will be applied.
Emphasizes the use of camera operation, including aperture and shutter speed adjustments to control exposure,
depth of field, lenses, camera format. Teaches how to see photographically, using elements of composition and
lighting to make stronger images. Teaches basic black and white film and printing processes. Requires a 35mm
manual mode camera, as well as film and paper.
This class is available to all high school juniors and seniors in good academic standing. High school prerequisites
apply. There are no college prerequisites for this course.
Upon successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
1. Understand the history of photography and the development of the camera.
2. Understand and demonstrate darkroom safety.
3. Know how a camera functions and be able to take a picture.
4. Identify the parts of the camera
5. Understand exposure and know how apertures and shutters function.
6. Understand how to take all types of photographs including portraits, landscapes, and action shots.
7. Understand the different types of a lenses and which lens to use for which type of photograph.
8. Understand lighting and how compose an effective photograph.
9. Identify film characteristics and understand and demonstrate the developing of black and white film.
10. Set up equipment in the darkroom and identify different types of photo paper.
11. Identify parts of an enlarger and understand its use.
12. Demonstrate the proper way to expose photo paper and use a test strip.
13. Demonstrate the chemical processing procedure for developing photographic paper.
14. Mount or matte a print.
15. Understand and demonstrate legal use.
16. Critique photographs and understand what makes a good photograph.
17. Be familiar with the work of professional photographers living today and important photographers from
At the end of this course students will be taking the state Career Technology Education test for Basic Commercial
Photography. If students complete this test with 80% or above, they will be certified by the state in Basic
Commercial Photography.
The Photographic Eye, Michael O’Brian and Norman Sibley authors
PHOTOGRAPHY, Upton and London
Concepts and Evaluations
Teaching Methods
Evaluation Methods
Prints, quizzes.
-The history of photography
hands-on application
-Chemical steps of printing in
the darkroom
Lectures, Packets
with diagrams,
Scoring quality of notes,
-Camera Function
hands-on application prints, application in
-Camera Parts
-Types of Cameras
assignment (Patterns and
-Developing film, contact
sheets, test strips, and prints
-Enlarger function
Lectures, hands-on
-Lighting Techniques
Rubric on prints, test
-Types of film, and photo
paper, review of chemicals
Lectures, hands-on
-Positioning models
Quality of picture-taking
-Finishing prints, wetassignment (People)
mounting, dry-mounting,
hands-on application Rubric on prints
-Critiquing Prints
-Dodging and burning
Lectures, worksheet.
-Vignetting Prints
Quality of picture-taking
-Taking color photos
assignment (Color), score
Lectures, hands-on
on worksheet
-Legal Use
Quality of picture-taking
assignment (Action),
-Taking action pictures
score on Oral report on
-Professional photographers
Term 1 Final—Camera function, composition, lighting, darkroom, history.
Semester Final—State Skills Test
6, 17
You will receive the same grade for your high school course as you
receive for your college course. Your grade will be based upon to
The grades in class are earned on a point system in these areas:
photography projects turned in on time, testing, quizzes, work sheets, and
participation (which includes attendance, being prepared daily, and
citizenship). Points will be lost for late or missing assignments, not being
prepared, and disruptive or inappropriate behavior and/or language. Late
assignments will receive half credit. Disruptive or non-working students
may lose up to 10 daily points. Points will be given or taken away
depending on how a student is working in class. The cumulative points
from these tests, projects, and other assignments are converted into
percentages for the grade earned. The total points earned will be divided
by the total number of points possible to find the percentage.
Percentage Breakdown:
A: 94-100%
A-: 90-93%
B+: 87-89%
B: 84-86%
C+: 77-79%
C: 74-76%
D+: 67-69%
D: 64-66%
F: 59% and below
NOTICE: Your grade for this class
will become part of your permanent
college transcript and will affect
your GPA. A low grade in this
course can affect college acceptance
and scholarship eligibility
B-: 80-83%
C-: 70-73%
D-: 60-63%
Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. A student needs to find
out what work or test was missed due to absence, and make up these
assignments within one week.
There will be a research assignment which will be completed
during second and fourth term. This assignment will be an out-of-class
assignment. Students will also complete a photography journal which will
be turned in at the end of each term to be graded. Homework is required
for an A grade, as time does not allow for everything to be completed in
class. Photographs will be taken outside class time in order to have
sufficient time to complete developing and printing of film and prints
during the class period. No student should ask to leave during class to take
photographs. Each student should use negatives that they have taken for
their assignments. No student should use another student’s negatives.
After school darkroom time will be permitted from time to time.
Students may expect to receive the results of tests and major
assignments as quickly as possible, usually within a week. If students
desire to know their percentage total, that information is available on the
Internet through the school web site. Students can either access this
information at home or at the Orem High School Writing Lab.
_________ is the last day to drop the course without it showing on your transcript.
_________ is the last day to withdraw from the class.
If you drop the high school class, you must also withdraw from the UVU class to avoid receiving an E or UW
(unofficial withdrawal).
INSTRUCTOR POLICIES (Department Example)
CLEAN-UP: Each student is responsible for the care of his/her possessions, work, and material, and to
keep the working area clean. Any lost or stolen materials or possessions will be the responsibility of the students
and not the teacher or school. Participation points will be lost if students do not clean up after themselves and
complete cleaning assignments given by the teacher.
HORSEPLAY: Horseplay will not be tolerated and could result in termination from class with no credit as it
endangers the safety of other class members. Horseplay includes, but is not limited to, throwing objects, playing
with fire, using tools or chemicals inappropriately, water play, and fighting.
Tuttle’s desk or touching her computer. Supplies cost a lot of money and should never be wasted.
CELL PHONES: The school’s policy on cell phones will be enforced in my classroom. No cell phones
should be seen or heard.
PREPARATION: Each student is expected to attend daily with the materials needed to work on the current
project. The student should have these materials at the beginning of the class period and not ask to go to a
locker for such items after the bell has rung. Students who leave class without permission and without a hall
pass automatically loose 50 participation points and will be marked truant.
Photography can be an expensive class, and students will need a variety of supplies such as film, photo
paper, and negative sleeves. Students can either purchase their own supplies or they can purchase them at a
discounted price from me by purchasing a shop card for $15.00. The shop card will allow students to purchase
film, photo paper, and other supplies as needed. Students may need to purchase additional shop cards when
they run out of supplies.
Students will be responsible for paying a $15.00 art fee which will cover the cost of chemicals, assorted
supplies and equipment. Students failing to pay the fee will receive an incomplete until the fee is paid. All
money must be paid to the accounting office.
All students need to have access to a 35mm camera.
ABSENCES AND TARDIES: The school’s attendance policy will be followed in my class. Please attend and
be on time.
Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in
academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others.
Students of this class are expected to support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an
environment, and should avoid all aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include
plagiarizing, faking of data, sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who
has not taken the exam, consulting reference material during an exam, submitting a written assignment which
was authored by someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form. Violators of this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action.
In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and
disciplinary review by the college. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook and
is available on the UVU website.
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: If you have any disability, which may impair your ability to successfully, complete
this course, please contact the Accessibility Services office, 863-8747, BU 146. Academic accommodations are
granted for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. All services are coordinated with the
Accessibility Services office.
This class is open to all students. Orem High School offers education to all students. Orem High does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin. Students who have a grievance
with another student or any school employee should talk to the school administration or a counselor about their