Constitution - Association for Real Change

Dumfries and Galloway Learning Disabilities
Special Interest Group
1. Aim of the Group
The Dumfries and Galloway Learning Disability Special Interest Group
(The Group) aims to provide a forum, which enables organisations to work
together to improve the quality of services and opportunities for people
with a learning disability living in Dumfries and Galloway.
2. Legal status and purpose of this Constitution
The Group is not a formally constituted body or a registered charity.
However, for it to be an effective body, it is recognised that there needs
to be rules governing membership, representation and the conduct of
business. These are set out in this Constitution and have been agreed to
by all the members.
3. Membership
a) Eligibility:
All organisations concerned with services for men and women with
learning disabilities in Dumfries and Galloway who are willing to sign up
to the aims of the Group as stated above.
b) Terms of membership and associate membership:
i. There will be no membership charge and membership does not
need to be renewed regularly.
ii. An organisation can become a member by notifying the
Secretary that it wishes to do so and providing evidence of its
iii. Membership commits a member organisation to use reasonable
endeavours to ensure that it will be represented at group
meetings on a regular basis.
iv. Organisations eligible to become members but unable to make a
commitment to such regular attendance may become associate
members. This will entitle them to receive the meeting papers for
group meetings.
v. Members must notify the secretary of the details of a main
contact for purposes of communication.
vi. A list of current members and co-optees, together with their
main contacts’ details will be maintained by the secretary.
3. Membership continued...
c) Special Advisors
External bodies, such as Dumfries and Galloway Council and NHS
Dumfries and Galloway may be invited to nominate special advisors
who could attend group meetings as observers.
4. Member Representatives
Date amended 16/2/2010
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Dumfries and Galloway Learning Disabilities Special Interest Group
a) Up to two representatives of each member organisation may attend
group meetings. Further representatives may attend as observers.
b) Members must notify the secretary of who its representatives will be
and inform the secretary of any changes of representatives prior to the
next meeting.
c) Members should aim to achieve consistency in their choice of
d) Members should give their apologies in advance of the meeting to the
secretary when they are unable to attend.
5. Annual Review Meeting
In each calendar year, one group meeting will be designated as the
Annual Review Meeting (ARM).
At the ARM the group will:
i. Elect from among the member representatives:
 Officers, including a Chairperson
 Individuals to represent the group on external bodies
 Member representatives who are elected should be
reasonably confident that they are likely to be able to
adequately carry out their roles for the period for which
they are elected.
ii. Review progress on the annual work plan over the previous year
and set the work plan for the next year.
iii. Review the justification for, remit and composition of each SubGroup
iv. Consider whether any amendments to this Constitution are
6. Role of Officers
a) The chairperson will chair group meetings.
b) Any individual may act as chairperson for a maximum of three
consecutive years. There must then be a break of at least one year
before that individual can be elected as chairperson again.
7. Sub-Groups
a) The group will have the power to establish sub-groups as appropriate.
b) Sub-groups must include representatives of at least 2 group member
organisations but there are no other limits on their composition.
c) The remit of sub-groups, including their duration and expected outputs
should be defined as closely as possible in advance.
d) Each sub-group’s justification, composition and remit must be reviewed
at each ARM
e) Sub-groups must keep minutes of their meetings and circulate these to
all group members via the secretary. They must also report orally to
group meetings.
f) A list of the members of each sub-group and their contact details will
be maintained by the secretary.
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Dumfries and Galloway Learning Disabilities Special Interest Group
8. Procedure at Group, Sub-Group and Review Meetings
a) For a Meeting to be quorate, at least a quarter of entitled member
organisations must be present. If a meeting is not quorate, any
decisions taken must be confirmed at the next quorate meeting.
b) All matters arising at any meeting shall reflect the diversity of the
group's views if an agreement cannot be reached
c) If any member has a specific and individual interest in an item
discussed at a meeting, that member must make its interest known to
the meeting.
9. Frequency of Group Meetings
Group meetings will be held on a regular basis as determined by the
members. There will be a maximum of 6 meetings per year.
10. Administration of the Group
A secretary (either elected from among the Member Representatives or
employed by a member of an external body) will be responsible for:
i. Organising group meetings, including arranging venues and circulating
papers in advance of meetings
ii. Keeping minutes of group meetings
11. Alteration of the Constitution and Dissolution of the Group
Decisions to alter the Constitution or dissolve the group must be taken by a
two-thirds majority at a group meeting to which all members have been
invited with 14 days clear notice.
Date 16/2/2010
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