Prof. I Rudowsky Spring 2008 CIS1.5 MW12 Assignment 5 Due date: April 30, 2008 This homework involves reading sentences from a file and determining the makeup of the sentences, words and characters. 1. First, you will read in the sentences with the function void readSentences(string sentences[], int &numSentences) This will read in the sentences from a file named Sentences.txt (see below for the input) Each line ends with a blank space after the last letter. This is necessary to make sure you get all the words correctly. The function will fill up an array named sentences and set a variable named numSentences (which is passed by reference), which will be used in later functions as well. The function will also print out each sentence as it is read in. 2. The next line in main calls the function countNumWords(string sentences[], int numSentences) which will count how many words there are in all the sentences. Remember that there is a blank space after each word. 3. Once the sentences are in the array sentences, call the function countAlphaChars(string sentences[], int numSentences, int letters[]) which will go through each sentence, character by character, find where each letter is in the global string alphabet and use that position as the index for the array letters which then be increased by 1. Thus, letters[0] represents the letter A. Whenever an A is encountered in a sentence, letters[0] is increased by 1. We use an index of 0 because in the string alphabet, the letter A is in position 0. 4. Once the array letters has been populated, the function printLetters(int letters[]) will be called to print each letter and how many there were in all the sentences. Remember that letter [i] corresponds to alphabet[i] so you can first print the letter and then the count in the same loop. Skip any letters that have a count of 0. 5. Next the function extractWords(int wordCount[], string words[], string sentences[], int numSentences, int &wordsInList) is called. This function goes through the sentences, extracts the words (use the substr string function)one at a time. When a word is extracted, the array words is checked to see if the word is in the array already. This can be done by looping through the array and comparing word[i] with the extracted word to see if they are equal. The number of words in the list is stored in wordsInList which is passed by reference to the function and initialized to 0. If there is no match, then set words[wordsInList] to that word, set wordCount[wordsInList] to 1 and finally increase wordsInList by 1. If the word is found in words[i] then just increase wordCount[i] by 1. 6. Finally, the function printWords(string words[], int wordCount[], int wordsInList) is called to print the words stored in the array words and how many there are of each word from the array wordCount. The variable wordsInList has the actual number of words stored. PROGRAM OUTLINE: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void void int void void void readSentences(string[], int &); countAlphaChars(string[], int, int[]); countNumWords(string[], int); extractWords( int[], string[], string[], int, int &); printWords(string[], int [], int); printLetters(int[]); ifstream infile; string alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int main() { string sentences[10]; int numSentences=0; int wordsInList=0; int letters[52] = {0}; //quick way to initialize the entire array to 0 int wordCount[100] = {0}; string words[100];"C:\\Sentences.txt"); readSentences(sentences, numSentences); cout<<"The number of words is "<<countNumWords(sentences,numSentences)<<endl<<endl; countAlphaChars(sentences, numSentences, letters); printLetters(letters); extractWords(wordCount, words, sentences, numSentences, wordsInList); printWords(words, wordCount, wordsInList); infile.close(); system ("pause"); return 0; } void readSentences(string sentences[], int &numSentences){ } void printLetters(int letters[]){ } int countNumWords(string sentences[], int numSentences, char c){ } void countAlphaChars(string sentences[], int numSentences, int letters[]){ } void extractWords(int wordCount[], string words[], string sentences[], int numSentences, int &wordsInList){ } void printWords(string words[], int wordCount[], int wordsInList){ } Sentences.txt The number of words in a sentence is to be counted Each sentence ends with a period Each word is followed by a space or period OUTPUT: sentence 0: The number of words in a sentence is to be counted sentence 1: Each sentence ends with a blank space sentence 2: Each word is followed by a one space There are 3 sentences The number of words is 27 Letter E T a b c d e f h i k l m n o p r s t u w y Word The number of words in a sentence is to be counted Each ends with blank space word followed by one Count 2 1 8 4 7 5 15 2 4 4 1 3 1 10 8 2 3 8 5 2 4 1 Count 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1