The Binary Search algorithm searches for an item in an ordered list

The Binary Search algorithm searches for an item in an ordered list. The algorithm initiates
by visiting the middle of the list and comparing the middle value to the desired result. If the
desired result is higher than the middle value the bottom half of the list is discarded.
Alternatively, if the desired value is lower than the middle value then the upper half of the list
is discarded. This process is repeated until the desired result is found.
The Binary Search is a much more effective search method than a sequential or linear search,
for example, especially for large sets of data. An ideal application of the Binary Search would
be searching for a record in an ordered list of employees which are kept in order by the
employees' unique ID. With this in mind, the Binary Search has the disadvantage of only
being able to operate on an ordered set of data. Even so, there are many simple ways to order
a list or set of data, and once sorted, the Binary Search can offer a very swift method of
The time complexity of the Binary Search is O(log(N)) which means it is a logarithmic
algorithm. This means that as the input data increases in size, the algorithm gets more
efficient. This efficiency is in terms of the relationship between its average execution time
and the input data size. For large sets of data (this enables successful asymptotic analysis of
the algorithm), if the input list size doubles (2N), the execution time will go from a factor of
log(N) to log(2N) which is a lot less than double.
Binary Search Pseudocode
Input: ordered list and element to be searched for (the search target)
Output: location of search target or 0 if target is not found
Algorithm binarySearch(list[], searchTarget)
last <-- length(list[])
first <-- 1
// while there are still elements to be searched through
while first = last do
middle <-- (first + last) / 2
// if current middle value is the search target
if list[middle] = searchTarget
return middle
// if current middle value is less than the search target
else if list[middle] < searchTarget
first <-- middle + 1
// if current middle value is larger than the search target
last <-- middle - 1
end if
end while
// return 0 if search target not found
return 0
Big-O Notation
Algorithms can be associated with an equation which defines the number of steps the
algorithm takes, typically in terms of "n" (e.g. n2/2 + 3). To categorise algorithms into certain
groups, Big-O notation is used. The equation n2/2 + 3 would mean that the algorithm
associated with it is of order O(n2).
Big-O notation igonores any constant factors and any lower order factors of n. Take another
example of n2 + n + 1 which would also be of order O(n2).