Federal agency of health care and social development Volgograd State Medical University Department of dermatology and venerology Principles of topic therapy of skin diseases Volgograd 2007 The topic treatment may be carried out in the majority of skin diseases. In many cases it may be sufficient without systemic treatment (parasitaria diseases, some pyodermias, mild variants of chronic dermatoses, etc.).But usually the topic treatment is administered simultaneously with systemis treatment and such as systemic one it may be etiologic (mycoses of the skin, parasitaria diseases), pathogenetic (psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis) and symptomatic (ichthyosis, itching diseases, etc.). The topic treatment acts on ill skin by a) effective agent (substance); b) drug base, that is form of topic treatment. As a rule, the base has more intensive effect than agent (substance). Non adequate base could not only decrease the action of agent-substance, but very often causes worsening of skin disease. For example, steroid ointment may cause exacerbation of exudative inflammation in the patients with eczema; the pastes aren’t indicated for rash on the scalp. The substances for topic treatment may be classified accordingly to their therapeutic action. Tabl.№ 1 The most common substances for topic treatment Antibacterial Antiinflammatory Antiitching Reparative Antiparasitaria Antifungal Antibiotics, antiseptics (hydrogenium peroxide, potassium permanganate, boric acid, argentum nitratum, jodine, anyline dyes, etc.) Corticosteroids, nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs, ichthyolum, tar, salicylic acid, tanninum, salts of bismutum, argentum, some plants etc. Mentholum, anaesthesinum, carbolic acid, dimedrolum, acetic acid, novocainum, etc. Methyluracilium, tar, balsamic vegetable oils, «Actoveginum», «Solcoseryl», «Vulnusan», etc. Sulfur, tar, benzyl-benzoatis, salts of hydrargyrum, «Spregal», «Nitifor», «Para-plus». Jodine, tar, sulfur, boric acid, antifungal antibiotics, derivates of chinolinum, imidazolum («Canesten»), terbinafinum(«Fungoterbinum», «Lamizilum») etc. Keratoplastic (peeling) Keratolytic Antivirus Antiseborrhoic Salicylic acid, resorcum, tar, sulfur, etc.(low concentrations). Salicylc acid, latic acid, benzoic acid, resorcinum (more then 3%), argentum nitratum, etc. Anyline dyes, aethacridinum lactatum (rivanolum), chinolinum («Dermosolon»), thebrophenum, «Bonaphton», «Gossipolum», «Florenalum»,etc. Sulfur, tar, selenum, vit.A, etc. In any cases, some another substances may be used, for example, antitumoral, cytostatics, antisclerotic (resolvent), irritant, sunprotective, photosensibilized, special antiseptics for acne (benzoilperoxyde and another), substances for the treatment of psoriasis. Sometimes one substance have various treatment actions (sulfur, tar, salicylic acid). The bases (forms) for the topic treatment aren`t so multiple. The common classic bases are formed by one or two such components as liquid (water, spiritus, another in rare cases), oil (vaselinum, lanolinum, another in rare cases), powder (zincum oxydum, talcum, amylum, another in rare cases). These components have concrete intensive actions: water evaporates and cools the skin, causes vasoconstriction, diminishes manifestations of acute inflammation; oil softens and warms the skin, causes vasodilatation, resolves infiltration; powder drys, absorbs, diminishes the exudative inflammation. Another bases and components are less common- varnish (collodium), jelly, soap, wax, balsams, etc. Tabl.№ 2 Wet bandage Water t C=12-16 Like previous, but less manifested. Suspension Powder + water (in any cases + spiritus + glycerinum) Subacute inflammation (urticas, erythema, microvesicles without hyperexudation, especially abundant rash.) Paste Powder + oil in the equal quantitis Subacute inflamation or mixed- subacute and chronic. Not generalized rash. Cream (emulsion, liniment, liquid ointment, lotion ) Oily ointment Oil + water (glycerinum, emulgators may be also used ). Subacute inflammation , especially in ambulance practice. Defects of the skin (ulcers, wounds, erosions, fissures ), dryness of the skin. Chronic inflammation Cold poultice Components Water t C=12-16 Indications Notes Acute exudative inflammation, intensive oedema, microvesicles with hyperexudation The most common substances- boric acid, argentum nitratum, rivanolum, tanninum, ichthyolum, plants, etc. 4-6 layers of gauze are used. Prolongation is 1,5-2 Various substances may be used, usually not more that 5-10 %. Tabl.№ 3 Another bases (forms) for topic treatment (they haven`t intensive action) The most common bases (forms) for topic treatment Form Oil hours with wetting every in5-20 min. In contrary to cold poultice gauze is used as bandage for 4-5 hours. The most common substances and components-mentholum, anaesthesinum, zincum, talcum, amylum. For antiseborrhoic actionresorcinum, sulfur, etc. The most common is zincpaste without any substances. Salicylic acid may be addes ( Lassar paste), sometimes another substances ( ichthyolum, etc.) Various substances may be used accordingly to concrete disease. For healing action the bandage is common. Powder Powder Subacute inflammation or absence of inflammation Water solution Spirituose solution Water For toilet, rinsing, instillation, treating, etc. Subacute inflammation in the cases of pyodermias, virus and another intections. Spiritus In dermatology it usually is used like prophylactic remedy. Usually antiseptics are used. Usually antibacterial, antifungal, antivirus substances are used. Aerosolum Water and another (oil, etc.) Superficial defects usually. Antiseptics and heeling substances are usually used. These are examples of prescriptions of some topic forms: Rp.: Sol. Methyleni coerulei 1%-20 ml D.S.: Water solution of methylen blue. Rp.: Viridis nitentis spirituosae 2%-10 ml D.S.: Spirituosae solution of brilliant green. Rp.: Sol. Acidi borici 2%-300 ml D.S.: For cold poultice. Rp.: Zinci oxydi Talci Vaselini Lanolini aa 5.0 M.f. pasta D.S.: Zinc-paste. Rp.:Mentholi 1.0 Anaesthesini 10.0 Zinci oxydi Amyli tritci aa 20.0 Glycerini 40.0 Spiritus aethylici 96 50 ml Aquae destillatae 300.0 M.D.S. Suspension (to shake before usage). Rp.:Sulfuris p.p. Olci Rusci aa 5.0 Vaselini aa 50.0 M.f. ung. D.S. 10.0% sulfur-tar ointment.