Safe & Hygienic Practices – Session Content Early First Second

Safe & Hygienic Practices – Session Content
Safe and hygienic
I am becoming aware of how cleanliness,
hygiene and safety can affect health and
wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my
everyday routines such as taking care of my
HWB 0-33a / HWB 1-33a
Having learned about
cleanliness, hygiene and
safety, I can apply these
principles to my everyday
routines, understanding
their importance to health
and wellbeing.
I can apply food safety
principles when buying,
storing, preparing, cooking
and consuming food.
HWB 3-33a
Having explored the
conditions for bacterial
growth, I can use this
knowledge to inform my
practice and control food
safety risks.
HWB 4-33a
HWB 2-33a
Safe & Hygienic Practice Aims:
To generate ‘a shared understanding’ across the Cluster
To raise awareness of the food hygiene and safety issues in preparing and carrying out practical food activities in the
Early years/primary settings.
To identify equipment requirements within these settings
To consider ‘Risk assessment’ practice
To consider links to many other curricular areas e.g literacy & numeracy, technology
Content (This session could focus on the following key areas):-
Outline of areas to be covered using 1. BNF Food Hygiene PP(good PP to generate discussion on a number of related areas)
1a. Basic hygiene PP to use with pupils
2 Hygiene & Safety checklist BNF – word document
2a. Fact file on hygiene, useful resources for background information
Personal Hygiene - Child friendly hand washing video clip
Hand washing routine-
3. Template for Hand washing
Kitchen/Food Preparation Area Hygiene & Safety–
to use as for initial
discussion around food preparation. Click on ‘Health & Safety activity video’.
Preparing an area for cooking
Clean as you go
Washing up
4. BNF Food Poisoning PP( can be used in own time for additional background info)
4a. Food spoilage & contamination PP BNF (for additional supporting information)
4b. Further information on cross contamination
4c. Further information on food safety
5 Food safety PP to use with pupils for hygiene resources FSA web page for further resources on safe & hygienic practices hygiene resources and activity ideas additional resources for using with younger pupils
Safe Food Production - Cleaning, cooking, chilling, cross contamination(6a FSA Germ watch Leaflet)(Much of this section will have
been covered in the BNF power point presentations- recap)
Germs/ Bacteria – Food poisoning
Why wash some foods first
Why cook some foods first - Germometer activity
Harmful foods/ berries/toadstools/allergies
6. Germ watch week FSA resource – Ideas could be drawn from this resource
6a 1. Germ watch primary school resource- although aimed at English curriculum, great
ideas/resources which could be used within CfE
6a – Germ watch leaflet - Key facts for effective food preparation
Some different songs and activities for slightly older children replaces website, a great deal of
information to support delivery of food safety messages
10 top tips to prevent food poisoning & short video
Food Storage – Cross Contamination
Effective storage -Dry Foods
Fridge/ freezer/ temp control interactive fridge activity
Activity – Fridge, food cards which could be placed in the correct places in the fridge to avoid cross contamination (need
empty fridge and laminated food cards).
Vermin control/ Poor practice
6b. Test your food safety knowledge- good to recap on various areas
6c. Food safety in action/ activity – test your knowledge safety games for younger pupils to reinforce learning
Equipment-The quantity required will depend on how many pupils you anticipate cooking at the one time. The two lists give an idea
of type of equipment, the quantity may be restricted by funding available to purchase, also by the age/stage of pupils using it.
(This also gives the opportunity to link with literacy & numeracy experiences & outcomes)
7. Suggested equipment list
8. Other ideas for equipment
9. Equipment card templates – could be printed and laminated for use.
10. Equipment naming activity
10 a Equipment List -CB
Safe use of equipment – 10 b Activity task for hygiene session – Avocado Dip & Crudities (discuss safe use of equipment when
demonstrating). Vegetables to practice ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ techniques
Risk Assessment/ Pupil Ratios
11. Sample Risk assessment – to be used for discussion and possible template
Weighing & Measuring- suitable types of measuring equipment. Have some available to show and discuss uses. Opportunity to
discuss numeracy skills many free resources/stickers etc from comic company related to topic